Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

030 Qin Bei, The Flower Of The Class, Enhances The Aura

"Up! Up again!"

Early morning.

In a community in Yunzhou, a middle-aged man was watching the TV, shouting excitedly.

The wives and daughters who were already asleep were woken up and came to the living room with sleepy eyes.

His wife glared at him angrily.

"What are you shouting in the middle of the night? I think you need to clean up!"

"Jiang Feng! Jiang Feng's island owner ranking has risen again!"

The man quickly explained.

"Crazy! What does it have to do with you when someone's ranking has risen?"

The wife couldn't help roaring.

The man shivered a bit, and insisted: "Why is it okay? This is an opportunity for our family to change the fate!"

Immediately, he looked at his beautiful daughter.

"Xiao Bei! You and Jiang Feng are classmates, right? How's the relationship?"

"Relationship, it's alright..."

Xiaobei answered hesitantly.

In fact, she and Jiang Feng have been sitting at the same table for two years and have a very good relationship.

There was even a little bit of affection!

However, as Jiang Feng became the island owner, the gap between the two suddenly widened.

Xiaobei was both happy and disappointed, so she didn't take the initiative to contact her.

"That's good! That's good!"

When the man heard his daughter's words, his face flushed with excitement.

"I just said, Xiaobei is so beautiful, how can there be a hairy boy who doesn't like it? In this way, you can call Jiang Feng early tomorrow morning..."


Qin Bei was very surprised!

Her father disciplined her strictly since she was a child, and did not let her get too close to boys.

For fear that she will fall in love early!

Why is she urging her to contact her male classmate now?

Mother Bei also felt incredible.

However, when she saw the list scrolling on TV, her eyes widened.

"No. 128 on the Yunzhou Island Master List, Jiang Feng, Level 1 Island Master!"

"No. 34 on the Yanguo Rookie List, Jiang Feng, the first-level island owner!"

on TV.

The host's expression was even more excited than Dad Bei's, with a proud look.


"Just now, Jiang Feng, our newly-appointed island owner in Yunzhou, climbed up again on the Yunzhou island owner list, reaching the 128th place!"

"Up 1105 places in one day, that's an incredible achievement!"

"The people in front of him now are all senior island owners above level 2!"

"What's even more shocking is that the island owner Jiang Feng also entered the national rookie island owner list, ranking 36th!"

"This is the highest ranking Yunzhou people have achieved in the national rankings in the past 100 years!"

"Why did his rankings soar in one day?"

"Some experts speculate that the beast tide broke out on the island, and he passed it smoothly, thus gaining a lot of points..."

"Islander Jiang Feng is the most dazzling new star in Yunzhou, the pride of our Yunzhou, and the future is limitless!"


The host is still touting Barabara.

Mother Bei's mood has changed from puzzled, shocked, ashamed, to frenzy!

She grabbed her daughter by the shoulders.

"Xiao Bei, your dad is right, this is indeed a good opportunity!"

"As long as you can catch this golden tortoise-in-law... No, even if you give him a second room, you can still become a master!"

She looked extremely excited.

It seems that she has become one of Jiang Feng's mother-in-laws and is enjoying the envy and jealousy of the old sisters.

However, she still maintained a trace of clarity.

Knowing that her daughter is very ordinary except for her outstanding appearance, it is impossible to become the wife of the island owner.

So the target was locked in the position of "Mrs. Erfang".

The island owners, as Blue Star's absolute powerful figures, basically have several wives in order to expand the family, with many children and grandchildren.

As long as his daughter can use her classmates to become one of Jiang Feng's wives, it is enough to make the whole family go to heaven!

When Dad Bei saw her explicit words, his daughter seemed a little unhappy.

He hurriedly said: "Jing said something incongruous!"

"I mean, Jiang Feng has just become the island owner, and he definitely needs someone to help him with various affairs!"

"Xiao Bei has a good relationship with him. He will definitely be reused in the past and have a good future in the future!"

Saying that, she gave Bei's mother a wink.

Bei's mother reacted immediately, her daughter is still young and her face is relatively tender, so she can't speak too directly.

So he nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, that's what I mean! Help him do things first, gain trust, and talk about other things later!"

Qin Bei looked at her parents and was speechless for a while.

It was obvious that he wanted to borrow his daughter to climb the high branch, and he looked like he was really thinking about himself.

Are you tired?


Think of Jiang Feng's handsome appearance.

If I can really be him, ahem, I can really do things for him.

It seems, not bad!


this night.

Because Jiang Feng's ranking soared, many people's nerves were affected.

Not only Qin Bei's family is worried about gains and losses.

Many students in the school also have the idea of ​​hugging their thighs!

Even Yunzhou's banks, mercenary groups, weapons dealers, spiritual material stores, high-quality seed shops... and even the parliament were alarmed by this news.

An emergency meeting was held overnight.

There is only one theme of the meeting, which is to study how to win over Jiang Feng and form a community of interests with him...

And this time.

Jiang Feng was thinking about how to use the points he just got.

10,847 Floating Island Points!

This is not a small number.

Many island owners have worked hard for half their lives, but they can't earn so many points!

But it's really going to cost, but it's not enough!

Points are used for three purposes.

Buy a treasure chest!

Buy floating island coordinates!

And improve the attributes of all aspects of the floating island!

Among the three, Jiang Feng's first choice was to improve the attributes of the floating island.

Immediately spent 3000 points.

Increased the concentration of Aura on the island from 1.7 to 2.0!

Don't look at it, it's only increased by 0.3.

But this has already made the concentration of aura on the island reach the standard of a second-level floating island.

Not only is the air cleaner.

The training effect is more obvious.

Most importantly, it is finally possible to grow Tier 3 crops!


"The concentration of your floating island's aura has greatly increased, and some strawberries have been nourished and mutated!"

Hear a beeping sound suddenly.

Jiang Feng was stunned!

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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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