Flooded Star Road

Chapter 786: Liquidation cause and effect

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With a movement in her heart, she saw Queen Mother West grabbing Taoist Donghua's hand, quietly separating a mana and pouring into Taoist Donghua's body.

Then, you can get to the Donghua Taoist body, the true spirit belonging to the Eastern Prince was quietly drawn out by the Western Queen.

At this moment, the magical palm of the Western Queen Mother grabbed Donghua Taoist's body and wanted to take him away.

"Too true mother, please stop!"

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth suddenly changed, and the figures of the earth emperor Shennong and the human emperor Xuanyuan came together from the void.

At the same time, the powerful humane dragon aura spread from the two of them, shattering the magical powers of Queen Mother West, and suppressing the Donghua Taoists.

Taizhen is the honorable title of Queen Mother of the West, the innate Taizhen goddess.

While everyone was not paying attention, Queen Mother West quietly took away the true spirit of the Eastern Prince. At the same time she was relieved, she asked the two emperors: "Two fellow Taoists, what does this mean?"

In the void, the emperor Shennong probed his hand and suppressed Taoist Ziyun. Renhuang Xuanyuan also shot at the same time, holding down Donghua Taoist and suppressing him.

At this time, Shennong just smiled and explained:

"Niangniang doesn't know something. I got the news. I heard that my Donghua Taoist and Ziyun Taoist were actually in collusion with the Chaos Demon God, with the intention of subverting my human race and destroying the primordial world."

"Knowing that this matter was too big, the two of me didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly rushed from Huoyun Cave to see if this matter was true or false."

"After I got here, the two of me knew that the rumors were true, so I didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly took action to suppress them, lest they cause more trouble."

Speaking of this, Shennong smiled and asked: "Why, Empress Taizhen knows this thief who is in collusion with the Chaos Demon God?"

Donghua Taoist and Ziyun Taoist, in order to break through the ancestral land of the human race, they did not hesitate to join forces with the reincarnation **** of the Chaos Demon God.

Although, at the end of the day, the two of them had turned their faces with God, but the fact that they joined forces with them is an indisputable fact.

Shennong said this because Queen Mother Xi was willing to excuse the two of them, and she couldn't think of a good reason.

Collusion with the Chaos Demon God, this is a big sin, and the saints can't afford it. Don’t you see that the second sage of the West was revealed to be a descendant of the Chaos Demon God, and he barely had a foothold in the prehistoric world.

That is to say, the two of them were extremely eye-catching in the battle with the Chaos Demon God, which reversed everyone's sense of them.

The saint is so, let alone outsiders?

For a time, Queen Mother of the West also secretly complained about the courage of the Eastern Prince, she dared to join forces with the Chaos Demon God, really confused!

Fortunately, I was more alert, realizing that I could not rescue the Dongwang Gongdao brother this time, and drew away one of his true spirits in advance. Otherwise, Brother Dongwang Gongdao would be really dangerous this time.

"Pan Dao is primitive and orthodox, innately sacred, how can it be related to the thieves who colluded with the Chaos Demon God? This person does not know the poor Dao. If you want to kill you, the two Taoists will figure it out."

After speaking, Queen Mother West turned and left.

His actions stunned Xuanyuan and Shennong. I thought it was a tough battle. They had prepared all kinds of methods, but before they could exert their power, the other party surrendered.

There is really a feeling of power hitting cotton, nowhere to be used.

It's really weird, when did Queen Mother West be so easy to talk.

Shennong and Xuanyuan didn't notice the little movements of Queen Mother Xi, but above the sky, Feng Zichen and others who were paying close attention to this place had a clear view of Queen Mother Xi's movements.

But everyone pretended not to see this.

At this point, the role of the Eastern Prince is no longer great, and the Western Queen wants to save him, so save it.

As for Feng Zichen, he didn't even care.

As a Donghua Taoist, the Eastern King made a big mistake in the Human Race, which can be said to have forged a big cause and effect with the Human Race.

In the future, He will return some of it.

The Eastern Prince can live, but the ancestor Hongyun must die.

This is the only thought of the two sages in the West.

I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Hongyun, since my brothers and sisters don't have the ability to push you to the position of the emperor, then I have to wrong you again. Please continue to fall for a while.

With the confidence of helping you become enlightened, my brothers and sisters will help you resurrect.

The two of them glanced at each other tacitly, and made a decision in their hearts that this ancestor Hongyun could not be saved.


After blocking Yuantu sword again, he suddenly sighed seriously, turned and left with a face of closing.


