Flooded Star Road

Chapter 794: Reappearing Humane Imperial Court and Chaos Array

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The five people looked at each other and nodded in succession when they thought it was feasible. It will take a hundred years for them to join forces to break the formation, which is indeed a bit too much.

In a hundred years, no matter how strong the formation is, the five Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can break it together.

Therefore, a hundred years will not work, and ten years will not work. Feng Zichen originally wanted to say that it was one year, but after thinking about it, he felt that the saint might not agree to it, so he took a compromise time, three years.

Three, it means three lives and all things, just right.

Seeing the five people nodded in agreement, Feng Zichen went on to say: "I set the formation and the five daoists broke it in three years. Then this round is considered to be a loss for me. The cause and effect between us has changed since then. It's completely over."

"But if the daoists join forces and still cannot break the formation within three years, then this round is considered to be a win for me, and the five daoists have to agree to a condition for me, so that we can end the gap between us. cause and effect."

If you lose, the cause and effect are wiped out.

If you win, of course, it is impossible to have no benefit at all. Otherwise, why bother to compete so much?

"Do you have any requests from Fellow Daoists, please tell me more." Taiqing Sage thought for a while and said.

You have to ask it clearly first, and you can't be confused. Otherwise, when Feng Zichen proposes a condition that they cannot accept, do they agree or disagree?

"Five fellow daoists, if I win this round, I have nothing to ask for."

"That's when you are preaching in the human race, those who practice the traditions you preach can recognize you as patriarchs, but there is no cause and effect between them and you."

"So, how do you think?"

Feng Zichen spoke very convolutedly, but the Five Saints still understood what he meant. These words, in a simple summary, is that the human race can prostitute their gods for nothing.

Without paying anything, you can learn from their traditions.

In the past, if the human race wanted to practice immortality, it first had to worship Sanqing as the ancestor, and forge cause and effect with them. This is the cause and effect of teaching the Tao, and it is extremely difficult to end. If the cause and effect are to be formed, you have to wait to sacrifice your life for the Sanqing.

But now, once Sanqing agrees to the request, then from now on, if the people of the human race practice the Immortal Dao, although they will also worship Sanqing as their ancestor, they have no cause and effect to teach the Dao, so they don’t need to do it for him. They worked hard.

If there is a conflict between the Human Race and the Sanqing, then these immortal monks do not need to remain neutral and can take action against the Sanjiao.

This is the immortal way of Hua Sanqing, the immortal way of human race.

As for Western religion, none of the human races before this practice practiced Western orthodoxy.

There is no other reason, just because Feng Zichen made an oath, but the mortal people, once they practice Western orthodoxy, they will automatically be expelled from the human race.

Feng Zichen furiously attacked his heart back then and made this oath. Now that I think about it, it is a bit wrong.

The two sages of the West may have a bad personality, but the Western Orthodoxy is still good.

Especially, at this time, the doctrine of Western religion is still okay. At most, the performance of the saints is quasi-mentioned, which affects the senses of the people of Western religion.

However, as a well-known orthodoxy, the inheritance of Western religion is still okay. Feng Zichen excluded it from the human race, which is indeed a bit unfair to some people.

After all, there are some people who are not suitable for immortality or martial arts, but they are suitable for practicing Western Orthodoxy.

The forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, let alone the human race? There are so many, more than the stars in the sky, it is not surprising what kind of people are born.

At this time, Feng Zichen took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make up for his mistakes and re-incorporate the Western orthodoxy into the human race.

It's just that the Western Taoism and Sanqing Immortal Tao, after entering the human race, although their names have not changed, they are not the Tao of the Sanqing and Western Two Sages, but the human Tao.

Although the masters of Tao are still them, they have lost control over them, and they have a name.

However, compared with controlling power, what the Five Saints needs more is this title. In terms of their existence, the strength of the immortal monks, no matter how much they are, they can't look down on them.

On the contrary, those illusory names can increase their luck, but they make them highly valued.

Feng Zichen's conditions have benefited the human race and the saint's name. It seems that no one suffers. Therefore, he is not worried that the saint will refuse.

As for losing?

Feng Zichen never thought about it.

Just kidding, cheating, Feng Zichen will win this round.



