Fleet Commander

Chapter 488: Kent ship mother launches an attack

In the future, the effect of mines is guaranteed. Miss Dignity deliberately uses the mines she has recently researched. Every swordfish-type torpedo bomber is extremely difficult to take off. This shows that the mines carried are very unusual, but even this Miss Dignity There is no guarantee that these super monsters can be organized. These super monsters have grown up near the resource point, so these monsters are much stronger than the monsters that they usually encounter. Under such circumstances, Miss Dignity cannot guarantee that her mines can rise. To what effect, Miss Dignity also explained to the London navy that the London navy also knew about Miss Dignity.

For the London ship mother, as long as you can do it yourself, the effect is not important. After all, your strength here is not as good as that of the Kent ship mother. The most feared thing here is those massive low-level monsters. , But on my own side, I’m getting into the fire with the most feared low-level monsters. Under such circumstances, the London ship’s mother had to deploy an aircraft carrier to deal with low-level monsters, so that the aircraft carrier would not be able to suppress the opponent’s super monsters. There are not many ships, and the disadvantages are obvious in the battle against the super monsters. Under such circumstances, it is an incredible achievement to be able to block the super monsters that escape the battle.

Although there are many super monsters leaving the battle and returning to the super monsters, the London ship mother is here to record those super monsters that have escaped from the battle. This is to prevent these super monsters from running away after the super monsters are killed. This area is It is quite dangerous to leave super monsters in the resource-producing area. Sea beasts or super sea beasts are the result of these super monsters' strength increased to a certain extent. Therefore, any super sea beasts who are out of battle in London are called their commanders. Recorded it, and then told the Kent Empress through the commander that this was done to prevent the super large beasts from escaping, and to facilitate subsequent pursuit.

For the Kent ship mother, monsters including the super sea beasts can’t escape. In the Kent ship mother, the original activity has been cancelled. This time the hunting of the super sea beasts is a new activity. , So these powerful destroyer commanders are very eager to fight. With these powerful destroyers, the Kent ship mother has quite a bottom. With the cooperation of the big ships, the combat effectiveness of the powerful destroyers is very important and the most important. The low-level monsters of the super sea beasts are all on the side of the London ship, and the super monsters are also there. In this way, for the powerful destroyers, the super sea beasts are readily available prey.

This super big beast has basically no combat experience with battleships. In its consciousness, low-level monsters are consumables that can be consumed at will. In fact, the role of low-level monsters is quite huge, especially when there are no high-level underwater monsters. , The core task of low-level monsters is to entangle the avant-garde fleet composed of light cruisers and destroyers to prevent these two warships from threatening the monsters of the team and interfering with the formation of high-level monsters. This super large monster has no such consciousness. , So that the low-level monsters started fighting directly on the side of the London ship, only the instinctive low-level monsters once started fighting, no high-level monsters can control it.

In fact, if it weren’t for the intervention of the Kent ship’s mother, these very powerful destroyers would have rushed in. As the commander of the destroyer, it is necessary to dare to take risks. In fact, all destroyer commanders are a little crazy. , These commanders are the best in the command of destroyers, so the degree of madness of these commanders is unimaginable. If this is not for the constraints of the Kent ship mother, I really don’t know what it can develop into.

When the attack of the flying monster finally reached the range of the large ship, the commanders of the destroyer commanders who had already been unavoidable rushed out to the target under the order of the Kent ship mother, but although these destroyer commanders were very eager Combat, but the formation is not chaotic. The formation is the most important for the destroyer. Apart from being fast and flexible, the destroyer is weak. It is not strong in itself. If there is no formation, it is very easy to be annihilated by the opponent. Fortunately, these are all experienced destroyer commanders. Although they are very anxious to show themselves, the most important formations are still in mind.

The super large monster saw that a large number of destroyers had launched a charge, and quickly ordered the big monsters around it to greet him. This super large monster did not know the strength of these destroyers. The super large monster focused on the Kent ship mother. Those big ships and monsters are more numerous than these destroyers. Super big monsters think that even if the big monsters lose to these destroyers, they should be able to withstand them for a long time. During this time, their flying monsters and super monsters They can all come back, and then they will be safer, but what surprised it was the extraordinary combat effectiveness of these destroyers.

The super big beasts fought with destroyers in the vanguard fleet in London Empress~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The super big beasts took it for granted that the strength of these destroyers of Kent was like that, in fact, if Kent was not organizing activities , The strength of the destroyer is not much stronger than that of the destroyer on the side of the London Niang, but due to special circumstances, the strength of the destroyer on the Kent Niang is much stronger than that of the London Niang. In fact, these powerful Destroyers are the main force of the fleet led by the Kent Empress. The big monsters and these destroyers will feel different when they get hands on the super big beasts.

In fact, it doesn’t need to be felt anymore. These destroyers deal with monsters like cutting melons and vegetables. Various special torpedoes attacked the monsters. In order to quickly kill these monsters, these destroyers have one after another. I have used some of my own abilities. As an expert in torpedo players, the control and mastery of torpedoes by destroyers, especially powerful destroyers, is quite extraordinary. They have been developed in various ways or after modification or developed by the navy. Torpedoes attacked the big monsters. These torpedoes were basically special. The big monsters couldn't stand the blow of these torpedoes and died on a large scale.

The super big beast panicked when he saw this situation. It didn't expect these destroyers to be so powerful. If it continued like this, not to mention the return of the super monster, it would not be able to support the return of its own flying monster, but the super big beast currently has no money. There are other monsters. There is no way for the super big monster to command its own few flying monsters to attack these destroyers, hoping to block the assaults of these powerful destroyers and buy time for the return of their flying monsters and super monsters. .

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