Flooded Star Road

Chapter 695: 3Clean up the Warcraft


at this moment,

   The anger in Sanqing's heart has completely turned into substance, manifested by their side, igniting the void.


   is almost at the same time, the three congenital treasures of Taiji Tu, Pangu flags, and Zhuxian's Four Swords flew out from behind Sanqing, and flew towards Guixu and the heart demon.

   How long has it been since the birth of Guixu and Inner Demons? But more than ten million years.

   Even with the blessing of the magic way, his cultivation has only just touched the realm of the great magical powers. It can be said that it is far from the Sanqing and others, and it is completely incomparable.

   Not to mention, Sanqing also used the innate treasure.

   Therefore, this blow is to return to the ruins and the heart demon to throw everything out, and it is also unstoppable. If he is hit, he will only end up dead, without exception.

   But it's a pity that in the face of all this unmatched, the two of Guixu and the heart demon have no intention of resisting. Seeing the moment when the three innate treasures fell, the two of them directly disappeared into the ruins.


   That tyrannical force burst out above Guixu, destroying everything, but it didn't hurt Guixu a bit.

  Return to the market is the end of heaven and earth, and it is also the most important part of the great cycle of heaven and earth.

   Otherwise, the world will become incomplete. Therefore, it is better than Sanqing, and it is also afraid to destroy the land of the ruins.

   The price is too great.

   Seeing the two hiding in Guixu, even though Sanqing was reluctant in his heart, he still had to admit that they had no choice but to take the two for the time being.

   However, this tone is indispensable, otherwise, they are unhappy in their hearts.


Seeing a movement of Sanqing's heart, the three innate treasures suddenly circled around Guixu, and released the supreme power, forming a huge light curtain above Guixu, covering the whole of it. .

   That is a seal!

   Unable to destroy the Guixu and force them out, the three clears simply sealed the entire Guixu to trap the two to death.

   I have to say, this idea is very good.

   Guixu and the heart demon cannot come out, even if the newly born Heavenly Demon Dao is mostly abolished, how can it compete with the Heavenly Immortal Dao?

   As for the problem of unbalanced turbidity?

   Since Sanqing dared to establish the Heavenly Immortal Dao, naturally there was a solution, but the Heavenly Demon Dao that did not return to the ruins was brilliant.

   If the two of Guixu and the Heart Demon suddenly set up the Heavenly Demon Dao and were caught off guard, then their plan for the congenital turbidity would be put on the agenda.

   What's the matter with the Heavenly Demon Dao!

   However, although Sanqing’s plan is good, their seal is unable to seal the return to the ruins and the demons.

  Yes, it is Guixu and the heart demon who have joined forces to face the seal placed by the Sanqing with the innate treasure, but they are helpless, but nothing can be done.

   But the inside cannot be destroyed, and the outside is not necessarily.

   Feng Zichen is still outside!

   had turned his face with Sanqing, he acted naturally without any scruples, breaking the seal of Sanqing, and releasing the two Taoists of the Heavenly Demon Dao, what is it?


   As long as it is something that can add a block to Sanqing, He Fengzichen will dare to do it!

   At this time, Feng Zichen planned. After Sanqing relaxes, he will directly take action and use the power of the boundless starry sky to break the seal of Sanqing left in Guixu.



"Ha ha!"

   "It's really interesting!"

   "Someone really dared to extract their teeth and count the three Taoists on Kunlun Mountain."

   "It's really interesting!"

   "I want to come, the faces of the three fellow Taoists must be pretty."

   At this time, the great supernatural powers also understood what happened just now, and couldn't help but laugh.

   There are not many things that can deflate Sanqing!


   On the other side, Sanqing, who took back the innate treasure, obviously heard the laughter of everyone, and couldn't help but snorted with a calm face.

   This kind of thing is really hard to care about.


   After the merits of the Heavenly Immortal Dao, above the sky, there are more Xuanhuang merits gathered.

   That is the merit of changing the heavens and the earth, the number of which almost obscures half of the sky. Although it is not as good as Nuwa's merits of creating human beings and transforming into reincarnation, it is also comparable to Feng Zichen's merits of rebuilding the boundless starry sky.

