Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

088 Bafang denounced, prewar advertising

Regional race war?

Human vs Goblin?

If it fails, it will reveal the coordinates of the floating island?!


All the human and goblin island owners who received the notification were all stunned!

But the next moment.

The two sides had very different reactions!

Although ordinary goblins are cowardly by nature, goblin lords are generally greedy and aggressive.

It is also very united in the face of foreign enemies!

At this time, I heard that a human island owner actually killed 50,000 goblins.

He also wiped out his entire clan!

Under the empathy of one by one, all of them are out of anger!

There was hardly any hesitation, and immediately chose to participate in the war!

After selection is complete.

A transparent panel appeared in front of them.

The above shows the number of island owners of the two races in the area, as well as the participation in the war.


There are a total of 1235 island owners in the goblin family.

Number of participants: 1235!

All choose to fight!

And the human side.

The number of island owners is even more than that of goblins, reaching 1572!

But for now, except for Jiang Feng, who has to fight.

Not a single selection confirmed yet!

on the contrary.

As the time goes.

Many island owners have chosen to "exit" one after another!

Most of these people came from countries other than the Yan Kingdom.

When I heard that things started because of Jiang Feng.

Not only are they unwilling to go to war.

Instead, he went to the Blue Star Forum, fanned the flames everywhere, and gloated at the misfortune!

"Jiang Feng slaughtered more than 50,000 innocent goblins in the floating island world!

"Jiang Feng? That Yan Kingdom genius?"

"Gouya genius! He's a butcher!"

"God, this is a dehumanizing atrocity! 99

"Some time ago, Jiang Feng also killed our two golden powerhouses in Korea!

"Yes, he is an evil executioner!

"The Goblin Conservation Society expresses a solemn protest!"

"Let's condemn Jiang Feng together, we can't let his personal behavior destroy the image of the human race in the floating island world!"

"Sam's people have always loved peace and will not participate in this battle!

"We Neon Nation will never participate in the war, we will not do it. An accomplice of the Sith!

"Korean people will not join the war!"

"And our Sanguo! 35

"It is recommended that Jiang Feng be expelled to avoid retaliation by the goblins!"5

"Who has the coordinates of Jiang Feng's floating island? Give it to the goblins and let them find Jiang Feng to vent their anger!


During this time, Jiang Feng was in the limelight.

First, an auction was held, and more than 300 billion fortunes were collected.

Then, in public, they beheaded the two golden powerhouses of Goryeo, and established a splendid reputation!

A few days ago, the fastest upgrade record for the floating island was created!

The upgrade of a new island owner in a mere area caused a stir all over the world.

Can't help but say that the bigwigs from all over the world are incredible!

After this series of actions, Jiang Feng's name spread throughout Blue Star.

In addition, Yan Guo's international image and attention have greatly improved.

Some even claim that.

The strong rise of Jiang Feng is the beginning of Yan Guo's return to the throne of world hegemony!

As such.

Jiang Feng certainly gained unprecedented popularity.

But at the same time, there are more people looking forward to his bad luck!


When this happened today.

With the help of people with a heart, it spread all over the Blue Star network in a blink of an eye.

People from all over the world are talking about it.

Some criticize Jiang Feng, some gloat.

There are also those who want to take the opportunity to suppress the Yan Kingdom!

For a while, a group of demons danced wildly.

Jiang Feng's reputation suddenly fell from the cloud to the abyss, and it became stinky!

Many people who eat melons who don't know what to do are affected by his speech and have a very bad impression of him.

Even some people support Jiang Feng.

But because the number of people was too small, it was quickly overwhelmed.


In general, Yan Guo still supports Jiang Feng.

Many people specifically went to the Internet and angered those foreigners who uttered wild words.

"Die laughing! If you Sam country love peace, there will be no war in the world!

"Neon people deserve to talk about peace? It's disgusting!"

"What kind of saints are they all pretending to be? Don't you always show off who kills more?"

"Hypocrisy! Jiang Feng is just killing goblins, how many slaves have you kept in captivity on your island, and how many of the same kind will be tortured to death every year, do you still use me for popular science?

"I'm surprised! You are obviously human, why are you all helping the goblins?



The voices of the people of the Yan Kingdom were not understood by many people at all.

As the time goes.

Dozens of island owners from Sam Kingdom, Ah San Kingdom, Gaul Kingdom, and Neon Kingdom made speeches on the Internet.

Their floating islands are all in that area.

But they won't go to war!

The golden powerhouse of Goryeo, Kim Ki-gil, shouted to Jiang Feng even more arrogantly.

"Just to watch you die!"

Faced with this situation, Yan Guo became excited for a while.

Many silver-level and even gold-level powerhouses expressed their willingness to go to Jiang Feng's floating island for support.

But unfortunately, Jiang Feng could not be contacted.

Yunzhou here.

Because I have dealt with Jiang Feng a lot, and the interests are relatively closely involved.

As early as the first time it happened.

All forces are trying their best to contact Jiang Feng.

The garrison commander even said that as long as Jiang Feng needs it, he can pull an elite force to support him at any time!

Five major families, major financial groups, and even mercenary groups across the country.

They also tried to contact Jiang Feng, willing to help!


Six full minutes passed.

But no one got a response from Jiang Feng.

Even Yan Qingshu can't get in touch with Jiang Feng!

until the eighth minute.

She just saw the message from Sun Baiwei in the chat group.

"I contacted Jiang Feng, and he asked me to tell everyone: everything is under control, don't worry! 99

Yan Qingshu was relieved when she saw the news.

However, women are sometimes so magical.

Her eyebrows were clearly burning, but her focus shifted to another matter.

Yan Qingshu: "Why is it only you who can contact him?""

Thick jealousy instantly filled the chat group.

Sun Baiwei: "[Proud] Guess what?"

What does it mean?

Are the two of them really tricky?

Just when Yan Qingshu was suspicious.

Sun Baiwei said a word.

"Stop guessing! It turns out that my floating island is not far from Jiang Feng, and I was the first island owner to choose to fight!

Li Qianqiu: "Really? You also want to join the war?"5

Fang Hu: "I'm so envious, I want to go too!

Yan Qingshu: "[Hug Hug] Tell him to be safe, and you too!"

Sun Baiwei: "[OK]"


Just as the countdown was about to end, Sun Baiwei bubbled up again.

"Little Shu, Jiang Feng asked you to post a post for him!

"What post?"

Yan Qingshu asked curiously.

Not only she was curious, Li Qianqiu and Fang Hu were also very curious.

What is the important thing that can make Jiang Feng unforgettable at the last moment before the war?

"The content of the post is: Jiang Feng of the Yan Kingdom purchased the crystal nucleus of the wind-type beast and various gem fragments at a high price, if you are interested, please contact Lao Jia!

Yan Qingshu:???

Li Qianqiu:???

Fang Hu: Advertising at this time? Awesome!!.

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