Flooded Star Road

Chapter 773: Beginning of the Conferred God

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Although karma is amazing, it is not impossible to deal with it.

Merit is the nemesis of karma.

Karma can be offset by consuming merits.

This time, in order to offset the karma generated by the attack on the Murder Emperor, the Five Saints had laid their blood.

The spiritual treasures of merit scattered on the ground are proof. It can be seen that the aura on the bodies of those merit spirit treasures has become extremely bleak, which is obviously a sharp drop in spirituality.

What's more, his body was already covered with cracks, as if it would break at any time.

The reason for all of this is that the merits in their bodies have all been exhausted in order to offset their karma.

When the merits are exhausted, the spirituality of these magic weapons will naturally plummet, and the power will be greatly damaged. Even if they can be repaired in the future, they can only be reduced to ordinary magic weapons, losing the name of merit and virtue.

And these spiritual treasures of merit are almost all of the inventory of the Five Saints. After this time, they still have spiritual treasures of merit in their hands, and there will be no more than two or three.

Once the hundreds of millions of years of collection were emptied, the price was not small. Even with the wealth of the Five Saints, it would inevitably be painful.

However, these costs are undoubtedly worthwhile compared with the results they have achieved.

The arrogant and domineering emperor was really hit hard by them. In a short time, I am afraid that it will not be able to appear on the wild land.

In this way, the next situation will be very beneficial to the Five Saints.

What are some spiritual treasures of merit, no matter how high the value of these treasures is, can they still be higher than the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda? Even the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda Sanqing has been given up, do you still care about this kind of merit?

As long as it can hit the Emperor, no matter what the price is, it is worth it.

"Dear fellow daoists, Gouchen has been hit hard by us. I am afraid that we will not be able to preside over the affairs of the human race in a short time. And this is our opportunity. The next plan should also be launched."

"Seize this opportunity to set the stage for the first battle, set aside the chaos, bring this chaotic situation back to the right track, and by the way, send Daoist Gouchen back to the heaven."

"So that he can feel at ease, continue to be his Gouchen Emperor, don't have to regenerate some thoughts that shouldn't be, and intervene in human affairs."

Waving his hand to put away the wounded merit spirit treasures, the Taiqing saint looked at the direction of the Human Emperor Hall and said with hatred.

Losing the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, which is the disposition of the Ethereal Sage, can hardly conceal the anger in his heart. He really wanted to kill Feng Zichen alive.

His hatred for Feng Zichen is really the water of the Tianhe River, and it is also difficult to wash away.

"What the brother said is quite true!"

"This battle has lasted until now, and it has been nearly a hundred thousand years, and it's time to tell a result."

After the sage of Taiqing finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun answered.

Regarding the hatred of Feng Zichen, Yuanshi Tianzun is really not bad for the Taiqing saint, or even worse.

The saint of Taiqing lost the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda in the hands of Feng Zichen, and it seemed that he had lost.

But in fact, he didn't suffer. It was he who took away 20% of the human luck. Feng Zichen fought back and then took away the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda.

It is the loss of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, the Taiqing Saints and the Human Race's 20% of the luck in their hands, it can't be said to be a disadvantage.

But Yuanshi Tianzun was different, he really suffered a big loss in Feng Zichen's hands. Not to mention that he had fought against Feng Zichen several times before, and he didn't take a half advantage, let alone deflated and embarrassed repeatedly.

Take the last battle as an example, Yuanshi Tianzun's right arm was severed by Feng Zichen's arms. Until now, it has not recovered and is still in a broken arm state.

The dignified saint, the supremely strong Yuanshi Tianzun of the prehistoric world, actually walked in the world with one-armed way.

What ordinary people say that Yuanshi Tianzun doesn't know, but he himself feels that it is really shameful.

The one-armed Yuanshi Tianzun, he is not perfect! This made Yuanshi Tianzun extremely good face, how could he tolerate it?

For this reason, since the return of the Chaos Outside the Heavens, Yuanshi Tianzun has been kept behind closed doors, unless he had to go out of Yuxu Palace for half a step, and he didn't even want to see outsiders.

However, the only thing that made Yuanshi Tianzun gratified was that although his right arm was broken, his strength was not affected much.

This is not because Feng Zichen's shots weren't ruthless enough. On the contrary, he hated Yuanshi Tianzun so much when he shot them, he was merciless.

In theory, even if Yuanshi Tianzun with a broken arm hadn't suffered any serious damage, his strength should have fallen by one or two points.

But who can let people have a good master?