   Changing heaven and earth affects the entire prehistoric world, and it can be called immense merit. It is normal for Sanqing to have so many merits.


   As if the sun fell, the bright Xuanhuang Gongde poured down from the sky, and fell formidable towards Kunlun Mountain.

   However, seeing the merits fall, Sanqing did not set out to collect them, but instead used their magical powers to break the merits that descended.

   As soon as he heard a boom, the golden light of merit like the sun shattered suddenly, scattered into countless light spots, and fell on the bodies of the three generations of disciples in the Profound School.

   It can be seen that as the merits enter the body, the karma entwined on the spiritual stage of the three generations of Xuanmen disciples begins to slowly dissipate.

   I don't know how long it has passed, and when that merit is completely exhausted, the karma of the three generations of Xuanmen disciples also disappeared.

   In a trance, those three generations of disciples all had a feeling of turning the clouds and seeing the fog. The barriers to the realm that had troubled them for so many years have completely disappeared.

   After many years,

   They saw the way forward again.

   For a time, these three generations of disciples couldn't help but leave tears of joy.

  How many years have they been, how many years have they been trapped in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian?

   In the previous years, no matter how they practiced, they could never get closer. They could only watch those people whose talents were not as good as theirs, surpass them step by step, and leave them far behind.

   That kind of taste, how can it be so uncomfortable?

   It is impossible to say that these disciples have no hatred in their hearts. In the past, they might feel that it was a great blessing in life to be able to approve of a saint.

   But now, they just regretted not.

  What a blessing, it's obviously a huge pit!

   Originally, with their talents, even if they didn't apprehend a teacher or a saint, they would still be able to cultivate into Da Luo Jinxian.

   But because of their apprenticeship to the saint, they waste countless years and miss too much.


   At this moment, these three generations of disciples have seen the hope of a breakthrough again. What a joy it should be, it is no less than a new life.


   Seeing the scene of the disciples crying with joy, Yuan Shi Tianzun's face couldn't help showing a trace of guilt. It is He who has tired the disciples and caused them to lose their bright future.

  He Yuanshi Tianzun,

   is a disciple who is ashamed of himself after all.



   Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

   At this time, the three generations of Xuanmen disciples, because of the abandonment of the innate way, have revised the acquired way.

   Their background is already strong, and they are not in vain for countless years.

   After countless years of hard work, their mana, soul, and body have long been polished to the point of being extremely complete.

   At this moment, I am revamping the way of the day after tomorrow. Once that foundation erupts, the cultivation level can naturally be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

   In addition, the acquired path is simpler than the innate path, and their progress is faster, and it doesn't take long for them to cultivate into the Daluo Jinxian.

   Of course, that is the Da Luo Jinxian of the acquired way, not the Da Luo Dao Zun of the innate way.

   Not to mention these disciples, just say that in the deepest part of Kunlun Mountain, where the ancestral line of the East is located, the Sanqingzheng gathered together, as if preparing a certain big plan.

   It can be seen that in front of Sanqing, there is a huge congenital turbid gas source, which is floating in the air, slowly turning.

   good fellow!

   The origin of congenital turbidity!

  In Kunlun Mountain, this place called the ancestor of the heavenly immortality, there is such a large group of congenital turbidity origin, still in front of Sanqing.

   It’s okay to say that, then who would believe it!

   At this moment, Sanqing is surrounding the source of this group of congenital muddy qi, and their hands are surrounded by the light of sacred good fortune.

   They want to...

   That's right,

   is creating creatures!

   Sanqing obviously wanted to create a race based on the origin of the congenital turbidity, in order to alleviate the imbalance of the prehistoric turbidity.

   Races created with the original source of congenital turbid qi must naturally feed on congenital turbid qi.

   So, in a sense, as long as the number of this race is large enough, then under their efforts, the consumption rate of congenital turbidity will definitely catch up with the consumption rate of congenital cleanness.

   In this way, as long as it is operated properly, there will never be a clear and turbid unbalance.

