Flooded Star Road

Chapter 727: Abduction of the Lord Tongtian

In the Palace of the Human King, Feng Zichen sat on the throne, accepting the worship of representatives of the various powers of the human race.

At this moment, the fact that he was the reincarnation of the Great Emperor Gouchen, although not known to everyone, has spread among Da Luo Dao Zun.

Therefore, after learning about this, the human race in the ancestral land, the human race in the Qi Yaozhou, the human race in the heavens, the human race in the undead volcano...

People from all walks of life sent representatives to the merchants to worship the emperor.

It was the innate clans such as the Witch, Dragon, and Phoenix tribes who also sent representatives to the royal capital.

For a time, the Shang dynasty became the focus of attention of all living beings.

"We, have seen your Majesty!"

Seeing the familiar face, the elders of the human race in the temple knelt to the ground one after another, kowtow to Feng Zichen.

"We, have seen your Majesty!"

Seeing this predecessor, those descendants of the human race who had never seen Feng Zichen also knelt down one after another, paying respects.

"Er wait to be flat!" Feng Zichen said with a lightly raising his hand, helping everyone up.

"We, welcome your Majesty's return!"

After everyone got up, they worshipped Feng Zichen again. However, this time there was no use of big gifts.


"The widow is back!"

"Zhou Jun, it's really been a long time since I saw you!"

Looking at the familiar faces below, Feng Zichen was a little bit emotional.

With the passage of time, there are really fewer and fewer people familiar with Him in the human race. Perhaps, if he hasn't shown up for a long time, the human race will forget him one day.


It's really the scariest weapon in the world.


First, I recounted the past with everyone, remembering the past glory of the human race, and everyone just started talking about the business.

"Your Majesty, since you have become the Human Sovereign, then I don't know when your Majesty will go to the ancestral land and regain control of the Human Sovereign Hall?"

At this time, Feng Cangmang stepped forward to ask questions.

In his view, Feng Zichen is still in the capital of Dashang at the moment, which is obviously extremely inappropriate.

Since ancient times, the emperors of the past have ruled the world in the palace of the ancestral people. Only there, the earth vein guards, the Zhou Tianxing falls, the heaven and the earth's air and luck converge, and then they are worthy of the status of the emperor.

The capital of the great merchant king is nothing more than a land of kings. It can support the king, but cannot serve the king.

The Emperor is here, a bit wronged.


"The widow hasn't been to the Palace of the Human Emperor for a long time, so it's time to go back there."

Hearing this, Feng Zichen was taken aback for a while and replied.

The Palace of the Human Emperor was established by Him back then.

The emperor's rules for governing there were also set by him.

Now that he has become the Emperor of Humanity, he will naturally return to the Palace of Human Emperor.

It's not as good to live in the palace of the people all the time.

Moreover, even if the tens of thousands of people worship the Emperor of Humanity, they will not come to the capital of the Shang Dynasty, but go to the ancestral land of the Human Race.

Because this is the rule!

"Everyone, let the order go on, and the widow will return to the ancestral land of the human race in the near future and take charge of the human palace."

With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen ordered.

"Nuo!" When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but responded in unison.

After everyone took their orders, the next step was to arrange for the human emperor to return to the human emperor palace.



The coast of the East China Sea, the ancestral land of the human race.

At this moment, the golden light is ten thousand dao, the sun is shrouded, and hundreds of human Taoist priests are all manifested together, surrounded by an ancient emperor, returning to this place.


Feeling the familiar aura, everything in the ancestral land trembled, and there was a faint excitement echoing.

That Wan Ling, just crawling on the ground, seemed to worship, welcoming the return of their emperor.


With the arrival of Feng Zichen, the human races in the ancestral land shouted and praised his name, as if to express their joy in their hearts.


At this moment, the ancestors of the human race shook, and the brilliant humane glory rose into the sky, shaking the sky and the earth. The humanity in the dark, inspired by it, suddenly descended and manifested in the ancestral land of the human race.

An inexplicable, but extremely shocking power, came abruptly. At this moment, all the creatures here were inspired, and they gave birth to great courage.

Humanity is here!

Although I didn't notice the vision, at the moment this inspiring power came, everyone understood that humanity had come!


Strands of brilliance emerged from the void, condensed into a dazzling ring of gods, hung behind Feng Zichen's head, making him more and more sacred.

