Chapter 465

 Scorching summer.

The sun shines through the layers of leaves and shines on your body, making you feel hot and uncomfortable.

Li Yuwei was exposed to the sun and frightened again.

 As soon as he came out of the woods, he fainted.

Ying Sisi who was following behind thought for a moment, helped the other person to lie down in the shade, and then poured cold water on his face.

Li Yuwei woke up slowly, opened her eyes, saw Ying Sisi's almost perfect and exquisite face, and screamed in surprise.


"What are you shouting for?" Ying Sisi pretended to sigh: "Hey, I'm so kind. Even though I know you're treating me like that, I still can't ignore you."

Li Yuwei’s tears suddenly fell down.

 Guan Gong sneezed and boasted about himself.

If this is kindness, what are her injuries?

 Saving her was because she was afraid that she would die of heatstroke and be found out by the officials, right?

At this time, she noticed a patrol in the distance, took it into consideration, and shouted for help.

Ying Sisi panicked, what are you doing?

  Complain in person?

She forced herself to calm down, and in the next second, she thought of a way to deal with it, and she also shouted for help.

 Several people from the patrol team locked the positions of the two people and moved this way.

Ying Sisi trotted over: "Hello, brothers, my sister has been abused by someone. That person's name is Hu Niu, and we are still related to each other. When we meet, we have to call him uncle. I will meet my sister today. I don’t know what the two of them said, but he actually tied my sister up in the forest and beat her like this. If I hadn’t discovered it in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.”

Li Yuwei limped closer and heard such words.

 She was so jealous.

She pointed at Ying Sisi and kept clicking her fingers: "You, you, no, that's not the case."

Li Yuwei’s face was swollen and her mouth was sore and astringent after being blocked all morning.

 She responded to Sisi's accusations, and others could not hear them clearly.

  In addition, Ying Sisi was well-behaved, soft-spoken, and full of anxiety. The patrol team did not doubt her at all, and only thought that Li Yuwei was scared out of her wits.

 They decided to send the two of them back first.

 Ying Sisi told them the specific address of Hu Niu’s house on the way.

Li Yuwei’s heart grew colder the more she listened.

Huniu, if that pustule saw so many people coming to investigate him, she would probably tell them what she did today without waiting to be asked. Then she, as the instigator, would have to bear the blame.

Ying Sisi’s move was too vicious.

 This is to send them in.

She waved her hands hurriedly: "No, I, I don't want to make things too ugly and affect my reputation."

 Several people said they could not hear clearly.

 After careful analysis, Ying Sisi understood the meaning and smiled secretly in her heart.

 Are you scared?

 It’s late.

 She told several people in the patrol team about Li Yuwei's doubts.

Li Yuwei nodded in agreement with Ying Sisi’s words.

 The leader of the patrol team promised to investigate the matter secretly and would never reveal Li Yuwei’s privacy or damage her reputation. "Don't worry, we will handle this matter well and prevent you from being discussed."

Li Yuwei looked completely gloomy.

Ying Sisi was so happy that she almost laughed out loud. She exaggerated that her brother had done a safe job and thanked her verbally.

 When she arrived at the market, she bought popsicles and fancy water for several people to quench their thirst.

 Happy even more generously bought a pack of cigarettes for each person. Several people took advantage of Ying Sisi and promised verbally to get the matter done.

Li Yuwei became anxious and used all her strength to speak clearly: "Yes, it's her. She was the one who beat me like this. She is the evil one."

Ying Sisi was stunned, and her eyes immediately became misty: "Li Yuwei, I have been working so hard in order to let the people who bully you get the punishment they deserve, and you actually said that to me. Brother, don't hide it." You say, I am not her father’s biological child.

I was left in the countryside for nearly twenty years. When I became an adult, his father took me back and arranged a marriage for me. She saw that I was living well in my husband's family, but she always opposed me. Their neighbors can all testify. "Ying Sisi is not worried about Li Yuwei explaining her life experience.

 Because of the identity of the Shen family, it will only bring her benefits.

 This is what Li Yuwei does not want to see.

Therefore, she frankly used her identity as sister Li Yuwei and reported the address of the Li family: "If you don't believe it, you can ask. I will not participate in the investigation of this matter. Sorry to bother you." She told a few more Person, the address of the courtyard: "If you have anything to ask, you can come to me here."

Several people responded to Si Si with complete trust: "Okay."

Ying Sisi heard the words and rode away.

Li Yuwei stamped her feet: "You, how can you let her go? It's because of her that I was injured like this."

“That girl looks like a good person at first glance, so it must be your problem.”

Li Yuwei: ".You, you lecherous guys!"

 “Who is lustful?” Several people were displeased.

“It’s a hot day. We spared no effort to help you, but instead of being grateful, you framed us. Come with us.”

Li Yuwei: "."

the other side.

Ying Sisi went straight to the small workshop to make hair growth cream.

 After working all night, we finally got the goods out in advance. Before dawn, I arranged a truck to deliver the goods to the mall.

 At the time of delivery, Director Ye's order was politely rejected due to floods in the south and shortage of medicinal materials. "There are heavy floods and continuous rain over there. The quality of the medicinal materials imported is not very good. We have temporarily stopped the production line. If you want it, you have to wait at least half a month."

 The flood incident was not made up by her.

But it was written in the news newspaper.

She had called Zhuzhu Liang to confirm that the storage of medicinal materials had indeed been affected by bad weather, and it was very likely that they would become moldy when transported to Beijing.

"In this case, we can only wait. These are the payment for goods, you count them."

Ying Sisi took the envelope and put it in her handbag: "We are so familiar with each other, but I still can't trust you." After she received the payment, she discussed with Director Ye about providing clothing.

“You are also involved in the clothing business.” Director Ye said: “We have a wide range of children’s clothing in the mall, so there is no need to expand.”

"I asked this for a friend. The business of their factory is not very good and is about to close down. But the clothes are very good, but for some reason, they just can't be sold."

“It is probably due to poor management and sales capabilities.” Director Ye commented: “There are many factories now that are doing well, but there is no business because managers do not act.”

Ying Sisi agreed and brought the topic back: "You can sell the finished product first, just like the shampoo, and then settle the payment after the sale is completed. Just think of it as doing me a favor."

 This is what Ying Sisi said.

 Director Ye was too embarrassed to refuse. "Okay, let me show you some face. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."

 “It’s a pleasure to work with.”

ˆ “.”

Ying Sisi got the money and sang songs all the way back to the courtyard.

 As soon as you enter the house, put down the payment for the goods.

 Then I took out the fabric and made clothes for my aunt's granddaughter according to the size given by my mother-in-law.

While cutting the fabric, Aunt Ma told her: "Sisi, two people came to the door, saying they were from the patrol team and they have something to tell you."

Ying Sisi's mood changes, so tell her if you have something to do, instead of asking her if something happens.

 Explanation that Li Yuwei was unscathed during the incident?

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