Flooded Star Road

Chapter 678: Gou Chen who is going to fall again

Those are nine extremely powerful beings, and looking at their breath, all of them are terrifying. Each one can be said to stand at the top of the quasi-sage realm.

I'm afraid there is only a thin line away from the supreme Hunyuan Daluo Golden Fairy Realm, as if I can step through it at any time.

But it is the front line that seems extremely easy to break through, but it is like a ditch blocking them in front of them, making them unable to step forward. That is the most critical and the last step.

Therefore, after failing to make a breakthrough through their own efforts, they had to cast their eyes on external forces.

And the imprint of human luck on Dayu's body has become their best choice.

In terms of their background, once the human aura in Dayu's body is refined, he will definitely be able to enter the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Therefore, just as Dayu fell into a deep sleep, these great supernatural powers, who had been unable to break through, finally couldn't restrain the greed in their hearts and chose to take a risk and attack Dayu.

These nine great supernatural powers are like this. The same is true for those great supernatural powers who are fighting with the Five Human Race and their allies.

The difference is that these nine great supernatural powers who have just appeared are much stronger than the group of great supernatural powers that appeared in the first place.

They are the top figures among the great supernatural powers, and the strongest group of existences under the saints.

It is precisely because they are strong enough that they have the confidence to still dare to attack Dayu under the protection of Emperor Gouchen.

As for the cause and effect after the killing of Dayu?

They really don't care anymore.

If they can succeed, they are bound to succeed in entering the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. In this way, no matter how great the cause and effect are, it can't help them.

If it fails,

That is the murder of the emperor.

In this way, even if they are guilty, it is not a serious sin.

After all, as long as people are still alive, there is still room for maneuver. At most, it is a matter of paying more.

There was no scruples in the heart, these great magicians started their hands, naturally a little unscrupulous.



"It's about enlightenment, and the poor and the others have no choice."

After a moment of silence, the head of the nine people spoke.

Yes, in order to become enlightened, they can even set aside their own life and death, let alone the life and death of others.

This battle has nothing to do with enmity, but just a group of people who seek the truth, for their own so-called path.

And this is the most troublesome place.

A person with a firm heart will not easily shake his decision because of the words of outsiders.

From their longing eyes, Emperor Gouchen understood their determination. In order to become enlightened, they will not retreat, and a great battle is inevitable.


Looking at the nine people who were constantly approaching, Emperor Gouchen not only frowned. His state at this time is not as relaxed as it seems.

In order to save Dayu, he was forced to explode his human luck. This was not without a price. The huge force formed when the Qi Luck exploded, while flying the enticed saint, it also shocked him into serious injuries.

In other words,

In other words, he is now in a state of serious injury, and he can't show up to 10% of his peak strength.

With the strength of Emperor Gouchen, even if he could only exert his strength less than 10%, not to mention the easy suppression of the nine killed, it would be more than enough to block them.

However, the Great Emperor Gouchen was never worried about them, but the enticement of the saints who looked at him.

He can easily block these nine top supernatural powers, but he is not sure to deal with the attracting saints at their peak.

Given the current state of the Great Emperor Gouchen, if the enticed saint chooses to make a full shot, it is estimated that it will not take long before he will be suppressed by the enticed saint.

One-on-one, he will not be the opponent to attract the saints, let alone add nine prehistoric and top-level great supernatural powers.

This battle is really going to be fought, and Emperor Gouchen will have no chance of winning. In this way, it is no wonder that he frowned.

It doesn't matter if he is dead,

But Dayu couldn't die.


Just as Emperor Gouchen was thinking about the way to retreat from the enemy, the leading saint who had been overturned to the ground before got up from the ground unhurriedly, and slowly rushed towards Emperor Gouchen.


Taking the saint one step forward, first the twelfth-rank merit golden lotus bloomed at his feet; then a blue light rose from his body and turned into the best innate merit spirit treasure, the oriental blue lotus color banner, hung above his head. superior.

