Flooded Star Road

Chapter 783: The tyrant is dead

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I just felt that I grew up so big and I had never seen so many mysterious supernatural powers. It was really eye-opening.

After a long time of fighting, the three of them were anxious and spent a huge price inviting talents and strangers from all directions to come and help.

It's a pity that no matter how mysterious his magical powers are and how strange his magic weapons are, he can't get past the thunder pond one step before the barrier shaped by the power of all souls.

The power of all souls is one of the few in this world, born in the day after tomorrow but surpassing the innate power, and it is extremely mysterious.

As long as the number is large enough, even the will of the heavens can be reversed, let alone other powers.

After exhausting all sorts of methods, still failed to invade the ancestral land of the human race, the three people of Donghua Taoist, Ziyun Taoist, and God gritted their teeth and decided to take a risk.

He saw the three of them using their magical powers, wrapping all the human luck they had accumulated over the years, and rushing towards the human ancestors.

The three of them have been attacking the city all the way down the past few years, but they have accumulated a lot of human luck. Counting the 20% taken away by the Taiqing Saints, they add up to about 50%.

Donghua Taoists and Ziyun Taoists each have 20%, while God has 10%.


Human luck was added, and the bodies of the three of them suddenly became ethereal, as if they were in harmony with the universe, omnipresent and absent.


The three set off and swept towards the power of all souls.

I saw that the three-way rebels were helpless before, like the power of all souls, like the sky, at this moment, in front of the three, it seems that they don't exist, allowing them to pass through easily.

Terran's luck shook slightly, feeling the power of all spirits, and automatically separated a hole for the three people to pass through.

As for everything that happened here, the guards didn't notice any abnormality at all.

This is normal. The three of them are quasi-sage-level masters, and coupled with the blessings of human aura, their strength has already reached the state of great magical powers.

And the guards of the city, the highest is only half a step of Da Luo Dao Zun's cultivation base, if you can find the traces of the three Donghua Taoists, then it will be a ghost.



After entering the ancestral land of the human race, the three Donghua Taoists had the same goal and went straight to the human palace.

The daring to attack the Human Palace is not because of the courage of the three of them, but because they each got news from their own backstage, knowing that Feng Zichen is not in the Human Palace now.

If it weren't, it was because of their three courage, they wouldn't dare to directly attack the palace of the emperor. Isn't that suicide?

The battle to kill the Chaos Demon God has passed for some time, and the news has almost come back. Therefore, it is not a particularly surprising thing that the three of them have received the news of Feng Zichen.

After knowing that Feng Zichen was not in the Palace of Human Emperor, the three immediately understood that this was an opportunity.

An opportunity to completely conquer the human race.

Gradually, an extremely bold idea appeared in the hearts of the three of them. If it succeeds, then the battle will have a result.

It was this thought that prompted the three of them to come here.

And what they have to do is...


Within a few minutes, the three of them had already arrived outside the Palace of Human Emperor.

Then, they saw that they did not hesitate to sacrifice their strongest supernatural powers and blast towards the gate of the Human Palace.


After a word fell, endless brilliance spewed out from the hands of the three of them, flooding the gate of the Human Emperor Hall.

Then, I saw the unshakable door, gradually revealing a wisps of cracks.

"walk into!"

Seeing this scene, the three of them shook their bodies and turned into a very tiny light beam, following the gap on the gate of the Human Emperor Hall, turning inward.

At this time, the movement of the three Donghua Taoists forcibly attacking the gate of the Imperial Palace had already shocked many people.

"No, there is an enemy attack."

"Quick, escort!"

The elites of the human race near the palace of the human race were alarmed by this huge movement and hurriedly walked out of the station, quickly forming a large formation of the human race inheritance, a large array of chaos, and surrounded the palace of the human race.

At this time, even those with a thick nerve realized that something was wrong. People can't touch the door of the house anymore, and the human emperor hasn't even reacted at all. It shouldn't be, the human emperor really has a problem.

Inexplicably, a haze appeared in everyone's minds, and the atmosphere here was also suppressed.

Then there was a silent silence.

No one wanted to go in and take a look. Because it is not necessary.

If the emperor is there, they don't need to act.

If Human Sovereign was not there, they would have entered, and they would not be opponents of the other side.