At this point, he also knew that the ancestor Hongyun was dead, and with his power, there was absolutely no possibility of saving him. In that case, it is better to leave.

He couldn't bear to see his friend die in front of him.


The people who got in the way left, the Emperor Shennong and the Emperor Xuanyuan also relaxed, and they saw him grabbing the Taoist Ziyun and the Taoist Donghua and walking towards the two gods of the sun and the lunar cities respectively.

Next, Shennong and Xuanyuan, according to Feng Zichen's instructions, first extracted the innate immortal spirits of Donghua Taoist and Ziyun Taoist and suppressed them in the human luck.

Then, he filled the bodies of the two of them into the sun and the sun, respectively, as energy sources to stimulate the operation of the two gods.

At this point, the internal strife of the human race has come to an end, and then it will enter the final stage. Suppress those rebels, and the karma from the previous body should be killed, caught, and let go.

Well, here, the human race is still secondary, mainly the disciples of the Three Sects, and the countless number of immortal monks.

The list of gods, Evil Ghosts (seal of ghosts), maps of gods, these three lists, it’s up to them to fill in the lists.

Later, after several years of turmoil, the human race gradually calmed down, and all the rebels were also wiped out.

The lists on the three lists are all complete.

In the end, it is the innate gods and demons, who have the destiny in their bodies, and can make a fortune when they die.

Among the Twelve Golden Immortals, except for Fuxian, Manjusri, Yuliusun, and Cihang who died unexpectedly, the remaining eight, although all were seriously injured, all escaped by chance.

They can have this good luck because they are innate gods and demons, with the protection of heaven and earth.

But the rest, such as the disciples of Jiejiao and Buddhism, were all born of inborn spirits, but did not explain the fortunes of the disciples. More than 90% of the disciples died in the catastrophe.

The loss is heavy!

If it weren't for the fact that the Four Great True Legends, as well as some of the outer disciples of Sanxiao and others, had not been robbed, and had been preserved, then this wave of cultivating would basically be equivalent to destroying the sect.

The second sage of the West also kept a hand.

The best disciples of the Western teachings, due to the diligent cultivation of merit, caused the robbery not to get involved, but because of this, they were saved and would not be destroyed.

The end of the war, the three rankings were all lighted up, announcing the end of the calamity.


The endless divine light rose from the body of Sanbang, extremely bright, like the sun, and in an instant, it shone across every corner of the prehistoric world.

Zi Zi Zi...

Under the light of this divine light, the endless calamity that permeated the heaven and the earth, as if they had encountered a natural enemy, was rapidly dissolving, and soon, it disappeared in half.

But the remaining half, no matter how the divine light shines, it cannot be eliminated.

The Three Lists are full, which is the sign of the end of the Conferred God's Quantum Tribulation.

But now, what's the situation?

Is it because there are not enough dead people, and the calamity is not over yet?

For a time, Hong Huang was able to see this scene, and his heart could not help but think about it.

The others didn't know what was going on right now, but Feng Zichen and the five sages on the opposite side seemed to feel something, faintly, as if they understood something.

The current anomaly is probably related to them.

Although the three lists are full, the cause and effect are unclear. Therefore, this divine measure of calamity is not yet complete.

What cause and effect are unclear, naturally it is the cause and effect between Feng Zichen and Sanqing.

The saint is the spokesperson of the way of heaven, and Feng Zichen cuts off the arm of Yuan Shi Tianzun. This is great cause and effect.

During the period when Feng Zichen was in charge of the human race, Sanqing used the power of authority to force him to abdicate, forcing the laws of heaven and earth to make the environment of the human race worse and worse, gradually becoming unsuitable for the survival of the human race.

This is also a big cause and effect.

After that, the two sides came and went, using this wild world as the battlefield, and fought one after another, making the line of cause and effect sink deeper and deeper, knotted more densely, and even unreasonable and constantly cutting.

Therefore, due to the interference of this huge line of cause and effect, the confinement of the gods and the calamity has been unable to be completed for a long time. If the amount of calamity is not complete, the calamity is naturally difficult to dissipate.

The only way to make the amount of calamity complete is to clarify this period of cause and effect. How to clarify this cause and effect?


Only fight!

"Five fellow daoists, it seems that we cannot avoid this battle."

With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen said to the five sages on the opposite side.

"Indeed, we don't fight, and the cause and effect are unclear. The cause and effect are unclear, and the qi will not be eliminated. If the qi is not eliminated, the predicament will be hard to be cured, and all souls will be uneasy."

"Therefore, this battle must be a battle."

Taiqing saint waved the whisk in his hand, pretending to be mysterious.

