Flooded Star Road

Chapter 798: The acquired way, broken



   Looking at Sanqing's proud look, Feng Zichen suddenly smiled strangely.


   Seeing this, Sanqing suddenly felt bad, and immediately looked around. As far as the eye can see, it is a scene that shocks them.


   I saw that after the Zichen sword shattered, the place where the fragments hit was not elsewhere, but the way of the day after tomorrow.


   After the Zichen sword is broken, the sword power carried by its fragments is so great that even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can be injured, let alone other?




   But seeing the Zichen sword fragments pass by, the void is shattered layer by layer, exposing the acquired way in operation.


   At this moment, the remaining power of the Pangu banner on the Zichen sword fragment, and the supreme sword intent carried on it, exploded at the same time.


   In an instant, a force that swept away everything swept away in vain, and the acquired way that was in motion was swept to pieces.




  At this moment, the avenue rules that should have been intangible matter, as if there were entities, turned into fragments in the sky, and fell like raindrops toward the wild land.


   At the same time, the fragments of the Zichen sword are actually glowing, constantly resonating with the ubiquitous innate swordsmanship, seeming to be undergoing a certain transformation.


   Looking at himself and the others, they have worked so hard to open up the acquired way, so easily destroyed by Feng Zichen, Sanqing's heart can not be said to be extremely angry.


   "Gouchen, you, you..."


   "Damn it!"


   With a loud roar, Sanqing's murderous aura rose in his heart, and at the same time he urged three invincible treasures to explode their power and blast towards Feng Zichen.


   "Good job!"


   Seeing Sanqing kill, Feng Zichen laughed.


   Mana gushes out of his body frantically, actually urging three magic weapons to meet Sanqing's attack at the same time.


   See you, under the urging of Feng Zichen, the map of the gods, the crown of all souls, and the seal of the humane emperor shook together, each blooming with unmatched power, siding in front of him.


  At the same time, Feng Zichen suddenly pointed his finger to the sky and the finger to his body, turning his body into an invincible seal, hovering beside him.


The moment that the seal appeared, whether it was the fragments of the Zichen sword, or the fragments of the rules formed after the acquired way was broken, it was like being inspired, and suddenly the Qichen Zichen came and gathered in him. 'S side.




   The attack of the three most innate treasures blasted out, and in just a short time, the three treasures of Feng Zichen, the map of the gods and the seal of the emperor of humanity were blasted out.


   The power of this attack has been weakened by more than half.


   I saw the Dao Seal on Feng Zichen's body shook, and the Zichen sword fragments around him, as well as the regular fragments of the acquired Tao, were brightened at the same time.




   An unimaginable force erupted, shattering the magical powers of Sanqing with the three innate treasures.


   Seeing Feng Zichen blocking their attacks with the acquired path developed by him and others, Sanqing, who was already very angry, became even more angry in his heart. Zijie's heat rushed straight into his forehead, wishing to scream from the sky.




   roared, Sanqing once again killed with the innate treasure. And under the anger bonus, its offensive is even stronger by three points.


   But at this moment, Feng Zichen is no longer in the mood to fight Sanqing. Before, the reason why he fought hard to fight Sanqing to death had only two purposes.


   One is to take the opportunity to let the Zichen sword imprint the chaotic sword energy of the Pangu banner, and the other is to look for an opportunity to destroy the acquired way of Sanqing.


   At the moment, Feng Zichen has achieved these two goals, and he has no reason to continue fighting with Sanqing.


   In this battle, he doesn't need to win the Sanqing, as long as it lasts for three days, he won. In that case, why should Feng Zichen fight Sanqing to death at any cost?


   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen changed his strategy in vain, turning his initiative into a passive one, giving up offensive, and fully defending.




   With a deep sigh, Feng Zichen's body, the mana surging continuously; in the sea of ​​knowledge, the phantom of Bu Zhoushan is looming; on the body, the rhyme of Dao Dao overflows and flows endlessly.


  At a certain moment, Feng Zichen's heart moved, and all the power in his body suddenly merged into one.


   "Bu Zhou Shanyin, get up!"


   The ancient and mysterious Taoism sounded, reverberating between the heavens and the earth, affecting inexplicable forces, seeming to affect the ancient, modern and future, and it was blessed on Feng Zichen's body in vain.


But with the sound of a "boom", a phantom shadow on a stalwart body, and a rapid Feng Zichen manifests behind it, towering and towering, like a pillar of heaven, standing between the sky and the earth, stretching for tens of thousands of miles or tens of thousands of miles. .


