Flooded Star Road

Chapter 654: After the weather

at the moment,

The only thing to worry about,

It's time for Haotian to return.

If Haotian suddenly returns after Xuanqing abdicated and the two great emperors Gouchen and Antarctica have not yet ascended the throne, then everything will be over.

Even if Feng Zichen's plan is perfect, it is useless.

Because Haotian is the emperor that Tiandi truly recognizes, unless he loses virtue to the prehistoric world. Otherwise, in front of him, no one can compete with him for the position of the emperor of heaven.

Not even Feng Zichen.

Therefore, for the sake of the human race's plan, in any case, Haotian cannot be allowed to return before Gouchen and Antarctica are the same, and must do everything to prevent it.



"This matter can't be delayed!"

"Millions of years have passed, and Haotian may return at any time, so I need to make early plans. I can't let him destroy my plan."

Thinking of the impact after the return of Haotian Calendar Tribulation, Feng Zichen had a vague decision in his heart.

So, under the pretext of looking at the sky, he walked toward the other side of the chaos outside the sky to avoid everyone's sight.

Sanqing and others have nothing to do with this.

They also don't want to see Feng Zichen.

Since both sides look at each other and bother with each other, it is better not to see each other altogether.

Anyway, Sanqing and others were not worried about what little actions Feng Zichen would make. People have come to the chaos outside the sky, can he jump through the boundless chaos and interfere with the normal operation of the land?


Sanqing and others are relieved to feel tight about Feng Zichen.

It's just a pity that they still don't know Feng Zichen.

Not to mention the chaos outside the sky, that is, in the great chaos outside the world, Feng Zichen has a way to interfere with the normal operation of the prehistoric heaven and earth.

The huge Pangu projection standing above the wilderness is that after he leaves the wilderness, he still has a way to grasp the confidence of the wilderness.

after all,

The name of Pangu,

Go deep into every corner of the prehistoric world.



Feng Zichen walked in the chaos outside the sky for a long time, until he could not see Sanqing and the others before he stopped.

"It's here!"

After sinking his mind, Feng Zichen followed the connection in the dark, and established a connection with the Pangu projection that stood above the desolate world.


A very small wave radiated from Feng Zichen's body, stepped across the boundless chaos, and entered the body of Pangu Projection.

Then, seeing this incredible existence, he opened his eyes suddenly. Immediately, an invisible aura burst out, alarming the entire prehistoric world.


At this moment, all the primordial beings, including the great supernatural powers, and even the saints in the outer chaos, felt inexplicably throbbing in their hearts, and couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts, as if they were being stared at by some great existence.

But no matter how they probed, they couldn't find the source of the throbbing. Just in the midst of everyone's doubts, another supreme power swept across and passed over them.

After that, these great magicians all forgot what had just happened. The same is true for saints.

The reason for all this is the power of Pangu projection.

This shows the strength of Pangu.


Of course, not everyone was affected by the power of Pangu projection. After all, Pangu projection is only Pangu's projection, not the real Pangu, and the power is not unlimited.

And this upper limit is Hunyuan Great Perfection!


The Dao Ancestor Hongjun, who was in the Zixiao Palace, was not affected by this power. He still remembered everything that happened just now.




"Why does Pangu's power suddenly appear?"

"Could it be that there is any unknowing change in the prehistoric world?"

In the Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun stared at the prehistoric world with a look of uncertainty, hoping to find something wrong.

But it's a pity,

He stared wide-eyed for a long time, but he didn't find anything unusual. The Majestic World was still operating normally.

"It shouldn't be!"

After watching for a long time, Hongjun Daozu didn't see anything, so he reluctantly retracted his gaze and continued to feel the way of heaven.

He blamed all of this on Pangu's power being too strong, beyond his cognition. Therefore, He could not see anything.

It is normal for Hongjun Daozu to think this way.

After all, he couldn't see the impact of Pangu's move, and it was not once or twice. For example, last time Pangu's will suddenly manifested, and he slammed at the Chaos Demon God, he couldn't see what Pangu's purpose was.

