Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

059 One catty, ten million, Jiang Feng makes trouble

"Little Shu, if you're not going to eat it, can you put the strawberries away? Sister, I'm a little jealous!

Sun Baiwei looked at the strawberry in Yan Qingshu's hand enviously.

"That's right! This thing is really..."

Li Qianqiu sighed.

Faced with such a rare treasure, he decided to let go of his restraint.

"Student Yan, can this strawberry be cut off and transferred to me? No matter what the conditions are, I will do my best to satisfy them! 66


Sun Baiwei patted him on the shoulder.

"What do you say? This is a gift from Jiang Feng to Xiaoshu, how could she sell it?

Immediately, he asked curiously, "What price can you offer?

"3 Billion Cash! 10 Green Troop Cards! Or 2 Ten-fold Growth Accelerator Cards! Choose from Three!""

Li Qianqiu said without hesitation.


Hearing this price, everyone around couldn't help but take a deep breath.

As expected of the children of the Li family in the capital, the shot is arrogant!

It's just cash.

The other two things are rare treasures.

Ordinary island owners can't take it out at all!

"Boss, did you take out your wife's book? The days are over?"

Fang Hu asked with his eyes wide open.

"No way, I have encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation recently! If there is no such treasure to help, it is estimated that the time for me to advance to the silver level will be delayed by at least two years! Compared with the two years, a little wealth is not worth mentioning!

"That's no wonder!

Fang Hu heard the words and nodded understandingly.

For the children of their top aristocratic families.

Money is not important, time is the most precious!

"Sorry, I won't sell this strawberry!

Yan Qingshu shook her head without hesitation.

"Alas! I can understand!"

Li Qianqiu sighed again, looking a little lost.

Sun Baiwei joked: "I really envy Xiao Shu, who has such a generous boyfriend... By the way, is there any other mutant fruit in Jiang Feng's hands? 35

Li Qianqiu and Fang Hu heard it, and their eyes lit up.


This strawberry is a token of love and cannot be sold.

If Jiang Feng has other mutant fruits, maybe he can think of a way.

"Please ask Yan for help! This matter is very important to me!

Li Qianqiu said solemnly.


Yan Qingshu agreed.

In fact, she knew that Jiang Feng still had second-order mutant strawberries in his hands.

It was originally planned to be sold at auction.

Now the situation seems to have changed, I don't know if there will be an auction.

She didn't talk too much.

"Thank you!

Seeing that Yan Qingshu agreed, Li Qianqiu quickly thanked him.

Even Fang Hu and Sun Baiwei had a little more anticipation in their eyes.

If Jiang Feng still has mutant fruit in his hand, maybe he has a chance too!

bang bang bang!

At this time, the auctioneer struck the gavel again.

The third round of auction has officially started!

"The 101st target, 100 catties of fourth-order pumpkin! The starting price is 500 million yuan! 99

The auctioneer's voice just fell.


Hundreds of people in the venue held up signs at the same time.

The shouting is even louder!


"600 million!


"800 million!"9

Hundreds of voices intertwined and turned into a loud noise.

Fortunately, the auctioneer is a robot specially transformed by Xiao Xi.

Instantly cleared my mind.

"Okay! The current highest bid is 860 million for No. 253! Is there a higher one?

"870 million!"

"It's boring to grind! I give 1 billion! Noodles

Just a few seconds.

The asking price of 100 catties of pumpkin has reached 1 billion yuan!

An average of 10 million yuan per catty!

20,000 yuan per gram!

And the current price of Blue Star Gold is only 450 yuan per gram!


The price is definitely a bit high!

After all, the market price of third-order pumpkins is only 200,000 yuan per pound!

Although the quality of the fourth-order pumpkin is better, it is not 50 times as good as the third-order pumpkin!


Tier 4 pumpkins are too scarce.

For ordinary people, it is a legendary thing, and it is the same concept as elixir and pantao.

Now suddenly appearing on the auction floor, immediately aroused everyone's enthusiasm!

It's more expensive if you can buy it!





With a loud shout.

In no time, the 101 mark was raised to an unbelievable price!

"3.2 billion! Mr. 844 bid 3.2 billion! Are there any higher bids?"

"3.2 billion once! 3.2 billion twice! 3.2 billion three times!


"make a deal!

That's when everyone found out.

No. 844 bidder turned out to be a neon man on the corner screen!

The Yan people in the arena were a little unhappy when they saw that something was photographed by the Neon people.

But look at the price.

Feeling a lot better immediately!

Neon people want to be taken advantage of, then give it to him!

Such a high price, a fool would buy it!

on the screen.

The neon man seemed to have just reacted.

The expression on his face was indescribable whether he was happy or annoyed.

The price of 3.2 billion is indeed a lot higher.


Had the first lesson.

After that, everyone seemed to calm down a lot.

Although the price will continue to rise.

But when the price exceeded expectations, the number of bidders gradually decreased.

The No. 102 target was finally sold at a price of 1.73 billion!

Compared with the 101 mark, it is almost half less!

Immediately made neon so popular!

Immediately after.

No. 103 target, the transaction price is 1.8 billion!

No. 104 target, the transaction price is 1.76 billion!

No. 105 target, the transaction price is 2.5 billion!

The reason for this high price.

It's because the people of Sam Country and White Bear Country are competing with each other.

Plus a bunch of people from the Yan Kingdom kept fighting.

Finally got such a high price!

For other targets, the transaction price is basically below 1.9 billion.

Sun Baiwei, Li Qianqiu and Fang Hu also made their own bids and took a pumpkin.

As one target continues to sell.

Less and less pumpkin left over!

People who haven't bought pumpkins are in a hurry.

If you miss this opportunity and want to buy a Tier 4 fruit, you don't know what year and month it is!


The transaction prices of the last few targets have risen significantly.

The last target.

After a few Asan and Jinsheng Pavilion scrambled.

(get Zhao)

It has climbed all the way, reaching a sky-high price of 3.5 billion yuan!

Refresh the unit price record again!

Jiang Feng took the gavel from the auctioneer.

Boom twice.

Wait until everyone turns their attention to themselves.

Then I announced unhurriedly: "`" Congratulations to Mr. Jin Shengge for successfully winning the last bid in this auction at a price of 3.5 billion!

Hear Jiang Feng congratulate himself.

There was not a trace of joy on Jin Shengge's face, instead it became more gloomy.

He nodded indifferently and reluctantly gave a response.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Jinshengge is really my nobleman!

"When the auction started, he was going to give me 5 billion in exchange for his 70% stake in the floating island!

"I don't agree!

"Mr. Jin has a lot of money, not only did he not care about me, but instead spent 3.5 billion to buy 100 catties of pumpkins!

"For Mr. Jinshengge, I can only be grateful!"


There was an uproar in the hall!

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