Flooded Star Road

Chapter 426: The prototype of the spiritual diet

This incredible scene really opened up the horizons of a group of innate creatures.

But such a weak creature has the creativity that innate creatures don't.

Although the tools created by the human race are not as powerful as the spirit treasures in their hands, they are not as powerful, but they have extraordinary imagination.

This is a manifestation of "use".

It does not possess innate principles and principles, and has no unpredictable actions, but it has extremely valuable practicality, involving all aspects of life.

This is what it means: the way of the day after tomorrow!

That's right, from the human race, these innate creatures have discovered another cultivation civilization, which is different from the innate way.

They are far less powerful than the innate way, but they are simpler, easier to understand, and easier to reach a high level.

More importantly, the acquired way has more practical value than the innate way.

The innate way is the truth of heaven and earth, and the truth of the world.

The acquired way is a truth that has been developed artificially. It is the truth summed up by later generations from the innate way.

It is an application of the innate way.

The innate way is high above, the acquired way is hidden in the red dust. This may be the reason why the acquired path can flourish.

Of course, the acquired way is good, but it is far less powerful than the innate way. It stands to reason that He can arouse everyone's curiosity, but it is a bit strange to provoke everyone to pry.

after all,

Innate way,

This is where the hope of enlightenment lies.

But that was before!

Since Feng Zichen rebelled against the acquired nature and turned the acquired swordsmanship into the innate swordsmanship, he opened up another innate way for the prehistoric times.

Everything has changed.

The Tao of Acquired, which is usually not worth mentioning, suddenly became hot, and countless monks rushed to practice, wanting to be like the wind and purple Chen, turning the Tao of acquired into the Tao of innate, and becoming the master of one.

It is unreasonable that Feng Zichen's born creatures can achieve this unprecedented great feat. These innate creatures who are more noble than them can't do this.

In short, the acquired way is in the wild. Although it is still impossible to shake the position of the innate way, there are many monks with excellent talents, while cultivating the innate way, they also minor in an acquired way.

Compared with the innate ways that spread all over the prehistoric world, the acquired ways are no more than the first birth, and it is far from entering the blowout stage like later generations. The number is really limited.


As the only acquired race in the primordial land, it is also a gathering place for the acquired way, and the human race has become the first choice for some cultivated acquired ways.

What's more, the human race has developed a Fengzichen, it is difficult to think about not attracting people's attention.



"Why so many people?"

Before he knew it, Feng Zichen came to the door of a restaurant, and instinctively looked forward, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

The business of this restaurant is a bit hot!

There were no empty seats in the restaurant, and there were even some people waiting outside.

This is a symbol of hot business!

The people inside were really happy eating meat and drinking alcohol.

This wine is not ordinary wine!

It is brewed from the congenital five ears of fruit!

Tens of thousands of years have passed since the birth of Wu Sui Wo. And after so many years of painstaking cultivation by the Human Race, it has long been popularized by the Human Race and has become the ration of the Human Race.

Seeing that there were more and more congenital five-eared fruits, Feng Zichen couldn't help but think about it and used it to make wine.

In theory, Feng Zichen would not make wine, even though he came from later generations, in the era of the information explosion.

But they are not people who specialize in this industry, young people will pay attention to these things.

At most, I occasionally see some related materials when browsing information.

But it was these one-sided knowledge that made Feng Zichen brew the wine.

And still good wine!

Da Luo Jinxian is so extraordinary, just need some residual information, you can deduce everything you want to know.

Of course, Feng Zichen can brew fine wine, not necessarily because of his technology, perhaps because the congenital five-eared fruit itself is extraordinary.

Innate Wusui He contains the power of the innate five elements, which can improve people's aptitude. The wine brewed with him as raw material naturally inherits this characteristic and has better effects.

After all, how to say, wine is also one of the essence of food.

Feng Zichen may not be able to brew spirit wine, but the wine brewed from the congenital five ears of fruit is spirit wine with extraordinary potency.

If the method of brewing spirit wine is born in later generations, it should be inspired by this.

Unfortunately, the wine already existed before Feng Zichen was born. Otherwise, he will be able to gain a merit and occupy the position of the ancestor of wine.

However, Feng Zichen makes wine for drinking, not for selling. Except for a small number of people giving away, most of them were hidden by Him.

However, if there is too much wine, the method of making wine cannot be hidden. I don’t know who learned it and sold it.

This Wusui wine can improve people's physique and strengthen the origin. It is a rare treasure. It is hard to sell it or not.

No wonder the business of this restaurant is so hot.


"This is……"

After reading the wine, Feng Zichen looked at the dishes on the table.

This look really surprised him.

The raw materials of that dish are just ordinary beast meat and some ordinary elixir, which is not worthy of Feng Zichen's surprise.

What really surprised him was that the combination of the fierce animal flesh and the elixir actually conformed to a certain pharmacology, which greatly increased its effect.

Although it can't be compared with the pill, it already has some possibilities.

This is simply the embryonic form of the spiritual diet. If it can be deduced forever, it may not be able to develop and grow.

Although the way of spiritual food cannot be compared with the way of alchemy, it is not much inferior. It is also a way to assist cultivation.

If this Dao succeeds, its creator can achieve the quasi-sage status at the lowest level.

Therefore, Feng Zichen was shocked.

If the person who created this method is really a human race, it means that in the future, the human race is very likely to give birth to a great power.

"This person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ really talented!"

With a thought, Feng Zichen walked to Houchu, wanting to see who created this method.

In other words, this method of cooking was pioneered by Feng Zichen.

Before his birth, the human race had just got rid of the age of rumoring and drinking blood. Its food is based on wild fruit barbecue.

But the barbecue is good, but who can take it every day?

Therefore, Feng Zichen made a clay pot to make soup.

He was really fed up with that monotonous food.

That's right, the original purpose of the clay pot was to satisfy Feng Zichen's appetite.

As for the merits from heaven, it was completely out of his surprise.

After that, as Feng Zichen grew up, the clay pot could no longer satisfy him. Next, various food practices appeared logically, and the human recipes were also enriched.

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