Flooded Star Road

Chapter 767: Troubled times will start

?? These seals are all top-level innate magic weapons, with nine innate gods forbidden, only a slight difference can be promoted to low-grade innate spirit treasures.

?? They are the center of the God City, representing the highest power. As long as you master them, you can mobilize all the power of the God City.

?? Hold this seal, that is, the Lord of God City.

?? If placed in later generations, these seals can also be called official seals.

?? This is a symbol of power!

?? "It's still not enough!"

?? Looking at the seal that is only the innate magic weapon, Feng Zichen's eyes inevitably showed a bit of disappointment.

?? According to his expectations, these seals must at least be innate spirit treasures. Naturally, the innate magic weapon cannot satisfy him.

?? Time is still too hasty, so that Feng Zichen's preparation was insufficient and failed to refine these seals into innate spirit treasures.

?? However, it is better than nothing. The top innate magic weapon is already very good, and it's not much difference from being promoted to inferior innate spirit treasure.

?? As long as they are given time to grow, they may not be able to move closer.

?? Moreover, the Human Race God City in front of him, in Feng Zichen's eyes, is far from perfect.

?? The current Terran God City is just a semi-finished product.

?? In Feng Zichen's vision, in addition to these innate magic weapon level seals, every human **** city should suppress an innate fierce beast at the Daluo level.

?? With that fierce beast as the core, as the energy to drive the city of God, maintain the operation of the formation, and reconcile the aura of heaven and earth, so that the power of the city can be maximized.

?? This kind of Human Race God City, even Da Luo Dao Zun came, and couldn't break it. In other words, every human **** city is equivalent to a Da Luo Dao Zun.

?? Three hundred and sixty-five **** cities, that is, three hundred and sixty-five big Luo Jinxian.

?? Moreover, the two strongest **** cities representing the Sun Star and the Lunar Star, according to Feng Zichen's plan, were not Da Luo Zun, but the Great Supernatural Powers.

?? Of course, if the existence of two half-step Hunyuan level can be suppressed, it would be best.

?? As for the strongest human city of the human race, the human royal city corresponding to Ziweixing, Feng Zichen plans to seize a Hunyuan-level existence and completely seal the town in the city to serve as the core of the human royal city.

?? This is to use Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as a perpetual motion machine. Not to mention, the immortal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is just like a perpetual motion machine, and it is also a super powerful perpetual motion machine.

?? If Feng Zichen really did this, then the human race would really be hard forever.

?? This idea sounds bold, but in practice, it is more like an impossible thing.

?? Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, what kind of strong is that? Almost standing at the peak of the prehistoric, with the Tao.

?? Killing Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is an extremely difficult task in itself, let alone capturing it alive and making it an energy extractor.

?? This is unrealistic and impossible.

?? How can such a tragic encounter appear in Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's body? If you really don't see any hope, will Hunyuan Dao Master still blew himself up?

?? Being killed, there is still a chance of resurrection.

?? Being suppressed, there will be a day of breaking the seal.

?? But if it becomes an energy extractor and becomes a perpetual motion machine, then life will be truly desperate, completely reduced to a tool person, and lose all the dignity of being a strong man.

?? Any Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can't stand such humiliation. If he really wants to fall to this point, he will inevitably use extreme methods.

?? Either the enemy is dead, or I die!

??Rather Stick to your guns!

?? Therefore, Feng Zichen's idea can only be thought of. It is simply impossible to succeed.

?? But who is Feng Zichen who never does anything unsure, since he thinks so, it shows that he has an idea in his heart.

?? Normal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Feng Zichen tried his best to kill him, but if he wanted to catch him alive, it was absolutely impossible.

?? But what he needs, is a normal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian? Obviously not!

?? What Feng Zichen needs, or what the human race needs, is just an existence whose strength reaches the level of Hunyuan, rather than a real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

?? As long as the strength is there, that is enough, as for the realm or something, it is completely unnecessary.

?? Anyway, what the human race needs is only Hunyuan level power. The realm cannot be deprived, and it is useless to the human race, so what do you want it to do?

?? The real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not easy to deal with, but just a great supernatural power with Hunyuan combat power, it is easier to deal with.

?? Right now, there is a ready-made one.

?? That is the Hongyun ancestor of the reincarnated human race, or the Eastern Prince of the reincarnated human race.

?? Both of them have this possibility.

