Flooded Star Road

Chapter 601: Pangu meridian diagram, the real way to solve the innate evil spirit

With the vastness of the land, the veins can be called endless.

Under such circumstances, how difficult is it to re-organize the veins of the wasteland?

How terrifying will the manpower and material resources needed to consume?

All in all, this is not something that the power of a clan can do, it needs to mobilize the power of the entire predator to achieve this.

The person who came up with this method must have a large enough layout and the heart to overlook the world.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to think of this kind of plan that needs to mobilize the entire prehistoric power to complete it.

What is a big deal?

That's it!

Re-organizing the entire land vein, such a great plan, is really exciting enough to think about.

If it can be completed, the benefits will be beyond imagination.


This plan is led by the human race to complete, it will inevitably lay a solid foundation for the human race.

Since then, who of the ten thousand races dare to resist the human race?

Human Race will become the well-deserved No. 1 in all races!

Thinking of this, Shennong was excited all over.

This is a great opportunity for the human race to truly dominate the prehistoric lands!

However, Shennong's excitement did not last long. After only a moment, he regained his composure.

Ideals are beautiful, but in the end, we must take into account practical issues.

For example, the current human race is no longer the human race under Fuxi's rule.

Although it still retains the name of the co-lord of the ten thousand races, the power has long been aside, and most of the ten thousand races are not obeying the orders of the human race.

In other words, Shennongkong has the name of the co-lord of the ten thousand races, but it does not have any binding force on the ten thousand races.

His command, out of the human race, basically not many races recognize it.

All in all, Shennong's situation is very embarrassing. He doesn't have the prestige and merits of Fuxi, and the nations will naturally not obey him.

In fact, as early as after Fuxi's ascension to the sky, the ten thousand races had objections.

It was only because of the innate evil spirit that became more and more serious that all the energies of the patriarchs of the ten thousand races were involved, and this made them have no extra effort to deal with the human race.


If you want to reorganize the primordial lands, you must rely on the power of the tens of thousands of races, otherwise, it would be impossible to do this with the strength of the human race alone.

But now, with Shennong's prestige, it is completely impossible to command the ten thousand clan. If you can't give orders to all races, then you can't talk about it if you want to make it happen.

In reality, Shennong was also helpless.

However, although Shennong felt helpless, he did not seek help from Xuanqing and Fuxi.

Because, since Xuan Qing gave him the geomancy map of the great famine, instead of giving it to Fuxi, it shows that this matter is to be entrusted to him.

Sorting out the veins of the wasteland, so as to calm the innate evil spirit, it is obvious that everyone deliberately left it to him to use his merit and prestige.

Shennong is not a fool, so naturally he understands this.

As an emperor,

He also has his own arrogance.

Now, everyone will prepare the prerequisites for calming down the innate evil spirits. If this is the case, he still can't fulfill this plan, then what kind of face does he, the emperor, continue to be?



"Your Majesty, the things have been delivered, and it's time to say goodbye to the poor road."

He called Shennong the chief inspector, and Xuan Qing said goodbye.

The situation Shennong is currently facing is naturally clear to Xuan Qing. But obviously, He didn't plan to help.

They have already done what they should do, and the rest depends on Shennong's own ability. If they did everything, then what would the emperor Shennong do?

Sorting out the veins of the uncultivated land is an opportunity for Shennong to prove his ability to all living beings.

Prove that he is qualified to become the co-lord of all races.


"I will send the fairy master!"

Xuan Qing wanted to leave, and Shennong did not do much to retain him, and personally sent him out of the Palace of Human Emperor.

After Xuan Qing left, Shennong immediately gave an order to summon a group of elders from the human race to come to discuss the matter.

This discussion,

It is a matter of sorting out the veins of the earth.

According to Shennong's plan, sorting out the veins should start with the human race.

Wait until they have sorted out all the ground veins in the territories of the human race. The spiritual veins that were previously corroded by the innate evil energy are bound to return to normal again, thus producing normal innate spiritual energy.

