Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 369 Got lost

"The Supreme Elder is so polite," Lord Mangshan said with a smile, "Tian Lan has always had a weird personality. I heard that you are about to become a Taoist couple with one of his descendants, so you should be more careful."

After saying that, he took a deep look at Xu Disheng and left with everyone in the Mang Yin Spiritual World.

Xu Disheng looked at the retreating figures of Lord Mangshan and others, but did not regard his words as a joke.

For such a powerful person, any words spoken by him will not be without purpose. Moreover, the Mang Yin Spiritual Realm and the Taiyin Spiritual Realm have always been on good terms. The Mangshan Lord's words must be reminding him of something, but he used extremely obscure words. Just express it in a way.

He flicked his sleeves and robe slightly, took out a piece of spiritual energy, recorded everything he had just encountered, and threw it away.

The spirit cloud was wrapped in purple light, flickered for a few times and then disappeared without a trace. Within a few breaths, it left the inner realm of the Time Tree Realm and headed quickly towards the direction of the Taixuan Spiritual Realm.

"Sir, please come into the palace."

A Master of the Second Realm of Distraction from Chao Mu Dao Sect came closer and looked at Xu Disheng with complicated eyes, his expression respectful.

On the border of Shanshan, Shangqing Shengzong, Xu Jing.

The moonlit night is cold, and most ordinary people have quietly fallen asleep.

Xu Che felt a little irritated in a rare moment. He threw the wine jar on the desk in front of him to the ground, repelled several Wuzhou guards who came after hearing the sound, and leaned alone on the luxurious and comfortable sofa with a blank look in his eyes. .

Stretching out his hands, feeling the powerful spiritual power surging in them, Xu Che's face showed no joy at all, and murmured: "Although the practice of "Zhuan Ling Xin Jue" has become more and more sophisticated, there is already a bottleneck. existence, but if the weird spells and power of the Soul-Eating Ghost Infant are taken into account, I can now even rival those of Daoji Realm cultivators, but why don’t I feel any happiness or joy at all?”

Endless loneliness surged in and enveloped him completely. He raised his head and looked at the sky, where a bright white moon hung high in the sky.

The moonlight in this tiny Xu realm is indeed different from the human realm.

The human realm!

Suddenly, an unparalleled brilliance bloomed in Xu Che's eyes.

In the small Wuzhou, everywhere he looked, there were mediocre ordinary people. The sun rose and the sun set and they rested. Watching these mortals day and night really made him extremely tired.

Even the most sophisticated in Wuzhou

The hundreds of sharp warrior guards were no different from ants in Xu Che's eyes at this time, and he didn't even have the desire to talk to them.

If he continues to stay in Xu Jing like this, even if he eventually replaces Xu Fu and becomes the emperor, what will happen?

For Xu Che at this time...how is this different from a prison?

Once you enter the realm of the human world, you will be like a fish flying in the shallows and an eagle flying in the sky. There will no longer be any restrictions on the practice of "The Art of Transforming the Soul". ''

After secretly settling his mind, Xu Che's mood gradually returned to calm.

But before leaving Xu Jing, we still have to deal with some old matters.

For example...some people in the imperial city.

A trace of ice-cold murderous intent flashed in Xu Che's eyes.

"The Lizhou Mountains where the Ji family is located should be right here."

Zhang Pangsheng compared the jade slip of the map in his hand, then looked up at the endless stretch of giant peaks and beautiful water in front of him, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

However, he knew that many relatively weak forces had the habit of opening hidden forbidden formations at all times. However, as the Ji family was a hegemonic family, it would be too petty to hide all the mountains where they were located.


The soft voice reached his ears, and Zhang Xiangsheng turned his head to look. A beautiful and beautiful woman in white was standing shyly a few feet away, looking at him, her eyes full of mist.

It's just an evil ghost-level ghost. Its ghost power is almost the same as that of the human race's Taoist realm, and it's extremely weak.

Zhang Pangsheng couldn't help but laugh a little. Could it be that this ghost couldn't detect his own cultivation?

The senses of an evil-level ghost are so dull?

"Girl, you are so beautiful, but why are you wandering alone in the mountains?"

With a look of extremely false obsession on his face, Zhang Chuansheng walked towards the woman in white.

Seeing Zhang Chuansheng getting closer and closer, the woman in white showed a trace of eagerness that could not be concealed on her face, her eyes and expression became more delicate and pitiful, and she said softly: "Master, I have some discomfort in my lower abdomen, Master." Can you give me a good rub?"

"Rub it...it's okay, but what if my hands get dirty?"


The woman in white was startled when she heard the words. Before she could recover, she saw

The handsome young master in Taoist robes suddenly had an unimaginably rich ghost power condensed around him. The black wind swept through him and turned into a ferocious and huge evil ghost head. He looked over with bloodthirsty eyes, twisted. A shrill and vicious ghost howl came from his mouth.

Rolling his eyes, this demon-level ghost was frightened and fainted, and fell limply to the ground.

Zhang Chuangsheng suddenly felt a little bored, and used a wave of ghost power to roll up the woman in white. A giant hand condensed from the billowing black cloud behind him, and slapped the woman's beautiful face like a flower hard.

"Ah! Don't come over!"

The head of the woman in white was directly slapped away, but she reappeared the next moment, opened her eyes full of horror, and begged loudly for mercy.

"Quiet," Zhang Chaosheng frowned, "How long have you been here?"

"Your Majesty," the woman in white said in a trembling voice, "It has been... more than two hundred years."

"Is there a force called the Ji family here?"

"Ji's family?" The woman in white looked blankly, "I was killed here by a fox demon, and turned into a ghost after my death. I have never left this place for more than two hundred years, and I have never heard of it at all. What Ji family?"

Zhang Pangsheng became more and more confused after hearing this. Since the Soul Master asked him to go to Ji's house to pick up a person named Qing Yuyan, it must be true. But...according to the jade slips on the map, Ji's house is indeed located here. Could it be? Is the jade map slip that I randomly looted fake?

When the woman in white saw Zhang Guansheng's silence, she became more frightened and begged for mercy: "Sir, I have been here for hundreds of years and have never harmed any human being. I only know how to meditate day and night to achieve transcendence. Please also invite young master..."

Before he finished speaking, he was directly crushed into black light by a sweeping ghost power, which dispersed between the sky and the earth.

"You have never harmed any living being, so what exactly do you want to do when you keep calling me?"

Zhang Xiangsheng sneered and didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he looked around, wanting to know where this place was.

Yes, as a strange creature transformed from the origin of the spell in "Song of Requiem", Zhang Guansheng, whose combat prowess is astonishing, does not even have a real jade map slip on his body now. The only jade slip that can be used is still random as before. It was found after searching and looted, but it was crudely crafted by a small force. The record of the location of the overlord force was far from its actual location.

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