The three of them returned to Kudo's house together, and Mao Lilan suddenly remembered Conan, who she had forgotten. She hurriedly took off her shoes and went to the house to look for him, "Conan! Are you there?" Suzuki Sonoko also followed her and searched everywhere in the house, but the places she searched were a bit strange, either under the sofa or in the vase. Every time she added, "I found you, little brat." It didn't seem like she was looking for someone, but more like playing hide-and-seek. "Conan doesn't seem to be here." Akino Huixing yawned and pointed to where Conan's shoes were before, "His shoes are gone."

"Really?" Mao Lilan went to the entrance and looked around. She opened all the shoe cabinets around and looked through them. She didn't find Conan's shoes. Then she accepted the reality.

"Why did this guy leave without saying anything? It's really worrying."

Suzuki Sonoko slumped on the sofa, crossed her legs and said slowly: "The little brat is the little brat, he likes to play."

Looking at Akino Huixing's tired face, Suzuki Sonoko stood up: "Okay, since the little brat is not there, we will leave first. Huixing, you should have a good rest."

After saying that, she blinked at Akino Huixing, looking like I am optimistic about you.

Mao Lilan didn't want to leave. Her intuition told her that the girl in front of her was not simple.

But Suzuki Sonoko pulled her away without saying anything: "I know you are reluctant to leave your husband's house, but don't we still have to find the little brat? Maybe he has already gone home and is so hungry that he is waiting for you to come home..."

Watching the two leave, Akino Huixing picked up the mobile phone that she had put on the sofa before going out under the guise of wearing a coat.

Knowing that there is a positioning system in it, she certainly couldn't take it to see Gin.

Dial the only number in it, the music kept playing until the phone was automatically hung up, and no one answered.

It seems that Okiya Subaru should have gone to help Conan.

Since the two silver bullets have joined forces, she doesn't need to worry about it.

Putting away the mobile phone, Akino Huixing took the gift box and returned to her room.

She felt very tired. I don't know why she felt a strong sense of sleepiness on the way back, and she couldn't hide it even if she wanted to.

Otherwise, even Suzuki Sonoko, who is so thick-skinned, would not have discovered that something was wrong with her.

After searching the room, she couldn't find any place to hide the gift box.

Subaru Okiya really knows how to choose a room for her.

Feeling sleepy, Akino Huixing gave up looking for a place to hide things, put the gift box on a stool beside her, covered it with her coat, and fell asleep on the bed.

"Cough cough cough"

It's so choking, is it on fire?

Akino Huixing opened her eyes and saw a house burning in front of her, the fire was blazing, and the scorching flames burned her cheeks.

In the fire, she could vaguely see two figures waving at her, and she unconsciously stepped forward to get closer to the two people.

"Are you going to die?"

A hand behind her grabbed her arm and pulled her back, so strong that she fell to the ground.

Silver-white hair, black windbreaker, and a slightly immature face.

A teenage version of Gin.

Looking at the person in front of her, Akino Huixing forgot the pain from the fall and just stared at him blankly.

However, tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably, slowly turning into howling.

Akino Huixing then realized that she seemed to be unable to control the behavior of this body, and she was more like a spectator living in this body.

She could only watch the development of things, but she herself was powerless.

The young Gin frowned, and just when Akino Huixing thought he was going to take out a gun and shoot herself, he suddenly squatted down and helped herself up in front of him.

"Do you want revenge?" The young Gin looked at her seriously, and Akino Huixing saw a strong hatred in his eyes.

But the owner of her body seemed to not understand what the person in front of her said, and instead of crying and laughing, she laughed.

"Haha, fun, do it again, Baba."

The young Gin's face became visibly gloomy, but Akino Huixing laughed unconsciously.

It seems that this body regards the young Gin in front of it as its own father.

With a cold snort, the young Gin got up and left, but this body chased after him, hugged the young Gin's legs and refused to let go, and kept calling him dad.

Akino Huixing understood: It seems that this is the process of "himself" and Gin getting acquainted, and it is also the process of "himself" calling

The reason for Gin's father.

The scene changed, and Akino Huixing felt that "she" had grown taller, but not much. At this moment, she was standing on tiptoe to reach the books on the bookshelf.

Suddenly, the book "flew" out by itself, and Akino Huixing's eyes moved along the direction of the book and fixed on a familiar face.


Akino Huixing could clearly feel that "she" was very excited now.

At this time, Gin had grown up, and his previous immaturity had faded. His momentum was more restrained, and his facial lines were more smooth and handsome. The only thing that remained unchanged was his waist-length silver-white hair.

"Well, Dad is back. Is little Huixing well behaved?"

Gin squatted down, rubbed Akino Huixing's head, and smiled like a father.

Good guy! Akino Huixing's critical hit rate was 200%. Is this still the Gin she knew? Isn't this a super dad?

Oh my god, this is also very cool!


Akino Huixing heard herself answering seriously in a child's voice: "Huixing got the teacher's little red flower, and the teacher also praised Huixing."

She raised her head proudly, looking like she was waiting for praise.

Gin took a look of understanding and took out a chocolate from his pocket: "Great, this is a reward for you."

"Wow, it's chocolate!"

After taking the chocolate, Akino Huixing thought that "she" would eat it quickly, but unexpectedly she put it away.

She raised her eyebrows in confusion. From the emotions of this body, she could feel that "she" liked this chocolate very much and wanted to eat it, but why didn't she eat it?

Gin asked the same question as Akino Huixing: "Why did Huixing leave the chocolate there? It won't taste good if it melts."

"Will it melt?" Akino Huixing felt that "his" emotions suddenly became very flustered, "But I want to take it to school and share it with my friends around me..."

As he said this, "his" head drooped, and tears were rolling in his eyes.

"They said I don't have a father or a mother. I want to prove to them that I have a father, and my father is very good to me..."

Emmm Akino Huixing had a premonition that "his" words would definitely cause a bloody storm.

Because... Gin looked like a daughter slave.

Looking up at Gin again, his face was indeed gloomy and scary.


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