In this way, the danger of the human race is resolved.

When the patriarch of the ten thousand races saw this scene, he would definitely be curious about how the human race solved the innate evil spirit.

Driven by curiosity, and even threatened by innate evil spirits, the patriarch of the ten thousand races will definitely come to the human race to inquire about the situation in order to solve their own dangers.

At this time, Shennong can take advantage of the situation to speak out the solution and show that he is willing to help them sort out the ground veins to solve the innate evil spirit.

At this time, no matter what the thoughts in the mind of the patriarch of the ten thousand races, he would not refuse Shennong's help. Because without Shennong's help, they couldn't sort out the veins at all.

The distribution of the veins of the primordial land is extremely complicated. If there is no researcher on this, it will take hundreds of millions of years to sort out the clues.

What's more, the earth veins are extremely important and are related to the luck of a place. If you get the wrong direction when sorting out the ground veins, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Even if the earth veins are damaged, the qi of heaven and earth collapses, and the qi luck flows slowly. The veins of the heavy ones are broken, detonating the spiritual energy of this place, in order to destroy all vitality.

What's more, there will be karma added to the body, which will trigger heaven's punishment.

Therefore, the ground pulse cannot be moved lightly. If one fails, it will lead to the displacement of mountains and rivers and the fate of lives.

The key to safely sorting out the veins of the earth lies in the geomancy map. This picture records the distribution of all the earth veins in the Primordial Land in detail. If you follow the picture, you will never make any mistakes.

Therefore, Shennong, who masters this map, is equivalent to mastering the key to sorting out the veins. Unless the patriarch of the ten thousand clan robbed him, otherwise, if he wanted to reorganize the ground veins, he would inevitably not escape Shennong.



This plan sounds simple,

But in practice, there are more problems, and the most important thing is to test a person's ability to coordinate.

Reconcile in the middle,

Pull one end and hit one end and so on.


Before sorting out the ground veins, the human emperor Shennong joined hands with all the human masters to set up a huge enchantment, covering the entire human border.

In order to isolate the human race from the outside world.

The purpose of this is mainly to prevent the innate evil spirit from the outside world from flowing into the territories of the human race after sorting out the earth veins.

If you really want to let the innate evil from the outside flow into the human race, wouldn't the previous efforts be in vain?

Fortunately, although the strength of the current human race is strong, it is far from reaching its peak. The territory occupied is limited, and it does not exceed the strength of Shennong and a group of human race masters.

Otherwise, if the Human Race was in its heyday and occupied almost half of the prehistoric, it would be that Shennong and a group of Terran masters tried their best, and they would not be able to set up an enchantment that enveloped the entire Human Race.

Even if Feng Zichen made the move, it didn't work.

This can only be achieved unless the Four Royals team up, or the Sanqing team joins forces.


After setting up the barrier, Shennong teamed up with everyone, and with the help of Honghuang Geography, began to sort out the ground veins again.

This sorting out the earth veins is not to purify them, but to change the direction of their flow so that they are distributed according to the Pangu meridian diagram.


It is the Pangu meridian diagram.

Based on three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian stars, Feng Zichen evolved a Pangu meridian map in the boundless starry sky, thus summoning the Pangu **** and man.

Since the endless starry sky can evolve the Pangu meridian diagram, it is of course also possible as a wild land made of Pangu flesh and blood, and the condensed Pangu meridian diagram will be of higher quality than the Pangu meridian diagram evolved from the endless starry sky.


That said the wild land of the peak period.

Today's prehistoric times have gone through the three great calamities of the ancient fierce beasts, the ancient three tribes, the ancient lichs, and many small calamities.

The Pangu meridian diagram condensed in this way is naturally not as powerful as before. However, even if the predecessor is broken, but the foundation is still there, no matter how weak it is, it can't go there.

At the very least, it is stronger than the endless starry sky!

