Chapter 406 Confidence

Ying Sisi asked strangely: "Why do you ask so suddenly? Of course it's better not to be lustful. Grandma said that lustful men will have a short life. The emperor and the eunuchs in the palace are examples. The eunuchs can live seventy, eighty or ninety years, and most emperors Forty or fifty years old is considered an advanced age. You are so good, and you are not greedy for pleasure."

Qin Yanci secretly observed her expression, it didn't look like she was lying.

 But she is very good at deceiving people.

 He couldn't tell whether her words were true or false, so he chose to believe them. "If you don't want it, why should I be greedy?"

Ying Sisi: "." Who doesn't want it?

When she was thinking about it, he didn’t mean it. She couldn’t ask for it, right?

 How embarrassing?

ˆ “.”

 The two discussed this for a long time, and then they took a rest when the moon reached its zenith.

 The next day.

After Ying Sisi finished studying the course, she opened the draft she wrote yesterday and demonstrated it twice in her mind. She brought the new product to Chengnan Mall and discussed with Director Ye. She listed many benefits of anti-dandruff shampoo and various fragrance options. , successfully aroused Director Ye’s interest.

 “How about the price?”

"It's cheaper than the hair-regenerating product. Such a big bucket can last a family of five or six people three or four months. It only costs 30 cents, so the price is much more affordable than the hair-regenerating product." Ying Sisi said: "This anti-dandruff shampoo I found someone to try this hair ointment, and after the third wash, I was able to control my dandruff without causing any dependence.”

 As soon as Director Ye heard the price, he made a decision immediately.

 Hair growth cream for RMB 50 is sold for 30 cents. How can it not be sold?

“Fifty cans came in first,” Director Ye said.

Ying Sisi: "Okay, it's a small business. You have to pay the full price and bear the freight. The freight is five yuan, totaling twenty yuan."

“For goods that cost fifteen yuan, the shipping cost is five yuan.”

"I will lose money when I post it to you, unless you buy five hundred yuan of goods at a time." Ying Sisi did not give the other party any room for negotiation: "If you can, you can, but you can't forget it. I originally wanted to supply new products to others. Because I am optimistic about your potential, I persuaded the factory director to provide it to you first. "

 “Okay.” Director Ye was quite cheerful and paid the money.

Ying Sisi also placed an order on the spot, and then said: "I will go back to you to prepare the goods first. It is too late to deliver them now. I will send them tomorrow morning." She delivered fifty cans herself, saving a fortune on shipping costs.


Ying Sisi bid farewell to Director Ye and returned to the small workshop.

Qin Yanci pulled her and pointed to his achievements: "I blocked the chimney. I made a hole here and installed this machine. Next time you light a fire, the smoke will be discharged along the hole, but there is One disadvantage is that you need to turn on the switch here. Once the switch is turned on, the machine will produce some noise. "

 The button should be pressed.

There was a buzzing in my ears.

"It's okay, not too big." Ying Sisi lit the fire to test, and the smoke from the firewood was instantly sucked away by the machine. Looking from the hole outside, some smoke could still be seen, but it was not obvious. Okay, you are so amazing, you can do everything. "

"Previous experience." Qin Yan said, "I will make a cover on it later to reduce some noise." Her hearing is more sensitive than ordinary people, and she may be damaged if she is in a noisy environment for a long time.

"Okay." Ying Sisi told him that she had negotiated a deal: "This time the price is not very high, but the production method is simple and the cost is low. If you increase the volume, you can make a lot of money."

 Qin Yanci was happy for her, but at the same time worried: "If this continues, if you are caught, Old Qin won't be able to save you even if he wants to. The only one who can save you is Mr. Shen."

Ying Sisi never expected anyone to save her. "Aren't you afraid of being implicated by me?"

 “If you are afraid, why should I help you?”

Ying Sisi smiled brightly, saying that, she couldn't really cheat him. It was so difficult to get into college, and it was Yenching University. Such smart and talented people couldn't be buried because of her. "I won't be caught." She thought about the consequences after daring to use her real name to negotiate business with people.

Qin Yanci didn't understand where her confidence came from. Considering that she was already able to do this at such a young age, she should be able to escape unscathed even if she was caught.

Think about this.

 He suddenly felt stressed.

 He is less than twenty years old and has already made a lot of money with his skills.

 He is still resting on his laurels. He won't really become a man who eats soft food in the future, right?

He has to work hard, otherwise he will not be worthy of her sooner or later.

 “If you have anything to discuss with me,” he said.

 “Okay.” Ying Sisi responded seriously. The three cobblers are like Zhuge Liang, not to mention he is excellent and she is not stupid either. When encountering a problem, it is easier for two of them to come up with a solution than one.

ˆ “.”

 It was almost dark, and the couple left the small workshop.

Qin Yanjun felt deeply guilty because of his bad attitude toward Qin Yanci yesterday. When he saw him again, he licked his smile and said, "Yanci, Si Si, you are back. Have you eaten? I asked my aunt to keep you two today." Love the sauced pork ribs.”

 Qin Yanci’s face was expressionless.

Ying Sisi smiled brightly: "I just didn't eat."

“I’ll ask Aunt Fang to make it for you.” Qin Yanjun asked Aunt Fang to heat the food.

Ying Sisi and Qin Yanci sat in the living room watching TV and waiting.

Qin's mother said: "Si Si, your father said that your study unit will have an exam next Monday. Teacher Jiang, please don't go there. Use the time you squeeze out to review."

Qin Yanci: "We don't need you to arrange our affairs."

 Mother of Qin: “Can’t you care about Sisi?”

“If you don’t care enough, it will only cause trouble to people.” Qin Yanci said.

 Mother of Qin was choked and could not speak, and she was sulking on the side.

Qin Yanjun said: "Si Si wants to learn English, so let her learn it well." His eyes swept over and fell on Ying Si Si: "Si Si, how are you doing in English? I asked you to receive foreigners, can you do it?"

Ying Sisi: "Foreigners? Have you ever seen foreigners? I saw in a book that foreigners have blond hair and dark blue eyes. Is that true?"

“You’ve been in the city for so long and haven’t seen any foreigners?”

Ying Sisi: "I haven't seen it before. Do you have it?"

"Of course, you." Qin Yanjun stopped mid-sentence and said, "Don't just run around and go to Yanjing Hotel more often. International friends often stay there."

Qin Yanci: "Why should we go there if we don't have money? Our mouths water when we watch people eating?"

 Qin Yanjun: “.”

Ying Sisi covered her mouth and laughed, right?

Who has nothing to do to go to Yanjing Hotel?

 Those who spend hundreds of dollars on a meal cannot afford it.

 Look at the consumption gap of others?

 At this time Aunt Fang came with food.

Ying Sisi stepped forward to help with the dishes: "Auntie, please rest. I will clean up the dishes later."

"I don't need you, it's not a tiring job." Aunt Fang said, sitting on the chair next to her: "Sisi, what do you girls care about? My son is in love with a girl. It's her birthday in two days. You What should I give you?”

 “Well, a watch?” There is no girl she knows who doesn’t like watches.

ˆ “.”

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