In the end, the high-grade Xiantian Lingbao took the lead and appeared in his hands.

These three congenital spirit treasures can be said to be the entire family of the saint. This time, in order to deal with Emperor Gouchen, he used all his brains.

This shows the anger in his heart.

In fact, it is shameful to be overturned on the ground! Especially, this incident still happened in the public, making it impossible for the receiving saint to block the news.

In front of so many acquaintances, he lost his face, even with the mood of attracting the saint, he couldn't help but feel annoyed. He wanted to use the means of Vajra to conquer the devil, and eventually Gouchen the Great, in order to save his face.

In addition, if he fights against Emperor Gochen at this time, even if he can't kill him, he can still be held back, so that the nine people can attack Dayu.

When he started to go to the Great Emperor Gouchen, he had already made a decision in the heart of attracting the saint. Today, between Emperor Gouchen and Emperor Dayu, one must die.

Otherwise, in the future, His Western teaching will be in great trouble. The stronger the human race, the more disadvantaged it is for Western religion.

But now, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to suppress the human race is so brightly placed in front of the introduction of the saint, how can he miss it?

Therefore, it became inevitable to attack the Great Emperor Chen. Whether it was the death of Gouchen or the death of Dayu, it was a good thing for Western religions.

Best, two people die together!




"It's really unexpected, I still have to get to this point in the end."

"Well, let the widow do the last thing for the human race!"

When he saw the enchanted saint slaying toward him aggressively, Emperor Gouchen knew that there was absolutely no possibility of good in this matter.

Even so, he didn't have much to hesitate, and immediately began to burn his own origin and fight to the death.

With a bang, a dazzling light rose from the body of Emperor Gouchen. That is the light that blooms when the source is burning, it is extremely dazzling, more glaring and dazzling than the sun, illuminating the ancient and modern future, the endless universe.


In an instant, a tyrannical aura erupted from Great Emperor Gouchen, centering on it, spreading towards the prehistoric world.


Unprepared, the nine top supernatural powers that were killing Emperor Gouchen were swept away by this tyrannical aura.

After sweeping away the nine great supernatural powers, this momentum blasted towards the holy men who came behind them.


"This power..."

Even if it was better than attracting a saint, in front of this power, he couldn't help but change his face and stopped.

"Is it impossible..."


As if thinking of some terrible possibility, the face of the leading saint not only showed an expression of disbelief, but also took a deep breath.

However, the next moment, as if confirming his guess, the realm of Emperor Gouchen began to skyrocket, and in a blink of an eye, he crossed the triple heaven, from the realm of the Hunyuan Triple Heaven to the realm of the Hunyuan Sixth Heaven.

"Damn it!"

"Gou Chen, are you crazy?"

"It actually burned the origin!?"

Suddenly understood what happened to attract the saint, his face changed drastically, and he didn't care about the saint's manners, and he roared crazy.

He is scared!

I'm really scared!

The introduction of the saint was completely frightened by Emperor Gouchen's act of burning the origin.

He knew that Emperor Gouchen was acting crazy, but he did not expect that this person was a lunatic from beginning to end, a lunatic completely.

Oh my god!

What is he doing?

It's actually burning the origin!

That is the root of a person. Is he really going to die?

Just for a Dayu, is it really worth it?

Yes, that's right!

The introduction of the saint does not deny that he does have the idea of ​​killing Emperor Gouchen. But he really just thought about it, and didn't plan to make actual actions.

His goal, from beginning to end, was to hold down Emperor Gouchen, so as to give those nine great supernatural powers a period of time to kill Dayu.

Because, he cannot bear the cause and effect of killing the emperor, nor can the Western religion bear it.

Emperor Gouchen is now the emperor of heaven!

It is so hard to think about attracting the saints, that he decided to take a shot against Emperor Chen at this time. Isn't that uncomfortable for oneself?

Therefore, the real goal of attracting saints has always been the sleeping Da Yu.

