The doctor was so embarrassed that he was about to leave.

Take a step forward and Vodka directly pulled the doctor up from the chair, "Take us to find him."

The doctor stood up, his hands in surrender, and hurriedly explained: "I... I don't know where his home is."

As he said that, as if he thought of something, he raised his hand and pointed outside, "That, the little nurse at the nurse's desk knows, you go ask her."

Pulling the doctor, Vodka followed Gin to the nurse's desk.

Pointing at the confused little nurse in front of him, he asked the doctor seriously, "Are you talking about this person?"

The doctor lowered his head shyly and whispered: "Yes, it's her."

A grown man betrayed a little girl. It seems that he will not be able to stay in this hospital in the future.

Realizing that the two people in front of her were looking for her, the young nurse timidly said: "You...what do you want to see me for?"

Throwing the ward rounds book in front of her, Gin pointed at the name on it and ordered coldly: "Take us to his home."

"Doctor Oda?"

The young nurse pointed to the tea room in front with some doubts, "I just saw him there, didn't he go home?"

Looking in the direction she pointed, she saw a man in a blue suit coming out of the tea room with a cup of coffee.


Looking at the man, Gin called out his name directly.

Suddenly hearing someone calling him, Lan looked up in the direction of the voice, and the moment he saw Gin, a smile appeared on his face.

He strode towards Gin and the others, very enthusiastic: "So it's an old friend, how are you these days?"

Although Gin and the others had changed their appearance, Lan still recognized them at a glance.

Unwilling to say more, Gin threw the ward round record at him, "Why did you suddenly use the experimental drug in ward 1033?"

Although the two of them had opposing positions because of the organization, they appreciated each other's strength and could still communicate "peacefully" in non-organizational tasks.

Looking through the ward round record with a confused look on his face, Lan shouted exaggeratedly when he saw the room for today's experimental drug.

"OMG, the wrong person was used..."

Listening to his words, Gin's temples kept throbbing, and Vodka behind him had put one hand on his waist.

And Lan was still mumbling, not noticing that the two people in front of him were wrong.

"Is the person living in that ward yours? Don't worry, this drug is actually almost perfect and good for the body."

"Are you having a fever now? This is a normal reaction to the drug, it will be fine after today..."

When he raised his head, he met Gin with a dark face.

Lan raised his eyelids: "Qin, you won't cause trouble for me because of this, right?"

As far as he knows, Gin doesn't care much about the people in these organizations.

He doesn't think Gin will be unhappy with him because of these people.

Not valuing feelings is an important reason why he and Gin can become enemies and friends.

Gin didn't speak, just stared at the person in front of him.

The two looked at each other like this. After a long time, Lan spoke first, and walked to the side while talking: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first..."

Just after taking two steps, he felt a hard object against his waist. He looked back at Vodka who was pointing a gun at him and pulled the corner of his mouth.

Turning his head to look at Gin on the side, his voice became cold: "Qin, this is boring."

"Don't provoke the people in that ward again."

After saying this, Gin turned and left.

Retracting the gun, Vodka glared at Lan fiercely and hurriedly followed.

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving, Lan was puzzled: Has Qin changed her personality? Become so emotional.

The little nurse next to him was already stunned when she saw the gun, and the doctor ran away as soon as Lan appeared.

Looking at the little nurse, Lan showed a caring big brother smile: "It's just a prop, we are just joking."

This Qin, patted his butt and left after making trouble, and he still had to clean up the mess.


Looking at the miserable state of Fan Yi, the rest of the people left the scene quickly, leaving only Zi and Okiya Subaru confronting there.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Okiya Subaru's mind emerged with the information he had seen in the organization before.

Code: Zi

Name: Unknown

Gender: Female

Organization: Nothing

Force: Dangerous

Level: Level 2

This woman is from that organization.

That few years ago

The organization that suddenly appeared out of nowhere - Kongwu, this is an organization that even the Black Organization has a headache.

Seeing the person in front of him staring at him with a serious expression, Zi chuckled: "What? Are you scared?"

"Don't worry, I will be gentle with you."

His face darkened, and Okiya Subaru did not speak, still maintaining the attacking posture.

This woman is not easy to deal with.

Looking at the person pretending to be dumb in front of him, Zi put away the smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became colder: "You can beg for mercy later, although I may not listen."

Before he finished speaking, the whip in his hand moved, and the whip with a bloody smell came towards Okiya Subaru.

Dodging nimbly, Okiya Subaru picked up the broom piled on the ground beside him.

At the same time, the missed whip attacked again, this time the speed increased a bit, bringing a whirring sound, as if it was going to cut the air.

Raising his hand, Okiya Subaru blocked the whip with a broom.

The whip was entangled with the broom, and Subaru Okiya could clearly feel the broom breaking, so he decisively let go.

The whip and the broom fell to the ground together.

The broom broke into two pieces.

The whip was intact and attacked Subaru Okiya again.

Zi, who was waving the whip, became a little excited, and her eyes were a little fanatical.

"It's been a long time since anyone could dodge my second whip. You bug are really interesting."

"But can you catch this third whip?"

As she spoke, the whip "climbed" from the ground again and went towards Subaru Okiya at a much faster speed than before.

This time, Subaru Okiya directly took out a pistol from his waist and decisively pressed the trigger in the direction of Zi.

Then he ran towards the stairwell without looking back.

Without a weapon, he had no advantage, and continuing to entangle would only be disadvantageous to him.

Unexpectedly, he would suddenly shoot. Zi dodged in a hurry, but the bullet still grazed her shoulder.

The leather jacket was torn, revealing the white skin inside, and bright red blood was spilling.

Letting go of the whip in her hand, Zi covered her shoulder in pain.

Trembling, she took out a white pill from her waist and swallowed it.

When the pain eased, her eyes were full of rage.

"You... are looking for death!!"

She took out a pistol from her waist and chased in the direction of the stairwell.

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