This is the aura of humanity, and it is the gift of humanity to Feng Zichen. With this ring on the body, under Hun Yuan, no one can hurt Feng Zichen.

Under Hunyuan, any magical powers, spells, and curses are invalid.

In other words, only the power that reaches the Hunyuan level can break the protection of the aura of humanity and hurt Feng Zichen.

With the aura of humanity, Feng Zichen is already invincible.


"Damn it!"

"Why does the humanity love him so much and give Gouchen such supernatural powers."

Humanity has come to such a big event, of course, it is impossible to hide the perception of the saint.

Therefore, they looked over at the first time. Then they saw a scene that made them envy and hate.

Humanity bestows Feng Zichen with humanity aura.

With the eyes of a saint, it is naturally not difficult to see the author of Humane Aura, which is an extremely powerful defensive magical power, which can be immune to all attacks under Hunyuan.

It is the supernatural power of the Hunyuan level. Although it can't completely block it, it can also weaken two or three points.

How can we not be envied by such magical powers?

At the same time, this also intensified the saint's determination to oust Feng Zichen from power.

He hasn't fully become the emperor of humanity yet, and there is such a weather. If he completely condenses the fruit of human emperor's Taoism, what kind of weather should he look like?

I'm afraid it's not the saint who will retreat after seeing him.



People's Palace!

Since Dayu, no one has entered the Lord's Palace, and at this moment his new master finally ushered in, and also his original master, Feng Zichen!

On this day, on the first day of the first year of the Emperor Zichen's calendar, Feng Zichen, the holy emperor of the human race, entered the master palace and resumed his rule of the human race.

It was also on this day that the human race entered a new era.


When the Human Emperor was in the dynasty, the tens of thousands of people who were still on the wild land quickly prepared a big gift, and the patriarch personally led the team to worship the Human Emperor in the human ancestral land.

And some of the older innate races, after learning of Feng Zichen's return, their ancestors hurried back directly from the heavens and went to the human ancestors to participate in the human emperor.

Even the patriarch is not qualified to come here.

Because, the more ancient the race, the more they know how terrible Feng Zichen is.

The one who dared to go shopping with the Eastern Emperor before he became enlightened. He even killed the Western religion alone and offended him. I am afraid that the consequences will not be more serious than offending the saint.

On the contrary, some races with low qualifications did not pay much attention to Feng Zichen because they didn't know much about Feng Zichen, so they just sent a tribe to come over.

However, if you don't pay attention to it, no one dares not to worship the emperor.

Even the younger generation is ignorant, but they are not fools. Seeing so many older generations go to worship the emperor, they naturally understand that the other side's background is huge, and they are far from what they can provoke.



Feng Zichen finally had time to deal with the human race after the thousands of people worshipped.

Next, he began to carry out a drastic reform of the human race.

First, repair the teleportation array!

In the old days, under Feng Zichen's suggestion, Zu Wudi Jiang used his supreme magical powers, and placed teleportation arrays on all the spatial nodes of the prehistoric land, thus piercing the entire prehistoric land.

For Honghuangtiandi, this move is indeed a great feat for all things.

Therefore, after completing this feat, Zu Wudi Jiang had a deeper understanding of space and obtained the opportunity to become a Hunyuan.

The appearance of the teleportation array really facilitated the prehistoric sentient beings. But the good times didn't last long. With the eruption of the decisive battle of the Lich, it caused a world-destroying catastrophe, making the world in danger of overthrowing.

Heaven and earth are about to be destroyed, and those teleportation formations are naturally not immune.

When the great supernatural powers succeeded in salvation, the teleportation array set up by the ancestor Wudi Jiang was also destroyed.

Afterwards, no one was willing to repair these teleportation formations. Over time, this matter was gradually forgotten by the world.

But now, in order to better develop the human race, Feng Zichen is determined to repair those teleportation arrays and upgrade them as a whole.

According to Feng Zichen's idea, those teleportation formations were changed to portals, and void passages were created in the void to connect these portals to each other.

In this way, the trouble is a bit more troublesome, but it wins in safety.

With a stable space channel, it will undoubtedly be much safer to carry out space transmission. Perhaps even mortals can use the portal to travel to and fro.

The teleportation array set up by the ancestor witch Emperor Jiang is not unwieldy, fully displaying its achievements in space. Even now Feng Zichen did not dare to say that he could beat him in the way of space.