?? Now they, let alone have the fighting power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level, even Daluo Dao Zun is not. Such strength is far from meeting Feng Zichen's requirements.

?? But not working right now does not mean not working in the future.

?? With the support of the saints, aren't these two fighting for the throne of the emperor? Then let them compete.

?? Really wait for one of them to become a human emperor, then under the blessing of human aura, he can enter the realm of Hunyuan in an instant.

?? And the moment it entered the Hunyuan realm, it was time for Feng Zichen to take action.

?? First use their absolute control over the human race to forcibly seize the control of the human aura, and then use the human race to oppose him and make it impossible to move.

?? Then, with the supreme strength, it was sealed in the human imperial city, becoming the greatest heritage of the human race, so as to bring an endless source of good luck for the human race.

?? Become a human aura, it is destined to be countered by a human aura, this is the drawback brought about by the strength of the aura.

?? Feng Zichen has been in charge of the human race these years, and it is not here to play, the human race has already been managed by him as a golden soup.

?? Especially, after experiencing two percent of the human luck being taken away by the Taiqing saints, he became more concerned about human luck.

?? Now, even if the human luck is taken away, but as long as he wants, he can still take the human luck back.

?? There is no other reason, just because he is Feng Zichen, the only holy emperor of the human race. With his supreme deeds, he has created an indelible influence in the human race.

?? This is the biggest reliance on which He is in charge of the human race, it is the recognition of the human race, not the recognition of the heaven and the earth.

?? Feng Zichen's status in the human race is unshakable, Nuwa can't, Suiren can't, and Human Sovereign can't.

?? The saint wants to support a human emperor to shake Feng Zichen's rule. The idea is correct, but they underestimated Feng Zichen's influence on the human race.

?? As long as Feng Zichen ironically disagrees, that means Hongyun ancestor and the Eastern Prince will not be the emperor no matter how good they are.

?? He has this power.

?? Even the three emperors and five emperors, Feng Zichen can also strip them of their human luck. Just doing this will cost too much, even Feng Zichen, and it will be somewhat unbearable.



?? The emperor supported by the saint can only be reduced to Feng Zichen's tool in the end.

?? As a human emperor, it is necessary for the human race to make contributions. And becoming a perpetual motion machine is their greatest contribution to the human race.

?? Feng Zichen has thought about the reason.

During the tribulation period, the human emperor was willing to sacrifice himself to protect the human race to join the human emperor city in order to maintain the operation of the large formation and help the human race through the catastrophe.

?? What a song and tear!

?? This should be the best destination for those dummies.

?? If you really want Feng Zichen's plan to succeed, that human race will really be invincible in the prehistoric world.

?? One Hunyuan-level city, supplemented by two half-step Hunyuan-level cities, plus 362 Daluo-level cities.

?? Such a powerful force combined to form a galaxy universe, powerful enough to be comparable to a saint.

?? At that time, it is the saint who wants to destroy the prehistoric world, fearing that he will not be able to break the defense of the human border.

?? Even the saints can't break the defense of the human race, let alone others. It is not an exaggeration to say that the strongest defense in the prehistoric state.

?? It's just that the battle strength of the Hunyuan level, and the two half-step Hunyuan level masters, Feng Zichen worked hard, and they could still find one or two.

?? But three hundred and sixty-two Da Luo Dao Zun, this is not Feng Zichen's hard work, can find. Such a large number of Da Luo Dao Zun is not a small number in any era.

?? Not to mention, put it in this era of dying world. To be honest, the difficulty of capturing 362 Daluo Dao Zun is even greater than the difficulty of capturing a half-step Hunyuan master.

?? Moreover, the origin of these Daluo Dao Zun, it is best to come from the family of fierce beasts.

?? Congenital fierce beasts, although powerful, but they do not have wisdom. This is the best choice as a perpetual motion machine.

?? If it is replaced by a demon race, a demon race, an evil race, etc., and it is sealed in the human **** city, if one fails, it is not a chance, but a mine.

?? There is no unbreakable seal in this world.

?? In case the seal of the Human Race God City is broken that day, and the suppressed Dao Venerable ran out, who knows how much disturbance will be caused for the Human Race?

?? The most powerful defenses are often disintegrated from within. Once the suppressed Xiantian Dao Zun ran out, the Human Race was bound to usher in a catastrophe.

?? Internal and external troubles,

?? Enough to shake the foundation of the human race.

?? And if in the Human Race God City, the congenital fierce beasts are sealed, there won't be so much trouble.

