Flooded Star Road

Chapter 408: Cause and effect

This pressure will become stronger and stronger, first of all, it will continue to slow down the rotation speed of the Dao Wheel.

In the end, it will even completely drag the Dao Chakra, stopping it from turning completely and standing still in the void.

That's a big deal.

By now,

Feng Zichen still doesn't understand, the origin of the Zijin Dao Wheel is clearly the real ruler of the primordial land, the supreme way of heaven.

Also, in the predicament, being so mysterious and powerful, far surpassing the saints, and reaching the treasures of Pangu, there are only three ways of heaven, earth and man.

This Zijin Dao Wheel, which exists in the nine heavens, is in the deepest part of the boundless void, and its origin is self-evident.


"If Heaven's Dao stops running, it will be wonderful."

"I'm afraid that it is not far away from the destruction of the prehistoric land, and the immeasurable calamity will come!"

Frowning and looking at Tiandao, Feng Zichen thought with some horror.

That day, the Tao slowly turned, it was clearly a sign of turning the world and pushing the law, if it stopped completely, it would be fine.

There is no big problem in the prehistoric world.

When the world comes to an end, the heavenly path is often the first to give birth to induction, which is affected and ceases to operate. Therefore, when the heavenly path ceases to operate, it is seen that the immeasurable calamity is coming, a precursor to the destruction of the world.

"That thread is..."

Looking at the silk thread, Feng Zichen's brows were tightly knit together, wanting to see his origins, and solve this trouble for Heaven.

No one can stand idly by when anyone sees these major events that are related to the survival of the empire. What's more, he is such a promising young man, and he still has Pangu's heavy responsibility, and it is impossible to ignore it.

It's a pity that Feng Zichen is even more impossible for things that even Heaven cannot solve. After looking at it with my heart for a while, I still didn't find any useful information.

"Innate gossip!"

Inexplicably, a flash of light flashed in Feng Zichen's mind, displaying the supreme supernatural power passed down by Fuxi.

This innate gossip is the foundation of Fuxi's Taoism, and it is also the pillar of the prehistoric world, and its power is naturally one-of-a-kind.

In deduction alone, the ability of innate gossip is enough to rank in the top three, not to mention that it has other functions.

The phantom of the innate gossip manifested in Feng Zichen's eyes, the heaven and the earth were greatly changed, and the universe was transformed by it. The secrets of silk thread were gradually revealed before his eyes.


"It turns out to be really useful!"

The ability of innate gossip was somewhat beyond Feng Zichen's expectations, but it made him a little excited.

Originally, he was just a flash of inspiration, holding a try attitude, he did not know whether it would succeed. I didn't expect it to happen, which was a huge surprise.

The gathering of the three flowers made Feng Zichen a huge change, but the specific changes were a bit inexplicable, and he needed to explore on his own.

Seeing that the way of heaven is one of them,

This display of magical powers, the power is enhanced, is the second.

Yes, yes,

After Feng Zichen cultivated the Sanhua Gathering, and then used his supernatural powers, his power raised a realm, and his comprehension of the avenues also increased to a higher level.

Otherwise, based on his current grasp of the innate gossip, it is absolutely impossible to calculate the origin of the silk thread. But now, he did it without much effort.

It has to be said that this is the benefit brought by the flowers of the Three Paths of Heaven, Earth and Human.



"It makes sense."

Feng Zichen was a little lost when he withdrew his magical powers.

That silk thread is the thread of cause and effect!

It is the cause and effect of sentient beings, which firmly entangles the heavenly path, pulls him, and prevents him from continuing to move.



Knowing the origin of the silk thread, Feng Zichen couldn't help but feel a headache. In this matter, He has no way at all.

Before, without knowing the origin of the silk thread, and seeing that it was harmful to Heaven, Feng Zichen felt extremely nervous in his heart, and he wished to leave and burn the silk thread.

But now,

Knowing that silk thread is the thread of cause and effect, the tension in Feng Zichen's heart has disappeared. I didn't worry as much as before, I just felt a little troublesome.

Heaven will clear this line of cause and effect on its own, but he doesn't need to worry about it.

When the Heavenly Dao feels that the existence of the line of cause and effect affects his operation, it will trigger the heaven and earth to measure the calamity and clean up the prehistoric land, and clean up all the cause and effect that is entangled in him at once.

This is the origin of the calamity of heaven and earth!

There are too many causes and effects accumulated between the heavens and the earth, which have hindered the operation of the heavens. In order to protect oneself, the heavens will induce momentum and clean up everything, which is completely understandable.

Cause and effect come from sentient beings,

This sin should naturally be borne by sentient beings.

Only in this way can the justice of heaven be demonstrated.

In fact, it is also a method that God can't do by inciting momentum to clean up the prehistoric land.

If someone can clarify all the causes and effects that are entangled in Heaven's Dao, and let it run smoothly and stably, naturally there will be no more harassment in this predicament.

However, this is completely impossible.

The cause and effect of a realm, how huge and complicated, one by one, entangled with each other, has no clue, and is totally unreasonable.

Just like the way of heaven, there is no fully programmed existence without spiritual intelligence, and it can't be sorted out, let alone sentient beings.

If it weren't for this, Heaven's Path would not come down to kill the robbery, and clean up some of the predecessors ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ and cut off the mess of cause and effect with a quick knife.

Only in this way is the easiest and fastest method, and the harm to the world is the least.

But in the world, there is no perfect solution, and this method still has loopholes.

Not all the causes and effects can be cut off quickly. Some of the causes and effects are like bone poison, which is firmly entangled in the heavenly body, and cannot be cleared out anyway.

I have said before that the way of heaven can sacrifice everything for the sake of the prehistoric world. Among them, there are many who have merit in the world.

Not only that, those who have merit in the body must have the blessing of heaven, and if these people die violently, they will also be counted on the head of heaven.

Pangu will produce cause and effect, not to mention the way of heaven. When these people die, the way of heaven is naturally stuck with cause and effect, and can't get rid of it.

Calculated in this way, the cause and effect of Heaven's Path is quite a lot.

The cause and effect of all sentient beings is settled, and all of them are dead, but how does the cause and effect of the heavenly way end? Naturally, it is necessary to let the way of heaven die before it can end everything.

With the passage of time, these causes and effects will gather more and more, and the way of heaven cannot remove them. When he cannot bear the weight of the cause and effect, the way of heaven will cease to operate.

In this way, the immeasurable calamity came.

Measure the robbery, that is the sin of all beings, and the retribution of heaven to all beings.

And immeasurable calamity is the sin of heaven.

It is the retribution of those who have died violently to the heavenly way.

Heaven can't bear the weight of cause and effect, and it collapses on its own.

In this way, the world will be destroyed, and all cause and effect will be zeroed out.

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