Flooded Star Road

: Uncomfortable

However, monks have calamities, and the world also has them, and they are greater than monks' calamities.

A little carelessness will lead to destruction.

Maybe, before the prehistoric world has been promoted to the eternal world, the immeasurable calamity has already erupted, dragging the entire prehistoric world into the ruins, causing everything to return to chaos.

The immeasurable calamity, that is the most terrifying calamity, the calamity that destroys the world.

Its appearance,

It indicates that the end of the world has come.

Every world born in chaos, its destiny has long been doomed and will inevitably be destroyed.

Born in chaos, returned to chaos,

This is reincarnation and destiny,

Except for the eternal world, no world can escape.

These are all calamities that must be passed on the path of spiritual practice. As long as you don't become a great way or prove eternity, you will have to go through it, and you can't avoid it.

It is as strong as Pangu, and it has many calamities, not to mention other people.

Only after the prehistoric world has been promoted to the eternal world, can you get rid of the calamity of the world.

Therefore, the predecessor world wants to break free from the destiny of destruction, only to continue to promote, so that the immeasurable robbery cannot catch up with the pace of his advancement, is severely left behind, and will never come.

However, Tiandi alone is not enough for Honghuang's promotion. At this time, the help of saints and great supernatural powers is needed.

Let them use their own Dao and Dharma to prove to the prehistoric world, so as to perfect the rules of the world and make the world more perfect.

This is the meaning of the existence of saints and great supernatural powers. Used to find the defects of the world and make up for them.

Otherwise, why are there so many great magicians in the world?

These are all moths between the heavens and the earth. If they are not needed for the evolution of the heavens and the earth, they really want them to exist!

To know,

The birth of each great supernatural power represents that he has made a great contribution to the heaven and earth, perfected the prehistoric rules, and made great contributions to the heaven and the earth.

Otherwise, He will not become a great supernatural power.

The prerequisite for Daluo Jinxian to be promoted to the quasi-sage is to have merit in heaven and earth.

If this is not the case, no matter how strong it is, Da Luo Jinxian is the end, and there is no possibility that it will be one step closer.

With such harsh conditions, the number of great supernatural powers and the number of quasi-sages in the prehistoric are still not a few.

It can be inferred from this that what the prehistoric world looked like back then, there must be loopholes everywhere.

Honghuang can have the prosperity it is today, and the great supernatural powers have made great efforts. Therefore, they can stand high and enjoy the worship of sentient beings.

For Yu Honghuang, the great supernatural power is a double-edged sword.

Use it well and benefit the world.

Use it badly, hurt others and hurt yourself.

After the Lich War,

It’s just not a good model,

It directly broke Honghuangtiandi into pieces.

Even the advantages that he had accumulated so hard to accumulate before were completely destroyed.

The prehistoric world has suffered heavy losses!




"The current prehistoric is not too perfect."

"If it is from now on, the demon lord heaven, the witch clan underworld."

"Those who achieve the golden immortal, ascend to the heavens, are under the jurisdiction of the heavenly court.

"The dead soul enters the Netherworld and is under the jurisdiction of the Witch Clan."

"Those under the Golden Immortal live on the wild land."

"In this way, the three realms are balanced, life and death are in order, and the prehistoric land can be completely settled down."

"The disturbance of immeasurable calamity!"

Looking at the Three Realms of the Primordial Realm, everyone can imagine a great future with one word.

To be honest, what Taixu Taoist people think is completely feasible in theory.

In later generations, this is probably the case for the prehistoric process. The difference is nothing more than the change of the person who dominates the world.


Theory belongs to theory, practice belongs to practice.

The prehistoric situation has reached the point where the fire is cooking oil. The second family of Lich must fight. It is completely impossible for them to coexist peacefully and control the two realms separately.


Even if they want,

Heaven will not agree.

Therefore, the ideas of these great supernatural powers are certainly good, but they are a bit advanced.


Just when everyone wanted to continue the discussion, in the midst of it, a will emerged, and the immense vastness cast a shadow over their hearts.

That is the way of heaven!

Their words involved too much, and Heaven didn't want them to continue speaking, so he lowered a will to warn everyone.


"It's boring..."

Heavenly Dao has appeared, so everyone is naturally not good to continue, so they have to sigh helplessly and continue to observe the evolution of the Netherworld.

From ancient times to the present,

Anyone who is the enemy of heaven is dead!


In a blink of an eye, a hundred years passed in a hurry.

The evolution of the Netherworld was finally completed.

Seeing where the original Nether Blood Sea was, it was completely replaced by a pitch-black world.

That is the Netherworld!

It didn't look big, it was the same size as the original sea of ​​blood. But in fact, his area is far beyond everyone's imagination, and it is comparable to the largest world in the prehistoric world, the heavens.

Compared with it, the sea of ​​blood, which is known as the boundless, is still a bit smaller. Therefore, after the Netherworld was born, the sea of ​​blood became a part of it, occupying a quarter of the area.

"Ha ha!"

"My chance has arrived!"

