Flooded Star Road

Chapter 731: The true number of human Taoist priests

What is Xuanqing doing?

These people were trying to figure out how to deal with Gouchen, but Xuan Qing was not good enough, so he didn't want to help, and even stabbed them from the back.

Now, with the help of the disciples of the two teachings, Gou Chen has completed this great merit, undoubtedly one step closer to becoming the emperor of human beings, and it has become more difficult to deal with.

This wave of Xuan Qing is stab in the back!

Originally, when they dealt with Gouchen, they felt quite unsure. Now that Xuan Qing has done this again, it undoubtedly made it more difficult for them to deal with Gouchen.

This is uncomfortable.

"All right!"

"You shouldn't say anything about Daoist friends. When it comes to Xuanqing, the poor Dao and others will teach him the lesson."

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun said a little displeased.

He was very angry, very angry.

Of course it was not Xuan Qing who was angry, but his disciples.

For Xuan Qing, Yuan Shi Tianzun was still very satisfied. Looking at his performance in this matter, it is completely impossible to fault. Between interception and interpretation, impartiality is truly achieved.

This is what made Yuanshi Tianzun extremely satisfied. There is no distinction of door in the heart, only Xuanmen disciple in the eyes, this is the demeanor that the Xuanmen master should have.

The more satisfied with Xuan Qing in his heart, the more dissatisfied Yuanshi Tianzun with his disciple.

This person, what he fears most is comparison. Compared with Xuan Qing, the disciples of Chanjiao didn't even look at it!

You see, Xuan Qing took the initiative to send merits to the door, but she taught his disciples that they didn't even want it.

Are you stupid?

At the moment when he learned that the disciples chose to teach, Yuanshi Tianzun really wanted to call his disciples and asked them aloud,

Are you stupid? Don't take the merits that you take the initiative to send to your door. Why don't you go to heaven!

But he can't, he has a good face, and even if his disciples are wrong, he can't reprimand in front of everyone.

"There's no need to discuss this matter anymore."

"Even if Xuan Qing doesn't let his nephews take action, the emperor will find someone else to take action, and it won't affect his plan."

"Therefore, it is completely meaningless to discuss Xuan Qing's merits and demerits at this time. It is better to consider how to deal with Gou Chen next."

Seeing what Zhun mentioned Daoist still wanted to say, the Taiqing saint said the matter.

In his view, what Xuan Qing did this time was not only without fault, but also meritorious.

When you see something you can't do, immediately change your attitude, take advantage of the trend, and think that you are seeking the greatest benefit.

This is very consistent with the way of life of the Taiqing saints.

The success of the Gouchen Plan has become inevitable. Seeing that he couldn't stop him, Xuan Qing simply joined in to seek benefits for his side, which was obviously a smart man's approach.

It is also the most practical way.

The Taiqing saints are precisely the most practical ones among all saints. He always looks at the results, not the process. As long as the result is beneficial to you, the process or something doesn't matter at all.


The quasi-speaking Taoist is not an iron man. Seeing that Sanqing has said so, naturally he will not continue to pursue it.

"Five hundred Daluo Dao Zun, this power is beyond our control. If you want to deal with the human race, you can only use external force."

In order to prevent the quasi-sage Taoist from being besieged by Sanqing, the lead saint quickly turned off the topic.

"external force?"

"Could it be..."


Hearing what the sage said, the sage of Taiqing seemed to be enlightened, and his eyes looked at him inexplicably.

This guy has a dark heart, he can even think of a way to deal with the human race by lending the hand of the monster race.

The external force can still threaten the human race's external force, and the entire prehistoric world is not much, and it is naturally not difficult for the Taiqing saints to guess.

Except for the innate tribes, there are only the lich tribe.

The Innate Three Races and the Witch Race are the allies of the Human Race, and they will definitely not attack the Human Race. Then only Yaozu is left.

Speaking of the demon race, the Beihai demon race plus the ten great demon gods of the remnants of the ancient heavenly court can almost raise a hundred Da Luo Dao Zun.

This force is indeed very appropriate to contain the human race.

The things that Taiqing saints can think of, the Lord Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun can naturally also think of them. When they see them, they all look at the receiving saint with weird eyes, just like knowing him for the first time.

This is something to attract a saint!

Unexpectedly, under his compassionate appearance, he also hid a belly of bad water.

To deal with the human race by the hand of the monster race, this method is not only bad, it is so bad that it smokes.