So, they are waiting here.

Wait for a result.



And in the Palace of Human Emperor, what are the three Donghua Taoists doing? Feng Zichen is not in the Human Emperor Hall. What purpose do they have when they enter the Human Emperor Hall?

They saw that after entering the Palace of Human Emperor, the three of them looked around, found the place where Feng Zichen sat cross-legged on weekdays, and hurried towards there.


After arriving there, Taoist Ziyun shook his hand, and a gorgeous dress appeared in his hand.

If someone is here, they will find that the gorgeous clothes in the hands of Taoist Ziyun are astonishingly the same as the clothes Feng Zichen usually wears.

It was just that compared with the clothes on Feng Zichen, the clothes in the hands of Taoist Ziyun looked a lot of shabby, as if they had just experienced a great war, with a lot of wear and tear.

Moreover, a force of dead silence that cannot be dissipated, entwined around this dress, adding a bit of tragic and majesty to it out of thin air.

"What are you doing in a daze?"

"Don't do it yet?"

Seeing that they had all taken out their clothes, and the two were still there, Daoist Ziyun urged with some dissatisfaction.

Hearing that, Donghua Taoist and God came back to their senses, each took out a congenital spirit treasure, and threw it toward the place where Feng Zichen sat cross-legged.

What Donghua Taoist took out was a middle-grade innate spirit treasure with star attributes, and what the gods took out was a middle-grade innate divine sword of innate spirit treasure.

The two sacrificed a magic weapon, and did not intend to destroy this place. Their purpose is simple, that is, to dissolve these two innate spiritual treasures.

As soon as the two congenital spirit treasures left their hands, they began to disintegrate in the air, emitting a bright light and blending into the surrounding world.

This is Huadao.

Under the power of Donghua Taoists and gods, the two innate spirit treasures passively entered the stage of transforming the Tao.


When these two innate spirit treasures landed on Feng Zichen's couch, they had already entered the final stage of the path of transformation. The whole thing became a ball of light, completely integrated into the world, and never seen again.

At this moment, Taoist Ziyun threw out the clothes that resembled Feng Zichen's clothes, and it happened to fall in the middle of the two innate spirit treasures.

After that, the three of them fell into silence, as if they were suppressing something, and as if something was brewing.

At a certain moment, the three turned around at the same time and walked towards the outside of the Palace of Human Emperor.


"Everyone, the tyrant has fallen, died under the dzi bead, there is no dead bone!"

Walking out of the Palace of Human Emperor, the three of them spoke with a heavy tone towards the people guarding outside the hall.

After hearing this, everyone naturally didn't believe it, but was silent.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, the three of them smiled indifferently, turned and opened the door of the Human Emperor Hall, and let their bodies open so that everyone could see everything in the Human Emperor Hall.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, everyone looked up, and they just happened to see Feng Zichen's seat in the center of the hall.

At this sight, everyone was shocked, and immediately gave birth to endless sadness.

I saw the figure that was sitting on top of it, standing upright, no longer saw the trace, and what was left was an emperor's robe wrapped in the power of strong silence.

In addition to this emperor robe, around the sitting area, there is the aura of the Innate Stars and the Innate Sword Reverberating, each exuding deep sorrow.

All these things have shown a very terrible thing, Human Emperor, he has really fallen.

But how is this possible?

Perplexity and sorrow continued to echo in everyone's hearts.

What the people think in their hearts, the three Taoists of Ziyun are not very clear, and they don't care. They all know the truth and know that Feng Zichen is okay. Naturally, they can't empathize with everyone and understand their thoughts.

Right now, the three Taoists in Ziyun have more important things to do.

That is, to sit down on the fact that Feng Zichen has fallen, and before Feng Zichen rushes over, completely calm the chaotic thoughts of the human race and take his place as the emperor.

In this way, even if Feng Zichen came back, it would be too late, so why not let them.

In order to create the illusion that Feng Zichen was dead, the three paid a huge price. In fact, those two middle-grade innate spirit treasures of Huadao are nothing at all.

The real big head is still in that gorgeous dress.

Feng Zichen is a person who is very particular, and there is no one that is inferior to the top-grade innate spirit treasure. The imperial robe on him does not know where it came from, but it is indeed a top-quality innate spiritual treasure.