This kind of thing may be shocked once or twice, but after experiencing more, I get used to it.



Just after Hongjun Daozu continued to enlighten the Dao, in places he couldn't see, under the influence of the power of Pangu's projection, the vast and unpredictable heavenly Dao slowly changed.

Heaven has changed,

There are countless changes in Tianji!

Everything that had been arranged in the dark began to undergo unknown changes. And among these changes, it is the arrangement regarding Haotian, which has the most variable.

The time for his return from the tribulations was silently delayed, and it was set in three million years.

Under the intervention of Pangu Projection, no matter when Tiandao arranged for the return of the Haotian Calendar, it is now three million years later.

And three million years is the limit that Feng Zichen can achieve. At the same time, it is also the limit that Heaven can bear.

If it exceeds this time, even with the Pangu projection, Feng Zichen will still be unable to escape the backlash of the heavens.

However, although three million years is not long, it is enough to give birth to three heavenly emperors.

This is exactly what Feng Zichen needs.



"In this way,"

"Everything will be fine."

"As long as nothing happens next, the plan will proceed smoothly."

After doing all this, Feng Zichen stopped worrying about what happened afterwards, and instead fell into practice.

He did what he should do.

Next, you can only obey the fate.

Being in the chaos outside the sky, separated by such a long distance, even if it is as powerful as him, it is impossible to always pay attention to everything in the prehistoric world.

In that case, it is better to take this opportunity to consolidate your realm!


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, one million years have passed.

And one million years, enough for earth-shaking changes.

At this time, the cultivation environment of the prehistoric world has further deteriorated, and the traces of the innate era are becoming fewer and fewer.

on the contrary,

The world is full of acquired atmosphere.

Obviously, Heaven and Earth Easier has reached the end, and it belongs to the acquired era, which is about to come completely.

The congenital era is about to become history!

For this reason, the innate creatures on the earth are becoming rarer and rarer. They either gradually withered in time, or they couldn't stand it, and went to the heaven.


There are exceptions to some innate creatures.

For example, those innate races that master Zhoutian Temple.

They relied on the Zhoutian Temple's ability to rebel against the innate, and barely retained some traces of the innate era.

But this does not indicate that

They are in great condition.

On the contrary, their current situation is very poor.

Although the Zhoutian Temple is powerful, it is not strong enough to contend with the general situation of heaven and earth.


Even if the Zhoutian Temple's power is fully activated, it can only affect the nearby areas, making it still retain the innate environment. Farther, it can't help it.

This means that the closer you are to Zhoutian Temple, the more perfect the innate environment will be preserved.

And the one that is far away?

The effect will show a stepwise decline, until there is no impact.

Zhoutian Temple's ability is limited, not enough to support the family, which forces those innate races to make a choice.

Let the direct line live near the Zhoutian Temple and occupy the best place. The collateral is living on the periphery of Zhoutian Temple.

In doing so, of course, the congenital blood of the direct line is preserved. But for those collaterals, the bloodline has already degenerated and gradually transformed into the acquired life.

to this end,

Ten Thousand Clan has become more and more depraved.

Of course, it is different from the gradual decline of the ten thousand races. With the advent of the acquired era, the human race, the first race of the acquired race, prospered more and more.

The boundless aura of luck has brought together a large number of masters in the human race, namely, Da Luo Jinxian, and more than a dozen masters have appeared one after another.

To some extent, the current strength of the human race has far surpassed the three religions.

This is not to say that Human Race is very strong, but that the Three Religions are too weak.

Even if the three religions are the orthodoxy of the saints, it cannot conceal the fact that the three religions are very weak.

How weak is it?

There are only three big Luo Jinxians, Xuanqing, Xuandu, and Duobao from the huge Three Sects.

Gee tut!

There are only three great Luo Jinxians, and they are a bit embarrassing to speak out, and they are really ashamed of the teachings of the saints.

But no matter what,

This is the sin of the saint himself, no wonder their disciples. It can even be said that it is precisely because of their drag that their disciples are unable to prove the truth.

Otherwise, with the talents of Guangchengzi, Taiyi, Sanxiao and others, it would be time to preach. It is not that until now, he is still in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian.