Seeing that the Netherworld was fully present, Feng Zichen laughed loudly and walked out of the darkness to the sky above the Netherworld.


"Who is he?"

"Why are there other creatures in the Netherworld?"

Seeing Feng Zichen, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Among all the people present, the lowest of the quasi-sage's later stage cultivation bases, people below this level can't come here. Feng Zichen, but Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base, naturally was not in the eyes of everyone.

But he was a big Luo Jinxian, but he was able to hide from everyone's perception, quietly appearing under their eyelids, which was shocking.

When did the Daluo Jinxian become so strong, could he hide the perception of the great supernatural powers?

Da Luo Jinxian is a great realm.

Therefore, for the same big Luo Jinxian, the gap may be very large.

Just like Xiantian Realm and Taiyi Golden Fairyland. This is the gap between Daluo Jinxian and Great Supernatural Power.

No wonder the great supernatural powers are shocked, and it's the same when changing to someone else.

"That fellow Taoist called Fengdu. Because he opened up the ghost road and enchanted all ghosts, he was also called the ghost emperor of the capital. He had been in the sea of ​​blood before, so he appeared in the Netherworld."

Before Hou Tu could speak, the Stygian Taoist with a gloomy expression walked over from the sea of ​​blood and told everyone the origin of Feng Zichen.

The current mood of the Styx Taoist is extremely complicated, and I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

A good sea of ​​blood has turned into a sea of ​​blood in the Nether Realm, and its momentum is directly weakened. Not to mention, the air transport merges with the Nether Realm, and it is almost weakened by half.

This almost exploded the Styx Taoist.

Originally thought that the birth of the six reincarnation discs would encroach on a part of the territory of the sea of ​​blood.

He planned to endure it, and divided half of the blood to Houtu. After all, if you have inherited such a big love from others, you will be regarded as paying off your debts.



They didn't look down on the sea of ​​blood at all, they didn't want any site, and left it to him intact.



Houtu moved directly to him!

In the blink of an eye, His Nether Sea of ​​Blood left the wild land and merged into the Nether Realm.

This is Stygian,

Things you can't even dream of!

With such a big sea of ​​blood, who would have thought that he would be swallowed by a world.

The actions of the Netherworld directly confused the Styx Taoists, and it took a long time to react.

But by then, it was too late. Everything became a settlement, and He couldn't change anything.

Of course, even if he reacts in advance, nothing can be changed.

The sea of ​​blood merges into the Netherworld to strengthen his origin. That is the destiny, irreversible and unchangeable!


"It turns out to be Fellow Styx!"

"Friend Styx, long time no see."


Seeing that the people coming were from the Styx Tao, everyone greeted them one after another.

"I have seen you fellow Taoists!"

The Styx Taoists responded one by one.

However, in this process, He didn't even look at Houtu.

If it weren't for the status of the Taoist master of Shura, he had only acquired the love of Houtu, he would have already lifted the sword to chop Houtu, regardless of whether he was able to fight or not.

Houtu was not surprised by the attitude of the Styx Taoists. If he greeted himself in a good voice, it would be troublesome.

Put yourself in the situation and think about it, if you are a Styx Taoist and have experienced those things just now, I am afraid that you will be angry with yourself.

Moreover, when someone explained the origins for Feng Zichen, he was also happy to relax.

"According to Fellow Daoist, this person is still a self-made existence, which is really shocking."

At this time, the great supernatural power came to be interested, and he became curious about Feng Zichen in his heart.

Those who are self-confident, are all amazing talents, and their aptitude will never lose to them, as long as there is no accident, the future will become a great supernatural power.

This is the person who can stand at the same height with them in the future, and is qualified to stand side by side with them and get their attention.

"However, why did he go to the depths of the Nether Realm?"

While everyone was talking, Feng Zichen rushed to the fire of **** without looking back, and it was almost here now.

"Ghost Road,"

"Ghost Road,"



"Pan Dao understands, that fellow Taoist Fengdu has a great relationship with the Netherworld!"

Suddenly, Taoist Taixu's heart moved, and a bright light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly wanted to understand something.

"What is a ghost? People die as ghosts!"

"What is the way of ghosts? The way of death!"

"What is the Nether Realm? The Dead Realm too!"

These clues connected together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ performance is already obvious.

Ghost Dao is the Dao born for the Nether Realm!

Then, as the ancestor of the ghost road, Fengdu naturally has a great fate with the Netherworld, and is one of its heavenly rulers.

As soon as Taoist Taixu's voice fell, the rest of the great supernatural powers also reacted.

They are all powerful people. With clues and a little deduction, it is easy to snoop on the secrets of the secret when no one is covering them, and they can naturally calculate what happened.

This is clearly the Taoist of Fengdu, inspired by the will of the Nether Realm, to go to collect the opportunity. This is the benefit of being the master of the underworld.


Apart from admiring the chance of the heavenly determination, His people can only watch it.

To seize the opportunity, wait if the enemy takes over.

What's more, it's still a chance.

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