Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

021 Eggs Hatch, Lord Of Black Heart Island

Jiang Feng stayed in the strawberry field until evening.

It was not until the insect tide dissipated that he went back to rest accompanied by Dahua.

Da Hei still sticks to the strawberry field and will not leave these days.

Fortunately, another batch of young ants hatched in the afternoon, and now the number has exceeded 2,000.

They waited eagerly in the ground, and when they saw the insects, they rushed up to them and ate them!

It can protect the strawberry seedlings in good condition.

After Xiaoxi's calculation, the weeds and insects in one acre of strawberry field are only enough for one hundred young ants to eat.

After another day or two, the young ants will grow up, their strength will reach black iron★, and they will need more food!

By then, an acre of strawberry fields could only support ten adult ants.

A hundred acres of strawberry fields, leaving a thousand black iron ants is more than enough!

For the extra ants, Jiang Feng has already made arrangements.

Most of them will be used as synthetic materials to enhance the strength of Thirteen Taibao.

Other male and female ants with reproductive capacity will be scattered around the floating island to build new nests.

Now the floating island is empty.

Especially the outermost hills are in urgent need of ants to guard.

Jiang Feng is going to build a hundred ant nests there.

On the one hand, it continues to cultivate "synthetic materials", and on the other hand, it serves as the outer defense line of the floating island.

When the number of black iron ants reaches tens of thousands, Jiang Feng will not be afraid even if there is a beast tide!

An army of ants is enough to drown them out!

Jiang Feng told Xiaoxi what he thought, and asked her to record it, and hand it over to Da Hei to execute it tomorrow.

Da Hei is the ant king selected by Jiang Feng, and he is responsible for all matters of the ant colony.

"Okay, master!"

Xiao Xi nodded obediently.

After dinner.

Jiang Feng was about to practice when Xiao Xi came over to remind him, "Master, the earthworms have started to hatch!"

When Jiang Feng heard this, he immediately stood up.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Then go to the hatching room.

The temperature in the incubator is very high.

More than a hundred eggs were swaying in the incubator, and some of them had broken out of their shells.

Newborn groundworms look very much like earthworms.

It's just that the whole body is khaki, and the wet skin is rough like a rock.

Jiang Feng picked up the ground worm that hatched first and looked at it.

The level of the little guy is normal ★★★, and when he grows up, he will reach the level of black iron★.

However, their growth period is very long, at least two years.

Jiang Feng didn't have so much time to wait for them to grow naturally.

Seeing that many larvae have hatched, I manipulate the synthesis box and start synthesis.

As the light flashed.

The three larvae turned into a black iron ★ adult body worm.

Its length is about one meter, and its body is about the thickness of an adult's arm.

It still looks a bit like an earthworm, but it doesn't make people feel uncomfortable.


【Name: Earth Walker】

【Level: Black Iron★】

[Attribute: Soil]

【Strength: 1.8】

【Physique: 2.2】

[Agility: 1.5]

【Spirit: 1.1】

[Skills: cracking earth, gravel]


Jiang Feng took a look at the properties of the worms.

It can only be said that it is mediocre, much inferior to the black iron ants and mosquitoes!

The two skills are also not very powerful.

However, it is perfect for breaking rocks and drilling holes in walls!

Jiang Feng started synthesizing again.

Soon, more than 100 larvae were used to synthesize 42 adult worms of black iron.

He didn't stop and continued to synthesize.

In the end, 5 black iron ★★ earthworms and 1 bronze ★ rock scale beast were synthesized!

The rock-scale beast looks more majestic!

The body length is more than ten meters, and it is enough to have the thickness of a water tank.

Shaped like a giant python, but covered with ferocious khaki scales!


【Name: Rockscale Beast】

【Level: Bronze★】

[Level: Soil]

【Strength: 20】

【Physique: 25】

[Agility: 16]

【Spirit: 10】

[Skills: rip, gravel, rock formation]


"One more petrification skill!"

"Sand and dirt can be turned into rock for attack or defense!"

Looking at the attributes of the rock-scale beast, Jiang Feng once again confirmed one thing—

This creature is definitely born to do engineering!

You can dig holes, you can crush rocks, you can turn mud and sand into stones...

My own castle has not started construction due to lack of manpower, so why not wait for it!

Xiaoxi next to him looked at the rock-scale beast, and his eyes also lit up.

"Master, there are no rivers or lakes on our island. We rely on rainfall for water. This is too dangerous!"

"People have long wanted to dig a few large lakes on the island, but the amount of work is too large, so it was shelved!"

"Now that we have them, we can finally start work!"

Xiaoxi called up the three-dimensional topographic map of the floating island.

With a tap of the finger, a lake appeared in each of the four directions in the south, south, north and west and at the foot of the central mountain.

The lakes are connected by rivers, criss-crossed, and run through the entire island.

In this way, the whole island seems to be revitalized!

It looks a lot more harmonious!

Jiang Feng looked at the map and even claimed that it was good: "I just said that there is something wrong with the island, it turns out that there is no lake!"

But he immediately discovered the problem.

"It's easy to dig a lake, how to solve the water source? Do you wait until it rains and slowly save it?"

Xiaoxi was clearly confident and said with a smile: "This is easy!"

"You can buy some smoke and rain vines and plant them on the mountain. This kind of plant, Ye Fan, can turn clouds and mists into rainwater and drip to the ground. There are the most clouds around the floating island. As long as 10,000 smoke and rain vines are planted on the top of the mountain, the island can be solved. water problem!"

"If it's not enough, you can also artificially rain!"

When Jiang Feng heard this, he felt relieved and ordered Xiaoxi to order 10,000 vine vine saplings immediately.

Then he looked at the rockscale beast.

"You can be called Da Huang!"

"Follow Xiaoxi in the future, follow her orders, and you will definitely benefit!"

Da Huang listened, nodded humanely, and then led the five younger brothers to report to Xiao Xi.

Xiaoxi is not polite, and no matter it is night, they will go out to work with rhubarb.

Of course Jiang Feng, the island owner with a black heart, would not stop him.

He likes such diligent and hard-working employees the most!

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