Flooded Star Road

Chapter 617: Hongmeng Ziqi

After the person's identity was recognized, the mysterious man's face could not hide the color of astonishment. Because it is impossible for someone to appear here.

The head of the Four Royal Gods: Zhongtian Ziwei, the Arctic Emperor Taihuang!

"Why can't you be a widow?"

Seeing the other person's expression, Feng Zichen said a little funny.


"Aren't you being dragged by the Chaos Demon God and unable to get out of the endless starry sky?"

"How come you suddenly appear here..."

"never mind,"

"These are not important either."

"Anyway, you alone can't stop Poor Dao."

After seeing the appearance of Feng Zichen, the man was at first puzzled and seemed to be greatly shocked. But immediately, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly relaxed, and said with a disapproving expression on his face.

"Fellow Daoist is really confident!"

"You and I are both in the half-step Hunyuan realm, so fellow Taoists are so confident and able to stabilize the balance?"

Feng Zichen couldn't help feeling a little happy when he heard the other party say so.

He is the Four Royal Gods!

Although the realm is the same as the opponent, they are all in the quasi-sage's extreme, half-step Hunyuan state. But his combat power, with the blessing of the heaven and earth karma, can reach the level of the Hunyuan Triple Heaven or even stronger.

In this way, even if the opponent is a half-step Hunyuan, even if he has the innate treasure in his hand, how can he be his opponent?


When Feng Zichen heard the other party's words, it was extremely ridiculous.

"Friend Ziwei, although I don't know what means you used to get here. But presumably, you must have paid a lot of price for coming here."

"After all, there are still four Chaos Demon Gods at the Hunyuan level in the endless starry sky. Dealing with them will inevitably involve a lot of your energy."

"I just don't know how much Friend Ziwei Daoist can play in this state?"

"What's more, when you waited to fight against Demon Ancestor Luo Hu that day, you were all seriously injured. Now, I'm afraid you haven't raised it yet, right?"

The mysterious man seemed confident at this moment, and he was not afraid of Feng Zichen. In his heart, he has already determined that Feng Zichen's strength is far from reaching the peak level.

Also, let alone a mysterious person, as any person, in this state, he would not think that Feng Zichen could exert his full strength.

Just as the mysterious man said, the boundless starry sky is currently being hit by the Chaos Demon God, and Feng Zichen's energy must be placed there to prevent the four fierce beasts from breaking out.

The consequence of this is that Feng Zichen, who appears here, is far from being able to perform at a normal level. It's good to have the peak period.

After all, those were four chaotic demon gods at the Hunyuan level, not four Chinese cabbages that grew randomly by the roadside. If you want to block them, you will have to pay an unimaginable price.

What's more, He was still wounded.

It is precisely because of this that, knowing that Feng Zichen's strength is comparable to that of the Hunyuan powerhouse, the mysterious person still utters wild words, completely disregarding it.

He felt that Feng Zichen in front of him was just an illusion, and he did not have the power to compete with him.

But the truth, is it really what he thinks it is?



"Is it true?"

"Since fellow Taoists feel so, why not come forward and verify it yourself?"

"It must be understood that there is a price to be paid to belittle the widow."

Feng Zichen smiled lightly, did not take the other party's words to heart at all, just invited the other party to verify it in person. See if your own power is as he thinks...


Of course he doesn't care anymore.

You know, the one who appeared here was Feng Zichen's real body, the real body at a fair price. It is his incarnation who stays in the endless starry sky.

As early as when he discovered that someone was deliberately provoking a great disaster, Feng Zichen knew that something was wrong. This was someone who wanted to cause a great disaster!

After discovering this, although Feng Zichen didn't know the purpose of the other party's doing this, he was convinced of one thing, that is, if he wanted to destroy the prehistoric land, he was destined to not bypass the World Tree.

Therefore, after Feng Zichen left an incarnation, he quietly left the boundless starry sky and hid it inside the world tree.

What happened afterwards all confirmed Feng Zichen's guess. As a huge melee broke out, the person behind the scenes really came here, wanting to be detrimental to the World Tree.

This is the scene at hand!

As for the incarnation of the four chaotic demon gods in the boundless starry sky, why are they so strong? Of course, they borrowed the power of Pangu gods.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Zichen's performance in the boundless starry sky is so unbearable.

