Flooded Star Road

Chapter 774: Chaos outside the sky

God will not deal with good people.

Therefore, the person targeted by heaven must be a bad person.

The logic is perfect and impeccable.

Feng Zichen, really bad guy, big tyrant!

Not long after the Donghua Taoist and Ziyun Taoist publicly rebelled, the god, that is, the Chaos Demon God who turned into the human tianjiao, finally couldn't bear it, and announced the rebellion in the name of the cruelty of the human emperor.

However, in addition to brutality, he also gave Feng Zichen a name of jealousy and talent.

He revealed his identity, saying that he was the fallen god. It was Feng Zichen who was jealous of his virtuousness and worried that when he grew up, he would threaten his position.

Only after he seized more than forty human **** cities, he secretly attacked him, intending to kill him to avoid future troubles.

Fortunately, God, he was born with two souls, and then he escaped a disaster and had the opportunity to expose Feng Zichen's ugly face in front of the world.

As soon as this remark came out, the world was in an uproar.

Anyone who has a bit of cultivation will definitely not believe in the words of God. If you have cultivated Da Luo Dao Zun for a hundred years, if you insist on saying that God is okay, you are simply insulting everyone's IQ.

However, God's words don't need to be believed by anyone. He just finds a glorious reason for his rebellion, and incidentally strikes at Feng Zichen's prestige.

Except for him, those with ulterior motives do not believe in God's words, but this does not prevent them from using this as an excuse to desperately smear Feng Zichen.

Rebellion is, after all, a disgraceful thing, nor is it a righteous thing. Therefore, in order to establish their own righteous image, they must desperately smear Feng Zichen.

Only if Feng Zichen is completely stunned can their behavior be considered just, a very glorious thing, an uprising, a resistance to the oppression of a tyrant, not a rebellion for power.

Of course, there are those who do not believe, and naturally there are those who believe. It should be understood that there is no shortage of ignorant people in this world.

When they saw Feng Zichen encountering a divine condemnation, they would naturally think that he was a sinful person.

Next, no matter who pours dirty water on Feng Zichen, no matter what he has, and the first impression is there, they will choose to believe it. Even if they put the evidence before their eyes, it is estimated that they will not change their minds.

Ignorance and paranoia.

The root cause of this is Feng Zichen's body. His plan to enlighten all peoples is not yet perfect.

If everyone is able to open up their minds and cease to be ignorant, then these rumors can all be undefeated and will not be able to shake Feng Zichen the slightest.

Because no one would believe it at all.

It will never be like this. With the advocacy of people with ulterior motives, the rumors have intensified, and they have a tendency to spread throughout the human race.

Of course, although the rumors are fierce, but Feng Zichen has ruled the human race for so many years, it is not without die loyalty.

Almost all the Innate Dao Venerables of the Human Race are the diehard loyalists of Feng Zichen. There are also the various royal families, royal families, and big clans of the human race, all of which are his loyalties.

In addition, Feng Zichen also holds more than 80% of the human forces.

Donghua Taoist, Ziyun Taoist, and the three gods rebelled, seemingly powerful, but under the comparison of their strengths, you will find that even if the three of them work together, their strength is far inferior to Feng Zichen.

The three rebellions are tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble.

However, that was the case, the three chose to rebel. It was not their heads, but their own reliance.



As soon as the three of them announced the rebellion, without Feng Zichen's order, his men acted on their own.

The sages of the human race, headed by Feng Cangmang, did their best to suppress the rumors.

The Taoist priests of the human race left the ancestral land of the human race one after another to personally go to the major **** cities of the human race to sit in the town, in order to stabilize the hearts of the people.

As soon as Feng Zichen exerted his strength, the more than 200 **** cities he ruled quickly stabilized, and various rumors about Feng Zichen also faded and disappeared.

But outside of these two hundred human **** cities, the sphere of influence controlled by Donghua Taoist, Ziyun Taoist, and God is somewhat beyond the reach of Feng Zichen.

The rumors intensified there, and soon, the recognition of Feng Zichen by the human race in this more than one hundred and sixty human race **** city gradually stayed at the level of a tyrant.

People are forgetful.

No matter what contribution Feng Zichen had made to the human race before, they would not care. They only knew that Feng Zichen was condemned by the heavens and was a tyrant.