That's right, with the exception of Xuanqing, Xuandu, and Duobao, most of the other disciples of the Three Sects are in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian.

The reason,

It's because of their master.

At the beginning, the saint was sitting and watching the Lich battle, which led to the eruption of annihilation in the prehistoric world and the death of endless living beings.

Like this,

Naturally, boundless karma is attracted.

However, the saints do not suffer from karma, so these karma can't do anything with the saints. But once karma is born, it will never disappear for no reason.


Under the circumstances that they couldn't deal with the saints, those karma descended on the heads of their disciples following the connections in the dark.

People sit at home, and robbery comes from heaven.

Inexplicably, the disciples of the Sanjiao were charged with the crime of destroying the world.

It is not easy to be able to live with huge karma, still thinking about enlightenment?

Isn't that a dream?

So Xuan Du, Xuan Qing, and Duo Bao had proclaimed the Dao earlier, and thus escaped this calamity. But the rest of them didn't have the strength of the three of them, so they were all recruited.


That's it!

If nothing happens, they will stay in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal forever.

But Sanqing would not sit back and watch this situation continue. The disciples could not be enlightened, and their faces would be dull.


They are always looking for a solution.

Nearly tens of millions of years have passed, and Sanqing also thought of the solution to this matter. Now they are in the chaos outside the sky, while defending the chaos devil, they are also deducing the solution.

It is estimated that after they return to the land, they will be able to solve the problem that the disciples cannot break through.


This is a matter of Sanqing, and has nothing to do with Feng Zichen.

Right now, something closely related to Feng Zichen is happening.



With the advent of the acquired era, the heaven and the earth, countless fortunes, crazily gathered to Gou Chen Xing.

Its luck was so strong that it almost condensed into a huge storm visible to the naked eye in the sky above Gou Chenxing.

boom! boom! boom!

The gusty wind howled, making a huge rubbing sound with the air, attracting the eyes of a large group of great magicians.


"A lot of luck!"

Seeing the scene on Gou Chen Xing, a group of great supernatural powers were shocked and speechless. Almost condensed into physical luck, when did they see this scene?

It's too much!

After the shock, only envy was left in everyone's hearts.

If so much luck can be given to them, even if it is only one-third, it is estimated that it will not be long before they can be pushed to the realm of Hunyuan Daluojinxian.

But it's a pity,

This kind of thing can only be thought of.

This is the spontaneous gathering of air and luck from heaven and earth, which cannot be snatched or destroyed. Therefore, even if everyone is greedy, they can't move any of them.



no doubt,

These lucks all belonged to Feng Zichen, that is, Emperor Gouchen.

With the advent of the acquired era, Feng Zichen, the first creature of the acquired, also began to gradually show his edge.

Heaven and earth come together,

That's the first step!

After that, there are endless benefits waiting for him.

If Feng Zichen could seize the opportunity and follow the example of Hongjun Dao ancestor to pass down the Dao Dao, then under the impetus of endless luck, he may not have the possibility of becoming Dao ancestor.

The acquired ancestors,

It is Feng Zichen's future fruit position!


"Unexpectedly, the first creature the day after tomorrow has such benefits. Dao Zun's fortune is really enviable."

"With the help of these fortunes, I am afraid that it will not be long before Honghuang will have an extra Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Looking at the luck on Gou Chenxing, everyone said with envy.

At the beginning, they felt that Feng Zichen, as the first creature of the acquired, must have great luck in the future. But they did not expect that this good fortune would be so great, completely beyond their imagination.

Also, the great famine at that time was the time when the congenital era was in full swing. At that time, who would have thought that such a glorious innate era would directly wither and be replaced by the acquired era?

Everything ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is fate, I won't be envious.


"However, judging from the gathering of these fortunes, Gou Chen Xing, the last time Gou Chen was really guilty of death, really..."


Through these luck, it is not difficult for everyone to detect the true situation.

If Gouchen really fell, then weather luck would be impossible.

At least,

It will not appear before he is resurrected.

Because the dead are out of luck!

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