Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

099 The first generation mecha, a mere 500 billion

Jiang Feng strolled around these 5 floating islands.

They are all small first-class floating islands, ranging in area from 20 square kilometers to 50 square kilometers.

However, no matter how small the sparrow is, it is still meat!

The forests, lakes, and even the soil above are good resources.

Not to mention, two of the floating islands also contain bauxite and tungsten!

Jiang Feng all chose fusion!


Driven by the power of the world, the five small islands slowly flew towards the main island!

Jiang Feng sat on the back of the big flower.

Looking at them like an aircraft carrier formation, breaking through the spiritual fog and moving forward in the sea of ​​clouds.

It feels so fun!

Such a spectacular sight can only be seen in the floating island world!

On the way back to Earls Island.

Jiang Feng put a speed limit on Dahua.

Instruct it to use the Shadowless Escape only once every three minutes.

Can't let it go full speed any longer.

If he did it again, Jiang Feng felt that he might vomit!

Rao is so.

The speed of the big flowers is still very fast.

It only took 1 hour to return to Earl's Island.

Jiang Feng felt fine this time, and there was nothing uncomfortable.

It seems that such a speed is the limit he can bear before his physique improves again!

Jiang Feng rested overnight at Earl's Island.

Early the next morning.

He took a group of his men and began to return to the main island.

Before leaving, he left rhubarb to sit here.

After all, all the property of Earl of Fireros, as well as the seizure on the battlefield, were left on the island.

Add these things together.

It is definitely a huge wealth that ordinary people can't imagine.

If someone takes advantage of it, it will be a big loss!

Jiang Feng took Ai Wen and Da Hei and sat on the back of Da Hua together.

It only took more than an hour to return to the main island.

As for the others, it is estimated that it will take another three or four hours.


Dahua has just entered the main island.

I saw a pink-white mecha flying towards this side!

Jiang Feng couldn't help widening his eyes.

He has seen a lot of mechas in movies and animations.

But in reality, it was the first time I saw it!

Ai Wen, Da Hei and the others also looked at this strange looking guy curiously.

I don't understand how such an iron lump can fly!

And it's fast!

"Master, you have worked hard all the way! 99

The mecha stopped three meters away, and Xiaoxi's sweet voice came from inside.

"Haha, I didn't work hard! Instead, it was you who gave me a big surprise!

Jiang Feng laughed and motioned to land first.

After landing.

Jiang Feng jumped off Dahua's back and walked towards the mecha excitedly.

This mecha is about 5 meters high, with a pink and white body, complete limbs and facial features.

It looks very delicate and full of technology!


Judging from the laser sword and energy beam dagger hanging from its waist, as well as the bright muzzle at the elbow joint.

This guy definitely has decent fighting power!

Wait until Jiang Feng watched it back and forth a few times.

Xiao Xi just flipped the switch inside.

Immediately, the entire mecha began to deform and shrink.

It ended up being a giant silver chest!

Jiang Feng walked over and weighed it.

Man, at least it weighs two tons!

If it weren't for Jiang Feng's amazing arm strength now, he probably wouldn't even be able to lift it up.

"Xiao Xi, introduce this mecha! 35

Jiang Feng ordered.

"Yes, Master!"

Xiaoxi smiled sweetly and began to introduce.

"This is the first-generation single-soldier mecha that I just developed. It consists of 24 systems including energy system, transmission system, skeleton system, armor system, and weapon system!

"In terms of power, the miniature nuclear reactor is currently used!

"Mecha can fly or move at will on the floating island!

"However, the environment outside the island is complicated, and there are also disturbances of aura fluctuations. Currently, only short-distance flights of less than 1,000 kilometers can be carried out! However, the maximum speed can reach 300 kilometers per hour! 99

Xiaoxi patted the box and continued to introduce.

"The outer armor is made from the fusion of special metals and beast bones, which can resist physical and magical attacks below the lord level!

"In terms of operation, it can not only drive automatically, but also connect to brain waves for manual operation!

"The last is the weapon system, which is also the biggest shortcoming at present!"

"Melee combat uses laser swords and energy beam daggers, while ranged weapons are energy rifles and small laser cannons!"

"However, the power of these weapons is somewhat insufficient, and they can only severely damage the silver-level beasts, and it is difficult to pose a threat to the golden powerhouses!

Xiao Xi said, and sighed with some regret.

Jiang Feng reached out and rubbed her hair.

"It's amazing to have results in such a short period of time! It's just a matter of improving slowly in the future!

Xiao Xi was encouraged by her master and smiled again.

Raising Bai Shengsheng's fist, he shouted vigorously: "I will do my best.!


She took Jiang Feng's hand and started the mecha again.

It only took half a second to assemble the mecha, wrapping the two inside.

Jiang Feng just found out.

The cockpit of the mech is quite spacious, like a semi-wrapped soft sofa, which can be reclined for operation.

More than enough for two people to sit inside.

If it weren't for Jiang Feng's tall stature and taking up more space, maybe they wouldn't feel crowded!

In front of Jiang Feng is a huge three-dimensional display.

Not only can you watch the outside scenery in 360 degrees.

