Flooded Star Road

Chapter 603: Shennong's amazing ideas are unparalleled!

Since ancient times,

The heavens and blessings are home to the virtuous.

And what is a virtuous person?

After all, it was a powerful monk.

Only those who have a superb cultivation base can occupy a place and become the "virtuous" person.

This is true for the human race.

The same is true in Honghuang.

No one will say anything, this is the privilege of the strong.


After the change of heaven and earth, those human masters are still worried that with the change of heaven and earth, the famous mountains and big rivers will become weaker and weaker.

How should they practice in the future? Are they leaving the human race to go to the heavens, or staying in the Daluotian?

But after combing the ground veins, everything was healed at once, and everything was solved.

The famous mountains and rivers are reborn with innate aura, and there is a tendency to return to the state of ancient times.

Then, in this way, go to the heavens, or Da Luotian, and just stay in the human race.

For the human race,

It is undoubtedly a great thing.

Just imagine,

As the world becomes easier to complete,

The masters of the ten thousand races had to leave the wild land to go to the heaven or the great Luotian.

And the master of the human race?

Because of the great circulation of the earth veins, the famous mountains and rivers have been revived, allowing them to continue to stay in the human race.

This is undoubtedly an extremely huge deterrent for the ten thousand races.

The other races have no masters left behind, but Human Race has a large group of masters left behind.

This is the confidence!

At that time, who would dare to provoke the human race?

Even if the master who goes to the heavens can return, it will always take time to cross the border. And during this time, it was enough for a lot of things to happen.

If one day in the future, the connection between the heavens and the wild land can be completely isolated, then the human race with a large number of masters will be able to truly dominate the wild land.

Become the only overlord on the wild land!


At this point, the human race elders who were in the excitement at the scene didn't realize it at all.

But Shennong, who was on the sidelines, suddenly thought of this possibility after a short period of excitement.


Thinking of Shennong here, after a little thought, he immediately gathered all his mind and energy, used his innate gossip with all his strength, and silently calculated it.

He is deducing the future to test the possibility of this idea.

Endless Dao patterns flashed through Shennong's eyes quickly, intertwining scenes of scenes belonging to the future for him.

After a long time,

As Shennong’s mental strength gradually dries up,

He finally ended this deduction.

And the result, of course, is gratifying.

Among the many futures deduced by Shennong, almost all futures proved the feasibility of this method in the end.


Once this is done, it will surely achieve the dominance of the human race on the wild land.

At this time, Shennong was extremely excited!

Because, he saw the landscape of the human race standing on the top of the wilderness.

Shennong now,

I can't wait to use the great supernatural powers immediately, so that the heaven and the earth are completely isolated from the connection between the heaven and the wild land.


Soon, Shennong calmed down.


This idea is indeed very good.

But it is a pity that Shennong has already figured it out after he calmed down. This method is estimated to be impossible during the time that He is in charge of the human race.

Probably because of the fact that the world is now easier, it's just barely reaching the mid-term, far from reaching the point of complete end.

In other words, although the current prehistoric era is transforming to the acquired era, the traces of the congenital era have not completely disappeared, and some traces still remain in some places.

Relying on these remaining traces, part of the big Luo Jinxian can continue to stay in the land. And this part of Daluo Jinxian, who occupied the majority is still the masters of the ten thousand races and the masters of the human race.

After all, Da Luo Jinxian, who has no power, has nothing to miss on the wild land, and of course he left early.

Only those Da Luo Jinxian who have a fettered heart and can't let go of their own race, will hesitate to leave the wild land and try all means to stay.

These people, Luo Jinxian, are naturally based on the masters of the human race and the masters of the ten thousand races.



at this time,

The masters of the ten thousand races have not left the prehistoric land,

If Shennong used his great magical powers at this time, he would have an unparalleled connection with the heavens and the earth, completely disconnecting the heavens from the wild land.

Not to mention,

After the Jedi Tiantong,

How would those people in the heavens feel.

It is the master of the ten thousand races, seeing this scene, I am afraid that they will directly fight the human race.

Moreover, even if the masters of the ten thousand races did not fight the human race, they also stayed in the prehistoric, which is undoubtedly not a huge threat to the human race.

Therefore, the best time to use Jedi Tiantong should be after the masters of the ten thousand races have completely left the land.