No matter who wins or loses, it is a good thing for the saint. It couldn't be better if both sides lose out.

Whether the demon race or the human race, they are all targets that the saints want to suppress.

Just because they can shake the dominance of the saints.

The saints thought this way, unexpectedly, the next words that led the saints surprised them.

"Yes, not!" I saw the lead saint shook his head and said: "The monster race mentioned by the poor road refers to the monster gods who have fallen into long sleep."


"Are you crazy to lead fellow Daoists?"

"To revive those demon gods that have long since fallen?"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and couldn't help standing up.

The ancient monster race was much stronger than the current human race. If they were to be revived, it would certainly be able to contend against the human race. But one might not be able to deal with them, not just the human race, but also them.

The strength of the ancient monster race, that even the saints would have to retreat from home, is far from what the current human race can compare.

Although the current human race was strong, it was only valued by the saints, and they did not give them the idea of ​​retreating, but the ancient monster race could.

From the attitude of the saint, it can be seen that there is still a big gap between the human race and the ancient monster race.

Only if the saints are jealous of the human race, that human race can stand shoulder to shoulder with the ancient monster race, and then surpass him!

"You fellow daoists should not get excited. The poor Tao is just talking, and didn't really intend to put it into action. This is a last resort, and it is absolutely not to be used if it is not a last resort."

Seeing that everyone was so excited, the sage led the saint to quickly explain.

"It's good for Taoists to know the severity."

Hearing this, everyone was relieved and sat down again.

No wonder they were so nervous, the ancient monster race involved the taboo in the hearts of all the saints, Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

The resurrection of the ancient demon gods is not terrible, nor is it worthy of the jealousy of the saints, even if the fallen ancient demon gods are all revived, it is the same.

The strength of a saint cannot be shaken by a mere ancient demon god.

What really made the saints jealous was the two people who made them unforgettable, Dijun and Taiyi.

No, to be more precise, it should be Taiyi, the invincible existence that has beaten all over the wild.

The One is strong, which is universally recognized, that is, it is as strong as the Sanqing, and it has also been defeated by His hands when fighting alone.

The strength of his body cannot be measured by common sense. It is not a saint, but it is better than a saint.

It is because of the fear of Taiyi that the saints are unwilling to revive the ancient demon gods.

If the ancient demon gods were to recover, the first thing to do was never to attack the human race or the witch race, but to find a way to resurrect Taiyi and Dijun.

Therefore, the saint will never allow the resurrection of the ancient demon gods.

In fact, it's not like the fallen ancient demon gods, the ten great demon gods that are still alive, have been under the surveillance of the saints.

The purpose is naturally to prevent these demon gods from resurrecting Emperor Jun and Taiyi secretly.

To this day, Hong Huang still has no news about Emperor Jun and Taiyi, it is the handwriting of the saint.

In the unknown corner of the prehistoric lands, the saint no longer knows how many methods have been deployed to prevent Taiyi and Dijun from returning.

If it weren't for the Witch Clan who still had Houtu maidens, they would be the Eleventh Ancestor Witches, and the Saints would also intervene in their return.

The Ancestral Witch Palace has been able to stand on the wild land for so many years, not because the saints cannot see it, nor because they have the merits of suppressing the wild land.

It's because, behind them, there is Houtu Empress. If this were not the case, the sage would have destroyed the Ancestral Witch Hall long ago.

Dijun and Tai suffered as soon as they suffered. There was no Yaozu as powerful as the Houtu Empress, so that after their fall, they were targeted by various people, making it difficult for them to return.

"The ancient demon gods can be used as a trump card, and will not be used for the time being, but the current North Sea demon clan, and those ten great demon gods, can use one or two."

"Also, the human race has dominated the wild land for so many years. I don't know how many races are dissatisfied with them and want to replace them."

"And these races that are dissatisfied with the human race are also targets that we can use. With their strength, although they can't move the roots of the Yao human race, it is enough to cause some chaos to the human race."

"The more chaotic the human race, the greater the chance of waiting for me, and the lower the chance of success."

Following the discussions of the Five Saints, a complete set of plans for the human race was sorted out by them.

Then, it is concrete implementation!


While the saint was discussing how to deal with the human race, the ancestral land of the human race was very lively.

From afar, you can see that in the sky above the ancestral land of the human race, endless storms converge, constantly surging and surging.