After the five discussed for a while, they said, "Pan Dao and others have agreed to the request of fellow Taoists."

Well, there is nothing they can do if they disagree, because Feng Zichen is not discussing with them at all. They don't agree, that's okay, the cause and effect will not be solved, and the enlightenment of the gods and the calamity will be unable to end.

And the Four Sects, as the initiators of the Conferred Gods and Volume Tribulation, will inevitably bear the brunt and be the most affected.

Therefore, even for their own orthodoxy, they have to agree to Feng Zichen's request.

What's more, the five of them don't think they will lose.

What's a joke, the five of them teamed up, and even Hongjun Daozu could fight, but they couldn't break a formation?

"Friend Gouchen, please also set up an array." Five people stood in a row, and Chao Feng Zichen said.

"Good talk, good talk." Nodded, Feng Zichen said: "My formation, I want to come to five Taoist friends to guess what it is. That's right, it is the town clan formation of my human race, the chaos formation."

"Speaking of which, this formation has only appeared once since its inception, and it has been defeated. It is really shameful."

"So, the widow intends to use the strength of the five saints to re-establish the prestige of the Chaos Array."

When the words fell, Feng Zichen's heart moved, and the humane imperial court in the Xiaohonghuangjie shook violently. It actually rose from the ground, smashing the boundary wall of the Xiaohonghuangjie, and also broke the seal set by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Crossing the endless time and space, flying towards the world behind Feng Zichen.


At a certain moment, thousands of miles of void shattered, and the endless humane glory bloomed, covering the glory of the sun and the moon, making the entire prehistoric world bathed in the majesty of humanity.

And in this endless divine light, a glorious giant city slowly emerged from the void, and in an instant, the unparalleled coercion swept across the entire prehistoric world, making all things surrender.

Offering the Seal of the Humane Emperor and placing it in the center of the Humane Imperial Court, Feng Zichen stepped forward, entered the Imperial Court, and returned to the imperial seat that symbolized the power of the Human Emperor.

"The Great Chaos Array, get up!"

Slowly pouring his mana into the humane imperial court, Feng Zichen urged the chaotic array that had been silent for many years.

Suddenly, in the humane imperial court, nine innate spirit treasures slowly recovered, blooming with earth-shattering power.

The humane emperor's seal (chaos pearl) representing the power of one element, the sword of the two instruments of the power of the two instruments, the figure of the three talents of the power of the three talents, the four image marks of the power of the four images, the five elements ring of the power of the five elements... Shi Fang Tao Jian.

In the past, of the nine innate spirit treasures, the strongest was not the top-grade innate spirit treasure. But now, conceived by the Great Chaos Array for countless years, these nine innate spirit treasures have already undergone unimaginable transformations, and they have all become the best innate spirit treasures.

In other words, the power of the Chaos Array at this moment is fully exploded, and its power is more than a hundred times stronger than when it was against the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.


The nine best innate spirit treasures, including one innate treasure, have been shaking, releasing unparalleled power.

Then, under the influence of the formation, gradually changed and transformed into ten huge congenital Dao pictures, overlapping one by one.

One yuan and two rites, three talents and four elephants... Nine palaces and ten directions!


At a certain moment, the ten avenue maps perfectly merged together, turning into a huge avenue **** map, slowly pulling apart.

The reappearance of the Great Dao's God Map also marks that the Chaos Array has officially begun to operate.

At this moment, after endless years, the Chaos Formation, one of the three great innate formations, once again appeared in the world, desiring to use its peerless power to fight against the five saints.


In the chaotic array, the endless innate divine light ascends and turns into dao marks to circulate, seemingly capable of exterminating everything.

At the same time, in the innate divine light, there are phantoms of innate gods and demons emerging, endless, standing at the end of time, and the whole body is filled with terrible pressure.

"Five fellow daoists, please!"

Standing in the center of the Chaos Array, Feng Zichen sent an invitation to the Five Saints.

"Is this the formation that was able to summon the incarnation of Heaven's Path back then?" Without rushing in, the Five Sages looked outside for a while.

For the Chaos Array, not only the Five Saints, but everyone present is still in deep memory. After all, the formation that can summon the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, the entire prehistoric one is such a set.