After all, the deity is not there!


"Right on my mind!"

The mysterious man didn't talk nonsense, waved the black long knife in his hand, and slashed towards Feng Zichen.


The pitch-black blade light came out, extremely overbearing, carrying a majestic sword power, like countless mountains pressing down, crashing down towards Feng Zichen.

"Good knife technique!"

With a secret compliment, Feng Zichen pointed it into a sword and pointed towards the oncoming sword light.


The endless brilliance exploded, and countless stars evolved, forming a vast starry sky in front of Feng Zichen, which was extremely gorgeous.


The sword light against the sword light,

The power of terror broke out, tearing everything apart,

Infinite sword power and sword intent burst out in the void, constantly colliding and destroying.

Everything was blurred and shattered, and the world was vast and covered by sword intent and sword power.

After a long time, the storm gradually subsided and the outcome was decided.

but it is…

"How can it be?"

"How can you be strong?"

After the blow, the power was not as powerful as the sword intent, and the figure of the mysterious man holding a knife flew out, his eyes were full of unbelievable.

"It shouldn't be!"


"Obviously, most of your power is concentrated in the endless starry sky to resist the four chaotic demon gods, but why do you still have such a powerful power?"

Using a knife to prop up the injured body, the mysterious man even couldn't believe the facts before him, and muttered as though absent-mindedly.

He is injured!

Under the opponent's casual blow!

A full blow was not able to defeat the opponent with a casual blow, which undoubtedly shows that the opponent is not in a period of weakness as he imagined.

On the contrary, the opponent is very strong!

Judging from the fact that he can easily hit himself severely, the opponent's strength is not inferior to an ordinary Hunyuan level master.



"What is the Four Royals?"

"The supremacy between the heaven and the earth, the embodiment of the will of the wilderness, and the management of the wilderness on behalf of the heavens, has the supreme power and strength!"

"Even the real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, dare not say that he can beat the Four Gods in the prehistoric land, let alone..."

"You have not yet become a golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo!"

Opposite, Feng Zichen sighed with pity, and said to the mysterious person.

I'm not self-reliant, I'm talking about the other party.

Defeating the opponent with one blow is nothing but normal for him. After all, he has a power comparable to that of Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian. The other party is just a half-step Hunyuan level "ant".

If it weren't for the innate treasure in his hands, he would be hit hard by the blow, and Kenben would not have the opportunity to talk to Feng Zichen.

"Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian?"

"It's a careless thing."

"Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist's hole cards are more than what Pin Dao imagined. Even in the face of the four Chaos Demon Gods of the Hunyuan level, there is still room to defeat Pin Dao."

With a wry smile, the mysterious man said with difficulty.

He is misguided!

But this is not to blame Him.

Who would have thought that the Great Emperor Ziwei was so powerful, facing the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, while still retaining the strength of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

This is simply outrageous!

"Friends, this is the end of the matter, can you tell the widow of your origin."

After blocking the surrounding space and time and completely blocking the escape route of the mysterious person, Feng Zichen stepped forward and asked softly.

He is really curious!

These years, even the Chaos Demon God and the Demon Sect have given up destroying the prehistoric world. The mysterious person who suddenly appeared in front of him did not seem to be the Chaos Demon God, but rather the Profound Sect Gaozhen, so how could he have the idea of ​​destroying the prehistoric?


"The widows observe the aura of a fellow daoist, the power of immortality is extremely pure, and it is not like being taken over by the Chaos Demon God, how can such a big idea of ​​rebelliousness suddenly arise and want to destroy the wild world?"

"Don't you feel ashamed of Daozu's teaching for such a move by fellow Daoists?"

Before the mysterious person, Feng Zichen asked curiously.

"Ha ha!"

"What do you know?"

"The poverty-stricken Tao destroys the prehistoric nature, and naturally it is an opportunity to achieve the poverty-stricken Tao."

With a miserable smile, the mysterious person said in a low voice:

"Back then, when the primordial famine was first formed, nine primordial and purple auras emerged from the heavens and the earth, seven of which were acquired by the ancestors of Taoism, and became the seven sages of today."