After the Battle of Chaos Outside the Sky, Sanqing and others went to the Purple Cloud Palace with Hongjun Daozu.

In the Zixiao Palace, Dao Ancestor looked at Yuanshi Tianzun's injury, although he did not start to restore his broken arm, but it also erased the impact of the broken arm on his strength.

It's not that Hongjun Daozu didn't want to break his arm for Yuanshi Tianzun, but he couldn't do it. In desperation, he would retreat and treat his injuries for Yuanshi Tianzun.

It can be seen that Feng Zichen's sword is so cruel that even Dao Ancestor is helpless, and can only let Yuanshi Tianzun continue to maintain his broken arm posture.

"Senior brother is right, there should be a result of this battle." Seeing that the two brothers had both spoken, the Master Tongtian hurriedly said.

"What the brother said is great!" ×2

Sanqing had unified their opinions, and there was no room for the two saints to refuse. They also hurriedly expressed their opinions.

"Well, since you all agreed, please inform the two dao friends, the Eastern Prince and the Hongyun ancestor, and let them start the plan."

Seeing everyone agreed, the Taiqing saint made a final word.


Terran territory, Donghwa City!

This is the place where the human overlord Donghua Taoist witnesses the Dao. At the same time, it is also the foundation of his life. He is based on this city and rises step by step, and finally becomes the big figure of the human race second only to the human emperor.

He, the Taoist of Donghua, the reincarnation of King Dong, the head of ancient male immortals, controls more than fifty **** cities in the east of the human race, and is the veritable overlord of the human race.

The name of the Eastern Prince had been taken by the counterfeit Feng Zichen. Therefore, the Eastern Prince of the reincarnated human race was forced to change his name to Donghua Taoist.

The reason why the word "East" is included in the name means that the Donghua Taoists still can't forget the identity of the Duke of East. They are always vigilant and inspiring themselves, so that one day, they can regain their previous name.

At this time, Master Donghua, who was retreating in the city lord's mansion, suddenly received a summons from Sanqing, telling him that the time for a decisive battle had arrived.

The plan has already begun, and he doesn't need to forbear, he can fully display his ambitions.

God knows how long the Taoist Donghua waited for this news.

Since losing their identity, Donghua Taoists have been working hard to cultivate, in an attempt to restore their strength as soon as possible and regain everything they once had.

But this is too difficult!

After losing the identity of the Eastern Prince, the Donghua Taoists also lost their own luck. Without the aid of Qi Luck, his cultivation speed has undoubtedly become extremely slow.

But no matter how difficult it is, he has to find a way to help him, otherwise, he is afraid that he will perish forever.

to this end,

Donghua Taoists have tried everything.

Huangtian paid off, and finally, on a certain day, the Donghua Taoist accidentally got a jade seal of the **** city, and since then opened his road to hegemony.

In the battle for the **** city, the Donghua Taoists seized more than 60 human **** cities in one fell swoop. With this, they gained the luck of the human race, and the cultivation level was restored to the point of quasi-sage in one step, becoming a generation of great power.

Originally, the Donghua Taoist should be stronger, but unfortunately, God turned out to take away more than ten **** cities from his hands, causing the Donghua Taoist's strength to drop by a few points.

However, even so, he is still the top human existence.

The emperor does not come out, and there are few people in the human race.


Wake up from the memory, the Donghua Taoist stood up and walked out of the quiet room in vain, summoning the generals of the ministers and generals to the meeting hall for discussion.

He wants to tell everyone that the world of great controversy is here!



Except for Donghua City, in the west of Human Territory, a **** city named Yuncheng is also not peaceful.

The existence of ruling Yuncheng is the existence of the same name as the Donghua Taoist, Ziyun Taoist, this person is also one of the overlords of the human race, ruling more than fifty **** cities in the West.

There is no doubt that Taoist Ziyun is the reincarnation of the ancestor of Hongyun. As for why he is called the Taoist Ziyun and not the ancestor of Hongyun, this is also the case.

Cloud, naturally refers to the red cloud.

Purple refers to Hongmeng Ziqi.

The ancestor of Hongyun wanted to be holy in this life, so he took one word from Hongmeng Ziqi and his own name to form his new name.

This represents his sanctification ambition.

It's also ridiculous enough that you can be sanctified by just a name, so this saint is really cheap enough.

Without mentioning the name of the Taoist Ziyun, I will just talk about his experience, which is completely different from the Taoist of Donghua.

Donghua Taoist people can have today, all of them rely on their own hard work and hard work. During this period, they don't know how many dangers they have encountered.

