Chapter 410: Teasing

Their mother only needs to tell Uncle Shen where the woman he forgot is, and her mother can save herself.

 She won’t suffer so much.

Thinking of this, the injury that was finally repaired was torn apart again.

Tears filled my eyes unsatisfactorily.

 The environment in front of her changed from clear to blurry. Through the hazy water vapor in her eyes, she looked in the direction of the main house.

There must be someone inside.

 Most likely it was her father-in-law. From what she knew about him, he always acted in a measured manner.

 Knowing that she had a grudge against Shen Ru, he shouldn't have touched her brow.

 Has he been threatened?

If she stays at home, will it continue to be difficult for him?

She was upset at the moment, but her mind was racing. It was time for her to leave.

 If you stay, the people in the house will definitely be unable to sit still and want to come out.

 “You are so shameless.” She said and ran outside.

Yan Li, who had been hiding indoors, chased people out and called: "Si Si."

Ying Sisi heard the sound, quickly got on her bicycle, and ran away like a gust of wind.

By the time Yan Li stepped out of the gate, Ying Sisi was no longer on the road.

 Qin Yanjun followed him out and felt relieved when he saw this.

 Early in the morning, his eyelids kept twitching, and he felt something was wrong at that moment.

 Sure enough, just after he started working, Yan Li came to him and said that Shen Ru was about to be sentenced.

Now only Si Si's letter of understanding can save the other party.

Yan Li used the power of the Yan family to coerce and lure him, and led him to talk to Sisi.

Faced with such a quick-thinking person, he cannot confront someone head-on.

Thinking that Si Si would not come home during the day, he took people back.

Who knew she would go home so early today.

He said to Yan Li: "Si Si gets easily excited when she hears about her mother-in-law. Instead of trying to convince her, you might as well start with her father. He and Shen Ru are brothers and sisters."

Yan Li's face darkened: "That **** doesn't care about brotherhood at all and wants to put his own sister to death. How could he help?"

Qin Yanjun thought to himself, your daughter-in-law wants to separate the family and her only daughter, who can bear it?

 “I’m sorry to trouble you today.” Yan Li greeted Yan Rong to leave.

Yan Rong burst into tears: "Dad, my cousin doesn't forgive mom, what should we do?"

"What can I do? It's okay. I can only stay here for half a year at most." Yan Li said, squinting his eyes.

He once heard Xiaoru say that Ying Sisi loved visiting the black market and was not an honest child.

 He recently found someone to follow her.

He was caught, and he threatened Shen Yutian to let Shen Ru go, otherwise he would let Ying Sisi hang a sign and parade through the streets.

 The Qin family is a well-established family. If their daughter-in-law is disgraced, will they still treat her well?

 His Xiaoru's life is not easy, and Ying Sisi's life is not easy either.

 After Ying Sisi walked away, she forced back her tears.

 Crying will not solve any problem. It will only make others feel weak, sympathize with themselves, or take pleasure in others' misfortunes.

 She quickly adjusted her mood.

I was cycling aimlessly on the road, and unknowingly, I came close to a small workshop.

 Planning to go in.

With my sharp eyes, I saw a patrol at the entrance of the cigarette factory. People who were not at work were walking that way.

She likes to join in the fun, so she goes over to take a look.

 After getting closer.

  Found them holding people captive.

 After asking the people, I found out that these people bought tobacco at low prices from transport trucks from other places and sold it privately.

 “It’s been very lively here lately.”

"What's the meaning?"

“There are people doing business here, so the patrol team is not allowed to focus on patrolling here?”

Ying Sisi is secretly planning her own business. With the patrol team around, she can't do it, right?

  It’s okay to just stop.

 These days, she has to study and do business, and she is very tired. It’s time to eat, drink and have fun, so treat yourself.

 She turned around and came to the hut prepared for the old lady, and stayed there at night before going home.

 My parents-in-law are here.

