Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

090 Global live broadcast, take the initiative to attack

"Haha! Look at these Yan Kingdom island owners, they are all running around in the mountains like mice, being chased by goblins!

"It's so interesting!

"The people of the Yan Kingdom are finished! This time there must be heavy losses! 35

"I bet a shilling that there will be no more than 100 island masters of the Yan Kingdom still alive three days later! 66

"100? I think 10 would be nice!"

"Yeah! I'm really glad that our A-Sanguo island owner didn't participate in the war, otherwise it would be miserable!"

"We have a small number of island owners in Neon Country, so we can't waste it in such a place!

"Shameless! If you didn't quit, we would even have a numerical advantage, how could it be like this?

"The Yan people upstairs are in a hurry! He is in a hurry!

blue star.

Hundreds of countries and thousands of TV stations are broadcasting this war live!

That's right, it's live!

Those foreign island owners, although they have chosen to "exit", can "watch the battle" through the panel


A few Koryo Island masters had an idea and wanted everyone to watch the people of the Yan Kingdom make an embarrassment.

So I connected to the Internet and started a live broadcast on Bluestar.

Unexpectedly, it immediately caused a global sensation!

Few people have ever seen a war like this on a floating island.

Everyone is very interested.

Especially when I see the island owner who is usually high above, being hunted by goblins like prey.

Not to mention how cool it is!

The number of viewers skyrocketed, breaking the historical record in one fell swoop!

When other TV stations saw it was so hot, they followed suit.

All through the island owners who quit, they started live broadcasts!

Koryo TV.

The first island owner to quit, Kim Ki-gil, is introducing the situation on the battlefield to the audience.

He himself is a golden powerhouse, and his vision is extraordinary.

The explanation is also very professional.

"We can see that the battlefield is in a mountainous area. Such terrain will limit the activity space of the island owners, which is not conducive to assembly and mutual support! 35

"In the short term, it seems to have an impact on both sides, but in the long run, the scale of victory will inevitably fall to the goblins! After all, their numerical advantage is too great!

Kim Ki-gil commented while replying to comments.

"Yes, my opinion is the same as everyone else! The people of the Yan Kingdom will definitely lose, and they will suffer heavy casualties! 35

"Although there are some things that shouldn't be said, I really hope Jiang Feng can be killed by goblins!"

"My teacher, Your Excellency Jin Universe, was killed by him!"

"I saw someone commented that Jiang Feng has a lord-level powerhouse behind him, as well as a gold-level ant battle pet, and he is very powerful! 35

"Is it really?'

"I'm sure, whether it's an ant beast or a lord-level powerhouse, it doesn't belong to Jiang Feng, but someone else lent him to support the scene!

"After all, there are tens of thousands of island owners in our country, and we don't even have a golden pet! How could he have one?"

"Moreover, this war broke out very suddenly, with only 10 minutes of preparation time! It is difficult for outsiders to give him effective support!

"You must know that every time you teleport, the island owner needs to operate it yourself. If you send forces to support from other floating islands, 10 minutes is not enough!

"So I firmly believe that there will be no golden pets under Jiang Feng!

"This time he will die miserably! Let's look forward to it together! 35

Not just Kim Ki-ji.

Almost all foreign anchors are badmouthing Jiang Feng.

Think that the Yan Kingdom will be defeated!

face such a situation.

Even Yan Guo's own narrator was a little pessimistic inside and out.

The audience was also affected, and they felt a little unsure.

At this moment.

Yan Guo TV reached out to Lao Jia, Jiang Feng's agent, and asked him to express his opinion.

Facing the camera, Lao Jia was always unhurried.

"I have only two things to say about this race war!

"The first point, Island Master Jiang Feng is fighting on behalf of human beings, and he will definitely win the final victory!""

"Second point, Island Master Jiang Feng purchased various gem fragments and wind crystal nuclei at high prices. If you are interested, please contact me!"

Hear what Lao Jia said.

The host of Yan Guo was stunned!

She did not expect that at such an important juncture, Lao Jia would take the opportunity to advertise!

The audience was also amazed!

Some people think that this is Jiang Feng's confident performance.

Some people say that he is arrogant and arrogant, and he will suffer the consequences!

For a while, the beacon rose again.

The Internet is once again arguing...