It's really fighting for the future.

But Ziyun Taoist is different, because of the relationship between Huoyun Cave, he walked along the way, it can be called smooth wind.

You can find treasures on the road.

The tiger's body shook, and the four wise men came to worship.

Proper destiny protagonist template.

Taoist Ziyun didn't participate in the battle for God City at all. As for him who didn't participate in this battle, why did he control so many human **** cities.

It can only be said that if you are lucky, you can really do whatever you want.

People are seated at home, and the jade seal of the **** city comes up from the sky.

There is no need to fight at all. The jade seal of the **** city will always appear beside Taoist Ziyun with all kinds of coincidences and be obtained by him.

Since his debut, Taoist Ziyun has suffered a loss only once when he was planted in the hands of God, and he took away more than ten human **** cities from his hands.

This is also no way. After all, to the Great World, Chaos Demon God is a bug, and most of the existing rules are useless to them.

Taoist Ziyun's luck cannot affect God, which is normal.

To be honest, if there is no Feng Zichen, then the ancestor of Hongyun is the emperor of heaven. The luck that Huoyundong brought to him was really too profound.

Let's put it this way, all human sages living in Huoyun Cave, including the three emperors and five emperors, have to separate a ray of luck and bless them on Hongyun ancestor, the original owner of Huoyun Cave.

The Hongyun ancestor who possessed such a powerful luck, reincarnated into the human race, definitely possessed the posture of a human emperor.

It's just a pity, he chose Feng Zichen as an enemy, otherwise, he may not have the possibility of becoming a human emperor.

However, what is certain now is that he, who is the enemy of Feng Zichen, is destined to run counter to the position of the emperor.

After the Taoist of Donghua received the interrogation of Sanqing, Taoist of Ziyun also received the interrogation of the Western Two Saints at the same time.

That's right, what the Five Saints supports is not one person, but two people.

Sanqing is the Donghua Taoist platform, and the Western Second Saint is the Ziyun Taoist platform.

It's easy to understand that the two sages of the West owe Hongyun ancestors, so they must stand on his side anyway.

As for the Sanqing, it is estimated that it is difficult to like the ancestor of Hongyun, after all, it can be said that the Western Second Saint was "supported" by him.

With anger in his heart, the object Sanqing chose to support was naturally the Eastern Prince who was born in Xuanmen.

This is their fellow ancestor, a figure that Taoist ancestors valued in the past, Sanqing supporting him is indeed more suitable than Hongyun ancestor.



After Feng Zichen was hit hard, he fell into a peaceful human race. At this moment, he was suddenly broken by a huge sound.

"The emperor's misconduct, he was guilty of heaven, and he was condemned by heaven today, it is a clear proof."

"Today, my Donghua Taoist, self-named Dongwang, wants to lead a large army into the imperial city, in order to get rid of the faint emperor, and return the human race to a bright future."

The Donghua Taoist is back!

In the name of Feng Zichen being attacked and killed by a saint, he detained him a hat that was condemned by heaven and condemned by heaven, and then proclaimed himself king and rebelled.

To be honest, this hat is very strong, even if Feng Zichen wants to wash it, it can't be washed off.

Among the human race, the remarks that Feng Zichen was guilty of the sky are not new, and similar rumors have appeared many years ago.

It's just that the Fengzichen at that time was like the sky, no one chose to believe it.

As for where this remark came from, it probably started when the environment in the territories of the human race was getting worse and worse.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the sage distorted the law of acquired nature, making the environment in the territories of the human race more and more severe, and extreme weather occurred from time to time.

Because of this, the rumor that Feng Zichen was guilty of heaven was spread.

Although Feng Zichen has been working hard to manage the environment, rumors are always unavoidable. Coupled with the instigation of people with ulterior motives, it is even more difficult to calm down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, the prestige of Feng Zichen in the human race, even if there are some rumors, is not a concern, because no one will believe it.

But now, the situation is different.

Although Feng Zichen was wounded by the saint, not by the heavens, how can ordinary people distinguish the difference between the saint and the heavens?

In their eyes, if the saint makes a move, there is no doubt that he will make a move with God.

That said, there is actually nothing wrong.

The saints are the spokespersons of the Tao of Heaven, and they have acted on Feng Zichen, in a sense, it can be considered that the heaven has acted on him.

In this era, all beings are still in awe of the sky. Regardless of whether Feng Zichen is wrong, as long as sentient beings believe that it is God's hand against him, then he is wrong.

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