According to his thoughts, as long as he could hold the emperor Goochen, under the hands of the nine great supernatural powers, Dayu would have no life at all.

In this way, even if the Great Emperor Gou Chen was angry afterwards, it would not help, because Dayu was already dead anyway.

At the same time, he will also get one, or several Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level allies.

Only after Dayu's fall, the Western religion has made a lot of money in this battle.

However, what the sage enlisted was beautiful, but he underestimated the determination of Emperor Gouchen.

He would never have thought that in order to be a small Yu, the Great Emperor Gouchen would rather sacrifice himself and save him.

This action undoubtedly disrupted all subsequent plans to attract the saint and put him in an embarrassing situation.

What should I do next?

Fighting, it must be impossible to fight.

Otherwise, once Gouchen the Great is in the process of fighting with him, his source will be exhausted and he will reach the end of his life. The crime of killing the emperor fell firmly on his head.

He can't carry this pot!

Thinking of this, the heart of the leading saint jumped sharply, seeming to understand the plan of Emperor Gouchen.

Then, he flew to the distance without knowing his head, and at an extremely fast speed, he moved away from the battlefield here.

Looking at the posture of the Great Emperor Gouchen, it was obvious that he wanted to put the charge of killing the emperor on his head, so as to hold the cause and effect of his action today.

Such a scheming is really vicious!

How can people's hearts be so dirty?

Knowing the plan of Emperor Gouchen in his heart, how could he stay in the same place stupidly to attract the saint, and give him the opportunity to calculate himself, naturally it is better to leave early.



"Ha ha!"


"Did you go?"

"I just remembered to leave now, but it was too late."

Looking at the frantically fleeing figure leading the saint, Emperor Gouchen couldn't help but shook his head. At this point, He could not escape.

He didn't hesitate to abandon his cultivation, and paid such a high price, how could he be allowed to get away easily?

That is, it was going to die again, it was really helpless.

Forget it, after this incident, the identity of Emperor Gouchen should have died three times.

Time flies so fast, but with millions of years of effort, Gouchen has already died three times.

So, everyone should get used to it!

Regardless of whether everyone is used to it or not, He is already getting used to it.

Habit is really a terrible force!



Although he was sure to stop and lead the saint, at this time, Emperor Gouchen did not choose to take a shot, but instead focused on the nine top great supernatural powers who were knocked into the air.

Saint, that is the end of the feast, naturally it must be put to the end. And the nine top-level supernatural powers at the moment are just appetizers, and now is the time to solve them so as to prepare for the next big meal.


"Before the establishment of the Nine Provinces barrier, Dayu wanted to gather nine great supernatural powers as a front line, but he tried his best to find the nine great supernatural powers."

"Therefore, in desperation, he had to retreat to second place and replace the nine great supernatural powers with nine powerful innate beasts."

"Although, the power of the Kyushu enchantment with the nine powerful-level innate beasts as the front line is pretty good."

"But I have to say that compared with the enchantment formed by the nine great supernatural powers, it is somewhat different in terms of power and other aspects."

"Therefore, this matter has become Dayu's regret."

The nine people were suppressed with a wave of his hand, but the Great Emperor Gouchen did not rush to kill them, but told them stories without delay.


Hearing this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These great supernatural powers who were suppressed by Emperor Gouchen changed their faces and struggled desperately.

It's all for this, how can the nine people not understand the meaning of the words of Emperor Chen. This clearly means to replace the innate beasts with them.

For them, being beheaded and killed is not terrible, anyway, it will not completely die, and will be resurrected at any time. But it would be troublesome to be sealed by suppression.

Once sealed, and want to regain freedom, then I don't know when to wait.

Therefore, some great supernatural powers would rather choose to be beheaded than to be sealed.

"You said that now there is an opportunity to make up for Dayu's regrets in front of the widow. Will the widow do it or not?"

Ignoring the struggle of the people, Emperor Gouchen asked the nine people with a smile, as if he was really asking for their opinions.

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