"How to fight?"

"Are five dao friends coming together, or five dao friends coming one by one?"

Looking across the faces of the Five Saints one by one, Feng Zichen said proudly.

The meaning of listening to his words is to fight against the five sages with one against the five, instead of relying on the power of the people behind him.

That's right, this is the cause and effect between Feng Zichen and the Five Saints, and it should be the knot between them.

If you ask outsiders to intervene, it will only make the cause and effect bigger and bigger, and in the end, it will be harder to end.

Before others could speak, Yuan Shi Tianzun spoke first: "Fellow Daoist Gouchen said and laughed, because many enemies, poor Dao and others can't do such a thing."

To be honest, seeing that Feng Zichen had to choose five, the Five Saints really wanted to agree directly.

But with so many people present, if they really agreed to Feng Zichen's proposal of one dozen five, then they would not have to meet people in Honghuang in the future.

Five to one, it's not ashamed to lose it.

If there were no people present, the Five Sages would definitely agree directly and beat Feng Zichen to death, telling him not to be so arrogant.

Of course, if there were no people present, Feng Zichen would not be so arrogant that he wanted one dozen five.

He was right, and the Five Saints would definitely not agree to his proposal of one dozen five, so he dared to be so arrogant.

Fighting, not to mention winning or losing, but the momentum is definitely not to lose.

"How do the five fellow daoists fight? It doesn't matter, even if you say it straight, Zi Chen won't refuse anyone who comes."

With one to five, he suffers no matter how you look at it, so Feng Zichen simply gave the choice of how to fight to the Five Saints.

If he chooses how to fight, he will suffer no matter what. But if the Five Saints came to choose, it would be different. Concerned about their own face, they would definitely not choose a style of play that was beneficial to them.

In this way, Feng Zichen could save a bit of face.


That is impossible.

If he really has the ability to defeat the five sages, then he still uses it here to play with the five sages, wouldn't it be enough?

Hearing this, the Five Saints fell into silence, and for a while, they didn't know how to speak.

At this time, face has become their biggest concern. If they can give up face, all Feng Zichen's plans will be meaningless.

But abandon the face, speaking, it is difficult to do!

After a long silence, the sage of Taiqing suddenly said: "We are all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, with unpredictable mana, and will destroy the world at every turn. If we fight in the wild world, it will inevitably turn the wild world into powder."

"So, I can't wait for Honghuang to make a move. If that's the case, then I'll wait for it!"

Upon hearing this, Feng Zichen asked: "How to fight?"

After thinking about it, the sage of Taiqing said: "The five poor Daoists each have a method to let fellow daoists break it. If fellow daoists can break it, then the cause and effect between you and me is over."

"On the other hand, if the fellow Daoist cannot be broken, the cause and effect between me and the fellow Daoist will be settled. If this is the case, is it good for the fellow Daoist?"

The sage of Taiqing said very confusing, but Feng Zichen still understood. It means that each of the five people has a problem. If he can solve it, the cause and effect between the five sages and him is over.

One thing to note here is that it is the cause and effect between the Five Saints and Him, not the cause and effect between Him and the Five Saints.

This time cause and effect are mutual.

In other words, Feng Zichen owed the Five Saints a cause and effect, and similarly, the Five Saints also owed Feng Zichen a cause and effect.

After the cause and effect of the Five Sages and Feng Zichen have been settled, the next step is for Feng Zichen to settle the cause and effect with the Five Sages.

Well, in layman's terms, it can be regarded as a turn-based game. Now it is the turn of the Five Saints, and then it will be Feng Zichen's turn.

Because Sanqing still owes Feng Zichen a cause and effect, they will set up the condition of having a cause and effect with Feng Zichen after failure.

Simply put, if you win us, then you can continue to trouble us afterwards.

But if you lose, it doesn't matter, we don't make it difficult for you, but you won't be able to trouble us afterwards.

The condition is such a condition, it depends on whether you agree.


"Okay, UU reads www.uukanshu.com from what a fellow Taoist said." Feng Zichen thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

He doesn't have the right to refuse. The current situation is such a situation. He is weaker than others. He has no other choice but to agree. Can't, let him choose the way of fighting, right?

"Who will come first, fellow daoists?"

Taking a step forward, Feng Zichen asked.

ps: The last paragraph is totally fascinating for me. If the logic is wrong, go back and change it.

In addition, there is a recharge to get some coins activity at the starting point today. I’m so excited, I really want to recharge myself a silver alliance, but I’m too poor.

I don't even have a leader.

Envy other bigwigs.

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