The face gradually became solemn, and Conan no longer stared at Mao Lilan. He quickly finished the food in the bowl and put down his chopsticks.

"Sister Xiaolan, I'm done eating. I'm going back to the room first."

"Hmm? OK."

Back in the room, Conan took out his mobile phone and called Hattori Heiji directly, "Hello, Hattori. Tell me the details of the incident in the news..."

He directly expressed his doubts.

Hattori Heiji also carefully recounted the situation that day, including the woman and the "person" mentioned by Hattori Heizo later.

"That is to say, my guess is very likely correct, and these two things are indeed likely to be premeditated." Leaning against the wall, Conan pinched his eyebrows.

He had just learned some information about the organization when this happened again. Hattori also received a death notice letter. All the things collided with each other.

It was as if someone was secretly controlling the overall situation and wanted to catch all of them in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Conan's eyes suddenly lit up, "Hattori, I thought of it."

He changed his phone to another hand, took out a map from the drawer and said excitedly: "These things that have happened recently, except for the death notice letter, the others seem to have no targeting and have nothing to do with us."

"But think about it carefully, these things all point to a common place..."

He suddenly stopped talking here. However, Hattori Heiji already knew what he meant, and said with a little doubt: "Do you mean that these were all done by that organization?"

"But except for the hospital incident, there is no clear direction for other things, especially the bombing case and this perverted murder case, there is absolutely nothing to prove it."

In the beginning, he did suspect the people of that organization, but later he could not find any clues, so he did not think in this direction anymore.

After all, the woman said "that person", and a large amount of hallucinogenic drugs were detected in the woman's body. If those people need to do such a thing, do they need to use such a cumbersome method?

So he thinks that this matter is likely to be done by a person who has extreme revengeful thoughts on society.

"Hattori, I know it's difficult for you to connect these things together." Looking at the map in front of him, Conan's eyes lit up, "Do you want to make a bet? If I win, you believe me and persuade Obanfu and Tokyo to jointly investigate these two cases."

"What bet?"

Drawing a circle in Nagano with his hand, Conan said firmly: "Just bet that within a week, a similar incident will happen in Nagano."

"Okay." Without hesitation, Hattori Heiji immediately agreed.

In fact, he was also very confused and wanted to know an answer.

For that mysterious organization, he always felt a fear of the unknown. This fear is even worse than the Black Organization.


After a light night's rest, the first thing Akino Huixing did when he got up was to change the mobile phone card to check text messages.

At night, she dreamed of the scenes she had seen in her coma before. She watched those familiar people die one after another in front of her, and watched Sora's red dress disappear into the void with laughter...

She slept very restlessly all night.

After seeing those two simple words, Akino Huixing finally let go of her worries.

Although she knew that Kudo Shinichi would most likely agree, she was still a little worried, because it was really hard for people to believe that she had traveled through time.

Fortunately, Kudo Shinichi believed her and agreed to cooperate with her.

After reading the text message, Akino Huixing changed back to a new card. Gin had not replied to her yet, and she was afraid of missing Gin's call.

Gin played a big role in whether the plan could be successfully carried out.

Looking at the crowd downstairs outside the window, Akino Huixing gradually thought of her previous life.

Suddenly, Akino Huixing's mind appeared with Sora's beautiful face and the words she said to Maori Kogoro.

She is also a modern person, and she wants to return to the modern era.

If I stop her plan this time, will all her efforts of the past 100 years be in vain?

Would it be too cruel for me to do this?

Unconsciously, Akino Huixing fell into a strong sense of self-blame.

Being in her hometown, the homesickness reached its peak at this moment.

She kept asking herself in her heart, if she had this opportunity to go back, would she make the same choice as Kong?


Kill those characters who are only in the anime and return to the real world.

In the real world, they still exist. The one who died is just a substitute in a parallel time and space. In a different world, they are still alive and well...

Thinking of the end, Akino Huixing's tears fell from the corners of her eyes again. She couldn't make a choice.

She didn't experience that kind of choice, and didn't know what choice she would make when facing that kind of life and death choice.

It is possible that she is making or has made a choice in a parallel time and space, but now, she can't make a choice.

Now she can only make a choice in the current situation.

She doesn't want them to die.

Even in a parallel time and space, she hopes that these characters she cares about and likes are alive and well.

Wiping away her tears, Akino Huixing looked out the window, with a firm look in her eyes, "Sora, I'm sorry, you have your choice, and I have mine."

This matter has nothing to do with right or wrong, only choice.

At this time, there is another person who is making a choice.

In front of the Maori Detective Agency, Amuro Toru is wandering.

After walking back and forth twice, he still stepped onto the steps in front of him with the cake in his hand.

Ran Maoli, who was cleaning up the dishes, heard the knock on the door and shouted to the people in the house: "Dad, go open the door."

Suzuki Sonoko came out of the kitchen with a bag of milk in her mouth, "I'll go, I'll go."

She had a hunch that the things outside the door were what she wanted.

Sure enough, as soon as she opened the door, Suzuki Sonoko saw a familiar face, "Mr. Amuro, are you here to give me a cake?"

Her eyes looked at the bag in Amuro Toru's hand, with little stars in her eyes.

"Of course."


Kudo's house.

The sun shone through the curtains onto the ground, illuminating the room, and the person lying on the bed opened his eyes.

Picking up the mobile phone next to him and looking at the time on it, Okiya Subaru smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, the effect of this medicine is quite good. I haven't slept for such a long time for a long time.

He knew that Akino Comet added something to the water. But when he picked up the glass of water, he chose to drink it.

He was not good at parting either.

He walked to the window, opened the curtains, and let the sunlight caress his face.

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