The 8 super radars installed in various places will also display various data detected in real time!

"Master, there is a complete life support system here! Not only can it resist overload, but also isolate radiation, keep warm and cold, purify the air, prevent splashing, etc."

"Even if it is the sky and the sea, there is no problem at all!"

"As for the food, drink and lasa during the flight, it can also be solved here, and it will not make you feel uncomfortable at all!

Xiaoxi turned into a salesman and enthusiastically explained the various functions of the mecha to Jiang Feng.

If Jiang Feng hadn't stopped him.

Maybe she will even demonstrate how to solve personal hygiene problems inside.

"It's really good! At least it's a qualified means of transportation! Lying in it and flying is much more comfortable than staying on a big flower back!"

Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction and gave a positive comment.

Although this mech still has many shortcomings.

But as a first-generation model, it's already pretty good.

Jiang Feng told Xiaoxi.

Let her set up a research group with the goblin masters to continue to improve the mecha.

Especially in the integration of technology and magic, there is still great room for development.

Jiang Feng has great expectations for this!

Xiao Xi nodded obediently.

Leaning in Jiang Feng's arms, he began to report various things on the island.

Last night, another beast broke into the floating island and fed the ants half full.

Ginger and garlic began to ripen, and the bugs were extraordinarily manic.

Rhubarb's younger brother and sister built dozens of kilometers of mountains on the edge of the floating island.

The smelter to the south has been built and started producing various special alloys.

However, Xiaoxi is not going to mine the metal mines on the island.

Because their stockpiles are so plentiful!

There are hundreds of warehouses for various metal ingots seized recently.

Enough for them to last a long time!

With ample metal reserves.

Next step.

Xiaoxi plans to build a hundred medium-sized energy towers at key positions on the floating island.

This is a secondary civilized building.

All energy particles can be collected and converted into high-quality energy that can be used directly!

With energy towers.

In the future, whether it is to build a round-island energy cannon group or a full-coverage energy shield, it will not be a problem...

Xiaoxi said everything in a soft voice to Jiang Feng.

Occasionally speaking of interesting places, she will giggle herself.

This attracted Jiang Feng's mouth to smile, and the whole person relaxed involuntarily.

These days.

As the site gets bigger and bigger, there are more and more subordinates.

It's been a long time since the two were alone like this.

Staying in the cramped cockpit at this time, Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel a strange warmth in his heart!

Think back then.

Construction of the floating island has just begun.

Xiaoxi is his best assistant and partner.

It gave him a lot of spiritual comfort during those relatively difficult days!

Although Xiaoxi is an artificial intelligence.

But in Jiang Feng's mind, it has always occupied a very important position.

No one else can replace it!

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng plans to take Xiaoxi back to Blue Star tomorrow.

Lao Jia has purchased computers from several warehouses.

Just to help Xiaoxi upgrade.

This will be of great benefit to both herself and the development of the floating island!

Report the work.

The two remained silent in the cockpit for a while before putting away the mecha.

This mecha is pink and white as a whole, and it is obviously an experimental model used by Xiaoxi himself.


She will work closely with the goblin master Moore to help Jiang Feng create an exclusive mecha as soon as possible.

Even, an extraordinary mecha that can use magic!

Just thinking about it makes me a little excited!

Back to the castle.

Under the service of the robot maid, Jiang Feng had a luxurious meal.

A total of twenty-four dishes were carefully prepared according to state banquet standards.

The materials used are not even available for national banquets!

After a meal, Jiang Feng was satisfied.

The four-dimensional attributes also each increased by more than 1 point.

Another powerful meal!


After a perfect meal.

Jiang Feng started the hard work of synthesis again.

Dozens of first- and second-order seeds...

There are also saplings of peach, apricot, plum, jujube, green pine, green bamboo, plum blossom and so on.

All need to be synthesized to the fourth level!

This is not an easy job.

Jiang Feng is sitting in the warehouse.

8 robots around him shuttle back and forth.

Help him place saplings, deliver seeds, and minimize his workload.

despite this.

He was busy until late at night, and he finally synthesized enough saplings and seeds.

At this time, Xiaoxi walked in with a group of ants.

Start moving seeds and saplings.

Xiaoxi will take them and plant all the seeds and saplings overnight.

In this way, the rich spiritual energy of the island will not be wasted!

Ai Wen picked and picked among the saplings, and finally selected a peach tree with the best qualifications.

She is going to plant this peach tree in the castle garden.

Then take care of it every day, using the spell catalysis.

I believe it will soon grow into a towering tree!

At that time, use the Dryad Demon Core to convert it into a Dryad.

There will be another powerful force on the island!

Just when Jiang Feng was busy synthesizing seeds.

Unrest continues in Korea!

Although they have protested to Yan Guo through official channels.

Regrettably, with little success.

It's no use!


There is not much interaction between the official of the Yan Kingdom and Jiang Feng, and it is almost impossible to speak.

Second come.

This matter was originally the death of the Koreans, and the senior officials of the Yan Kingdom had no intention of intervening.

even think.

If Jiang Feng can teach them a lesson, that's a good thing!


Regarding the protest of Goryeo, Yanguo only perfunctory, and did not continue to pay attention to it.