It is precisely because of this that Shennong felt that it would be difficult for him to reach the world when he was in charge of the human race.

The world has never been easier, completely from the congenital era to the acquired era, how can those masters of the ten thousand races be willing to leave the prehistoric era?

Therefore, nowadays, it is absolutely impossible to use Jedi Tiantong.

This method can only be left to future generations.


"Jedi Tiantong, this move is related to whether the human race can dominate the wild land in the future, and it should be the top priority. The widow should remember it in his heart to tell future generations."

After realizing that he could not make a Jedi Tiantong, Shennong remembered this matter in his heart, intending to inform his successors in the future, and he would complete this plan.

If his successor is unable to complete this plan, then continue to pass on this method.

Terran masters emerge in endlessly, and there are always capable people who can complete this great plan.

After burying this matter in the bottom of his heart, Shennong pretended to be nothing, and accompanied the excited Human Race elders, silently observing the changes of Human Race.

Now, with the completion of the ground vein combing, the innate evil power of the human race has been solved.

Then, it depends on how the leader of the ten thousand races will make a decision after getting the news.


Shennong and others didn't know that, after the ground line combing was completed, besides them, there was another person who was silently paying attention to the changes of the human race.

And that person is...

Feng Zichen far in the boundless starry sky!

As early as when Shennong sacrificed the geomancy map, he was on Ziwei Star, paying attention to the actions of the people, so as to understand the changes in the territories of the human race in the first time after sorting out the geography.

As far as Feng Zichen is concerned, although he thought of the method of combing the earth veins, he also has great confidence that this method is feasible.

But out of a cautious mind, He still had to verify it. To ensure that the method of combing the earth veins is 100% feasible.

After all, real knowledge can only come from practice!

And the territories of human race,

It's his testing ground!

If it is done, Human Race can get huge benefits!


Terran actually didn't lose much.

Under the erosion of the innate evil spirit, the situation of the human race has long been critical to the extreme. No matter how bad it is, there is no way to go there.

Take a risk, there is still a hint of life.

If you don't move, you will die.

Therefore, Feng Zichen dared to experiment with the territories of the human race with confidence and boldness.

Simply, His plan is feasible.

With the completion of the combing of the ground veins and the opening up of the "meridians", the situation of the human race has not only improved, but also has a tendency to continue to improve.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

But this is not over yet!

Earlier, Feng Zichen had said that it was necessary to add an insurance to the ground vein to prevent it from being destroyed.

The so-called refining innate evil spirit is prepared for this.

But this is not enough.

Yes, if you want to ensure the safety of the earth veins, it is not enough to just have innate evil spirits, and another method is needed.

The more methods left to the earth veins, the greater the price paid by those who destroy the earth veins.

Only when the fight is severe and painful, the world will remember the lesson and know that the earth veins cannot be touched.




Following the Feng Zichen on Ziwei Star, his heart moved, and the prehistoric geomancy map that was far away in the territories of the human race felt immediately and began to tremble violently.

Then, I saw a little bit of brilliance gushing from the prehistoric geomancy map, condensing in the air into a mysterious Taoist map, imprinted on the body of Pangu Void.

Suddenly, many more light spots appeared in Pangu Void's body. Counting them down, there are as many as three hundred and sixty-five.

Looking at its distribution, it is even more mysterious. They are all located on the meridian nodes of the Pangu phantom, corresponding to the treasures of the spiritual acupoint one by one.

In other words, the divine orifice of man.


It's like a map of acupuncture points!

"This is……"

"This is the supreme classic of the gods and demons, Pangu Acupuncture Map!"

Everyone looked at the changes in Pangu's phantom, but they became more and more familiar with each other, and they always felt that the mysterious Tao map composed of light spots, they had seen it somewhere.

Especially, with the gradual perfection of the mysterious Taoist diagram, the sense of sight in their hearts became more intense.

Finally, at the moment when the Xuanmiao Dao Tu was completely formed, they recognized the origin of the Dao Tu.

Isn't this the Supreme God Map, Pangu Acupuncture Point Map, used to condense the gods during the initial cultivation of the gods and demons?

That is the highest achievement of the gods and demons together, lighting up three hundred and sixty-five divine orifices in the body and connecting them to reverse the Pangu Dao body.