   Bu Zhoushan!


   The supreme supernatural power created by Feng Zichen without observing the mountain in the past has now been cultivated to the highest level by him, and under his full urging, it is like the broken mountain of Bu Zhou, coming back.




   At the moment when the Bu Zhou Mountain phantom appeared, the Long River of Light shook violently, and a mighty, mighty, mighty force suddenly surged from the end of time and merged with the Bu Zhou Mountain behind Feng Zichen.


   That is the real power of imperfect mountain!


   Although the current Bu Zhou Mountain has fallen, the old Bu Zhou Mountain still exists. He felt the breath of the Bu Zhou Mountain in this world, so he specially sent a force to bless him.




   was helped by the mountain of Bu Zhou, and the mountain of Bu Zhou was turned into by Feng Zichen behind him. Its power was once again elevated, and it truly stood in the realm of the immortal Luo Jinxian.


   At this time, the Sanqing Killing came, it was enough to tear through the endless universe, billions of time and space, and instantaneously kill Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's powerful magical powers, hitting Bu Zhoushan's body, it was actually unable to even shake him.


   What is the first defensive supernatural power of the primordial land, this is it.


"How can this be?!"


   Looking at his powerful supernatural powers, blasting Feng Zichen's body, he didn't even break through his defenses. Sanqing couldn't help but feel a little dazed, seemingly unable to accept this result.


   "Haha, three fellow daoists, how do I have supernatural powers?" Looking at the stunned Sanqing, Feng Zichen asked very deliberately.


   Let your supernatural powers be invincible, the most treasured unparalleled, but you can't break my supernatural powers, then what's the use?


   Standing under the mountain of Buzhou, Feng Zichen has already won this battle.


   The sun and the moon decay and I am immortal, the heaven and the earth are destroyed but I am immortal. Even though Sanqing had the ability to destroy the primordial world, it could not break through the mountains, and could not break through Feng Zichen's defenses.


   Unless, Sanqing summons Pangu Yuanshen.


   But in order to win this round, it didn't hurt much to lose, and it didn't hurt to win a battle, so that Pangu Yuanshen was summoned at any cost. Feng Zichen estimated that Sanqing would not choose to do that.


   A loss-making business may be done by Sanqing.


   But Sanqing would definitely not do a blood loss transaction.


   "That's right, Daoist Gouchen's supernatural powers are indeed very strong, and the poor Dao three will be able to break through for a while."

   "But now, half a day has passed since the three-day appointment, and there are two and a half days left."


   "Pan Dao still doesn't believe it. For two and a half days, the three brothers, the poor Dao brothers, can't break your defenses with all their strength."


   Sacrificing the magic weapon with all his strength, Sanqing said to Feng Zichen while blasting towards Feng Zichen.


   "Then wait and see, I hope the three fellow daoists can give me a little surprise and break through my invincible defense."


   Feng Zichen was very disdainful of Sanqing's words. The level of the Taoist seal of the Zhoushan Mountain has reached the level of the endless great Luo Jinxian.


   In other words, even if Hongjun Taoist ancestor came in person, he might not be able to break this magical power.


   However, the defensive power of this magical power is a bit stronger, but the drawbacks are also a bit big. Abandon all attacks and form the purest defense, which is the magical power.


   It does not have any offensive power, only defense, which can be called invincible defense.


   As soon as Zhoushan Dao Yin opened up and Feng Zichen hid inside, he could only be beaten passively, and could not fight back at all.


   If it were changed to something else, there would be too many ways for Sanqing to break through this defense.


   Randomly find a few Feng Zichen's weaknesses to threaten him.


   But now, it really doesn't work.


   They bet on breaking the formation. If Sanqing uses an outside move, it breaks Feng Zichen's defense, then they lose the game.






   Outside the Zhoushan Dao Yin, Sanqing fully urged the innate treasure, displayed all kinds of mysterious supreme supernatural powers, and blasted towards Feng Zichen one after another, intending to break his defense.


  Unfortunately, no matter how amazing their attacks are, Bu Zhou Shan Dao Yin is still motionless.


   But Sanqing didn't care, and continued to attack.


  Any magical power has its limit. They don't believe it. Under their continuous, high-intensity attack, the Taoist Seal of the Mountain can last forever.


   Anyway, their mana is endless, just attack like this, sooner or later, they can break Feng Zichen's defense.


