The sound of the sound of a voice was heard, and the sound of the voice was heard.

Conan's body trembled, and then the owner of the voice came to the side of the few people.

Stiffly raising his head, Conan smiled awkwardly: "Sister Xiaolan..."

Okiya Subaru spoke up in time to help: "Just now, this kid found a useful clue."

"What clue?" Takagi Shigeru's eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward.

Subaru Okiya uttered two words clearly: "Sand."

He pinched a little bit of the black ash on the ground and handed it to the person in front of him, "Look carefully, is there a lot of construction sand in it?"

Twisting it with his index finger, Takagi Shigeru said happily: "Really! There is a lot of sand mixed in it."

"There should be witnesses to transport so much sand to such a place..." Subaru Okiya said, looking at Takagi Shigeru.

Takagi Shigeru immediately understood and turned to run downstairs, "I'll go to the hospital to ask with Officer Sato."

Curved the corners of his mouth, Akino Huixing took Ran Mao Li's arm: "Xiaolan, let's go for a walk nearby. I haven't been out for a good walk since I came to Tokyo..."

"But, Conan..." Ran Mao Li looked back every few steps, looking very worried.

"With Mr. Subaru here, we can go shopping peacefully."

Just like that, Ran Maoli was forcibly pulled out of the building by Comet Akino, creating an uninterrupted investigation environment for Subaru Okiya and Conan.

Watching the backs of the two of them leaving, Subaru Okiya pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a strange light was reflected in the lenses.

Conan also squinted at Comet Akino's back: Did she do it on purpose? But why? Why did she help me?


The July sun was very scorching, and cicadas kept chirping in the trees beside the street.

The blue sky and snow-white clouds floated in front of us, and the clean streets and highly saturated bushes were full of Japanese anime feelings.

It's just... it would be better if it was a little cooler.

I didn't feel it in the car just now, but after walking for a while, Comet Akino felt that his back seemed to be soaked, and his clothes were sticking to him.

"Xiaolan." Akino Huixing panted and pointed to the coffee shop next to her, "How about we go have a cup of coffee?"

Mauri Ran wiped the sweat from her forehead and nodded: "Okay, it's a bit hot now that the sun is out, let's go to the coffee shop to hide from the sun first."

After a pause, Mao Lilan stopped and looked at the person in front of her who was walking quickly towards the coffee shop: "Huixing, why did you drag me to go shopping?"

The person who was walking quickly towards the coffee shop paused and turned his head with an innocent face: "Huh? Because I want to go shopping, why else?"

"No." Mao Lilan shook her head, walked forward a few steps and came to Akino Huixing, "You are trying to get me out of the way, right?"

Akino Huixing: Who can tell her why Mao Lilan noticed these things!

After thinking about it, Akino Huixing did not continue to deny and nodded and admitted: "It was indeed to get you out of the way."


Looking at Mao Lilan's confused look in front of her, she raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, turned around and continued to walk towards the coffee shop.

"It's hard to explain in a few words. Let's go to the coffee shop first, and I'll tell you slowly."


After ordering a cup of iced coffee, Akino Huixing took a sip and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ It turns out that summer is best suited to cold things."

After taking a sip, she felt that the sun outside had become a little gentler.

However... she turned her eyes to the person in front of her.

She saw that Mao Lilan had no intention of resting at all, and she was still looking at her with doubts, and her face was a little more anxious than before.

Helplessly shaking her head, Akino Huixing slowly said: "Conan is a very smart kid, and he is not just clever."

"I believe you can see that he not only has good thinking ability, but also strong action ability."

"In that case, why can't you let him do it? If you are really worried, you can actually accompany him instead of stopping him."

She never understood when watching anime before. Obviously, sometimes when Conan was investigating, Mao Lilan saw it, allowed it, and acted together, but she would still stop Conan in the subsequent plot.

It seems that the previous side-by-side battles were all clouds.

Of course, there must be the "credit" of the old thief 73.

So now that Mao Lilan has found out, she will make things clear to her. I believe that her Ran-chan can make the right decision after getting out of the control of the old thief.


Ran Mao Li lowered her head, her long eyelashes cast a large shadow, making it difficult to see the emotions in her eyes.

"You are right."

Finally, after a long silence, she raised her head, her eyes were clear.

"Actually, I know all you said, but I don't know why, I feel that sometimes I subconsciously stop Conan, how to say it..."

Ran Mao Li thought for a while, snapped her fingers and said: "It's like someone is guiding me in the dark, can you understand?"

Comet Akino nodded: Of course she understands, that person is 73.

It seems that because of her arrival, this world has become independent in the form of a dimension.

Although the characters in it have similar personalities to those in the plot, they are continuing to awaken different self-awareness.

Now, they can no longer be speculated based on the personalities of the characters in the plot.

The difficulty of hiding the identity has increased.

Now that the explanation is clear, Comet Akino no longer drags Ran Mao Li shopping. After drinking coffee, the two of them took a taxi home.

After returning to the room, the first thing Akino Huixing did was to take out the character relationship book she had drawn last night.

She wrote the words "self-awareness awakening" next to the tree diagram.

She had ignored this problem before.

Since she had changed the plot, it means that this world has begun to operate on its own and the characters are no longer controlled by 73's settings.

They will develop their own consciousness, and those behaviors of 73 forcibly reducing intelligence for the development of the plot will no longer appear.

Thinking of this, Akino Huixing's eyes darkened and he circled a name heavily.

In this way, this guy who hides his identity is in danger...

Just thinking about it, he heard the doorbell ring downstairs.

Akino Huixing put the sketchbook away and looked directly at the door from the window.

Just one glance, the two beautiful eyebrows twisted together.

Huiyuan Ai? Why is she here?

Unable to figure out the reason, Akino Huixing went downstairs and opened the door, and welcomed Huiyuan Ai into the house very enthusiastically.

"Your name is Xiao Ai, right? My name is Akino Huixing. What do you like to drink? How about juice?"

Looking at the busy Akino Huixing, Huiyuan Ai did not respond, but just looked at her straight, without any expression on her face.

After Akino Huixing put the juice in front of her and sat down opposite her, she said word by word: "I know you, Akino Huixing."

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