Almost every human race,

At the beginning of cultivating the Way of Gods and Demons, they all had a heart that condensed three hundred and sixty-five divine orifices.

It's just a pity that most human races have failed.

too difficult!

It is really too difficult to gather three hundred and sixty-five divine orifices.

Throughout the history of the human race, there are only a few dozen people who can perfectly condense three hundred and sixty-five divine orifices and connect them perfectly.

And among these people,

Except for the people who died accidentally, most of them have been cultivated to become Da Luo Jinxian. Even if he didn't cultivate into Daluo Jinxian, he had transformed into an innate **** and demon early, and it was possible to become Daluo Jinxian.

It can be said that every existence that condenses three hundred and sixty-five divine orifices has the possibility of transforming into innate gods and demons, and they are all the seeds of Daluo Jinxian.

This is the real Tianjiao!

Talent is no less than innate gods and demons!

Because of the achievement,

Therefore, there are very few people who can do this. On the other hand, the Witch Clan, as long as the blood is pure enough, they can basically do this.

Even Feng Zichen had to sigh that the Way of Gods and Demons was simply born for the Witch Clan.

It's really suitable!

If it weren't for the current Wu Clan, the ability to reproduce is extremely low, so that the clan members are extremely rare, even if it is the position of the protagonist in this world, it would not be the turn of the Human Clan to do it.


He has the blood of Pangu,

It's really blessed.

Sometimes Feng Zichen just thinks about it.

The Wu Clan that evolved from the fusion of Pangu's essence and blood and the turbidity of the earth is already so powerful.

If it were, Pangu Yuanshen and Innate Turbid Qi had evolved in addition to the Sanqing, and also evolved into an innate race with Pangu Yuanshen, then what kind of style should it be.

I'm afraid it's the great famine at that time, there will be nothing wrong with the monster race. The so-called Lich Hegemony will also evolve into a blood fight between two supreme families who inherited the Pangu bloodline and Pangu Yuanshen respectively.

Think about it,

The scene was really exciting and exciting enough.

It's a pity that Sanqing paid too much attention to the part of Pangu Yuanshen that had good luck with the weather.

If this weren't the case, Pangu's broken primordial spirit and innate freshness might not have been unable to evolve into an innate race.


This idea is very good.

If there is a chance in the future, it may not be impossible to calculate the Sanqing this way.

You know, when Pangu Kaitian body fell, its primordial spirit was broken, and the largest part of it was transformed into Sanqing, but a small part of it had not been transformed into innate gods and demons, but scattered into the prehistoric world~www.wuxiaspot. com~Feng Zichen still doesn’t believe it,

He rummaged through the land and couldn't find this part of Pangu Yuanshen.

If you can find it, then it will be much simpler to deal with Sanqing later.

Can't say,

Will make a younger brother for Sanqing.

What's more, you can directly evolve an innate race from this, making Sanqing a large number of tribes.

Feng Zichen had even figured out the name of that innate race, and it was called "Qing Clan"!

At that time, the Taoist name of Sanqing will be transformed into the name of the clan. Their identities are even more "Shiqing" outside of the Taoist Master of Xuanmen.

Gee tut!

Really want to see,

When this scene turns into reality,

What will Sanqing's face look like.

At that time, a large number of people gathered around the Sanqing "ancestors, ancestors" screaming, thinking about it, their faces must be wonderful.

With one more race, for Sanqing, in addition to bringing responsibilities, the bigger one also weakened the good luck of Sanqing.

Part of the reason why the twelve ancestral witches are inferior to the Sanqing is that the birth of the witch clan has taken away the good fortune they inherited from Pangu.

The same good weather,

Sanqing is divided equally between three people,

And the Zu Wu is evenly divided with the Wu clan.

The gap in this one can be imagined.

No wonder,

The achievements of the twelve ancestor witches,

Far from reaching the height of Sanqing.

In a sense, it was the emergence of the witch clan that dragged down the ancestral witch.

If not,

Relying on the legacy of the twelve ancestor witches inherited from Pangu, they did not say that they became saints, and they all cultivated into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian a long time ago.


Choice is very important!

Different options,

Can create a different future.

Such as Sanqing and Twelve Ancestor Witches!

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