Chapter 7 Door-to-Door

Song Hanmei's face was so gloomy that she could shed tears: "At this time, why are you still facing Ying Sisi? You are really not afraid that she will have a better life than you in the future."

Li Yuwei was speechless.

 She could never tell her mother about her rebirth.

Even if I say it, my mother won’t believe it.

In order for Sisi to be able to marry Qin Yanci smoothly, she gritted her teeth and said: "Mom, Qin Yanci is not what you imagined, so don't make any mistakes. You'd better go and apologize to your sister. After all, she is also dad's. daughter."

Song Hanmei was furious.

Li Junlu in the room was silent for a moment, seeming to consider his words: "Sisi, you see that when you came to this house, you never called auntie mom once, and she didn't care about you, which shows that she is a kind and generous person.

 The reason why I ask you to work is that I want you to be more diligent so that your in-laws will like you. Secondly, she is afraid that you will think that she does not treat you as one of her own family members. After all, do you think any of the guests work there? Isn’t it all done by the master? "

Ying Sisi almost laughed out of anger.

So she has to thank Song Hanmei for her training and for treating her as one of her own family members?

 She did not follow Li Junlu's example and said bluntly: "I can't bear such good treatment!"

Li Junlu sighed, and then followed her wishes: "Is it okay if I don't ask you to do it? You can be the bride in peace."

Ying Sisi was still upset, but she didn’t really want to leave. After all, she had so many stamps in her hand that she needed to sell.

 Who will you sell it to when you return to the countryside?

She puffed out her cheeks and made an awkward hum.

 Li Junlu comforted her for a while, then walked away, closed the door, turned around and met Li Yuwei's eyes: "Yuwei, when you have free time in the future, you can also share some housework with Sisi."

"Dad, I didn't expect that my sister would get so angry because of my recent laziness. I will apologize to her."

The more sensible Li Yuwei appears, the more unreasonable and unreasonable Ying Sisi becomes.

 Li Junlu patted Li Yuwei on the shoulder: "You are still considerate."

 Children raised in the village are indeed not good.

  Usually he pretends to be submissive and easy to talk to.

 In fact, there is no sense of propriety.

He said with some pity: "I heard from your mother that Qin Yanci grew up tall and handsome. When she asked you to settle, you were not..."

"Dad, my sister has no education and no job, so she needs this marriage more than I do." "Good boy, you are wronged. You have done this for Sisi, and you are afraid that she will not be grateful."

ˆ “.”

Ying Sisi had excellent hearing. Even though they were separated by a door and the father and daughter deliberately suppressed their voices, she still grasped the content of their conversation.

They are indeed a family, even the hypocrisy is the same.

 Fortunately, after this incident, she completely understood Li Yuwei.

She also knew that this marriage was given to her by Li Yuwei.

Qin Yanci has excellent conditions in all aspects, but Li Yuwei doesn't want him, and even avoids him like a snake or scorpion. Instead, he favors the ugly second-rate guy.


 The only possibility is that Li Yuwei knew the shortcomings of Qin Yanci.

Qin Yanci has been in the northwest, so Li Yuwei can't reach him, right?

She really couldn't figure out the reason, so she decided to visit the Qin family tomorrow and ask the neighbors about Qin Yanci's personality.

 Early the next morning.

Ying Sisi secretly brought some snacks to Qin's house in the East District.

 She came only twice.

 The first time was a blind date with Qin's mother who replaced Qin Yanci, and the second time was an engagement.

At this time, the door of the Qin family was locked.

She stretched out her hand and knocked on the door: "Ah Ci, Ah Ci."

With the second sound, there was movement in the house: "Why are you here? Go back!"

Ying Sisi could hear the anger hidden in the other party's voice.

Is there anyone in the Qin family?

 At this time, the neighbor's wife by the door stuck her head out and watched.

Ying Sisi glanced at it and continued to knock on the door, saying softly: "Aci, I came here specially to see you. You open the door first. It's very cold outside."

 (End of this chapter)

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