Flooded Star Road

Chapter 714: Force Yuanshi


Hongjun Daozu's words fell, and the enshrined god's list stood up and flew from the front of Sanqing, and fell into Haotian's hands.

"It's stingy!"

Although Feng Zichen expressed his understanding of Hongjun Daozu's actions, he still couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

But there is no way. Among the ten people present, only one of them is an outsider, and the rest are disciples of Taoist ancestor. Even if it is good, the first thing that Taoist ancestor thinks of is his own disciple.

Human nature!



"Friend Haotian, can you use the Conferred God List to use it?" Feng Zichen said, looking at Haotian who was a little excited because of the Conferred God List.


"What did fellow Taoists do with this treasure?"

Although he was a little confused, Haotian still handed Feng Zichen the Conferred God List in his hand.

"What can Poor Dao do with the Fengshen List? Naturally, I have to fill in a few names on it."

Taking the Conferred God List from Haotian's hands, Feng Zichen said with a smile.

Then, I saw him using his finger as a pen to write the names of Yang Jian and his mother on the list of conferred gods.


When Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Taoist saw this scene, they couldn't help being angry, and they wanted to stop talking, but they opened their mouths, but they couldn't say anything.

It's really irresponsible!

Moreover, just for the majesty of the heavenly court, Yang Jian and his mother must also be on the list of gods.

Otherwise, the emperors of the Heavenly Court will never give up, and when the time comes, it will be another big wave.

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Daoist each gave a cold snort, turned their heads to look at it again, and no longer looked at the Conferred God List.

It's just that they don't want to watch, but Feng Zichen insists on forcing them to watch.

"Why, not convinced?"

"The two Taoists have forgotten that these two are the criminals of the heavenly court, and they are going to be executed on Xiantai. If you hadn't intervened, they would have died and died."

"Such fortunately, the appearance of the Conferred God List allowed them to stay on the list and survive. It is a great fortune."

"That's it, the two fellow daoists are still not satisfied. Are you satisfied if you want to let the poor Dao and the Haotian fellow daoists give them the throne?"

Seeing the unhappy expressions on their faces, Feng Zichen couldn't help but sneered.


After being ridiculed by Feng Zichen, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Taoist were unable to collapse at that time, and they wanted to express their irony.

But before the two spoke, they were interrupted by Feng Zichen.

"Don't be convinced."

"Yang Jian is just the beginning. Those of your disciples will also be on the list of gods."

"I really thought that Heavenly Court's prime culprit was so catastrophic? Don't pay any price? It's really ridiculous."

"What do the Twelve Golden Immortals think of Heavenly Court? Is it the back garden of Kunlun Mountain? Come and leave if you want."

"After several times, can you find someone more arrogant than them?"

"Today, the widow will tell you that the prisoners in the heavenly court are not so erosive."

"If those fanatics are not brought to justice, then where is the face of my heavenly court? Where is the heavenly rules?"

While speaking, a powerful momentum rose from Feng Zichen's body, oppressing Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Taoist.

At this moment, Feng Zichen wanted to let the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Interpretation and Cultivation to be on the list of enshrined gods, so as to let the world know that the heavenly court could not be insulted.

Ha ha, robbed the field.

When the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao were on the list of deities, Feng Zichen asked them to guard Zhanxiantai. Don't you just rob the magic field, let you rob enough.

If it is not possible to explain and teach the twelve golden immortals canon punishment, then who will look at the heavens in the future?



"So courageous!"

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Taoist were really angry, and they shouted violently, and at the same time released their own aura and forced them towards Feng Zichen.


The three powerful auras met in the air, entangled with each other, the horrible fluctuations spread, the void was distorted, there were signs of instability, and it seemed that it could not bear this kind of power to break apart.

Seeing, a big battle is about to break out.

At the critical moment, I listened to Hongjun Daozu's unhappy scolding: "Enough, are you going to demolish the poor Dao Zixiao Palace?"

While speaking, an invisible force spread from Hongjun Daozu's body, and with an autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, it quickly erased the momentum of the Feng Zichen trio.

"Master (teacher, Taoist ancestor), we dare not."

Seeing this, the three said quickly.


After blocking the three of them, Daozu Hongjun just snorted and didn't care about them. Instead, he said: "Heaven is the face of a majestic world, and its majesty is indeed inviolable."