   And this is the way Sanqing thought of in order to deal with the unbalance of turbidity. However, before they could implement this plan, the Heavenly Demon Dao was born, completely disrupting their arrangement.


   shot at this time, but it's not too late.

   As the two demon ancestors of the Demon Dao were sealed in the Guixu by them today, the development of the Demon Dao will inevitably be hindered.

   And this is Sanqing's opportunity.

   As long as they can, in the shortest time, develop the race created with the original source of turbid aura into a behemoth that can replace the Dao of Heavenly Demon.

   Then, isn't the way of the devil being a joke?

   The situation can be reversed by them in an instant.

   With this idea, after Sanqing finished changing the world, he didn't care to explain to his disciples, and went straight into the deepest part of Kunlun Mountain.

   There is the ancestral vein of the East, and the source of congenital turbid qi is absolutely indispensable.

   Just like this, Sanqing stayed in the depths of Kunlun Mountains for thousands of years. And in these thousands of years, they finally completed all the preparations and began to complete the last step of the plan to create creatures.

   In order to ensure that there will be no mistakes in this plan, Sanqing was ruthless in his heart, and did not intend to use the magical powers he had understood to create creatures, but used an innate treasure of good fortune attributes.


   He only heard a soft drink from the Taiqing saint, and saw him throw it away and sacrifice the dragon head in his hand.

   After him, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master also sacrificed their own treasures, the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi and Qingping Sword.


   The three treasures of proof and Tao met in the air, and the aura gradually reached a resonance.

   Then, I saw that the figures of the three treasures of the Taoist Tao gradually became illusory, and a cyan lotus with a 24th grade blooming slowly emerged from the void.

  In an instant,

   The whole earth vein is located, and the aura of good fortune is permeated.


   This blue lotus flower,

   is the innate treasure that has long been ruined, the twenty-four good fortune green lotus!

  The power of the three treasures of the three clear dragons, the three treasures of the jade ruyi, and the three treasures of the Qingping sword, in the deepest part of Kunlun Mountain, reproduce the green lotus, the most precious good fortune of the sky!

  The creatures created with the good fortune of Qinglian are definitely much stronger than those created by Sanqing himself.

There is no doubt about this.

   After all, there is a specialization in surgery!

   Good Fortune Qinglian appeared, and a strong qi of good fortune that was almost indestructible emerged, and merged into the source of the congenital turbid Qi.


   After absorbing the qi of good fortune, the original source of the congenital turbid qi began to tremble, and a ray of vitality slowly appeared on his body.


   Seeing this, the body of Good Fortune Qinglian suddenly burst out with divine light of good fortune, constantly brushing away to the source of the congenital turbid energy.

   And that group of congenital turbid air source, every time it is brushed by the divine light of good fortune, the vitality of the body is full. Gradually, a breath of life emerged in it.


   The green lotus of good fortune trembled lightly, and a mysterious wave permeated and injected into the source of the congenital turbid qi.

   Suddenly, an amazing change happened!

   The original source of the congenital turbid qi, as if being stimulated, began to squirm violently.

   Then, a source of Qi rolled down from its body, fell to the ground and turned into a small yellow beast.


   just heard a low beast roar, from the newborn little beast, marking the birth of a new race.


   At the moment the little beast was born, there was a thunderbolt on the clear day, and a huge thunder sound rang through the Three Realms.

   is the birth of a new race from heaven and earth, celebrating its birth with thunder as a joy.

   The picture turned back to the depths of Kunlun Mountain, and the birth of the little beast seemed to be some kind of omen. After Him, more little beasts were born soon.

   Until the original source of turbid qi has been consumed, no new little beasts will be born.

   At this moment, there are 129,600 small beasts born from the original source of congenital turbid qi, which is just in line with the number of one yuan.

   "Heaven is here!"

   "Today's Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing see the unbalance of the world and the earth, so the demon clan was specially established to balance the turbidity."

   At this time, Sanqing suddenly spoke. Immediately afterwards, I saw them waving their sleeves and directly sweeping these newly born monsters into the wild world.