After counting the top ten sins of Feng Zichen, God, Ziyun Taoist, and Donghua Taoist sent troops at the same time, from the south, west, and east, respectively, and marched toward the ancestral land of the human race, and wanted to overthrow Feng Zichen's rule.

"Rebellion? Discrimination?"

"Is this your way?"

"That is undoubtedly disappointing. There are hundreds of Da Luo Dao Zun of the Human Race, but they are not here to play. With them sitting in the town, the three of them will come out of the nest, and it is impossible to take the Human God City."

In the Palace of the Human Emperor, Feng Zichen looked at the changes in the human race with an interesting expression in his eyes. He wanted to see what plans the Five Saints had.

They must have a back hand, otherwise,

Hundreds of Da Luo Dao Zun of the Human Race are there, and this level is enough for the three rebels to despair.

As for the saint’s method, Feng Zichen could roughly guess that it was nothing more than to force these human Dao Venerables away for various reasons, or to set various restrictions so that the Human Dao Venerable could not intervene in this battle.

In fact, just as Feng Zichen thought, that's what the saint planned. Emperor Zhuanxu was able to connect with heaven and earth back then, so naturally they too.

However, the sage's unparalleled communication is different from Emperor Zhuanxu's unparalleled communication. What they restrict is only the existence above the level of Daluo Dao Zun.

Well, it is specifically for Human Race.

The saint did not hide his purpose at all.

Of course, there is no need to conceal, the saint has domineering capital.

If you regard the prehistoric world as a game, Dao of the day is the manager of the game, the saint is the manager of the game, and Hunyuan Daluojinxian like Feng Zichen has some loopholes.

Game administrators, as long as they don’t care about the user’s experience, how come the game is, isn’t it all they say?


Either hold back, or delete the number and leave.

Deleting the account and leaving in the prehistoric world naturally means death.

Of course, if the strength is enough, you can also use powerful capital like Feng Zichen to compete with the administrator for authority.



The three-way army set off aggressively, with the attitude of going straight to Huanglong.

Unfortunately, the facts are just the opposite. They are aggressive, but they are unfavorable. Not to mention the ancestral land of the human race, but even the first **** city, they did not shoot down.

When the three-way army came to the Human Race God City with a heart of victory, they were greeted by dozens of figures like gods and demons.

That's right, they are all Da Luo Dao Zun!

A three-way army, three directions, east, west, and south. There are dozens of Daluo Dao Zun on each road, so the rebels must not be able to move forward.

There are several Da Luo Dao Zun, the rebels still have the courage to fight, but dozens of Da Luo Dao Zun, this is a bit difficult for them.

If it weren't for fear of the saint's revenge afterwards, the reincarnations of those ancient strong men would have run away long ago.

In other words, in the reincarnation of ancient powerhouses, it is not that there is no Da Luo Dao Zun, but how can the number of these Da Luo Dao Zun be compared with the number of Human Da Luo Dao Zun?

As soon as the human Dao Sovereign rushed up, even the quasi-sages would also drink hatred, let alone the reincarnation of these ancient powerhouses.

As for the resurrection of the ancient demon gods, Taiyi hadn't been resurrected, but now that he has been resurrected, the saint dared not move this idea anymore.

Don't solve the human race at the time, but the demon race has become a confidant again, that's funny.

"Brother Dao, it's time to make a move!"

Looking at the blocked three-way army, Zhunti saint said in a deep voice.

"The sea of ​​laws was broken by our waiters, and now it's going to be reshaped in our hands again. One drink and one peck, it's true!"

After Zhunti said the saint, the leading saint couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing this, the Taiqing saint glanced thoughtfully at the leading saint, a weird light flashed in his eyes, but he did not speak, but just sacrificed the Tai Chi diagram, preparing to repair the sea of ​​laws.

However, just as the Five Saints were about to take action, in the chaos outside the sky, there was a variable regeneration.

The source of chaos suddenly appeared, floating in the chaos outside the sky, like a placenta, constantly wriggling.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

The huge heartbeat sounded from the placenta where the chaos originated, causing the chaotic air around it to vibrate and resonate with it.

Inexplicably, in the chaos outside the sky, a mysterious voice suddenly sounded. The tone, unusually ancient and mysterious, seemed to be whispering in the great road, containing incredible power.

This is not a prehistoric language, but the language of the ancient Chaos Demon God.

Daoyin rumbling, resonating with the chaos outside the sky, the surrounding chaotic air suddenly boiled, rushing towards the placentas frantically.