Having said this, I saw him pause for a while, seeming to be considering the words, and then continued:

"But, after all, the twelve golden immortals have the heavy responsibility of elucidating the teachings and inheritance. If all of them are put on the list of the gods, wouldn't the elucidating teachings exist in name only?"

"So, according to the poor Tao's opinion, how about letting the Twelve Golden Immortals choose a few disciples and be on the list for them?"

After speaking, Hongjun Dao Ancestor took a deep look at Feng Zichen, as if implying that he would accept it if he sees it well.

"Master is right!"

"It is true that Guangchengzi and others are at fault, but they are not guilty of death. Otherwise, let them find a few people and take it for them."

Originally, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was worried about the safety of his disciples because Hongjun Daozu was standing on the side of the heavenly court, suddenly heard Daozu's proposal, as if he had grasped the life-saving straw, and agreed with Dao without even thinking about it.


At this time, Feng Zichen seemed a little hesitant. He naturally understands the principle of accepting as soon as you see it.

But the problem is that the prerequisite for the harvest is to see the benefits, but he hasn't seen it yet. Where do you want him to harvest?

Feng Zichen's purpose was to send the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Explanation and Education to the list of the gods, so as to save the face of the heavens, and let out a sigh of relief.

Of course, He didn't intend to send all the Twelve Golden Immortals of Explanation and Teaching, which is obviously unrealistic. If he really did this, wouldn't it be equivalent to teaching the interpretation to annihilation?

In this way, Yuanshi Tianzun still couldn't lift the table directly! In this regard, you can refer to the master of Tongtian after the extinction of Jijiao.

Good guy, after the Jiujiao was destroyed, the Master Tongtian went mad and cut off the square pillars with the Qingping sword, saying that he would destroy this world and reset the fire, water, and wind.

It was for this reason that it was originally just a small fight between the younger generations to confine the gods and kill the calamity, but it was turned into a catastrophe that ruined the world and destroyed the earth, and the primordial world was shattered!

Worrying that Yuanshi Tianzun would be forced to throw himself alone, Feng Zichen naturally did not dare to send all the Twelve Golden Immortals to the list of enshrined gods.

His purpose has always been very clear. It is to send a part of the elucidation and teaching of the twelve golden immortals to the list of enshrined gods. This part may be three, or two, or even one.

Even if only one of the twelve golden immortals of the elucidation and teaching was sent to the list of the gods, it would be a great success for Feng Zichen.

Therefore, as long as this is achieved, Feng Zichen will naturally accept it. But now, he hasn't seen him yet, how can he stop?

Moreover, in the robbery field incident, there are also Western teachings. For this reason, this time the immortal gods killed and plundered, it was impossible for them to stay safe from the Western religion.

If they don't drag them into the catastrophe, and their Western teachings shed a layer of skin, how can Feng Zichen give up?


"Taozu, this is not appropriate!"

After hesitating again and again, Feng Zichen still said.

After taking the disciple as a substitute, the price paid by the twelve golden immortals for elucidating and teaching is at most part of the Qi Luck allocated to the disciple.

In this way, what is the difference between teaching the Twelve Golden Immortals and not being punished?

This move is too far from the bottom line set by Feng Zichen, how can he be satisfied?

"It's not that the poor people must let the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Explanation and Teaching be on the list, but they have made such a big mistake. If there is not even one on the list, then it is impossible to justify!"

"After all, this killing was caused by the Twelve Golden Immortals."

"It's all like this. If no one of them is on the list, how innocent should they be compared to the disciples who are going to be on the list?"

"Why do they intercept and teach the disciples and be responsible for explaining and teaching the disciples' mistakes?"

Seeing Hongjun Daozu's face became difficult to look, Feng Zichen quickly explained, and took out a lesson.

For Feng Zichen, Hongjun Daozu may be able to do injustice. But for elucidating and intercepting teaching, his old man still has to be a bowl of water.

They are all Xuanmen disciples, so there is no reason to divide them into lighter and heavier ones!

Sure enough, Hongjun Daozu hesitated after hearing Feng Zichen's teachings.

This matter really needs to be studied carefully. Although the disciples of Jijiao may not be too innocent, they are ultimately affected by the disciples of Chanjiao.

If there is no explanation and teaching of the twelve golden immortals, then this immortal killing catastrophe may not be able to erupt.

In terms of Sanqing's ability, as long as they are given enough time, the backlash from the innate ways will be resolved by them sooner or later.

However, at this critical juncture, the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Explanation and Education suddenly broke up the incident, which directly detonated the death of the immortal gods.

