Flooded Star Road

Chapter 519: NJStar

It is precisely because of the presence of this avenue **** pattern that Feng Zichen dares to call Pangu authentic. Otherwise, do you think that anyone who has the Pangu heritage can play the banner of Pangu authenticity?

Only Feng Zichen, who was personally recognized by the Dao Dao, or was transformed into the origin of Pangu, like the Twelve Ancestor Witch Sanqing, can claim to be the authentic Pangu.

This is the orthodoxy of the prehistoric world!


A pure and extremely pure Pangu breath, welling up from Feng Zichen's body, resonated with Pangu's left eye.


Pangu moved his left eye.

It seems to be alive,

The whole body rose in the air.

The mighty and stalwart aura bloomed from his body, without far-reaching, enveloping the wind and purple Chen.

In this sudden change, Feng Zichen only felt that his will was sinking continuously, and he was going to a mysterious and unknown area.

At the same time, a series of bizarre pictures appeared before his eyes one after another, expounding ancient legends for him.

Finally, Feng Zichen continued to sink his will and stopped.

The destination is here.

After returning to his senses, Feng Zichen squinted his eyes and saw that what he saw before him was nothingness, vast and boundless.

This is a space of chaos and nothingness.

"Great Chaos Out of the Boundary?"

Looking at the slightly familiar scene in front of him, Feng Zichen seemed a little surprised.

The space of chaos and nothingness in front of him is clearly the same as the great chaos outside his memory. As the place where he used to prove the Dao, Feng Zichen is of course very familiar with him, and he will never admit his mistakes.

"Why, I will appear here?"

However, before Feng Zichen wanted to understand what was going on, the chaotic space in front of him changed in vain.

The boundless vision emerged, and the momentum was so great that it shrouded an unknown amount of chaos and nothingness. It seems that the entire chaos is celebrating it.

Then, the picture began to turn quickly, and a chaotic demon with different forms but with boundless rhyme appeared in the chaotic nothingness.

Do they sit and talk about Taoism? Or fight each other? To prove what they have learned...

Is it so happy?

In addition to the Chaos Demon God, there is another dangerous place? A place of good fortune?

The dangerous place in the chaos, is that the real danger? A little carelessness, is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian fall into it? If you don't die, you will lose the skin.

Dangerous and dangerous? Correspondingly, the chances of the land of good fortune are also amazing. There is even an opportunity to make Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian progress.

It's a pity that these good things are all visible? But you can't touch them. Otherwise? Feng Zichen would definitely pounce on it desperately.

In chaotic days, although there are also struggles, most of the time, they tend to be calm.

After all, chaos is too big? But creatures are very rare. The chance of meeting each other is really too small. After meeting, the possibility of conflict is even smaller.


Calm, after all, is used to break.

Suddenly one day? Chaos suddenly uttered a huge wailing? All the Chaos Demon Gods? Almost at the same time, they rushed towards one place.


An unprecedented battle,

It broke out suddenly.

The axe light that was stunning forever came from nothingness, killing the Chaos Demon God one by one.

At the same time, where the axe light passed, the chaos was pierced by it, giving birth to a clear and turbid air.

A vast world is faintly taking shape.

Pangu opens the sky!

This picture records that three thousand chaotic demon gods came to hinder the way when Pangu opened the world to the chaos.

"These scenes, what Pangu told about are all things Pangu experienced personally back then, recorded by his left eye!"

Seeing this, Feng Zichen still didn't understand what a chance he had gotten against the sky.

This is Pangu's left eye, showing everything Pangu experienced back then in front of him.

Pangu's life experience is so vast. Getting a tiny bit is enough to benefit Feng Zichen for life, let alone all the experience.

If all these memories can be digested, Feng Zichen's realm will not be improved, but it will have infinite benefits for his future.

At the very least, His path has widened.

Regardless of its background, experience, or perception of Dao Dao, Feng Zichen has been fully improved.

From now on, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will no longer be his end, but his new starting point.

As long as he digested Pangu's memory, he would surely be able to reach the realm above Hunyuan.


With the opening of the prehistoric world, the memory in Pangu's left eye also came to an abrupt end.

The entire chaotic space also collapsed.