Then, an astonishing change took place. A fierce congenital beast crawled out of the placenta and screamed in the chaos outside the sky.

Ho Ho Ho Ho...

The huge roar of the beast reverberated in the chaos outside the sky, making the surrounding chaotic air more and more boiling. Formed a wave of world-destroying tides, sweeping towards the prehistoric.


The chaotic tide from outside the sky swept in, and hit the barrier of the endless starry sky fiercely, shaking it unstoppable.

The boundless starry sky is located at the center of the prehistoric world and the chaos beyond the sky. It is the largest barrier of the prehistoric world and has always resisted the invasion of the chaos beyond the sky.


"How come?"

"How can the Chaos Outside the Sky suddenly riot?"

At the moment when the endless starry sky was attacked by the chaos outside the sky, Emperor Ziwei, who was observing the situation of the human race on the purple star, couldn't help turning his head and looked at the chaos outside the sky with surprise.

After that, he saw a densely packed congenital fierce beast.


Seeing this, the Great Emperor Ziwei couldn't help but inhaled a breath of air-conditioning. This is not to be afraid, it is to be excited.

Looking at so many innate fierce beasts, Emperor Ziwei's eyes were shining. What is really lacking, the Chaos Demon God is really a good person!

Not long ago, he was still worrying about where to find more than three hundred and sixty innate fierce beasts at the level of Daluo Dao Zun. Right now, isn't this complete?

Looking around, there are more than a thousand innate beasts in the chaos outside the sky? It is densely packed, saying that it is ten thousand heads, and Feng Zichen believes it.

And at least one-tenth of these innate fierce beasts are of the Daluo Dao Zun level. One tenth of ten thousand heads is one thousand heads.

A thousand-headed Dao-zun-level innate fierce beast, with such a large handwriting, the Chaos Demon God can get it.

Of course, the Chaos Demon God referred to here are those in the Great Chaos Outside the Realm, not the crippled group in the Realm Sea.

A thousand heads can definitely meet Feng Zichen's needs.

There are only three hundred and sixty-five human **** cities, that is to say, what Feng Zichen lacks, but three hundred and sixty, which is about one-third of the amount.

Of course, for things like innate fierce beasts, the more the better, the more useful it is. Even if it is not used as a frontal eye, it is not bad to be used to refine Innate Lingbao.

Terran is also short of innate spirit treasures.

Looking at these innate fierce beasts, Emperor Ziwei's eyes were glowing green, and he wanted to catch them all alive. After deducting those needed by the Human Race God City, all the rest are raised for emergencies.

He is crazy enough to raise innate fierce beasts.

However, if the innate fierce beast can really be raised, then with its preciousness, Emperor Ziwei will make a fortune.

At the very least, there will be no lack of chaos in the future.


Emperor Ziwei thought very well, but his idea of ​​swallowing these innate beasts alone was difficult to realize.

Because, besides him, there are two people who covet these innate beasts, and they want to catch them all alive and raise them in captivity.

Those two are to take the lead!

Naturally, what happened in the chaos outside the sky could not be hidden from the perception of the saint. Soon after the Great Emperor Ziwei noticed the abnormality, they also found out what was wrong.

Then, they saw the group of innate fierce beasts wandering in chaos outside the sky.

Seeing Sanqing, he frowned.

When the two sages of the West saw it, they looked forward to it.

Those innate beasts, in the eyes of both of them, are no longer fierce beasts with hideous appearances, but behaved and lovely disciples, enough to pass on their traditions.

That's right, it's a disciple!

The main source of the disciples of the Western religion today is the innate beasts of the two sages of the West ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But they have tried their best to find the innate beasts in the prehistoric, how can their talents be directly created with this chaos demon **** Are the innate beasts on the same level?

These innate beasts are the pillars of the future of Western teaching!

You see, their big bright eyes are full of longing for the Tao.

Hey, the eyes of eagerness are all red, really eager.

If all of these innate beasts can be caught and transformed into one piece, then the day when Western education will flourish will not be far off.

Looking at the innate fierce beast in the chaos outside the sky, the two sages of the West thought of it.

Tsk tsk, the innate fierce beast that everyone shouted and beat in the past is now a rare thing, and it is also strange enough.

The world is really unpredictable.

The Great Emperor Ziwei wanted to capture the congenital beast as the front of the human **** city, while the Western Second Sage wanted to capture the congenital beast as a disciple.

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