   The words fall, the heavens and the earth are born, and the merits are lowered, which is regarded as acknowledging the existence of this clan.

   From this moment on, the race that Sanqing created with the original source of turbid energy was called a monster.

  It is also funny to say, the dignified ancestor of the immortal Dao, the race created is not called a fairy beast, but a monster.

  What an irony!



   "Good means!"

   "Three Muslims are a good way!"

   On the purple star, Feng Zichen hammered the armrest and couldn't help but said in shock.

   At the moment of the birth of Beast, he understood Sanqing's plan. It was precisely because he understood Sanqing's plan that he was so shocked.

   Sanqing's reaction speed is really fast enough, and his side has just calculated them. How long has passed since then, they thought of a solution and countered it.

   I really wanted to make Sanqing's plan a success, even if the magic way was abolished that day. The hard work of the two of Guixu and the heart demon during this period will also be in vain.

   Through the layers of void, you can see that the luck of the Heavenly Demon Dao suddenly becomes shaky.

   And this is caused by the impact of the luck of the Warcraft clan.

   Don't doubt, once the demon clan grows up, it will definitely take the place of the demon.



  He is here to make trouble,

   How can Sanqing's plan be successful?

   Thinking like this, Feng Zichen made a move.


   At this moment, the stars of Zhou Tian vibrated, and they all brightened together. There were galaxies emerging, flowing among the stars. There are cosmic lights flickering, illuminating the endless starry sky.

   "Star River Zhouguang Great Array, get up!"

   In the cold starry sky, Feng Zichen's majestic voice suddenly sounded.

   Then, I saw a starlight like a pillar, hanging down from the endless starry sky, as if running through the whole world, heading straight to the ruins.


   Under the attack of this starlight, the seal under the Sanqing's Innate Supreme Treasure was shattered.

   At this point, the return to the ruins and the inner demons have regained their freedom!



   It was almost the moment when the seal was broken. On Kunlun Mountain, the sound of Sanqing's rage sounded.

   Before the sound fell, the three congenital treasures of Taiji Tu, Pangu Banner, and Zhuxian Sword Formation had broken through the air and hit Feng Zichen on the purple star.

   "Good job!"

   Seeing this, Feng Zichen said good, and directly urged the galaxy cosmic light array, gathering countless stars, blocking the road from the three great innate treasures.


   The starlight collided with the three innate treasures, and the violent power spread out, causing the prehistoric world to shake.

   Under this blow,

   There is a tendency of instability in the world.

   Boom boom boom...

   The aftermath dissipated, the stars were all shattered, and the three innate treasures also stopped in front of the endless starry sky.

   Then, without waiting for the two sides to continue fighting, the will of Heaven suddenly came and forcibly stopped the battle.

   didn't see how the heavens moved their hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I felt that there was a supreme power that suddenly appeared in the world, mighty, crushing everything.

   Then, I saw the three innate treasures fly back and fall back into the Kunlun Mountains. The Zhoutian star power that permeated the sky and the earth also rolled back and returned to the boundless starry sky.

   The Heavenly Dao does not allow Hunyuan-level battles to erupt in the prehistoric times. Therefore, the two sides were forcibly separated.

   Of course, if you really want to fight, that's okay, but you have to move to the chaos outside the sky first.

   You can fight in Chaos Outside the Sky, but you can't fight in the Primordial World.

   After separating the two parties, Tian Dao didn't stop there, but each imposed a ban on both parties, so that they would not be allowed to step out of the dojo within the One Yuanhui.

   This is the warning!

   is also killing chickens and monkeys!

   Even Emperor Ziwei and Sanqing were punished, let alone others.

   In the future, if there are great magicians who want to fight in the wild, they must carefully weigh them.



   Faced with the ban from Heaven, Feng Zichen just snorted and didn't say much.

   Ke Sanqing's face is undoubtedly hard to see. One yuan will not be able to go out, so how many things have to be delayed for them!

  Especially at this critical moment, they can’t go out in one yuan meeting. Doesn’t that give the Heavenly Demon Dao time to develop?

   At this moment, Sanqing has no choice but to doubt, the way of heaven is deliberate.

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