Chapter 399 Civilization

Ying Sisi was very uncomfortable after being exposed. It took her a long time to calm down: "Are you still going to see it?"


Ying Sisi led him to the small workshop.

 He looked at the surrounding environment and praised her for her courage and insight.

The transportation here is convenient, and transportation vehicles gather here. Although people come and go nearby, they are all doing their own things. Her small workshop stands here, making it difficult for others to notice.

Ying Sisi said: "The first time I came here, I fell in love with this place."

The only drawback is that there is an old bachelor next door who always likes to come and borrow things.

After she made it clear that she refused, he remained stubborn and would come as soon as there was smoke from her window.

 She opened the door.

 Two dogs barked at the same time.

Ying Sisi scolded: "I have blinded your dog eyes, and even I shouted, if I bark again, I will kill you to eat meat!"

 The two dogs seemed to understand and immediately fell silent.

He turned to stare at Qin Yanci with eager eyes.

"What are you looking at? That's your dad! You don't have any eyesight!"

 Chin Yanci: "."Who wants to be the father of a dog?

After Ying Sisi scolded the dog, her tone softened and she said softly to Qin Yan: "I bought a new one for fifty yuan. It's very humane."

 Qin Yan Ci: "." Two dogs are fifty, how can they not understand human nature?

After Ying Sisi entered the kitchen, she pointed to the large pot used to cook the hair growth cream and asked Qin Yanci: "How can we complete the production of hair growth cream without smoke coming out of the chimney? I tried using a fan to blow it when lighting the fire. It almost choked me to death."

Qin Yanci was amused: "Are you stupid?"

 “You are still smiling, think of a solution for me when you have time.” Ying Sisi said as if commanding.

 “Okay.” Qin Yanci agreed.

There are two large cabinets standing in the kitchen. When the cabinet doors are opened, the partitions inside are filled with bottles and cans.

open the lid.

 The fragrance overflows.

 “What does it taste like? Like pear.”

"The dried flowers are purified and blended with spices. Does it smell good?" Ying Sisi introduced enthusiastically: "This is my new anti-dandruff hair growth cream. Many of the students who studied driving with me have dandruff on their heads. A scratch fell on the shoulder.

 They said the shampoo they bought didn’t work.

 You know Uncle Zhou from the Family Court, he is not a doctor. I asked him how to get rid of dandruff, and he gave me a recipe and asked me to follow the recipe and wash my hair. I made the recipe into a shampoo, which I just gave to the students. I will wait for their feedback. , if the effect is good, I am ready to promote the market. "

Qin Yanci looked at her with a smile on his lips: "Your brain is much more flexible than mine."

 Anyone and anything around her may become part of her inspiration for making money.

“You look up to me.” Ying Sisi snorted lightly: “No, it would be great if everything I did was reasonable and compliant. Being sneaky all day long distracts me.”

 Chin Yan Ci: "All good things come in a long way."

Ying Sisi was happy: "You are really good at comforting people."

 While the two were talking, the dog started barking.

 There was a rough voice among them.

 “Is Xiaoying at home?”

Ying Sisi was so troubled that the old bachelor came again.

Qin Yanci walked out of the kitchen first. The man in front of him was over thirty years old, with dark skin, tall and strong build.

 The facial features are slightly flat.

The other person looked at him with a wary look.

 “Who are you? Why are you at Xiaoying’s house?”

Qin Yanci: "I should ask you, what are you doing with my wife?"

The man was a little absent-minded and quickly responded: "You, your wife? Is Xiao Ying your wife?" He always thought that Ying Sisi was joking when she told him that she was married.

 After all, she doesn’t look big. Qin Yanci said coolly: "If you're not my wife, whose daughter-in-law is it? What are you doing?"

 “My mother asked me to borrow a spoon of sesame oil.” The man stuttered.

 Chin Yanci: "No."

“Xiao Ying cooks at home all day long, doesn’t he even have a spoon?”

“Not even a spoonful,” Qin Yanci said.

 The man scratched his head: "Well, Sesame is always available. Lend me a handful. Haha, I'm so embarrassed."

"I know I'm sorry, but you still want to borrow it?" Qin Yanci planned to come here often in the future.

 Lest some short-sighted people covet his wife.

 The man couldn't find anything to say to refute, so he excused himself to something and walked away in despair.

Qin Yanci closed the door and bolted it, turned back to the kitchen, and said to Sisi: "Do you know who that person was just now? He has a sinister look on his face and a treacherous look on his face. He doesn't look like a good person."

Ying Sisi chuckled softly: "I know, my neighbor next door is named Hong. This is the first time I've heard you curse."

 Qin Yanci’s eyes were gentle, right?

 How civilized is he?

Then next time, he won’t curse in front of her.

  It is disgraceful.

I heard Ying Sisi groan: "I have a stomachache, go out for a while and you can help yourself."


 Ying Sisi goes out.

Qin Yanci stood guard in the yard. About two minutes later, a middle-aged aunt came to the door. The family dog ​​barked at her. She didn't dare to come in. She looked around at the door. When her eyes met Qin Yanci's, she said, "You are Xiao Ying." Object?"

 Chin Yanci: "Yes."

"Xiao Ying has been flirting with my son. I thought she didn't have a partner." The aunt said, "Where is she? If she had a partner, she didn't tell me earlier and tricked me into treating her as my daughter-in-law and giving her food every day."

Qin Yanci now understood her identity. She was the old man named Hong just now. "My wife and your son are flirting with each other? Before you speak, wipe the **** from your eyes and see clearly before you open your mouth. Don't rely on yourself to do whatever you want. How can my wife like your son with such a rude attitude? You can't even take a spoonful of sesame oil. , I want to borrow a handful of sesame seeds from my wife, will you give her food? Get out now, or I will let the dog go."

He looked coldly and strode towards the door.

 Auntie was shocked by his aura and quickly turned around and left.

Qin Yanci chased her to the door of her house and scolded her: "Old man! The dumpling fillings chopped by the village lady are not as good as yours. If I hear you say bad things about my wife again, I won't raid your house."

 Auntie wanted to reply, but couldn't get a word in.

Her son was even more timid. Hearing Qin Yanci's insults, he did not dare to refute a word.

 In response to Si Si, he walked back after using the toilet.

 Only Qin Yanci's back was seen.

When she got home and stepped into the yard, she saw him standing in the yard. She said, "Aci, why don't you come into the house? What's the point of the yard?" She closed the door and whispered, "I want you to see my warehouse. "


 The two of them came indoors.

Qin Yanci looked around. Cardboard and plastic cans almost filled the room.

 The other room is a residence.

 The decoration is very simple.

 A bed and a wardrobe.

 A table and a chair.

There are many books piled on the table, as well as a stack of bills and account books.

 She is a little girl under twenty years old. Compared with him, she is much more capable.

He said: "How did you transport the cardboard and plastic tubes in?"

"The transport truck transports it at night." Ying Sisi said: "While the cigarette factory is shipping out goods at night, I will have someone deliver the goods."

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