Flooded Star Road

Chapter 433: Forced marriage

Before the Lich War had begun, there were already enough variables, and there were no other variables.


  Whether it is for the human race or for myself, this person cannot be married.


   will die!


   "I understand what the elders mean, but my human race is an acquired race, with a short birth time, not strong strength, and even less profound background."


   "At the moment, all the monarchs should take the improvement of their strength as their own responsibility. For the rest, we will not be too late to talk about the strength of our human race."


   With a decision in his heart, Feng Zichen refused again.


   "If your majesty wants to strengthen the human race, then he must establish a post, the principle of yin and yang, in order to strengthen our human luck."


   It's a pity that the matter of marriage, as proposed by the elders, is actually driven by humanity.


   The elders of the human race were inspired by humanity and agreed that Feng Zichen would strengthen the human luck after it was established. No matter how he distinguishes it, he can't shake his will and stirs Feng Zichen's troubles.


   In the end, dozens of city lord even returned, went to the Palace of the Emperor, and together with the elders put pressure on Feng Zichen and persuaded him to stand behind.


"Depend on!"


   "These people are really too much!"


   "It's up to you whether I get married or not!"


   Feng Zichen is really helpless, this group of people is really getting more and more motivated.


   "Okay, stop talking, I agree."


   In the end, Feng Zichen was really forced to have no choice but to reluctantly agree in order to be quiet.


   "Your Majesty Shengming!"


   After hearing the words, everyone hurriedly worshipped.




   This is the sage?


   Feng Zichen almost laughed angrily.


   After standing up, will it be sacred?


   That sage is really worthless!


   However, although I thought so in my heart, Feng Zichen did not say it, but said to everyone:


   "Since the elders brought up this matter, I will trouble you. Choose a gentle, good and comfortable woman from the clan to marry me, in order to have full yin and yang."


   There was a bit of gritted teeth, which fully expressed Feng Zichen's inner dissatisfaction.


   "It should be so!"


   Everyone heard the words and prayed again.






   Seeing everyone doing this, Feng Zichen couldn't help but sneer in her heart.


  Do you really think that he gave in?


   As an emperor, he does everything by his own heart, so how can he be swayed by outsiders? It's just being annoyed by their quarrels and just deal with it at will.


   Let's talk about it again, and promise to return to promise, whether this matter can be done or not, is still between the two.


   With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen continued to speak: "Every elder must remember that those who are married to me must be worthy of me. Otherwise, the yang and the decay of the yin will make the yin and yang imbalance, which is a curse or a blessing!"


   On the three words "worthy", Feng Zichen's voice is very heavy, for fear that the elders may not understand it.


  If you want to be in harmony with Him, the woman's identity must be as noble as Him. Otherwise, how can she marry everyone?


   Dan Feng Zichen is the Dao Zun, the authentic Pangu with eight classics, innately sacred, and one of the most noble existences.


   Noble as him, there are only so few female fairies who can be worthy of him in the predicament, let alone a small human race?


   It's a **** to find it!


  Feng Zichen believed that even though the elders of the human race had searched the human race, they couldn't find a woman who was worthy of him.


   He agreed to this matter, but the elders of the human race could not find a suitable person, so he was not to be blamed.


   "What your Majesty said is reasonable, we can go to the clan to find suitable women, and we won't bother your Majesty's cultivation here."


   "Your Majesty, I am waiting to retreat!"

   I'm not afraid of Feng Zichen's comments, I'm afraid that he would disagree. Now Feng Zichen agrees that everyone's purpose has been achieved, and they will not stay here for a long time, and will leave immediately.


"go Go!"


   "This matter is related to the race of the human race and it is of great importance. Don't worry, elders, you can look for it slowly to prevent any mistakes."


   There is a spectrum in his heart, Feng Zichen is no longer anxious, the old **** is there and said to everyone.


   "We can save it!"


   saluted Feng Zichen again, and everyone turned and left.


   And just when everyone was about to step out of the Palace of Human Emperor, Feng Zichen's heart suddenly had an unknown premonition, faintly feeling that there was something wrong with this matter, as if there was something, it was he didn't notice it.


"and many more!"


   "Elders, wait a minute!"


   Driven by such an unknown feeling, Feng Zichen's ghosts and gods stopped the people who were about to leave.


   "Your Majesty, please stop me and wait, what's your order?"


   Everyone stopped in Yiyan, returned to the hall, and asked Feng Zichen who was sitting high on the throne.




   "In my opinion, this is not right!"


   After pondering for a while, Feng Zichen said slowly.


   "Is it wrong?"


   "What's wrong?"


   "Please speak clearly, Your Majesty!"


   Seeing Feng Zichen showing signs of remorse, everyone was a little anxious, and hurriedly asked.


   It was hard to persuade him to agree. If he suddenly repents, I don’t know how much it will take. It’s really troublesome.


   "Don't worry, elders, I have no plans to go back."


   "It's just that, after the emperor is established, it is related to the change of human luck. It must be a matter of one person, but a major event that affects the entire human race. You must first report to the Nuwa Empress to show respect."


   "So, after the elders find a suitable candidate, don't decide directly, but take them to the ancestral temple, and let the Nuwa Empress see them first."


   "Only after the Nuwa Empress agrees, you are bringing people to see me."


   "So, will you understand when you wait?"


   Everyone underneath doesn't know the significance of this matter, and Empress Nuwa must know the pros and cons. Therefore, no one can pass the level of Empress Nuwa.


   This matter is stable!


   "What your majesty said!"


   "You really have to play Bing Nu Wa Empress first."


   Everyone hurriedly said yes, only then left the palace of the emperor one by one~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let's go! "


   "Let's all go!"


   "I still don't believe it. Among the human races, can I really find a congenital sacredness?"


   Innate sacred, born from the origin of heaven and earth, incomparably noble, identity second only to Chaos Demon God. As long as he does not die, he is destined to become the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


   There are only dozens of people like this in the entire prehistoric land. How rare?


  If it can be found in the human race, then it will be a ghost.


   This probability is the same as buying the first prize in a lottery ticket for later generations. It is completely impossible.




   In a blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed since the elder of the human race left the Human Palace.


   And in these ten thousand years, just as Feng Zichen had expected, many elders of the human race had turned the human race several times, but no suitable candidate was found.


   But they still haven't given up, staring at the newborn baby every day, looking forward to the birth of a suitable person.


   In this way, the elders have no time to trouble Feng Zichen, and he is happy to do so. Put your heart and soul into the battlefield of the soul, fight against the ghost of the devil, and strive to improve your strength.


   That's it, another ten thousand years have passed.


  So, 20,000 years have passed since the elder of the human race suggested that Fengzichen stand up.

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