"And of the two remaining cosmic purple auras, one of them escaped from the world and completely disappeared. The other was melted into the wild land to become the foundation of heaven and earth."

"Pan Dao said that, presumably fellow Daoist should understand what I mean."

It seemed that he had completely given up hope, and the mysterious man stated his purpose very frankly.


"Friends of Taoism are really good ideas!"

After listening to the mysterious man's explanation, Feng Zichen couldn't help but confuse his tongue.

How do you say this method of destroying the wild land and distilling the grandeur and purple energy?

There is really a slight possibility of becoming a saint.

Destroying the wild land, although there is great cause and effect, great karma, but once he becomes a saint, then all this is not a problem.

The immortality of the saint is not a joke.

Even the great cause and effect, the great karma, can be paid off slowly.

After all, the saint has time.

But this is not the reason for the opponent to destroy the wild land, nor the reason for the opponent to join forces with the Chaos Demon God.



The mysterious man,

Definitely teamed up with Chaos Demon God.

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental. He wanted to destroy the wild land, and a large number of Chaos Demon Gods emerged to help him tie the energy of the great supernatural powers.

all of these,

There is definitely the Chaos Demon God intervening.



"Let the widow see, who are you?"

Putting out his hand, Feng Zichen grabbed the mysterious man, trying to tear his disguise and find out his true colors.

Around that mysterious person, there was a faint layer of chaos. It is the existence of this layer of chaotic air that isolates everything, makes him independent of the heavens and the earth, and makes it impossible for the heavens to perceive him.

Therefore, He can pass the doomsday without incident. Similarly, it is also because of the existence of this layer of chaos that no one can see his origin.


Feng Zichen stuck out his palm, as if holding the entire world, unparalleled power came out, squeezed the void, and completely imprisoned the mysterious person.


Secretly exerting force, Feng Zichen is about to tear the disguise on that person, but at this moment, the change is acting!

Seeing that the black long knife in the mysterious man's hand suddenly burst into brilliance, endless power surging out of it, swaying Feng Zichen's imprisonment.


With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen sacrificed the Hongmeng Dao Bell, fixed on the void, and carefully looked around.


At the moment when Feng Zichen sacrificed the Hongmeng Dao Bell, the black long knife burst through the air, and the endless blade exploded, slashing towards him.


Hongmeng Daozhong trembled lightly and ran directly in front of Feng Zichen, colliding with the black long knife.


After one blow, the black long knife was directly hit by Hongmeng Daozhong and fell into the depths of the void.


At this time, Feng Zichen cried out and manipulated the Hongmeng Daozhong to sink into the depths of the void, completely suppressing the black long knife.


In the void, the person who appeared suddenly tried to withdraw the black long knife, but under the suppression of the Hongmeng Daozhong, no matter what he did, he could not recall it.

For a time, He couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"It's a good method!"

Accompanied by a shy voice, another mysterious figure walked out of the void.

However, his strength is undoubtedly stronger than the mysterious person suppressed by Feng Zichen, and he has already entered the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"The Chaos Demon God!"

"You are the Chaos Demon God!"

"Widows remember you. One of the nine chaos demon gods who fought against the incarnations of all saints is you."

"So, you are his backing?"

Looking at the person indifferently, Feng Zichen said indifferently.

"Yes, it is the deity!"

"With the deity, you can't move him."

The Chaos Demon God stepped forward and said.



"Is it enough for you alone?"

With a disdainful smile, Feng Zichen buckled the Hongmeng Dao Bell, and he was about to suppress this Chaos Demon God, along with the previous mysterious man.

"What an arrogant junior!"

"It's crazy enough!"

"Since he is not enough alone, why is UU reading www.uukanshu.com adding me and waiting?"

While they were speaking, there were four more chaotic demon gods walking out of the void.

In addition to the previous one, at this time, there are already five Chaos Demon Gods standing in front of Feng Zichen.

In addition to the four chaos demon gods with the boundless starry sky, the nine chaos demon gods of the chaos level that had previously fought with the incarnations of all saints have all appeared.

At the same time, shot against Feng Zichen!

One to nine!


"Five Chaos Demon Gods?"

"It's really strong enough!"

"But, it's not enough!"

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