Chapter 452

 The moon rises in the bright moon.

 The family sits around the dinner table.

 Since there are many children today, the food is richer than usual.

Ying Sisi kept putting vegetables into Zhu Qing'an's bowl: "Eat more to make you fat and talented."

“Yeah, sister, I’m eating, and so are you. Your food is so delicious.” Zhu Qingan’s mouth was filled with oil.

Ying Sisi pursed her lips and smiled.

 Lu Yuechun’s four children were eating and playing.

She saw that all the meat on the plate was eaten by Zhu Qingan, and her face sank: "There is not much meat in the first place, but here comes a meat eater."

Ying Sisi: "Did you eat because of the lack of meat? Look at the ribs in front of you, how many are there? Compare with the ribs in front of others, you still eat the most delicious parts."

Qin Yanci: "I bought the ribs today."

 Lu Yuechun: “.”

Qin Yanjun was in a bad mood. He was being quarreled at this moment, which made him even more headache: "Yuechun, Yuechun, it would be better for you to go back and live in tomorrow. If you don't live in the house I bought for you, what a waste?"

Lu Yuechun gritted her teeth secretly. She already had a share in the courtyard, and it was natural for her to come back to live there. Why did she drive her away?

 Her eyes turned red with anger.

"There is no one at home, what should I do when I go back?" She put down her chopsticks: "I'm full."

Ying Sisi: "There is so much meat on the plate. You haven't finished it even when you are full. Why do you dislike us for eating too much? I emphasize that there is a meat eater in the family. I have to correct you. You have moved out. If you come back and eat meat exclusively, I should give it to you."

 Lu Yuechun: “.”

ˆ “.”

 After Lu Yuechun left the dinner table.

Ying Sisi's appetite improved and she ate two bowls of rice.

 Empty the plate in front of you and slowly put down your chopsticks.

There were only three members of the family left at the dinner table. She turned her eyes and looked at her.

She smiled broadly and suggested going out for a walk to eat.

Take advantage of the coolness of the night to take Zhu Qing'an around to familiarize yourself with the environment.

 After getting the approval of two people.

 A family of three went out.

 At night, the starry sky is full of stars.

A gust of breeze blew by, bringing a bit of coolness.

"Sister, can you hug me?" The child's tender voice was especially clear in the night.

Ying Sisi heard that she was a little scared, so she knelt down and picked her up.

Qin Yan said, "I'll come." No matter how small the child is, it weighs more than thirty pounds, and the daughter-in-law will be tired.

 Ying Sisi handed the child into his hands.

The child looked particularly happy and smiled brightly at Ying Sisi: "Sister, my heart is sweeter than candy. Do you know why? Because when I dream, my father is holding me and my mother is beside me."

Ying Sisi also had such a dream. She smiled sadly: "You don't have to dream in the future, you can do this every day."

 Qin Yanci: "Not every day."

Ying Sisi reached out and pinched his waist, which was disappointing!

 Qin Yanci: "."

 The family of three returned from crossing the road and each washed and slept.

 The next morning.

In response to Sisi's instructions to the children to stop running around and go to the study unit, Qin Yan resigned and left home.

Lu Yuechun originally thought that Ying Sisi would leave the child with Shen Yutian. Now seeing the child alone at home, she thought it was a good opportunity to scare the child again, saying that Ying Sisi did not want her, and encouraged the child to find Ying Sisi.

 The child shook his head: "Sister said, go out to study and come back to buy me a doll."

"Your sister lied to you. You listen to me and go find her quickly. Later, she should contact the next family and send you there."

The child saw her serious face and couldn't help but panic: "How to find her?"

"Go out, I'll take you there." Lu Yuechun said.

The child followed him for two steps, and was spotted by Aunt Ma and stopped. Aunt Ma had been instructed by Ying Sisi in the morning to pay attention to the child.

 “Hello, where are you going?”

"My aunt took me to find my sister. She said she wanted to contact someone and send me there." The child was at a loss and couldn't shed tears. Aunt Ma’s eyes suddenly changed when she looked at Lu Yuechun.

  No wonder Si Si’s eyes are not eyes and his nose is not a nose.

Lu Yuechun didn't expect the child to learn to speak so quickly, and her face felt hot. She became angry and grabbed the child's ears: "Damn girl, what are you talking about? When did I mention this to you?"

 The child was so frightened by her fierce look that she cried.

Lu Yuechun snorted coldly and left.

Aunt Ma glanced at Lu Yuechun with disdain, and softly comforted the child.

 The child never calms down.

Aunt Ma ran out of ideas and remembered the number Ying Sisi gave her in the morning.

 She started to make a phone call.

Ying Sisi was in class at that time, and the old man in the reception room ran to the door of the classroom: "Who is Ying Sisi? There is a call from your home."

Ying Sisi hurriedly went to pick her up: "Hey, is this Aunt Ma?"

 The child cried so hard: "Sister, sister, it's me."

 “What’s the matter? Are you crying? Who messed with you?”

“My aunt said you were looking for a home for me.”

Ying Sisi: "Didn't I tell you this morning that you came out to study?"

“She, what she said is true.” The child was extremely aggrieved.

Ying Sisi was very angry, **** Lu Yuechun, when will these disgusting little actions stop? "Next time, don't believe anything she says. I won't give you away."

 “Hmm.” The child sniffed.

"That's it. I have something to do at the moment. I'll go back to see you later."


 Ying Sisi heard the response and hung up the phone.

  Go back to the classroom and continue the class. When the class is over, she has a simple meal to catch up with the next class. She is busy until three o'clock in the afternoon, finally ending the day's study tasks.

Hunted to the station to pick up the goods.

Contact someone to deliver the goods to the small workshop and unload the last package.

 The door next door opened.

 Aunt Hong walked out, met Ying Sisi's eyes and instantly turned back home, closing the door.

 A fortune teller came to the door of Qian'er's house.

 The fortune teller said that they should be defeated by Si Si.

In the future, you should avoid face-to-face contact, otherwise you will touch your brows.

Ying Sisi was very relieved to see this situation.

 It is considered honest not to hit the wall and not look back.

 She went into the house to sort out and count the goods. After confirming that they were correct, she contacted the carton manufacturer and packaging box manufacturer for delivery.

 When returning to the courtyard.

 The child had fallen asleep, and Ying Sisi reached out to touch her face.

 It is not an option to continue like this.

 The parents-in-law ignored the child, but Lu Yuechun looked at her with eager eyes.

 Aunt Ma has a lot to do, so why not take her with you tomorrow.

 She stayed for a while and then left the side room.

 Back in her bedroom, Qin Yanci was leaning on the bedside waiting for her. She said, "The child is alone in the wing, so don't worry."

Qin Yanci was not happy: "She has been waiting here for you. I only put her back when she fell asleep."

Ying Sisi: "." She was embarrassed and said: "I misunderstood you, I'm sorry." She admitted her mistake.

 “Apologizing is useless, let’s be practical.” Qin Yanci said.

Ying Sisi asked knowingly: "What practical thing do you want? I'm not very convenient recently."

Upon hearing Qin Yan's words, he turned around and gave her a hug.

Ying Sisi: "."Are you angry?

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