The smoke was so strong that it was difficult to see the smoke.

"Edogawa!" Huiyuan Ai hurriedly followed out, and her face suddenly changed when she saw the smoke: "What's going on?"

"I don't know."

Conan looked solemn, and turned to Dr. Agasa's house to get the electric skateboard.

"Conan, what are you doing?" Before Mao Lilan recovered from the shock, she saw Conan rushing out from her side.

Standing on the skateboard, with a little force on his feet, Conan tilted his head and said: "Sister Xiaolan, I'll go and see first."

Subconsciously taking a step forward, Mao Lilan wanted to stop her: "Conan is in danger..."

But the only answer she got was the sound of the skateboard starting and a cloud of dust.

Looking at his back, Huiyuan Ai's mouth slightly raised: Kudo, you are still messing around like this.

Seeing the two people's completely different reactions, Akino Huixing walked silently behind Mao Lilan.

"Don't worry, this child is very smart, nothing will happen."

"But..." Mao Lilan how can not worry, she knows that Conan is sometimes really smart, just like Kudo Shinichi when he was a child.

But no matter what, he is still a first-grade child. The best way to deal with such dangerous things is to stay away from them, not to rush to them.

"Xiaolan! What happened?"

Suzuki Sonoko and others hurried over, and the explosion just now scared everyone.

"I don't know, we only came out after hearing the explosion." Mao Lilan shook her head and pointed to the place where smoke was still coming out, "It should be that the building exploded."

Everyone looked in the direction she pointed, and saw that the building exploded again.

This time, the whole building was shaky.

"Be careful!" Mao Lilan subconsciously squatted down and protected several members of the Junior Detective Team in her arms.

"It's so scary..." Yoshida Ayumi raised her head from her arms, her voice still trembling.

But Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya broke free, "What's there to be afraid of? We are the Junior Detective Team, isn't it time for us to show our talents?"

"No!" Mao Li Ran and Haibara Ai said in unison.

After looking at Mao Li Ran with an unclear look, Haibara Ai turned her gaze to the members of the Junior Detective Team, with a serious expression: "You guys, go home now."

"That place is too dangerous, you can't go there."

"But..." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Haibara Ai in a harsh voice.

"No buts, you go home now."

With a wave of his hand, he stopped a taxi coming from the explosion site.

He "stuffed" several people into the car, and when Haibara Ai was about to close the door, Mao Li Ran also got in.

"I'll take them." Looking into Haibara Ai's eyes, Mao Li Ran said seriously.

For some reason, she always felt that this child was different from other children, as if... extra mature.

Every time she talked to her, she subconsciously became serious.

After a pause, Huiyuan Ai nodded: "Then I'll trouble you."

Suzuki Sonoko frowned and whispered: "What? This child is so rude."

Akino Huixing raised her eyebrows. In the anime, she seemed to have never seen Huiyuan call Mao Lilan sister.

Most of the time, she called her that person.

Well, it's really rude.

As soon as the taxi drove away, a red Subaru 360 drove over.

Recognizing that this was Subaru Okiya's car, Comet Akino quickly stopped in front of the car: "Mr. Subaru, are you going there?"

Subaru Okiya rolled down the window and stuck his head out, and his usually calm face also showed anxiety: "Yes, the situation there is very critical now, and a large number of injured people need to be sent to the hospital."

The picture Conan sent just now can be said to be horrible.

It is now dinner time, and the building where the explosion occurred is a commercial building with a large number of restaurants. This is the time when the flow of people is the largest.

"Take me with you."

Opening the car door, Comet Akino sat directly in the co-pilot.

While fastening the seat belt, she explained: "I have learned some medical knowledge before, I should be able to help."

More than learning, in her world, she is an excellent surgeon.


Without saying much, Subaru Okiya stepped on the accelerator directly, and the red car gradually disappeared among the high-rise buildings.

Watching everyone leave one by one, Suzuki Sonoko was not idle either. She picked up her phone and made a call.

"Hello, Uncle Jiroyoshi, I have a favor to ask of you..."


At the explosion building.

Thick smoke continued to pour out of the high-rise building, and the red

From time to time, the flames stretched out from the window, "fighting" with the high-pressure water gun of the fire truck.

Various people were lying on the ground around, most of them were stained with bright red blood.

After Conan put away the mobile phone that had sent a message to Okiya Subaru, he took a gas mask while the paramedics were not paying attention and entered the building.

Hiding from the paramedics all the way to the floor where the explosion occurred, Conan suddenly found a familiar figure.

Before he could catch up, he was stopped by a paramedic: "Hey, little brother, it's dangerous here, leave quickly!"

"No, I have to find my dad." Conan said, passing the paramedic and running forward.

Because he was carrying a wounded person, the paramedic couldn't stop him, so he had to tell the people outside through the intercom: "A child ran in from the building, someone come and take him away..."

When he ran to the place where the figure stood before, he had already disappeared.

Conan clenched his fists: Damn, another step late.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a golden object in the black ash.

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he slowly squatted down and picked up the object from the black ash.


"Quick, move all the injured in the building out!"

"It's too late, there are too many people, and it's already collapsing."

"You have to go even if you don't have time! Do you want to watch them die in there?"

When Akino Huixing arrived, she heard a commander-like person scolding his men.

There was no time to speak for the scolded person, she immediately devoted herself to the treatment.

Most of the people lying on the ground were carried out of the building by firefighters, and their injuries were terrible but not fatal.

This is why they are still here.

Because there are limited ambulances, only those with serious injuries can be sent to the hospital first.

Akino Huixing ran to a nurse and told her that he knew a little medical knowledge and could do some simple treatment.

Without asking any more questions, the nurse just watched her treat a patient and then gave her a first aid kit: "Thank you."

The explosion happened suddenly, and there were not enough medical staff nearby. For volunteers like Akino Huixing, she just hoped that there would be more volunteers.

After taking the first aid kit, without saying anything, Akino Huixing immediately got into the state.

Looking at Akino Huixing's skillful technique, Okiya Subaru adjusted his glasses, and the figure of a blond man was reflected in the lens.

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