Flooded Star Road

Chapter 503: Heaven and earth barrier, broken

However, because the realm is still there, his cultivation is also different from ordinary people.

That is the existence of no bottleneck, as long as the strength is reached, the realm will be broken as a matter of course, until the cultivation base is restored to the realm of the previous life.

Therefore, it is not very correct to say that Great Immortal Yangmei is the first Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo in Honghuang.

To be precise, he restored his cultivation base to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


"Entrusted by others, I have to come."

"So, Fellow Daoist Hongjun, you should stay here for a while with Pindao!"

With a sigh, Daxian Yang Mei said helplessly.

He is the Chaos Demon God, this point, even if he is reincarnated in the prehistoric world, there will be no change.

Think about it, too, the Chaos Demon God is known as the Son of Chaos, and is the most powerful and noble creature in the world, and every one of them has the means to achieve great achievements. Put it in the predicament, that is the capital against the heavens.

In this way, how could Yang Mei abandon such a noble identity for the sake of predominance?

Therefore, Yang Mei had to take action at this time to block Hongjun Daozu's path, lest he hinder the Chaos Demon God from breaking out.

After all, compared to the prehistoric creatures, the Chaos Demon Gods are his true Dao friends.


Hearing this, Hongjun Daozu couldn't help frowning.

He was very jealous of Yang Mei.

Because he was defeated by this person.

That was when he had just become enlightened and thought he was invincible in the prehistoric times. But in the end, he ran into Yang Mei again.


He suffered an unprecedented defeat!

Yang Mei stood there, no matter what Hongjun Daozu tried, he didn't hurt him at all. Instead, he took away all the spiritual treasures.

Although, at the end of the story, Yang Mei returned all the treasures to Hongjun. But that battle left an indelible impression on Hongjun.

"Friend Yangmei, you have also practiced in the prehistoric world, and you have also received the blessings of this world. How can you watch his destruction without being indifferent?"

Thought for a while,

Hongjun Daozu played the emotional card.

It's not that he doesn't want to violently suppress Yang Mei, but that he can't.

Hongjun may not be Yang Mei's opponent, but Tiandao definitely is. He wanted to make a move, and he could definitely suppress Yang Mei.

But Yang Mei's position is very particular, it happens to be the junction of the Chaos Outside the Sky and the Great Chaos Outside the Boundary.

In this way, as long as Heavenly Dao takes action, Yang Mei retreats back, and he is out of the realm of the prehistoric world, and Dao can't help him that day.

The will of the world is not good at this point. Although invincible in the world, it cannot leave the scope of the world, which is extremely restricted.

Besides, Yang Mei was able to escape from Pangu's hands and successfully reincarnated to the predecessor. It was conceivable that his strength was strong.

God, can he really win him?

It is with all kinds of scruples that Hongjun can talk to him kindly.

Otherwise, do you really think Daozu is a good temper?

In addition to his own efforts, Yang Mei can recover to his current strength, but he also needs the resources of the wild world.

And this is cause and effect, and it must be paid back.

Hongjun said something with this, and Yang Mei might be scrupulous.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, Yang Mei's face became difficult to look.

Having said that, He was really angry.

The primordial land can survive today, in addition to Pangu's incarnation of heaven and earth, more of it still relies on swallowing the flesh of their three thousand demon gods.

But the result?

He was reincarnated in the prehistoric times, not only did he not enjoy the treatment of the God of Creation, but he was often afflicted by the heavens and the earth.

Even if you want to leave the prehistoric land, you need to settle the cause and effect with the prehistoric land and compensate him for the resources consumed by his cultivation in the prehistoric land.

What is this all about!

To this day, Yang Mei has not left the Primordial World and went to the Great Chaos beyond the bounds to pursue the great road, because he has not paid off the debt owed to the Primordial World.

Therefore, He has always stayed at the junction of the prehistoric and the chaos, engaged in the work of transforming the Qi of the chaos, in order to pay off the debt as soon as possible and get away.

"With Pangu, nothing will happen to the prehistoric world, so you don't need to worry about it."

After a while, Yang Mei said with a solemn face, but he didn't even call a fellow Daoist.

The avenue has not yet been completed, how can Pangu watch the destruction of the prehistoric world, and he will definitely intervene in an irreversible situation.

Yang Mei's onlooker is clear, he sees this clearly, and he is not worried about the ruin of the land.


After thinking about it, Hongjun Daozu also felt that this statement was quite reasonable, and his nervousness gradually slowed down.

"Furthermore, the cause and effect between the deity and Honghuang was settled as early as when Luohu fell."

After a while, Yang Mei continued.

This sentence is saying that He and Honghuang have no cause and effect.

In the last years of ancient times, Yang Mei assisted Yu Hongjun to defeat the demon ancestor Luo Hu and prevent him from destroying the prehistoric land. It was by taking this opportunity that Yang Mei cut off his involvement with Hong Huang, and only needed to pay off the debt before he could leave.

"Also, the deity is here today, just to rescue the fellow practitioners of the past, and will not interfere with the movement of the primordial land with the feelings of fellow practitioners in the chaos for many years."

Finally, Yang Mei added.

He is really not interested in Honghuang.

After a death catastrophe, Yang Mei had a new understanding of Dadao. Therefore, He desperately wants to return to the depths of the chaos and practice in retreat.

He really doesn't want to deal with all kinds of things.

After the Chaos Demon God is rescued, Yang Mei has completed his merits and can go to the depths of the Chaos to retreat without worry.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist!"

After listening to Yang Mei's words, Hongjun Daozu faintly understood his state at this time, and couldn't help but said with envy.

After completing his merits, he escaped from the catastrophe and went to the chaotic depths to pursue the avenue. That is the real great freedom, great freedom.

But it was much stronger than He was trapped in the Purple Heaven Palace.

Yang Mei smiled and said nothing.




"Jie Jie!"

"This day has finally come."

"I wait, I will come back into the world."

Just as everyone hesitated, whether to go to the bottom of Buzhou Mountain to check out, there was a burst of wild laughter from deep underground.


Everyone was shocked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and quickly sacrificed the magic weapon and looked at the bottom of Buzhou Mountain vigilantly.


"What it is?"

"So humble, why don't you deserve to call me waiting!"


"I wait, I am the master of chaos!"

Accompanied by a burst of arrogant sound, the bottom of Buzhou Mountain suddenly trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, a dark beam of light composed entirely of chaotic evil spirits suddenly rushed out from the bottom of Buzhou Mountain, all the way up, through the boundless starry sky and the chaos outside the sky, and directly hit the heaven and earth barrier.

Then, the heaven and earth barrier was broken.

It was like a shattered mirror surface, first there were countless cracks, and then it shattered to the ground.

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