The method Feng Zichen thought of to solve the innate evil spirit was to reorganize the earth veins and make them distribute according to the Pangu meridian pattern, so as to obliterate the innate evil energy that permeated the wild world.

The innate evil spirit in the veins has long been closely connected with it, and relying on external forces, there is absolutely no way to purify it.

The only way to purify the earth veins is to strengthen the self-adjusting power of the earth veins, so that they can rely on their own strength to obliterate the innate evil energy in the body and achieve the goal of self-healing.

This is the most reliable and effective plan that Feng Zichen thought of.

No matter how strong the external force is, how can it compare with self-healing?


Feng Zichen's method is called settling chaos anyway!

The veins all over the land are originally transformed by the meridians of Pangu.

But because of the changes in the years, the world has become easier, and there is no protection, coupled with the endless world-shaking battles, life and life are chaotic.

As a result, it deviated from the original track and became confused.

If this is not the case, if the primordial veins still follow the original trajectory, the heaven and the earth should become stronger and stronger. That is, the monks have been cultivating in general, and their strength will gradually increase.

It will never be like now, the heaven and the earth have become weaker and weaker, so that even Daluo Jinxian can't provide for it.

This is the fault of all beings!

But in the future, it won't.

Feng Zichen wanted to use Shennong's hand to correct the chaos of the wasteland and return it to its original track, so as to carry the "Great Zhoutian" and gradually repair the wasteland.

Moreover, after Shennong has sorted out the veins, Feng Zichen will still leave a means to protect the uncultivated land veins, so as not to be affected by the war and continue to deviate from its trajectory.

I believe that after the ground veins are sorted out, the future primordial land will be like a boundless starry sky, capable of self-cultivation, drawing the chaotic energy from the great chaos outside the realm to repair itself.



The center of Terran territory!

Under the urging of Shennong and others, the geomancy map shook violently, flew out of Shennong's hands, floated in the air, and burst into full force.


Infinite power, surging out from the prehistoric geography, majestic and vast, instantly enveloped the entire human race territory.

Then, a wonderful change took place.

Seeing, the entire Terran territory seemed to resonate with the prehistoric geomancy map, and it trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, strands of gorgeous brilliance gushed out from under the earth, converged on the ground, and gradually formed a bright golden line on the ground.

Unusual flashes!


It's the ground vein!

The dazzling golden lines imprinted on the ground are the veins hidden in the earth.

On weekdays, they hide in the depths of the earth and are almost invisible. But now, under the power of the prehistoric geomancy map, they have emerged from the depths of the earth, clearly appearing in front of everyone.

No trace of hiding!


"What a great power!"

Shennong, who is in charge of the prehistoric geomancy map, knows his power better than anyone. Because of this, Shennong was shocked.

That is the power to manipulate the origin of the earth.

In other words, if you have mastered the map of the prehistoric land, you can wait if you have mastered the power of the entire prehistoric land.

This is simply terrible.

With this kind of power, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is invincible above the earth.

Back then, if the Lich War took place on the wild land instead of in the endless starry sky, then there is no doubt that the Witch Clan would eventually become the ultimate victor.

It's a pity that the Wu clan is too big. Not only gave up his greatest advantage, but also directly attacked the Boundless Starry Sky, the home of the Yaozu.

With their own disadvantages and the advantage of attacking the enemy, the Wu clan will end up like this.


I really can't blame others!


Immersed in the power of the prehistoric geomancy map, Shennong's thinking diverged for a while.

He didn't come back to his senses until all the geomancy maps in the territories of the human race were fully manifested.

Then, it will be easy to handle.

With the help of the prehistoric geomancy map, the ground veins in front of Shennong and the others have no resistance at all, just like a strange baby, it can be said to be fiddled with.

In this way, everyone does not have to worry about it. When sorting out the ground veins, the ground veins are damaged due to the resistance of the ground veins.

No worries about the future, everyone let go of their hands and feet, sorted out the veins, and it was much faster.


The geomancy map has been trembling, constantly resonating with the earth.