But that teleportation array is subtle, but Terran can't use it. To be precise, mortals can't use it. When Dijiang set up the teleportation array, Honghuang did not have such creatures as mortals.

The weakest are the acquired realm.

For this reason, when the Emperor Jiang Zuwu set up the teleportation array, he never considered the feelings of mortals. He has not even considered the feelings of the creatures in the acquired realm.

The thinking inertia of innate gods and demons all start thinking from the innate state.

As for the innate?

Sorry, Hong Huang still has such a weak creature?

No, not right,

Can it be called a creature so weak?

These words seem funny, but they are a true portrayal of that era.


Emperor Jiang Zu Wu can ignore mortals, but Feng Zichen can't.

Because most of his people are mortals.

Therefore, the plan to create a portal and a space channel has to be put on the agenda.

Moreover, in order to increase safety and practicality, Feng Zichen also decided to build some spacecraft to carry passengers.

how to say,

The so-called space gate is similar to the airfield in Feng Zichen's later generations, and the spacecraft is equivalent to later generations of airplanes. The void channel is the channel for later generations.

Its operating mode is exactly the same.

It's just that one is the technology version and the other is the Xianxia version.

To build a complete transportation system in the entire human territory is a big project, and the knowledge involved is also very extensive.

With the power of the human race, completion is absolutely possible, but that will take a lot of time.

Therefore, Feng Zichen decided to invite foreign aid.

As the saying goes, there is a sequence of hearing the truth, and there are specializations in the surgery industry, and professional matters must be handled by professional people.

The disciple of Najie taught Feng Zichen's best choice.

As a result, Ji Jiao, the most famous, is the formation. All of its famous disciples are masters of formations.

Secondly, to establish a teleportation array, the disciples are professional, and they have enough experience.

You know, the plan of the teleportation formation was originally proposed by Xuan Qing, and that the first teleportation formation was also created by him.

In order to debug the teleportation array, Xuan Qing often asked the disciples of the interception teacher for help. Under the influence, the disciples of Jijiao had a full understanding of the teleportation array.

That Honghuang's first transmission network, the transmission array spreading across the East China Sea, was built by the disciples of Jiejiao.

I believe that with this experience, it is not difficult for the disciples to build a portal system for the human race.

Of course, the purpose of Feng Zichen's request to teach his disciples to take action could not be as simple as building a portal.

This is just an excuse.

An excuse that can make people have a relationship with Jiejiao.

In Feng Zichen’s mind, there are a lot of fantastic ideas from later generations waiting to be realized~www.wuxiaspot.com~ such as Xianxia version of cars, telephones, networks, etc., all require formation. support.

And these are inseparable from the help of Jiejiao disciples. In Feng Zichen's eyes, the disciples of Jiejiao were all talents such as engineers who could accomplish what he wanted in his heart.

As long as the disciples of Jiejiao built a portal for the human race, they would have a relationship with the human race. After that, Feng Zichen asked them to help again, and the loyal disciple of Intercepting Education would not be able to refuse.

Over time, if the disciples of Dang Jie taught Feng Zichen all the fantastic ideas in Feng Zichen's mind, the connection between them and the human race would be inseparable.

Do you think that the achievements of the disciples of that teaching have been integrated into all aspects of the human race and have become an indispensable part of it. At this time, you said that the cut-off teaching has nothing to do with the human race, then who would believe it!

Fooling people is not so fooling.

When the time comes, the Cultivation and Human Race will become one body. And the Master Tongtian, even if he didn't want to stop teaching his disciples, he had to stand on the same line with Feng Zichen.

Feng Zichen indirectly kidnapped the Master Tongtian by kidnapping his disciples, making him have to stand on his side.

In the Huoyun Cave, Feng Zichen once said that those who have him among the five sages originated from this.

The reason why Fuxi looked towards the East China Sea was because he had guessed Feng Zichen's plan.

Cut off teaching, right in the East China Sea!


With an idea in his heart, Feng Zichen immediately took action. He let Feng Cangmang carry his letter to the East China Sea to seek Xuanqing's help.

Directly to the Jiejiao, Duobao will reject it with a high probability. But if you find Shang Xuanqing first, then the journey will be a success.

Although Xuan Qing is no longer in interception, his influence in interception has not diminished by half.

With his help,

There is no reason for Jijiao to refuse.

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