As for helping Gao Liguo put pressure on Jiang Feng...

What a nc it takes to be able to do such a thing!

The upper-level route could not be reached, and the Koreans were at a loss for a while.


They are one country.

And it is a very developed country!

It seems that it is not difficult to gather the power of a country to deal with an island owner!

But actually.

In such an extraordinary world.

When personal power develops to a certain level, the official can't restrain it at all!

What can Koryo do?

Wait until Jiang Feng returns to Blue Star and send the army to kidnap him?

Stop it!

The place where he lives is the Yan Kingdom!

Take a step back.

Even if Jiang Feng left Yan Kingdom, he even came to Korea.

They didn't dare to move half of each other's fingers!

Behind Jiang Feng, there are two lord-level powerhouses!

Just send one.

They can kill seven in and seven out in Goryeo, and there is no way to use them with conventional weapons!

Mushroom eggs?

Sorry, Korea is not qualified to have that kind of thing!

And their country's most powerful strongman, Jin Shoushan.

Still closed.

Even if they get out of the customs, it is estimated that it will not be enough for the giant to slash with an axe.

There is no way to take Jiang Feng at Blue Star.

Not to mention the floating island world!

There, Jiang Feng's advantage will only be greater.

As long as he is willing to take the time to find the floating island of the Goryeo people in the sea of ​​clouds, he can definitely easily destroy any island owner!

Hit, can't beat.

Then there is only one way left, and that is to find a way to negotiate!

Under the official organization of Korea.

Major enterprises and island owners held a joint meeting, discussed for more than ten hours, and finally came up with a solution.

To sum it up in one sentence.

We are willing to spend money privately, please don't mess with us again!

Especially the dozens of island owners, they were really scared.

Some people have begun to transfer important property to Blue Star, and family members on the island have also begun to evacuate.

But for them, the floating island is the real lifeblood!

If the floating island is over, no matter how much money there is, they will not be able to keep it.

It won't take many years for the family to decline!

As long as you can keep the floating island.

Not to mention cutting meat, even if a big leg is removed, they will grit their teeth and hold back!

In this case.

The owner will give 1 billion, and the west will give 2 billion.

It didn't take long for them to come up with an astronomical figure!

500 billion Yanlong coins!

This is already higher than Jiang Feng's apparent net worth.

Even if you look at Blue Star, you can enter the top 500 rich list!

Although everyone is very distressed, but also can not care too much.

They only hope that this number can satisfy Jiang Feng!


Goryeo officials came forward and contacted Lao Jia.

Start negotiating terms with him!

When Jiang Feng received the news, it was already the second morning.

He sat on the sun-drenched terrace of the main building.

While eating breakfast, I listened to Lao Jia's report on the situation through video.

After listening, Jiang Feng showed a sneer.

"`" The mere 500 billion wants me to let go and send the beggars?"

"Tell them that they don't have to give the money, and I will personally go to those floating islands to get it back!

"The 87 island owners who chose to quit at that time had to pay the price, and there was no room for negotiation!

"And after capturing these floating islands, I may just take (get Wang Zhao) hands, or I may continue to attack other Goryeo floating islands!"5

"As for how to choose, it depends on their sincerity!"

Jiang Feng's attitude is very clear.

He won't let go of those island owners who quit, no matter how much money it takes!


He has further threatened that he may continue to attack other Koryo floating islands!

Jiang Feng's attitude was very tough, and he hardly gave any face to the Koreans.

Because they don't deserve it!

Now the initiative is completely in Jiang Feng's hands.

If you don't take the opportunity to deal with them severely, but stop it, expecting them to be "thankful"

That's really childish and funny!

"Yes, master! I will repeat your words to them word for word!

Old Jia replied respectfully.

Jiang Feng nodded and ate a bun made of third-order leeks.

Immediately, he said again: "Prepare the computer you purchased during this time, and I'll take Xiaoxi there later!


After finishing the call, Jiang Feng continued to eat breakfast and looked at the field below.

Look down from here before.

It is easy to see the edge of the floating island 3 km away.

Now, this distance has become a dozen kilometers.

There is also fog interference, and it is already somewhat unclear.

In a few days, more floating islands will merge in.

The area of ​​the entire island will be expanded tenfold and a hundredfold!

The scenery I saw at that time, it is estimated that it will be different, right?

Jiang Feng finished breakfast in a happy mood, and immediately summoned his subordinates and began to assign tasks.

After those Koryo island masters knew their decision, there were only two reactions.

Or fight back wildly and fight back.

Either break the jar, transfer the property to Blue Star, and then destroy the floating island, preventing him from picking the fruit smoothly.

For the first point, Jiang Feng is not worried about the team.

The Koreans have not been able to threaten their own strength!

The number of ants killing the elephant is just a metaphor.

In fact, no matter how many ants there are, they will only be trampled to death by elephants!

on the contrary.

What really needs to be guarded against is the second point.

If they were allowed to transfer the property on the island, they would even destroy the floating island.

Then the one who suffers is yourself!

Jiang Feng definitely didn't want to see such a thing happen.

Therefore, we must take the lead and immediately attack the floating island!

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