Chapter 430

 She learned this from the newspaper.

 Those who commit crimes will destroy evidence after committing the crime.

 But those people are throwing.

She was burned. Even if Hong San reported the case and the police really helped investigate, they could not find her.

But he shouldn’t dare to call the police, but she has to be careful.

 She returned home after destroying the items.

Qin Yanci was waiting for her. When he saw her lips turned white, he asked with concern: "Daughter-in-law, why don't you look so good? What's wrong with you?" He stepped forward and touched her hand, which was cold.

 “I do feel a little uncomfortable.” Ying Sisi said.

 During this period of time, she read a lot of books related to the law.

 Then he and Qin Yanci locked the door and left. After passing the four forks in the road, they went their separate ways.

Aunt Hong wanted to take action and grabbed Ying Sisi's smooth wrist: "You little bitch, you are a poisonous person with a heart of snakes and scorpions, you tied my son to a tree all night. How did you do it? Do you know that all the blood on his body is there?" It was a mosquito bite, and everyone was stunned. "

Qin Yanci: ".Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Ying Sisi stopped her: "Are you going to Uncle Shen's place tomorrow? If you don't have enough rest, can you handle the tasks assigned by him?"

Ying Sisi tried her best to shake off the opponent's claws. The old lady had told her that the feet of women in feudal society were bound by the foot binding. After the foot binding was removed, the feet resembled hoofs, hence the reputation.

 When reasoning does not work, it is simple and effective to fight evil with evil. "I have to cook the hair growth cream all night today. You should go to bed early."

Before I reached the entrance of the alley, I heard my dog ​​barking non-stop.

 The two spent one night using up the materials piled up in the bedroom.

 Her heart sank and she stepped forward quickly.

 “Making money can make me feel comfortable.” Ying Sisi entered the kitchen again.

 Knowing this is illegal.

 Qin Yanci wanted to accompany her.

But she has no regrets.

  I immediately surrounded her.

 Go straight to the small workshop after class.

 See her coming.

Ying Sisi arrived at the study unit, studied and took notes as usual.

Uncle Hong and Aunt Hong’s family blocked the door of her house.


 After the finished products are canned, they are stacked and placed in the next room.

 “How can I sleep without you by my side? It’s more efficient if we two work together.”

Highly insulting and persecuting.

She scolded back: "You're a bitch! Please be polite to me. Your son's affairs have nothing to do with me."

Aunt Hong did not expect that Ying Sisi, who had always been gentle and gentle, would have such a fierce side, and her arrogance instantly dropped by half: "Don't deny it, my son said this himself."

Ying Sisi: "What happened to your son, why should I deal with him? How can I, a woman, deal with a man? Does he mean what he says? I even said he wanted to blackmail me."

"Who blackmailed you? You didn't do it. Why did my son name him? You seduced him and couldn't get him, so you did it when you were angry. If you have a conscience, come with me to your home to see him and apologize. ”

Ying Sisi sneered: "I seduce him? He won't be angry if I seduce him? What are you dreaming about in broad daylight? Why don't you look at your son's bearish appearance? He deserves it!"

 She opened the door.

 Dogs bite more severely.

When the Hong family members hesitated to enter the house, Ying Sisi untied the dog's leash.

With a swish, the dog knocked down Aunt Hong who was walking in the front.

The other one also pounced on the person in front.

 The remaining people rushed out of the door upon seeing this.

 Aunt Hong shouted for help.

Ying Sisi whistled.

 The two dogs came back to her, one on the left and one on the right, protecting her in the middle like bodyguards.

Ying Sisi touched a dog's head with one hand and said: "It's great! I didn't hurt you in vain." She really spent a lot of money to buy it. "I'll give you something good to eat later." "Ouch." The dog responded.

Aunt Hong stood up tremblingly: "Dog, the dog bit someone."

Ying Sisi: "Our dog is not like you, who bites randomly."

 Aunt Hong shouted loudly.

 All the young and middle-aged residents in the surrounding area have gone to work, leaving only the elderly at home.

The weather is hot, and even blowing a fan can't relieve the heat. Now is the hottest time of the day.

 No one is willing to go out and just wait and see at the door.

 Aunt Hong wanted to complain, but few people listened.

Ying Sisi drove away Aunt Hong and immediately locked the door.

 Leash the dogs again, reward them with canned meat, and then return to the kitchen to continue working.

 I didn’t sleep all night last night.

She felt a little sleepy after sitting down. She was worried that she had slept for a long time and it was overheated. She set the alarm clock and sat in front of the stove and closed her eyes. Just as she was squinting, there was a knock on the door outside.

 At the same time, the dog also barked.

 She cheered up and went out to check.

 Besides Aunt Hong, there were two unfamiliar-looking women at the door.

With an armband on her sleeve, she recognized him as a staff member from the neighborhood office.

 Having doubts in my heart.

Why did Aunt Hong ask someone from the street office to come to her door?

She scolded the barking dog and opened the door.

The two of them looked at her with their eyes and smiled kindly: "Are you Xiao Ying?"

 “Yes, what can I do for you?”

"It's like this. We are responsible for mediating neighborhood disputes on the street. This lady said that you injured her son. Is this true?"

“No, her son is a big man, and I am a woman, how can I beat him?”

 The two nodded in agreement.

"My son said it was you who beat him. You almost strangled him. He scratched you. There must be injuries on your arms." Aunt Hong swore.

Ying Sisi stretched out her arms in front of her eyes and said, "Look, see if there are any injuries on my arms." She specially wore long sleeves and gloves last night. Just to prevent getting scratched.

 After all, this is not the first time I have done this.

has experience.

  I know that when a person is being strangled, his hands will reach back to grab him.

Aunt Hong did not see any injuries and still insisted on her statement: "My son said it was you, so it was you."

The staff member said: "Girl, can you let us in? It's very hot at the door."

 “Oh, please come in.” Ying Sisi welcomed the person into the house.

Approaching the kitchen, Aunt Hong took a sniff and said, "You're not injured, why are you brewing Chinese medicine at home?"

“My partner and I want to have a baby, can’t we take Chinese medicine to regulate our health?” Ying Sisi’s face remained calm and she acted very calmly.

"You are young and need to take care of your health? It must be that your partner is not good enough, and you want to have children, so you are planning to find my son." Aunt Hong felt that this must be the case. Maybe Ying Sisi kicked her eldest grandson in her stomach.

If Ying Sisi is willing to give her a grandson and beat her son, she can forget about it.

Ying Sisi laughed out loud: "Auntie, can you please stop being hysterical? Two sisters, she has no evidence and is making up nonsense. How should she be punished? You can't protect her just because she came to you first. "

 Her object does not know multiple lines.

 Even if it doesn’t work.

 She will not borrow seeds from others.

 When you get old, the worst possible thing to do is go to an orphanage to adopt one.

 When it came to adopting a child, she thought of Xiaoni.

 She later found an opportunity to talk to her parents-in-law, and they said they would help inquire.

 When she finished driving out the goods, she asked them.

 Have you found a good home?

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