Chapter 60 Buying Goods

Ying Sisi curled her lips secretly, she was too timid. She continued to pretend to be angry: "How unreasonable! Everyone knows that he came to propose marriage and made trouble. You and aunt agreed, but he said no. When Yuwei is a cabbage in the vegetable market, just don't want it if you don't want it? Yuwei was taken away by him How can I behave in the future if I dump someone like that? Dad, we can’t just let this go.”

Since he provoked Li Yuwei, he dared not let her tie him up again.

 She must keep them together for a hundred years!

Li Junlu originally had no intention of recognizing a son-in-law like Feng Shuangxi, so of course he wanted to leave it at that, but he underestimated Feng Shuangxi's position in Yu Wei's heart.

As soon as Feng Shuangxi said so, Yuwei jumped into the river.

 Fortunately the river is frozen.

But the person fell unconscious.

After this incident, he also figured it out.

 Nothing is as important as the happiness of the child. As long as she doesn't regret it, she will get married.

 And Si Si’s reaction surprised him even more.

 “I’m very pleased that you can stand up for your sister regardless of past grudges.”

Ying Sisi almost laughed out of anger.


 Because it saves her the trouble.

He has not taken care of her for a day, but she has become a grown-up girl, and she is still somewhat useful to him. He has made a lot of money, how can he not be happy?

 Come to the hospital.

Li Yuwei was already awake, lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, her eyes were red and swollen, and she had obviously been crying for a long time.

 When he saw Si Si, he was extremely emotional: "Are you here to see my joke? Get out!"

Ying Sisi turned around and walked away. No one seemed to care about you.

Li Junlu was anxious: "You kid, your sister came here to see you out of kindness, why do you have such an attitude?"

"How can she be kind? She clearly sees my joke." Li Yuwei was unwilling and did not understand.

In his previous life, Feng Shuangxi did not hesitate to sell his blood in order to raise a bride price of 300 yuan to marry Ying Sisi.

 She wants nothing in this life.

 He could actually let her go because of a few threats from others.

“Dad, did you ask someone to do this?”

Li Junlu's face turned purple and his heart felt a little cold. Song Hanmei pinched her arm: "Damn girl, aren't you afraid of being heard by people outside? Arrest your father for interrogation. Feng Erluo usually sneaks around, and he may offend someone and be resented. Besides, when others deal with him, he Isn’t it because he can’t see clearly? If he doesn’t say anything, why are you trying to tease him?”

 “Woo, he doesn’t want me anymore. What will I do in the future?”

Song Hanmei had a headache: "Can't you live without him? At worst, let's move and live somewhere else. In a few years, when we are twenty-three or four years old and have more experience, wouldn't it be better to find a better partner?"

Li Junlu agreed: "Yes." He was too confused just now and his thinking was limited.

 The worst case scenario is moving.

 Change her place of residence and ask someone to find her a new job, starting from scratch.

 It’s this **** girl, do you appreciate it?

Li Yuwei just cried.

Song Hanmei took Li Junlu out and prepared to leave her alone.

 Leaving the ward, Song Hanmei said, "Where is Si Si?"

 “Let the anger go away.”

 “Hey, no child in the family is worried.”

ˆ “.”

Ying Sisi is indeed gone.

 According to the approximate location provided by Aunt Liu, we finally found the black market.

 Compare the bustling and lively areas in the east part of the city.

The black market in the west of the city is a bit deserted, with many times more goods sold than bought, and the variety of goods is very small.

The fish is small and pitiful. It’s okay to cook and eat at home, but restaurants definitely don’t want it.

She turned around and stopped next to a girl with only a sack in front of her.

 The dried mushrooms sold by the other party had small umbrellas and thin stems. She had never seen them before.

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 (End of this chapter)

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