Chapter 63 Playing

 After writing the inscription.

Ying Sisi was about to pay, but the young man was already one step ahead of her.

Ying Sisi was surprised.

  When we ate noodles just now, he only paid for himself, and she paid for the bus fare. She thought he only brought food money.

Ying Sisi got the Kongming Lantern with the names of the two of them and the words "Hundred Years of Harmony" written on it: "Let's go to the dragon dance performance first, and then put the lanterns out after dark, okay?"

 “Si Si.”

"Huh?" Ying Sisi was a little surprised. This was the first time he called her by name since she received the certificate.

 She was a little uncomfortable with not calling her daughter-in-law anymore.

 “Listen to you,” he said.

With Sisi smiling, the two of them watched the dragon dance, played with flower boats, and walked on stilts. It wasn't until midnight that they went to the wilderness to set off the Kongming lanterns.

As the lantern flew to the sky, Ying Sisi said silently: If my mother has a spirit in the sky, I hope she can see my Kongming lantern and bless Qin Yan and I for a smooth, harmonious and beautiful life.

 “Go home?” Qin Yan said.

"go home."

Qin Yan said goodbye to her. After walking for a while, Ying Sisi said: "It's getting late. Let's go here. It's not far. You should rest early."

“It’s not safe for a girl like you to walk at night.”

"It's okay, I'm carrying scissors. If any gangster dares to come near me, I'll stab him to death." Ying Sisi took out the scissors and waved them in front of him.

 When dealing with second-rate men, she carries a fruit knife.

 It’s not easy to use, scissors are much more convenient.

Qin Yanci’s lips curved slightly: “Do you often meet gangsters?”

"That's not true, just in case." Ying Sisi put on the scissors, and when passing the intersection, she stopped Qin Yanci: "Aci, don't see me off, I will feel bad if you don't get enough rest, let's just Separate here.”

  Feeling distressed?

 Qin Yanci chewed these words over and over again. In the past, some lesbians also said that they felt sorry for him and wanted to be good to him all their lives.

  Why didn’t the words come out of her mouth pleasantly?

 “Well, be safe.”

 He also wanted to go home to confirm his wife's affairs.

That guy tricked him into studying day and night in the guest house.

 As a result, he secretly became the groom himself.

Afraid that he will get there first?

 He will not take the initiative, but this little daughter-in-law has a cheerful and lively personality. I don’t know if she will take the initiative.

 When Ying Sisi arrives home.

 The lights were on in the living room, and Li Junlu was sleeping on a chair, obviously waiting for her.

As soon as she entered the door, Li Junlu opened his eyes, looked at the time, and said in a questioning tone:

 “Si Si, where have you been? It’s so late.”

"It's not all because you took me to the hospital. When I first arrived in a strange place, I got lost when I came out. Now that I've been around, I almost died of panic." Ying Sisi turned him around.

Li Junlu had nothing to say and lowered his eyes: "What are you holding in your hand?"

“Would you like to eat the fruit you bought on the road?”

“Don’t eat it. It’s too sweet. Eat less at night. It’s not good for your teeth.”

Ying Sisi hummed to herself, too sweet? Bad for your teeth? Do you know that I used to drink some sugar water only when I was sick?

 “It’s so noisy, why don’t you let me sleep?!” Li Yuwei came out of the bedroom angrily.

Ying Sisi looked over.

 We usually wear makeup, but we can’t see through Li Yuwei’s real skin.

Now I feel that the other person is quite dark. He may have cried too much. His eyes and face are swollen, making him even more disgusting.

Li Junlu had a deep opinion of Li Yuwei, thinking that she had just been emotionally traumatized, so he endured it: "I said a few words to your sister, but I didn't make much noise, why are you angry?" He turned around and told Ying Sisi to go to bed early in a gentle tone. , returned to the room.

 (End of this chapter)

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