It can be seen that as the resonance between the two is reached, each has released endless brilliance. These lights meet in the air, as if they are exchanging information.



Between the prehistoric geomancy map and the prehistoric land, the endless brilliance suddenly gathered together, slowly forming an extremely vague figure.

However, even though the figure was vague, the meridians in his body were extremely clear, and exuded with radiant spirit, with infinite mystery.


At the moment when this blurry image of the god-man emerged, an extremely stalwart and vast force burst out and shook the sky and the earth, the past, the present and the future, all time and space.

In the perception of everyone, they only feel that this powerful force is stalwart and ancient, even more stalwart and ancient than the world, and the incomparable vicissitudes of life seem to surpass everything.

However, although this force is powerful, it does not make people feel fear, but gives people heartfelt warmth.

It's like meeting the closest person!

Almost uncontrollably, the human masters present directly knelt down and worshipped the stalwart figure, although it looked vague.


no doubt,

In Honghuang, those who can have this kind of power,

Only the **** who pioneered the world-Pangu!

This vague figure is surprisingly Pangu projection!

Hong Huang Ge Tu constantly releases his own power, resonates with the earth, trying to awaken the Pangu aura buried deep at the end of the earth.


With the continuous efforts of the Great Land Survey, the witch atmosphere on his body gradually got in touch with the Pangu atmosphere buried deep at the end of the earth.

The two merged with each other, and then produced a wonderful power, which was able to awaken the remnants of Pangu left in the earth, thus condensing this Pangu phantom.

The entire prehistoric land was transformed by the flesh and blood of Pangu. It is conceivable that there must be remnants of Pangu in the earth.

And not a few!

The reason why the Pangu phantom condensed in the prehistoric geomancy map is relatively vague, not because of his power.

It is because that what resonates with the prehistoric geography is not the entire prehistoric land, but the territories of the human race that only occupies a very small part of the entire prehistoric land.

Compared to the entire prehistoric land, the territories of the human race are undoubtedly many, many times smaller. Therefore, the power of the Pangu phantom condensed in this way will undoubtedly be weakened a lot, and blurring is a normal thing.


With the manifestation of the Pangu phantom, the earth veins in the human territory became more active, even emerging from the ground, surrounding the Pangu phantom, as if on a pilgrimage.

This situation did not end until the power of Pangu phantom had completely converged.

After being unable to feel the breath of Pangu, a group of earth veins returned to the earth one after another.

However, the influence of Pangu phantom on the veins did not disappear due to the convergence of power. Under the influence of Pangu phantom, the veins of the primordial land became more coordinated.


Everyone only needs to move,

The earth veins will act very cooperatively.

What's more, it can take the initiative to cooperate with everyone.

And with the passage of time, the influence of Pangu phantom on the veins of the earth is getting bigger and bigger.

At the end,

Don’t even need everyone to do it,

That Di Channel spontaneously resonated with the Pangu phantom, compared with the movement of its meridians, spontaneously adjusted, and gradually reached agreement with it.

It's even more perfect than others adjusted by hand.

The Pangu phantoms are condensed and the Pangu meridians are clearly shown in the map of the prehistoric geography, so that Shennong and others can have a reference, so that they can sort out the veins of the prehistoric land faster and more accurately.

However, everyone did not expect that Pangu Phantom would have such a great influence on the earth veins, which directly caused the earth veins to be adjusted spontaneously, almost nothing happened to everyone.

Now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone just needs to keep a close eye on the operation of the ground veins, so as to check the deficiencies and make up for it, and there is really nothing wrong with it.

that's all,

Everyone silently watched the earth veins spontaneously adjust under the influence of Pangu Void.

Although, this move is extremely boring.

But in fact, this is a great opportunity.

The primordial land has been chaotic, and gradually moved closer to Pangu. The changes during this period are like Pangu personally showing the mystery of the earth to everyone, containing endless good fortune.

If you can understand one point, the future can be expected!



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