And this time.

Jiang Feng is considering which men should be sent to show up.

He has already let Jinlongyu Xiaohong release the mist, and firmly cover himself and his subordinates.

No outsider can peep into the reality inside.

He does so.

Not to guard against goblins, but not to expose his true strength.

This is just an ordinary battle.

If you expose your old bottom, it's not worth it!

"There are mountains nearby, and the field of vision is limited. It is best to have one eye staring at the sky!"

"Big flowers are my trump cards and cannot be easily exposed! Let the pterodactyl go! 35

"Leading two silver ★★★ pterodactyls to patrol the sky by Da Fei, it should be almost the same!

Jiang Feng pondered.

Immediately sent out Da Fei and the weakest two-headed pterodactyl.

As for Jiang Feng and other subordinates, they continued to move forward under the cover of fog.

It didn't take long.

The cry of a pterodactyl came from the sky.

Da Fei found the target!

Jiang Feng was refreshed.

(afbg) through psychic contact, order them to strike immediately.

He also took his men to speed up and rush there.

Xiaohong's mist spell is amazing.

Under its control, people outside cannot see inside, but people inside can see outside clearly.

Line of sight is hardly affected.

Turn around a mountain.

Jiang Feng saw that Da Fei was attacking a group of goblins with two pterodactyls!

Those goblins plus various monsters, the number is about three hundred.

It should be that the three island owners got together.


even if there are many of them.

In the face of the attack of the pterodactyl, there is not much resistance!

A total of five silver-level combat power.

was wiped out early.

The rest of the goblins are even worse.

Da Fei shouted casually, and they all slumped to the ground. The dynamics were incredible!

"That's it?"

Seeing that the battle was over so quickly, Jiang Feng felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Is this too weak?

Xiaoxi explained: "Master, this is the normal strength of island owners!"

"Most of the first-level island owners have basically black iron-level combat power, not even bronze-level combat power! They can only rely on solid fortifications and various weapons to resist the attack of beasts!""

"The secondary island is mainly stronger! Usually there are a few silver-level combat power, but there are not many!

"If you have more than ten silver-level combat power, you can be regarded as a very strong secondary island owner!"

"Only some island owners with deep backgrounds or adventures will have gold-level combat power! 35'

"Such a character belongs to the top island owner, and the number is extremely rare!"

Xiaoxi has made detailed statistics and explained it well.

Jiang Feng realized this.

It turns out that the ordinary island owner is so weak!

Taking the Earl of Fire Ross as a reference, I thought that the second-level island masters had similar strengths.

Seems to be overestimating them!


Seeing that the goblins lost their fighting power, Da Fei stopped attacking.

Ask Jiang Feng if he wants to kill them all!

Jiang Feng looked at the battlefield.

Except for the ones that died in the first two waves of attacks.

There are still about 200 goblin warriors and 10 goblin mages left.

And many strange monsters.

"There are so many kinds of monsters, no synthetic value, kill them all! 6.

"Leave the goblins, I'll make them! Years

Jiang Feng ordered.

Da Fei heard the order.

Immediately opened his mouth and spewed out dozens of blue-green wind blades, beheading all the beasts.

Only the goblins remain.

Jiang Feng was about to walk out of the fog and synthesized in the past.

Suddenly, Ai Wen pulled her back.

"Master, I have a feeling that someone is spying on us!

Someone spying?

Jiang Feng was shocked.

"Are there enemies hiding around?"6

Ai Wen shook her head.

"Not the enemy! It's as if someone is watching us from the sky!"


Jiang Feng was taken aback.

But when he saw the transparent panel in front of him, he immediately reacted.

It should be that the island owners who quit are "watching the battle"!

"Watch it if you want! How do you know regret if you don't watch it? 39

Jiang Feng smiled coldly.

"The ants have already shown their faces, but they don't need to cover up!

"Let Dahei take ten silver ★★★ ants and go over to clean up the battlefield!"

"Just can't synthesize here! 35

'Simply abolish all these goblins, and save it for later in the war!

I have an idea in my mind.

Jiang Feng told Da Hei to get out of the fog.

Dispose of the corpse of the beast, dig out all the crystal cores, and give the goblin a supplement by the way.

Just make sure they don't get hurt and don't die!

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