Flash Marriage of the Era! Married To a Crazy Husband Who Amazes Everyone

Chapter 54: Enough to make her laugh for several years

Chapter 54 is enough to keep her laughing for several years

Ying Sisi replied slowly: "You said it."

“Accompany your father and me to find Yuwei.”

 “What role do I play?” Ying Sisi intuitively felt that Song Hanmei was up to no good.

"Lobbyist, you and Yuwei are about the same age. You can definitely get in with what you say. At this juncture, you won't still hold grudges, right?" Song Hanmei's reasons were not only watertight, but also provocative.

Ying Sisi couldn't refuse, so she could only say yes.

 But she made up her mind not to say anything.

Song Hanmei got ready and set off. The neighbors on the roadside dispersed at some point, but the news about Li Yuwei had spread from the street to the end of the alley.

Meeting a neighbor randomly, the other person said: "Are you looking for Yuwei? Is your Yuwei drunk with ecstasy soup?"

“Hey, what a good girl, but she fell in love with a rotten young man, and proposed marriage with two chickens. What did he think?”

Song Hanmei's face was burning, and her heart felt painful.

Having lived half my life, I have never been so humiliated.

 It must be because of the packet of medicine.

Ying Sisi picked up the medicine, diluted it and gave it to them.

 My daughter was suffering from the pain of holding back traditional Chinese medicine. When she met Feng Erliuzi, she was...

 It’s a pity that she has no evidence.

 In addition, Ying Sisi seemed to have been bullied yesterday, and she felt unsure.

Ying Sisi hid her scarf in her mouth and grinned, feeling ecstatic in her heart, hahaha...

 Enough to keep her laughing for several years.

Li Junlu interrupted: "Auntie, we still have things to do, so let's just leave it at that."

 “Hey, walk slowly!”

 The three of them came to Feng's house, and the door was closed.

There are several families living in the large courtyard. There is everything in the courtyard and it is a mess.

As soon as they appeared, they were looked at by others. Someone who knew Song Hanmei greeted them with a meaningful smile: "Are you looking for my daughter?"

Song Hanmei gave a vague hum.

“Yesterday, Feng’s mother said that she wanted to marry you, but I still didn’t believe it. I said that Yuwei’s family has such good conditions, how could she fall in love with you?”

"Children are ignorant, and adults are also ignorant." Song Hanmei secretly scolded Feng's mother for being unreasonable. Private matters are spread everywhere.

no quality!

Li Junlu said: "Sister, where is this family?"

"at home."

Song Hanmei stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Yuwei."

There is no heating in the courtyard, and Li Yuwei is afraid of the cold, so she is covered with quilts and suffers.

 She felt very regretful, she shouldn't have come with her now.

At this moment, when I first heard Song Hanmei's voice, I just felt aggrieved: "Mom, why are you here? Brother Feng, please open the door."

Feng Shuangxi cared about Li Yuwei and obeyed her words.

 Open the door bolt immediately.

Song Hanmei deliberately moved to the side so that Feng Shuangxi could spot Ying Sisi's beauty at a glance.

Feng Shuangxi did notice it. He was stunned for a moment and then said hello: "Dad, Mom, why are you here?"

 “Who are your parents?” Li Junlu scolded.

Song Hanmei entered the house and faced Li Yuwei, who was shrinking her neck from the cold. She was angry and distressed: "Yuwei, go home."

"Unless you can agree to my marriage to Brother Feng."

“Let’s discuss this matter later. Now you go back with me.”

 Li Yuwei knew she had won: "Okay, I have a few words to say to Brother Feng."

Song Hanmei thought about it and said, "Okay, hurry up."

Li Junlu couldn't accept Song Hanmei's way of handling it. After leaving the room, he suppressed and roared: "How can you agree?!"

 “This is just a temporary measure.”

Li Junlu then calmed down his temper. After a long time, he said: "Sisi, hurry up your sister."

Ying Sisi had no choice but to knock on the door: "Yuwei, are you finished? It's time to go."

 “What does it have to do with you?”

 (End of this chapter)

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