There is also a huge innate Taoist rhyme, starting from the ancestral land, colliding and interweaving in the air, deducting all kinds of mysteries.

This is the breath that naturally radiates from Human Dao Zun. Each Daluo Jinxian can be said to be the incarnation of its corresponding Dao, and it naturally carries the aura of Dao.

And the five hundred Da Luo Dao Zuns gathered together, and the aura of the Great Dao on their bodies were superimposed on each other, and the vision they caused was just thinking about it.

At this moment, the ancestral land of the human race seemed to be transformed into a supreme realm, in which ten thousand daos were intertwined, the innate Taoist rhyme was permeated, and the endless luck gathered.

Isn’t it Daoyu?

Five hundred incarnations of the Great Dao gathered together, and the rhyme of the Dao in their body can turn a mortal place into a holy land, not to mention that the ancestral land of the human race is inherently extraordinary.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is Tao domain.

The monks who are in the ancestral land of the human race at this moment are considered lucky, and practicing here is more than a hundred times faster than the outside world.

Especially the monks who practice the Innate Way, practicing here, it is as if they have returned to the ancient Innate Era, not to mention doing twice the result with half the effort, and their understanding of the Innate Way is also deeper.

And at this moment, what are Feng Zichen and Da Luo Dao Zun of these human races doing?

Is it just as everyone thinks, is discussing how to oppose the saint?

of course not!

Feng Zichen was talking to them.

Five hundred Da Luo Dao Zun is indeed a very powerful force, but it is not enough to look at it in front of the saint.

Unless it is a superb Congenital Spirit Treasure, the five-hundred human Dao Venerables are not enough to be beaten by a saint with one hand.

In that case, how could Feng Zichen send them to die?

You know, these five hundred Da Luo Dao Zuns can almost be said to be more than the seven-layer power of the Primordial Human Race, and there is no loss.

The current number of Taoist priests of the human race is definitely more than five hundred.

Just as the saint thought, Feng Zichen couldn't expose all the human race's background, and he was bound to keep it alone.

Therefore, Feng Zichen deliberately hid part of Da Luo Dao Zun.

Really speaking, Human Race should have almost 600 Da Luo Dao Zun.

Five hundred of them were the ones in front of Feng Zichen's eyes. As for the other hundred, they were hidden by Him.

Hidden in the endless starry sky.

Cultivating Daluo Dao Zun in this era is not an easy task, but for Feng Zichen, it is not difficult.

Because he not only has a lot of resources, but he is also willing to smash them.

Relying on the hard pile of resources, Feng Zichen could pile up a lot of Da Luo Dao Zun.

Over the years, the output of the endless starry sky has been used by Feng Zichen on these Daluo Dao Zun's bodies.

This is the reason why the Human Race has so many Dao Zun Luo.

You know, countless years have passed, and under the hard work of Pangu gods, the endless starry sky has returned to its peak and has a further trend.

It's just that Feng Zichen has been kept secret, so that no one knows about it.

Relying on the boundless starry sky, the monster clan cultivated three thousand Da Luo monster gods.

Today, Feng Zichen has a stronger, boundless starry sky than before. Even if he has no time to master the demon patriarch, he can cultivate more than one hundred Daluo Dao Zun for the Human Race at any cost, right?

It can be said that nearly one-third of the 600 Da Luo Dao Zun of the Terran came out of the Boundless Starry Sky, and another third had more or less help from the Boundless Starry Sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only three points. One of Da Luo Dao Zun was cultivated by Human Race itself.

From this point of view, it is not too much to say that Feng Zichen alone supported a small half of the human race.

Feng Zichen didn't have to pay a price for cultivating so many Da Luo Dao Zun. For this reason, the overall promotion trend of Infinite Starry Sky has been temporarily suspended for a period of time.

That is to say, in order to cultivate these Daluo Dao Zun, Feng Zichen did not hesitate to delay the incubation time of the innate star gods, innate spirit treasures, and the innate treasure Zhoutian Xingdian in Zhoutian stars.

The loss was almost equivalent to half of the congenital treasure, enough to make Feng Zichen heartache for a long time.

However, the results were gratifying, and these efforts were not in vain. The Human Race has hundreds of Da Luo Dao Zun, and really has the capital to dominate the prehistoric.

And these six hundred Dao Zun Daluo are only the Dao Zun of the Primordial Human Race.

ps: I said late, usually at three o'clock in the morning.

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