   Without the seal of Zhoushan Road, Feng Zichen's thoughts are no longer on this gambling fight, but on the fragments of Zichen sword and the rules of the Tao of Hou Tian.


   He is in the defense, and he can't fight back, he can't just sit down like that, he still has to find something to do for himself.


   As the saying goes, do not break or stand, break and then stand.


   Zichen sword is broken here, not only is it not a bad thing, but a good thing. Wait for it to break and then stand, maybe you can be promoted to the innate treasure in one fell swoop.


   Released divine thoughts, in Feng Zichen's perception, every piece of Zichen sword carried an amazing sword intent, perfect, and vowed to cut everything.


   The sword intent is perfect, indicating that the sword intent of Zichen Sword has been completed, and it has the qualifications to be promoted to the innate treasure.


   However, the promotion of Innate Supreme Treasure is far from such a simple matter, just like the great supernatural powers breaking through the Hunyuan Daluojinxian, it is not enough to reach the realm, and strength is needed, a very powerful force.


  At this moment, what Zichen Jian lacks is power, enough to promote it to the innate treasure.


   Feng Zichen can integrate the best innate spirit treasures into the Zichen sword, but this is not enough, far from enough, he needs more.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen intends to integrate the fragments of the Zichen sword into the innate ways, and refine the Zichen sword with the rhyme of Wandao Dao. After the tempering is completed, the Zichen sword is reunited.


   When it is one, the power of all the ways will also be one. At this time, if the sword pictures are integrated into the Zichen sword, it is bound to make this sword break through into the innate treasure in one fell swoop.


   This idea is very good, but there is a problem, that is, how to make the fragments of the Zichen Sword into the innate ways.


   Regarding this matter, Feng Zichen already has an idea in his heart, and the key lies in the rule fragments transformed by these acquired ways.


   The emergence of the Tao of the acquired is inevitable. Even if Feng Zichen breaks it to pieces, it will repeat the Tao of the acquired after the gods and calamities are over.


   Knowing this result, why did Feng Zichen bother to break it? Naturally, it is to control the acquired way.


   Since then the Way of Heaven will definitely exist, then why should it be controlled in the hands of Sanqing, rather than in your own hands?


  The purpose of Feng Zichen's smashing of the acquired way is to repeat the acquired way. Moreover, it is not He who repeats itself, but the power of everyone.


   Sanqing is still too petty, the acquired way of derivation is still too weak and not perfect, and it can be broken with a single blow.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen decided to combine the power of everyone, even the power of heaven, to evolve a stronger, more perfect, and more stable acquired way together.


   In this way, anyone can control the acquired way, which means that no one can control the acquired way.


   To be honest, if it is possible, Feng Zichen also wants to monopolize the acquired way, but just as he can break the acquired way of Sanqing, others can also break his acquired way.


   It is meaningless to open up the acquired way by yourself. It is better for everyone to come together, so that no one will destroy the acquired way, and they can try their best to maintain fairness.


   And the rule fragments that these acquired ways are transformed into are the key to Feng Zichen's derivation of acquired ways. Sanqing has already set up the frame, and he only needs to expand it accordingly.


  Using these fragments as the foundation, it continuously collides with the ten thousand innate ways, thus deriving a stronger acquired way.


   is when the ways of the heavens and successively collide continuously, as long as Feng Zichen seizes the opportunity, he can break the fragments of the Zichen sword into the innate ways.


   And ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If these pieces of acquired Tao are refined in advance, it can't be said that when the new acquired Tao is born, Feng Zichen will have more power to speak.


   With an idea in his heart, Feng Zichen immediately started to act, refining these pieces of acquired Tao in front of Sanqing.


   This scene is really shocking Sanqingqi.


   So, two days passed in a blink of an eye.


   After the three-day appointment, there is only half a day left.


   Under the continuous high-intensity attack of Sanqing, Feng Zichen's invincible defense finally showed signs of instability.


   I have to say that Kaitian Zhibao is Kaitian Zhibao, which is much stronger than Innate Supreme.


   But under the attack of Taiji Tu and Pangu flags, the Taoist Seal of Bu Zhoushan swayed first, then gradually became unstable, and finally showed signs of collapse.


   If Feng Zichen does not act, it is estimated that it will not be long before the seal of Zhoushan will be broken.


   Just as Feng Zichen hesitated, the news of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi arrived. About his plan, and the plan of the Chaos Demon God, all appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge of everyone.


   After digesting the message from Taiyi, everyone thought for a while, and after looking at each other, they actually made the same decision in their hearts.


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