The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.


Akino Huixing did not stay in the hotel these days, but chose to go out and walk around.

Although she was born in Huaguo, she has lived in City A since she was a child, and she has never been to City S.

Although this is just City S in the world of science, she still wants to take this opportunity to take a good look, after all, she doesn't know if she will have the chance to see it again in the future.

That night, Akino Huixing was blowing the evening breeze by the river alone, and saw a familiar person walking towards her.

The person had short brown hair and wore a casual beige shirt, with a luxurious temperament.

The shirt seemed to glow when he wore it, making people feel that it was worth a lot of money.

If you look closely, you can see that many people on the riverside are focusing their eyes on him, especially those young girls, who are reluctant to look away.

Akino Huixing also looked straight at him, but her heart was full of doubts: Bai Ma Tan? Why is he here?

"Is this lady also from the island country?" In the moment when she was distracted, Bai Ma Tan had come to Akino Huixing's side.

"No, no." Akino Huixing didn't want to have anything to do with him, and subconsciously denied it.

There was no Bai Ma Tan in her plan, and it would be very bad for her to get too close to a detective in the current situation.

With a chuckle, Bai Ma Tan sat down in the empty seat next to her very unceremoniously, "The lady answered my question just now without any hesitation, and deliberately repeated it twice, which is an obvious lie."

"I don't like other people's gazes." Knowing how powerful he is, Akino Huixing did not choose to continue arguing with him but found a reason.

Of course, she didn't say this casually.

From the moment Bai Ma Tan sat down next to her, the eyes of the people around her all shifted from Bai Ma Tan to her, making her feel very uncomfortable.

"Is that so?" As if he just realized how attractive he was to the people around him, Bai Ma Tan stood up and bowed slightly to Akino Huixing apologetically, "To express my apology, please let me treat you to dinner."

"No thanks."

Standing up, Akino Huixing picked up the bag on the side and turned to the direction of the hotel.

Unexpectedly, just as she walked to the side of the road, she saw a motorcycle passing by her quickly, and one of the people snatched the bag from her shoulder.

Being thrown to the ground by the strong pulling force, Akino Huixing's palm was bleeding instantly.

But she didn't have time to care about the wound on her palm. She got up and chased in the direction where the motorcycle left.

Her mobile phone was still in the bag!

Seeing this scene, Bai Ma Tan hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Akino Huixing, "Don't chase, call the police."

Looking at him helplessly, Akino Huixing exhaled deeply: "Call the police, yes, call the police."

There are surveillance cameras on the streets, and these people will definitely not get away as long as the police are called.

Taking out his mobile phone, Bai Ma Tan quickly called the police. He briefly described the characteristics of the vehicle and the location of the incident, and hung up after leaving his name and phone number.

Putting away the phone, Bai Ma Tan took Akino Huixing's hand, "Let's go, find a hospital to treat some wounds."

Akino Huixing followed him forward in a daze, and there was indeed a sudden sharp pain in her knee, which made her cry out softly, "Ah..."

Bai Ma Tan looked back at her, and then found that her jeans at the knee were torn, and the wound was bloody.

"It's okay, I didn't notice it just now, I can..." Seeing that he noticed her injury, Akino Huixing hurriedly explained.

Before she could finish, she felt dizzy, and when Akino Huixing came to her senses, she was already held horizontally by Bai Ma Tan.

"No, no, no, no, no, put me down, I can walk by myself."

This frightened Akino Huixing so much that she started to stutter, and she kept struggling to get out of Bai Ma Tan's arms.

"Don't move."

He lowered his head and looked at the person moving around in his arms, and Bai Ma Tan said only two words coldly.

But these two words calmed Akino Huixing, and she really stopped moving.

Akino Huixing thought to herself: Help, why is Bai Ma Tan here, and he seems to have become a little fierce?

Feeling the changes in the person in his arms, Bai Ma Tan's mouth corners slightly turned up.

Along the way, the two attracted a lot of people's attention. Of course, the main focus was on Bai Ma Tan.

There were also many people who used

The phone was taking pictures. Bai Ma Tan was already used to these people, so he just politely asked others to move aside.

As for Akino Huixing, she lowered her head, not wanting others to see or take pictures of her face.

She didn't want to become an Internet celebrity in this world.

The nearest hospital was actually only ten minutes away from where they were before, but Akino Huixing felt that it took ten hours to walk all the way.

When she finally smelled the familiar smell of disinfectant in the hospital, tears almost fell.

After arriving at the hospital, Bai Ma Tan was going to carry Akino Huixing to the emergency room, but Akino Huixing said she didn't want to.

There was no way, so Bai Ma Tan had to find a wheelchair to push her.

Although there were still many people looking at the two of them, it was much better than before outside.

When they arrived at the emergency room, the doctor inside called a trainee nurse in after seeing the wound.

Akino Huixing was very clear about the hospital's routine. Such small wounds were usually given to trainee nurses to practice.

So when she saw the nurse pouring disinfectant on her wound with trembling hands, she comforted her warmly: "It's okay, you pour it, I'm not afraid of pain."

Giving her a grateful look, the disinfectant in the nurse's hand poured down on the wound on Akino Huixing's palm.

A sharp pain came, and Akino Huixing subconsciously grabbed the corner of Bai Ma Tan's clothes with her other hand.

When the wounds were all bandaged, Akino Huixing's hair on her forehead was soaked with sweat, and Bai Ma Tan's clothes were wrinkled.

"Sorry." Embarrassed, she took back her hand and lowered her head.

The wrinkled clothes came from the side to the front, and a white handkerchief appeared in front of Akino Huixing.

"Wipe it."

Taking the handkerchief, she wiped the sweat from her forehead randomly, and Akino Huixing whispered: "I'll transfer the money to you when I find my phone."

She didn't think the person in front of her would want the handkerchief that had been used by others. So it's better to transfer the money directly than to say that I will wash it and return it to you.

Although this handkerchief looks a bit expensive, she felt a little pain.

A chuckle came from above her head, "Miss, it seems that I don't like you very much?"

"No." Akino Huixing raised her head quickly, and met Bai Ba Tan's reddish-brown eyes full of smiles.

"Let's get acquainted again. My name is Bai Ba Tan."

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