?? With innate fierce beasts' fear of Pangu, Feng Zichen can definitely seal them to death.

?? And even if they were released, Feng Zichen was sure to let them choose to escape instead of destroying the human race the first time they broke out.

?? Without the wisdom, it is really too bully.

?? As long as you find something that makes them awe from their souls, even if they can't be commanded, they can be feared like a tiger, and they dare not approach the slightest.

?? Especially remember, Feng Zichen's hands, there is also a demon **** banner, this is the most precious for dealing with innate beasts, this banner will definitely make them afraid to approach the human race territory for half a step.


?? No matter how you look at it, the innate fierce beast is perfect, and it can be called a natural treasure.

?? But because the congenital fierce beasts are too perfect, this clan has been cut leek frequently by Feng Zichen, and they are almost extinct.

?? Leek hurts the root, it doesn't grow anymore.

?? In the current prehistoric world, the innate beasts are almost extinct, and there are still some on the western land, but they do not meet the requirements of Feng Zichen.

?? "Tsk tsk!"

?? "I knew I would use innate fierce beasts, so I should have kept some in private at the beginning."

?? Thinking of the current situation of the innate fierce beast, Feng Zichen couldn't help but regret secretly.

?? Knowing that the innate fierce beast is full of treasures, why didn't he raise some in the first place? It's not that there is nothing to do now.



?? It's too late to regret now.

?? As a last resort, Feng Zichen set his sights on the sea of ​​bounds, such a big sea of ​​bounds, and still the base camp of the Chaos Demon God, it shouldn't be difficult to gather three hundred and sixty-two Dao Zun-level innate fierce beasts.

?? If Jiehai is not enough, Feng Zichen has nothing to do. As long as you put your gaze on the demon **** first, you will use the demon **** to top it, and then you can replace the innate fierce beasts later.

?? Such a big monster clan, even if it is now declining, it is not too difficult to gather three hundred and sixty-two monster gods.

?? However, this matter should not be rushed, or else it will be anxious for the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who will burn the jade and stone, then it will be troublesome.

?? More than three hundred demon gods fell all at once, not to mention the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, even if it was replaced by Feng Zichen, he would have to explode.

?? With an idea in his mind, Feng Zichen began to wonder how to implement this plan.

?? After thinking about it, he first notified the Ten Thousand Realms Trading City, asking them to pay special attention to the news of the innate fierce beasts, and see how many heads they could get together.

?? If you can gather three hundred and sixty-two Taoist priests, it will naturally be a joy for everyone.

?? If you don't get it all together, you will be embarrassed, the gap can only be made up from the monsters.

?? How many heads are missing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to make up as many heads.

?? Feng Zichen: I am too difficult. jpg limited edition



?? The matter of the innate fierce beast can wait, but the matter of the emperor can not wait.

?? Don’t the ancestors of Hongyun and the Eastern Princes compete for the throne of the emperor? That Feng Zichen gave them a chance.

?? Feng Zichen's heart moved, in addition to the jade seal of the human imperial city, the other 364 seals representing the supreme power of the human **** city suddenly rose high, hung above the **** city, and burst into bright light.

?? At the same time, the human vitality trembled, manifested from the long river of fate, blessed on the bodies of those seals, making the light bloom even more radiant.

?? For an instant, the dazzling light illuminates the territory of the entire human race.

?? At this time, but the mortal creatures, as long as they look up, they can see the seal that hangs in the air and blooms with bright light.

?? Divine City Yuxi, can be obtained to control the Divine City, with the power comparable to Da Luo Dao Zun.

?? If you can gather three hundred and sixty-five jade seals, you can master all of the **** city, get the blessing of human luck, and have the qualifications to become a human emperor.

?? Inexplicably, a message appeared in the hearts of the human beings, letting them know the role of the jade seal.

?? Suddenly, the entire human race is boiling.

?? Treasures, real treasures!

?? One can have the power comparable to Da Luo Dao Zun, isn't this super god? For a while, their eyes turned red when they looked at Yuxi, even more excited than when they learned that the evil demon had been killed.

?? The effect of this jade seal can be compared to the benefits of killing demons. Moreover, after obtaining the Yuxi, are you afraid that you will not be able to kill the evil spirits?

?? That is Da Luo Dao Zun, almost invincible existence on the earth, it is estimated that a large number of evil demons can be wiped out with hands.

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