  I didn’t see Qin Yan’s speech.

As if nothing happened during the day, Qin Yanjun took the initiative to care about Ying Sisi: "Sisi, how did you do in the exam today?"

 “It’s not bad, I should be able to pass.”

Qin’s mother did not have high requirements for Si Si: “It’s good if you pass the test. Wait until the results come out tomorrow. If you pass, let’s go out to eat and celebrate. If you don’t pass, wait until your father has the connections to allow you to continue studying.”

Ying Sisi raised the corner of her mouth: "Thank you, Mom."

"You're welcome."

Ying Sisi said, "Where's Ah Ci?" Normally, she would see him as soon as she entered the door.

“If you haven’t come back, you can either call and ask your dad.” Qin’s mother said.

Ying Sisi hesitated for a moment, then dialed the number that she had unconsciously memorized.

 After being transferred by the operator, she contacted Shen Yutian.

 “Uncle Shen, it’s me.”

Shen Yutian was overjoyed: "Sisi, what's wrong? Have you been wronged at your husband's house? I'll pick you up right now."

 The voice on the phone is loud.

 Shen Yutian's words fell on the ears of Qin's father and Qin's mother.

 The two of them were getting angry.

Qin Yanjun said loudly: "Who is angry with Sisi? She is in my house, I don't know how comfortable she is."

 Shen Yutian coughed twice: "Si Si, please take care of me."

 “Hmph.” Qin Yanjun snorted coldly.

Ying Sisi: "I want to ask you, is Aci at your place?"

"I let him go as soon as I got off work. Is he not at home? Did he go fooling around somewhere? If I don't deal with him, wait until I find him. If he is really fooling around, we will leave him immediately." Shen Yutian said.

Qin Yanjun: "." How can anyone be so considerate of their father-in-law? "The family tradition of my Qin family is better than that of your Shen family."

Shen Yutian ignored him and continued to respond to Si Si: "Si Si, that's it for now. I'll find a banquet for you to leave."

Ying Sisi: "No, he may have something to do. I believe in his character. You don't need to bother. Get some rest early."

“Hey, call me anytime if you need anything.”

Ying Sisi pursed her lips, paused and said, "Today, Yan Rong and his father came to my house to see me and asked me to write a letter of understanding. I was a little afraid that they would get involved with me."

"It's unreasonable. He still has the nerve to look for you. Don't be afraid. I'll take care of them." Shen Yutian comforted him.

 Ying Sisheng said yes, and then hung up the phone.

Qin Yanjun also explained his difficulties at this time.

Ying Sisi said: "I don't mean to blame you." The father-in-law had his own considerations and did not come forward to make peace, so that was fine.

 “Hey, I wish you could understand me.”

ˆ “.”

Ying Sisi stayed in the living room for nearly a quarter of an hour and returned to her room. When she was about to rest, Qin Yanci came back from outside.

Ying Sisi looked at the time and saw that it was already past nine o'clock.

 “Where are you going?”

Qin Yanci: "I met a classmate who was with me in the countryside. He was a man. We had a meal outside and chatted all over the country. I was delayed."

 “I didn’t ask you whether you are a man or a woman, I see you are nervous.” Ying Sisi teased him.

Qin Yanci said sincerely: "Let me explain in advance to avoid misunderstanding." He then asked about her exam status.

"I think it's pretty good." Ying Sisi urged him to rest: "I've put your change of clothes in the bathroom. You should wash them quickly and take a rest early."

 Qin Yanci also wanted to rest and rest with her.

 But he is leaving soon.

 It is necessary to write down the experience of this period as soon as possible.

Shen Yutian's mind is much more sensitive than his wife's, and his thinking is more rigorous. He has to record all the details of what happened between him and the other party. Otherwise, if the other person shows his flaws, Shen Yutian will notice and be angry with him for cheating. Si Si tried to attack him, but he couldn't beat her.

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