"Yes, it's that formation, but compared with the previous ones, the power of this formation is undoubtedly stronger. It seems that Daoist Gouchen has not been idle for these years!"

At this time, the saint Zhunti exclaimed.

How could the changes in the Chaos Array be summed up by a strong force? It is simply a world-shaking change. If you don't take a trip personally, I'm afraid you don't know the mystery of this array.

"Friend Gouchen, please!"

The Five Saints looked at the Chaos Formation for a while, and then walked into the formation together.

Seeing the Five Saints entering the formation, Feng Zichen did not dare to hesitate, and directly urged the power of the Chaos Formation to its limit.


The big formation circulated, endless innate ways permeated, intertwined, entangled, twisted around Feng Zichen, and finally merged completely together.


In the next moment, it was like a certain supreme being who had descended in person. The heavens and the earth were mysterious and the cosmos was wild, and they were shaking all together, sending out the thought of surrender.

An indifferent and noble majesty suddenly spread, echoing between heaven and earth. Under this majesty, even as strong as a saint, he had to lower his arrogant head.


This is the majesty of heaven alone!

The supreme meaning of the Primordial Chaos Array, summons the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

That's right, when Feng Zichen urged the power of the Chaos Array to its limit, the endless innate Dao patterns entangled and turned into the incarnation of Heaven.

In terms of the power of the current Chaos Array, the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao summoned is definitely not the realm of Hunyuan's first entry, but the realm of the Nine Heavens of Hunyuan, and the strength is incredible.

But this is not over yet!

Seeing Feng Zichen's body, suddenly three clear qi rushed out and turned into his three incarnations.

Then, without seeing any movement of the three incarnations, they suddenly began to collapse, each turning into a cloud of fresh air.


A divine light flashed, and the three groups of Qing Qi suddenly began to split, each turned into three figures, a total of nine figures, which corresponded to the nine best innate spirit treasures that formed the chaotic array.

These nine people are the three incarnations of Feng Zichen, and each of them exudes a powerful aura, like Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but not Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This is the incarnation. If you split up again, you can succeed, but the power can't be maintained in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and can only be infinitely close to that realm.

Nine people stepped forward, each holding a top-quality innate spirit treasure.

With the blessing of the nine people, in an instant, the power of the incarnation of Tiandao skyrocketed again, and it was actually from the realm of the nine-layer Hunyuan to the realm of the twelfth-layer Hunyuan, and it is still improving.

When the increase in its strength is over, the strength of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao is only a short ray, and you can enter the realm of Infinite Luo Jinxian.

Hey, if Feng Zichen can gather the nine Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals, or transform the nine innate spirit treasures that make up the chaos array into the most innate treasures.

At that moment, the strength of the incarnation of Heavenly Dao could definitely enter the realm of Infinite Luo Jinxian.

However, even the half-step Wuju Luo Jinxian's realm was enough for Feng Zichen. It's not about killing the saint, but blocking the saint for three years, which is not difficult.

"Five fellow daoists, how do you feel? My formation may be in your eyes?" Feng Zichen said to the Five Sages, driving the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, it only depends on time. After three years, Feng Zichen will win. Therefore, Feng Zichen didn't rush to do it. It could delay for a period of time, just some time.

By the way, Feng Zichen just said that even if he cheated, he will also win the battle. This means that in order to win, He decided to do whatever it takes.

Therefore, just when he was speaking, Feng Zichen's methods had already begun to work.

It can be seen that following Feng Zichen's opening, an unnoticeable force suddenly spread from his body, acting on this formation space.

Then, the time flow rate in this space suddenly began to slowly increase unchecked. The process of this increase is very subtle, with an increase of several times over, which is difficult for people to feel.

But no matter how hard it is to detect, the time flow rate in the space here is also accelerating, making the time in this space faster than the changed place.

And the speed of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is slowly increasing, like a frog boiled in warm water, playing a subtle role.

If the saints have been unable to detect this change, they will lose this battle.

After all, they thought that only a few months had passed, but with time accelerating, they could not say that three years had passed.

ps: Damn, so many people want to watch me cry.


Forget it, for the monthly pass, I cried and cried.


Wow... (Howling and crying)

Sapo rolled around asking for a monthly pass.

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