The two of them were very happy.

Taking the initiative to go forward, Akino Huixing took Ran Mao Li's arm and said, "Why are you here, Xiaolan?"

Suzuki Sonoko rubbed Conan's head hard, saying in a bad tone, "It's not to accompany this little brat that Xiaolan postponed today's game."

Struggling to run away, Conan said to Ran Mao Li, "I'm sorry, Xiaolan."

"It's just a competition within the club, it's okay." Ran Mao Li still looked gentle and gentle.

"Just spoil this brat." Suzuki Sonoko put her arm around Akino Huixing's shoulder, "If you ask me, this brat was just there to cause trouble yesterday. Huixing is still reliable."

"Xiaolan, you don't know how terrible Huixing was yesterday. The wound was so horrible, but she didn't even blink."

She glanced at Okiya Subaru on the side, "Some people are so lucky..."

Mouri Ran nodded: "I heard Conan say yesterday that Huixing actually knows medical knowledge. She is really a hidden talent."

Akino Huixing's mouth corners slightly raised: the opportunity has come.

She waved her hand and said modestly: "Because I worked as a volunteer in a hospital in China before, I have some knowledge in this area."

"Has Comet been to China?"

"Yes," Akino Comet nodded slightly, "I studied in China for a while before."

Ran Mao Li showed an envious look: "I heard that China is fun..."

Okiya Subaru stared at Akino Comet's back, his eyes full of inquiry.

Who are you?


After a while, Takagi Wataru came out of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Sorry, sorry, something delayed me, you guys come with me."

Everyone walked into the Metropolitan Police Department together.

"Officer Takagi." Conan ran to Takagi Wataru and looked up at him, "Do you have any clues about the bomber?"

Takagi Wataru shook his head, his tone somewhat helpless: "No, all the surveillance in the building was destroyed in advance, and it is difficult to find useful clues relying on the surveillance nearby."

Conan was slightly startled: All the surveillance was destroyed? If that person's purpose was to blow up the building, it would be enough to destroy the surveillance on the floor where the bomb was installed. Why would he risk being discovered to destroy the surveillance of the entire building?

Could it be... The figure he saw in the building appeared in his mind, and Conan clenched his fists.

Is this really related to those people? What is the purpose of the gang called the Black Organization?

Subaru Okiya noticed that Conan's expression was not right, and asked in a low voice: "Have you found any problems?"

Pull Subaru Okiya aside and tell him his guesses and thoughts.

"What do you think, Mr. Subaru?"

"It shouldn't be them." Subaru Okiya squatted down and kept at the same level with Conan.

"This kind of thing is too high-profile, it doesn't seem like their style."

Looking at the backs of the people in front, Conan's eyes darkened: "Even if it wasn't them, Gin's purpose for appearing in that place must not be simple."

Subaru Okiya nodded and did not deny it.

Gin is very busy, he never does meaningless things.

"By the way, Mr. Subaru." Conan turned his head and looked at Okiya Subaru, with a cunning light in his blue eyes.

"How is the plan going?"

Slender fingers gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and Okiya Subaru raised an arc at the corner of his mouth: "Well, it's almost done, now we just need a bait."

"I have something that can be used as bait, but it still needs to be tested..."


Because Conan and Okiya Subaru were nowhere to be seen, Mao Lilan came out to look for them.

Seeing Conan squatting on the ground at a corner, she said angrily: "What are you doing here? Officer Takagi is looking for you."

Okiya Subaru came out from behind the wall and apologized: "Sorry, I dropped something, so I dragged this child to look for it together."


Akino Huixing, who came out after Mao Lilan, hurried forward after hearing this, "What is it? Did you find it? Do you need help?"

Conan nodded and stretched out his hand to Akino Huixing: "Found it."

He spread his hand, and a golden thumb ring suddenly appeared in front of Akino Huixing.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and Akino Huixing immediately recognized that it was Gin's thing.

With a barely noticeable smile on his lips, Conan looked at Akino Huixing with his innocent face.

"Sister Huixing, do you know this thing? I picked it up in that building.

I'm going to give it to Mr. Subaru."

Knowing the importance of this thing to Gin, Akino Huixing said hurriedly: "I know, this is my father's thing."

She took the gold ring and said, "The side of this ring is engraved with the hiragana abbreviation of Akino."

Ran Maoli, who was standing next to her, came forward and saw that it was indeed engraved with AKN.

She covered her mouth and exclaimed softly: "It really is. "

Okiya Subaru frowned and stepped forward: "This is not good news..."

Mouri Ran also suddenly realized that Conan had just said that he had picked up the ring in the building. She looked at Akino Cometsu with concern.

"Cometsu, don't worry too much..."

The words of comfort were like bubbles floating in the air, and seemed very powerless.

Akino Cometsu lowered her head, hiding the storm in her eyes.

She knew that Gin would be fine, but Conan and the others obviously wanted her to see the ring on purpose. What was their purpose?

Want to use me to catch Gin?

Although Gin was from the brewery, because of her identity, she did not have hostility towards Gin, and even had some feelings for him. In.

"Sister Huixing, do you want to call your father to confirm?" Conan reminded in a low voice.

At this point, it would be unreasonable for Huixing Akino to refuse, so she had to take out her mobile phone from her pocket.

Of course, it was her own mobile phone.

Seeing her mobile phone, Subaru Okiya's squinting eyes slightly opened, and a light flashed in his eyes, but soon disappeared.

Dial a number, and the call was connected after two breaths.

Not long ago, Gin discovered that his ring was missing. He was anxiously looking for it when he saw the mobile phone used to contact Huixing Akino light up.

He took two deep breaths to calm down, and then answered the phone: "Hello, Huixing? Are you in trouble?"

It's not surprising that he would ask this, because he has a special job and often can't answer the phone. Over time, Huixing Akino is not used to calling him, and usually sends text messages when there is something.

"No, I just have a question to ask Dad. "Akino Huixing's heart was beating wildly, but her face remained calm.

"What's the problem?"

"Was Dad also there in the explosion yesterday? Are you injured? Why didn't you tell me?"

Akino Huixing said this with a tearful tone, expressing the image of a daughter who found out that her father had secretly concealed her injury.

Gin on the other end of the phone heard that she was about to cry, and had no time to think about how she knew that he had been to the building, so he quickly explained: "I was there, but I just went to eat a meal. I was not affected by the explosion and was not injured."

Akino Huixing burst into laughter: "I'm glad you're not injured. I was so worried about you."

When he moved the phone away from his ear and was about to say goodbye, Conan suddenly asked Mao Lilan next to him in a loud voice: "Sister Huixing, won't you return the ring to uncle?"

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