In an instant,

Feng Zichen’s environment has changed drastically,

He came to another space, a mysterious purple space.

In the center of this space, there is a circular light ball composed entirely of the texture of the avenue, on which there are countless avenue runes flowing, and the whole body exudes a strong avenue atmosphere.

The ultimate mystery and magic.

People can't help but indulge in a glance, swimming in the ocean of the avenue.

"This is……"

Curious in his heart, Feng Zichen released his spiritual thoughts and came into contact with him carefully.


All kinds of insights about the way of the sun, as well as some unpredictable pupil skills, followed Feng Zichen's divine thought, and burst into his sea of ​​knowledge.


Feeling that the information passed was a bit messy and varied, Feng Zichen quickly cut off his contact with Guangqiu.

"Is the origin of Pangu's left eye?"

After closing his eyes and sorting out the information obtained for a while, Feng Zichen understood the origin of this thing.

The true core of the sun star is also its origin.

Without the slightest hesitation, Feng Zichen immediately imprinted his own mark on it.

Because of Pangu's breath, the core of the Sun Star did not resist Feng Zichen, and easily fell into his hands.

So, the sun star is set!



The first thing to master the sun star, Feng Zichen is to fulfill his promise to the hibiscus tree, to gather an innate **** and demon body for it.

This is not particularly difficult for the Sun Star Master.


In the depths of the sun star, the sun's origin is restless, and it converges towards the hibiscus tree, gradually condensing the embryonic form of a congenital womb.


It is easy to condense the congenital Dao fetus, but it takes a long time to wait for it to truly take shape and even mature.

At any time, the birth of innate gods and demons takes time.

Of course, if Feng Zichen consumes the origin of the sun star on a large scale at all costs, this process may be accelerated.

But why does he want to do this?

Condensing the congenital Taoist fetus, Feng Zichen even fulfilled the promise between himself and the hibiscus tree.

As for other things, the hibiscus tree needs to worry about it.

Come to think of it, hibiscus tree for today, I don’t know how long it has planned, there is definitely a way to speed up the birth rate of the congenital Taoist fetus.

But these have nothing to do with Feng Zichen.

The Sun Star has fallen into his control, and it is time for him to leave this place and go to the next goal.

"Friend Fusang, don't forget the vow of that day!"

Before leaving, Feng Zichen spoke to the hibiscus tree.

This is a reminder and a warning.

"Don't forget!"

"Please rest assured that the star master will leave the Sun Star as soon as possible after the aging incarnation is born, and will never stay here."

On the other side, the hibiscus tree, which was pulling the congenital womb down, quickly promised after hearing Feng Zichen's transmission.

"It's so good!"

After speaking, Feng Zichen left Sun Star.

However, just as he left, the voice of the hibiscus tree came from afar.

"I would like to thank the star lord for today's matter. If the star lord sends anything in the future, the elders will do their best."

Hearing this, Feng Zichen couldn't help showing a smile.

This is a great help for his future!


In every thought, the galaxy turns,

Feng Zichen's figure has disappeared among the sun stars.

When it appeared, it had already arrived outside the South Pole.

The South Pole Star is one of the most powerful main stars of the Zhoutian stars, except for the three supreme stars. Only Gou Chenxing can be compared with Him.

Among the four imperial emperors who ruled the heavens in later generations, three came from the boundless starry sky.

In addition to Ziwei the Great, which represents Ziwei, the Antarctic Changsheng, which represents the South Pole Star, and the Gouchen Emperor, which represents Gouchen Xing.

This shows how respectable the status of the South Pole Star is.

His importance is self-evident.

It is true that the Big Dipper is dead and the Nandou is born.

In ancient legends, Nandou Liuxingjun is the heavenly official who manages all human beings, demons, spirits, gods, and immortals in the world. The blessings of all beings are in the control of the South Pole Star.

Therefore, Antarctic Star is the chief of life, controls life span, and its status is especially respected. It is also called "Yenzushi" because of Nandou's exclusive control.

Imagine how important a star, which symbolizes luck, luck, lifespan, etc., occupies in the movement of heaven.

NJStar must not fall into the control of outsiders. Especially, in the case of Nanji Xingjun is still alive.

The named disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, Antarctica Xianweng is the Antarctic Star Monarch, and the future Antarctic Emperor Longevity.