In order to be realistic, the three of them really imitated a top-quality innate spirit treasure. In order to refine this imperial robe, the net worth of the three of them was basically empty.

Well, it is naturally difficult for ordinary characters to refine innate spirit treasures, but Chaos Demon God can. Even the severely injured Chaos Demon God is the same. As long as he is willing to pay the price, he is the innate treasure and can be trained to show you.



"Everyone, you have also seen that the tyrant lost his way and caused anger and resentment. In the end, he couldn't stand it anymore, and he descended from Tianzhu to kill him."

"Throughout the past and present, he is still the first supreme to die under Tianzhu."

"The sin of one body is more vast than the four seas, and even bigger than Kunlun Mountain."

"So, do you still have to be obsessed with it and help you be abusive?"

A series of cries from the heart came from the mouths of the three of them, seeing their excitement, saying as if they had believed them all.

The human elite underneath heard the words and was about to speak, but suddenly realized that his body was out of control, as if being controlled by a stranger, and said something that angered them.

"The Three Kings are right!"

"The tyrant has been guilty of heaven, and there is more to die. We really shouldn't be obsessed with understanding and serve the tyrant."

"Now that the Three Kings are coming with the Heavenly Soldiers, it is a good time for my generation to show off their ambitions."

"I can't wait to take refuge in the Three Kings and help them reorganize the rivers and mountains and restore the peace of the human race."

The strength of the three people like Ziyun Taoist, how powerful, the elite of the human race in front of them, without any resistance, easily robbed of their minds, and said insincere words.

It can be said that as long as the three of them don't release their supernatural powers, these elite human races will always lose themselves, serve the three kings, and serve their lives.

Alas, if it weren’t for the backlash of human luck, the trio’s methods wouldn’t be so gentle.

It is only to control the elite minds of the human race with supernatural powers, instead of directly obliterating the wisdom of everyone, and making them into a puppet that only knows how to kill.

With the defection of the elites of the human race, the ancestral land of the human race quickly fell.

The three-way rebels are mighty, breaking through the blockade of the power of all spirits, entering the ancestral land of the human race, and taking over everything here.



"very good!"

"My fruits are about to mature."

And when the three gods were harvesting the fruits of victory, in the depths of the void, Feng Zichen deliberately left a divine mind, watching everything silently.

Alas, those three people are also pitiful.

They think they have a plan, but they don't know that everything they are doing now is the result of Feng Zichen secretly.

From the moment the Donghua Taoists absorbed the human luck, they were defeated.

The human luck that was deliberately separated by Feng Zichen had already been manipulated by him, and once it merged with others, it would spontaneously absorb the surrounding calamity.

In other words, every time the three of them smashed a **** city, as their luck increased, the calamity of their bodies would also increase.

The growth of tribulation qi was not discovered by the three of them, and it was all hidden by the human luck.

Unless, their control of the human race's luck can surpass Feng Zichen, otherwise, they will definitely not notice the slightest abnormality.

When the three of them attacked the ancestral land of the human race, they were already full of calamity and lost their minds.

To put it simply, IQ began to decrease. What I would never do in the past is to do it arbitrarily, without considering the consequences.

At this time, the three people's perception of the crisis had dropped to a freezing point, and this gave Feng Zichen a chance to calculate them.

This led to the scene of the three people creating the illusion that Feng Zichen was dead.

Now, the three Donghua Taoists have invaded the ancestral land of the human race, and their human luck has once again skyrocketed by half. Similarly, this also means that their calamity is heavier.

From the perspective of Feng Zichen's spirit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, these three people are already in the body, blinding the true spirit, and not far from death.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the three of them will fight and lose out. At that time, Feng Zichen can come out to pick up the bargain.

As for now, it's better to watch the show, and by the way, think of a way to stop the saint's return.

At this time, the five sages shouldn't be allowed to see the appearance of the Taoists of Donghua and Ziyun. Otherwise, Feng Zichen's plan would be completely exposed.

How can the situation of the two of Him be hidden from the eyes of the saint?



After the three of them entered the ancestral land of the human race, according to the previous agreement, they each occupied a place and cultivated their lives.

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