It can only be said that God's will is so, and the saint is also helpless.

However, it is a fact that the action of explaining the teaching disciples has implicated the disciples of Jiejiao.

If the second generation of Chanjiao disciples are really no one on the list, then it is indeed a bit unfair to interception.

Regarding the enshrined gods and calamity, anyone who is not blind can see that the candidates on the enshrined gods list, in the end, still have to be raised by the disciples of Jiejiao.

It's just that the three teachings are said to be quotient, but in the end, all the people who come out are intercepted. Isn't that a bit of a bully?

Even if it's just to behave, it is necessary for people to teach and explain to teach some disciples, so that the master of Tongtian can live up to the face.

In this regard, the Taiqing saints have done a good job.

He has no disciples, but people directly gave up an incarnation. That's interesting enough!

In comparison, Yuanshi Tianzun’s eating appearance is much ugly. Although there are not many disciples under his clan, they are almost double ten. But he was stunned that he was not willing to give up alone, which was a bit too much.

No wonder the Lord Tongtian turned his face directly.



"Teacher, it is not the disciples who must let the twelve golden immortals be on the list, but if they are not on the list, how can they explain to the heavenly court and the sentient beings of the Three Realms."

"You know, they are in front of the sentient beings of the Three Realms, and they have lost the face of the heavens. In this way, even if the disciples want to cover up for them, it is difficult to do."

"Therefore, in order to save the face of Heavenly Court, among the disciples of the interpretation and teaching of the robbery field that day, there must be someone on the list."

"Otherwise, it is not enough to express punishment!"

"Otherwise, it is not enough to make Tianwei!"

"If they don't make the list, who will look at Heavenly Court from now on?"

As if seeing Hongjun Daozu's entanglement, Haotian suddenly stepped forward and said a lot of words impassionedly, providing Feng Zichen with the best assist.

What is a great teammate? That's it.

This time, Haotian was really irritated by Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Daoist. In his back garden, his wife was almost beaten to death by the team.

This kind of thing can't be tolerated by any man!

Therefore, when he saw Feng Zichen pressing against Yuanshi Tianzun step by step here, Haotian didn't hesitate to give him an assist to completely cut off Yuanshi Tianzun's hope.

On the other side, even if the Master Tongtian knew that Feng Zichen was using him, he still looked at Daozu Hongjun expectantly.

Yuanshi Tianzun is really not a son of man, and he doesn't care about brotherhood in the slightest. If this is the case, why should he treat him as his elder brother?


If Feng Zichen's words caused Hongjun Daozu to be in entanglement, then Haotian's words and the look of expectation from the Master Tongtian prompted him to make his final determination.

However, when Hongjun Daozu was about to speak, he suddenly heard the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Haotian, how dare you..."

Hearing what Haotian said, Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to have been greatly shocked, and looked at Haotian with an incredible expression.

He didn't expect that Haotian, who was respectful and respectful to him on weekdays, would dare to give him a severe backstab in this purple palace today.

After the shock, there was endless anger. The anger came too suddenly and too violently, and it directly overwhelmed Yuanshi Tianzun's reason, causing him to kill Haotian.

In this Zixiao Palace, in front of Daozu Hongjun, Yuanshi Tianzun had a murderous intent on Haotian.

From this we can see the anger in his heart.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun was angry, but one person was even more angry than Him.

That is Hongjun Daozu.

Hongjun Daozu at this time can be said to be frightened and angry. What does Yuanshi Tianzun want to do? Have you ever put him in your eyes?

Moreover, he dared to kill Haotian in front of him. If he is not there, would Yuanshi Tianzun directly attack Haotian to get rid of him?

Furious in his heart, Hongjun Daozu looked at Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes with a little coldness.


At the critical moment, the Taiqing Saint was more reliable. At the moment when he noticed that Yuanshi Tianzun's state was not right, his reaction was not unpleasant. He directly reached out and grabbed Yuanshi Tianzun's arm and squeezed it hard.

Aroused by this, Yuanshi Tianzun immediately woke up, only then realized what he had just done.

"Master, it is the disciple who has lost his attitude."

Don't dare to hesitate for a moment, Yuan Shi Tianzun directly pleaded guilty.

ps: I'm afraid someone won't be able to see it, let's talk about it here.

Let me add more.

Then I will add more rules.

If the monthly pass is over two thousand this month, the next month will be eight thousand a week.

If this is a boutique, then next month, every day will be a week.

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