If Feng Zichen does not control the Antarctic Star in time, with the support of Yuanshi Tianzun, Antarctica Immortal Weng will definitely become a saint to check and balance his existence.

At that time, the power of the boundless starry sky was strong, and as long as there was trouble caused by the Antarctic fairy, it would definitely not be able to contend with the saint.



Be sure to get it.

Taking a step forward, Feng Zichen came to the core of the South Pole Star.

During the period, only the mark of a demon saint came to stop him. But how could a demon **** who was not born from the South Pole Star be Feng Zichen's opponent?

With a wave of hands, it was crushed.

The South Pole Star is far inferior to the Sun Star, and the Yaozu's arrangement for him is completely incomparable with the Sun Star.


His resistance is far inferior to the Sun Star.

"As long as you have mastered the South Pole Star, all the stars this week will fall into my hands."

Putting his own mark on the core of the South Pole Star, Feng Zichen looked a little excited.

The wish for many years is now finally realized. Who can keep calm at such an exciting moment?

Speaking of which, Feng Zichen can master the boundless starry sky so quickly, thanks to Yaozu.

If it hadn't been for the demon clan back then, in order to control the Zhoutian Star God, it would have killed a group of innate star gods. Feng Zichen had to live with those Star Gods today.

Although Feng Zichen was fearless, it was a trouble after all and affected his reputation.

But now,

They are all almost dead,

It has saved Feng Zichen a lot of effort.


"who is it?"

"Who is robbing the poor South Pole Star!"

Just when Feng Zichen was about to take control of the Antarctic Star, an angry voice from the Antarctic Immortal Weng suddenly came from Kunlun Mountain.

As the "pro son" of Antarctica, Antarctica Xianweng naturally noticed the changes that took place on Antarctica.

This really made him startled and angry.

After finally waiting for the demon clan to fall, he was about to regain control of the South Pole Star, but at this critical juncture, some people took the lead, and he mastered the South Pole Star one step at a time.

This is called Antarctic Xianweng, how did you accept it?

His whole person is about to explode.

The hope that he had waited for countless years before he was happy, before he was happy, was shattered again in a blink of an eye. The gap in this is enough to make people collapse instantly.

That is, the Antarctic Immortal Wengxiu is the Xuanmen Zhengdao, the most important Taoism, and then he has survived, otherwise, he will not be angry.

Even so, he didn't feel well at this time, he only felt that blood was surging all over his body, and he wanted to spray it out on the spot.

But fortunately, He suppressed it.

"Good thief,"

"Dare to seize the foundation of the poor,"

"Poor Dao will never make you feel better."

Determined in his heart to give the thief a retribution, the Antarctic Immortal shouted in grief and indignation on the spot:

"Disciple Antarctica, please ask the teacher to call the shots for me!"

The loudness of the voice spread throughout Kunlun Mountain, and the miserable meaning contained in it made people cry.

Hearing this voice, all the creatures on Kunlun Mountain stopped their movements and looked at the Antarctic Immortal Weng. I don't know what happened, making him, a disciple of interpretation and teaching, so miserable.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng is not a fool, and he knows that the one who can grab the Antarctic Star at this time is definitely a big man he can't afford to provoke.

That would give him a retribution, or even take back the South Pole Star, relying on him alone, it is estimated that there is no hope in this life.

Therefore, it is better to ask the teacher to take action.

Isn’t that the purpose of his apprenticeship ~www.wuxiaspot.com~?

As a congenital **** and demon, Taoism magic weapon, Antarctic immortal is indispensable. What he lacks is a huge backer, a backer that can make his way forward at a critical moment.

Yuanshi Tianzun fits exactly this point.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun's ability to regain the South Pole Star, Antarctica Xianweng is still very confident.

Yuanshi Tianzun is a saint, unless other saints take action, otherwise, he can definitely **** the South Pole Star back.

He would even give a lesson to the person who dared to grab the South Pole Star, smashing his face, and venting his own evil anger.


Just when the Antarctic Xianweng was dreaming, Yuanshi Tianzun also moved.

No, not only Yuanshi Tianzun,

It can be said that with the exception of Nuwa Houtu, the other five saints all moved and looked at the South Pole Star together.

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