The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

"What do you mean?" Koizumi Hongzi squinted her eyes and looked at the person from another world in front of her, and a sense of uneasiness came over her.

This feeling of losing control of things is not good.

Putting away the anxiety on her face, putting on a serious face, Akino Huixing said word by word.

"In this world, I am not the only one who comes from another world."

"What?" Koizumi Hongzi was a little surprised, but she couldn't cast magic now, so she could only suppress her doubts temporarily and continued to ask: "Why do you know? Are you together?"

Shaking her head, Akino Huixing's eyes darkened a little.

"We are not together, and I have only known about her existence for a short time."

It is true that Akino Huixing has only known about the existence of that person for a short time, and she knew it while she was in a coma.

After she had a fever in the hospital that day, she fell into a coma...

The scene in her mind slowly changed from a burning fire to a figure of a person.

She could not see the man's face clearly, but she could see the sneer at the corner of his mouth.

It was this man who set fire to her parents.

Just like that, like a movie, the scenes in her mind began to play.

It started with the man who set the fire.

He turned around after sneering, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Boss, the mission is completed."

"Very good, come back." There was a processed female voice on the other end of the phone.

Putting the phone back in his arms, the man gradually walked away, and Akino Huixing could only watch his blue suit gradually disappear into the darkness.

The scene changed, and a luxurious villa appeared in front of Akino Huixing.

Outside the villa, there were bodyguards in various clothes.

A woman was lying on the sofa in the villa.

She wore a long red skirt, long curly hair that reached her waist, and her skin was white. She was definitely a beauty.

Of course, the premise was to ignore the bright red blood in her hands.

The person lying in the pool of blood was also known to Akino Huixing.

It was Maori Kogoro.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro, who had always been a slacker, had a stern face and said with pain in his eyes: "Who are you?"

"Me?" The woman in the red skirt picked up a wet tissue beside her and wiped her fingers, her movements slow and elegant, "You can call me Sora."

From beginning to end, the woman's eyes did not move to Maori Kogoro on the ground.

"Why do you want to kill me?"

Maori Kogoro really didn't understand. He just went out to drink as usual, and when he woke up, he was here, with a knife in his stomach.

Is he going to die here?

Finally wiping the blood off her hands, Sora raised her red eyes and looked at Maori Kogoro on the ground.

"Why?" Her thin lips parted slightly, and a pleasant voice came out of her throat, "Because you are Maori Kogoro, the main character in Detective Conan."

"Although you and I have no grudges, in order to complete the mission, I can only kill you."

Sora spread her hands, looking very helpless.

Hearing this, Akino Huixing's heart trembled suddenly: Detective Conan? She also traveled through time?

"What do you mean? What are you talking about? What does Conan have to do with it? And what main character?" This sentence directly confused Maori Kogoro and raised several questions at once.

With her slender fingers gently supporting her chin, Sora tilted her head and looked at the man in front of her.

"Well, since you are an important chess piece of mine, I will let you die knowingly."

Her red eyes were full of teasing, and she slowly said: "Your world is just an anime world."

"You are just an anime character in it."

"And I am a person who died accidentally in the real world. I was accidentally bound to something called a system, and my mission is to travel to various anime worlds and wipe out everything in the original plot."

"And here, the science world, is the last world of my mission. As long as I complete this mission, I can live again in the real world and return to my parents."

At this point, her voice was filled with longing.

For a hundred years, she has been wandering in various worlds for a hundred years.

Every time she needs to accumulate power from scratch, after all, this dog system will not give her any help, and the laws of the anime world cannot be ignored.

Only if she is strong enough can she wipe out everyone in the original world.

These hundred

No one could understand the suffering she had endured over the years.

Listening to her words, Maori Kogoro was stunned.

"Anime world?" He repeated these four short words in disbelief, "How is it possible? How could this be anime world..."

Sora didn't care whether he believed it or not, and walked in front of Maori Kogoro in red high heels, looking down at him.

"Goodbye, detective, don't be afraid, your daughter and daughter-in-law will come to you soon."


Before Maori Kogoro could finish the rest of the words, a bullet passed through his head.

Wiping the pistol, Sora walked over a pool of bright red blood, and put a hand on his ear.

"Bai, dispose of the body as I ordered before."


Sora left the room, but there was no need to switch the scene. Akino Huixing could only see Maori Kogoro lying in a pool of blood.

Thinking about what Sora said before, she was worried: Will Xiaolan be in danger?

Although it was not real, these scenes were so real and scary.

It was as if... a scene from the future appeared in front of her.

After a while, a white boy came in and dragged the body of Maori Kogoro out.

This time, the scene changed.

Akino Huixing came to a place where she could not see her hand in front of her.

Suddenly, a small white dot appeared in the darkness.

Then there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Then, the small white light disappeared again.

The surroundings fell into darkness again.

I don’t know how long it took, but I saw a ray of light in the darkness again, and this time there were two people with the light.

Seeing who came, Akino Huixing was shocked: Dad?

The people who came were Gin and Vodka.

The two seemed to have received some news and came here, and they searched around.

Soon, they found Maori Kogoro’s body at the place where the noise was made before.

The moment he saw the body on the ground, Gin's pupils shrank suddenly.

At the same time, several cars drove over quickly and surrounded the two people and the body.

Gin sneered after looking at the surrounding cars, took out a grenade from his arms and threw it out.

He felt dizzy, and when he regained his sight, Akino Cometsu had already reached a street.

In front of her was the Mori Detective Agency, which was blackened by smoke.

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