Flooded Star Road

Chapter 440: Emperor Jun’s flaws, Chang'e was born

"You dare!"

Just when Wang Shu fell into the passage of reincarnation, the ancient giants living in the depths of the wilderness finally discovered that something was wrong, shouted, and killed the three of Emperor Jun.


Suddenly, the sky was enveloped by various colors, a vast expanse of light. The atmosphere of the avenue came out wantonly, and the boundless rhyme of Taoism was permeated, pressing towards the three people in the Fuxi Hall.


There is no need for Emperor Junxi and the two to take action, Fuxi snorted coldly, mobilized the power of the heavenly origin, reached out, touched the void, and wiped out all the attacks.

The heaven is one of the nine heavens, and it is also the root of Fuxi. If he was injured here, it would really become a wild joke.

Without a single blow, those primordial magnates did not continue to take action, but instead released their divine minds, looking for Wang Shu's traces in the predicament.

In the heavens, unless their deity descends, they are definitely not Fuxi's opponents. But once their deity descends, they are bound to be besieged by the masters of the monster race.

Therefore, how can they not Fuxi?

In that case, why waste time fighting with him, or find Wangshu's whereabouts first. In the future, the cause and effect of this is expected to be settled by Shu himself with Di Jun and others.

"Friends, trouble you."

Seeing those ancient giants looking for Wang Shu's whereabouts, Di Jun smiled coldly, turned his head and said to Fuxi beside him.

He wanted Fuxi to hide Wangshu's secret secret so that these ancient giants could not find his whereabouts. In this way, they will not interfere with their plans.


Nodded, Fuxi's hand closed the Dao seal, and the innate gossip map suddenly appeared, and it was in harmony with the void, motivating the endless avenue, making the heaven and earth about Wangshu's secret in the world become vast.

Fuxi made the move, unless Hongjun Daozu made the move, otherwise he would be a saint, and he could not figure out the whereabouts of Wang Shu.

Fuxi, on the side of the heavenly secret, is so strong!

"Friends, thank you for today's affairs!"

After doing all this, Di Jun apologized and thanked Fuxi.

Today, He suffered from Fuxi Keng.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Fuxi, but because of him, Fuxi was involved in it, and it had great cause and effect with Wangshu.

If Wangshu perishes forever, that's fine!

But if Wang Shu returned from the calamity and his cultivation was one step closer, or even a few steps, he would surely settle today's cause and effect with Fuxi.

That would be a big trouble.

"Fine, Brother Dao is also for the demon clan!"

"But this kind of thing is really something that Fuxi will never do again."

"I will not intervene in the next thing, and I hope Brother Dao will not be offended!"

At this point, Fuxi didn't feel much better, so she had to say that he would never do this kind of thing again, and said that he would never intervene in the next thing.

"Today I'm troublesome enough for fellow Daoists. I'll be free to do the next thing myself. Where can I get Daoists to take action."

After talking to Fuxi for a while, Di Jun took Xi He and hurriedly left.

Wang Shu’s side has been settled, the rest is how to calculate Houyi, let him meet and fall in love with Wang Shu according to the plan set by Emperor Jun!



"I don't know if this matter is good or bad!"

In the main hall, shortly after the two of Dijun left, Fuxi couldn't help sighing, a little dazed expression in his eyes.

After Wangshu's reincarnation, he could not see Wangshu's fate. This shows that things have changed inexplicably, causing the plan to be out of their control.

I don't know if this change is good or bad!

But Fuxi knew that he couldn't tell Di Jun.

At this time, Di Jun was completely immersed in the pleasure of revenge. Even if he said, Di Jun would not believe it, and would even have a bad feeling towards him.

The relationship between the two has been wicked for nothing!

The hatred brought about by the pain of losing his son has blinded Di Jun's eyes, causing him to lose his former majesty.

The Ten Golden Crows are the flaws of Emperor Jun!

The flaws God prepared for him!

It's ridiculous that he still doesn't know it!

The emperor at the time, what a brilliant talent, what a spirited spirit, it can be said that he has no flaws and is perfect.

The reason why everyone followed him was because he was impressed by his charm.

But since the birth of the Ten Golden Crows, everything has changed, and there is a touch of tenderness in Di Jun's heart, and his temper has gradually weakened.

He seemed to be an ordinary father.

But he is the emperor of heaven!

How can this be?

When the Ten Golden Crow was born that year, Fuxi felt that something was faintly wrong.

Emperor Jun is the emperor of heaven, boundless and immeasurable, and will not be afflicted, and he is bound to rule the prehistoric world forever.

So, how can there be the birth of a prince?

Ten Golden Crow was born,

There must be some calculation.

In the past, what Fuxi thought, and did not understand the problem of the Ten Golden Crows, it was not until the fall of the nine Golden Crows that he suddenly realized.

The appearance of the Ten Golden Crows was to break the invincible Dao Heart of Emperor Jun.

With flaws in Dao Xin, Emperor Jun is no longer perfect, so he has flaws and has the possibility of being calculated by others.

"Monster, the future is worrying!"

The more you know, the more you understand how dark the future the monster race will face. How terrifying is the enemy you have to face.

It is as strong as Fuxi, and can't help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

Heaven wants to destroy the demon race, what can all beings do?


The destiny of the monster race was foreshadowed as early as the birth of the Ten Golden Crow, but no one thought of it.



If Dijun has always been the emperor of heaven, where did the prince come from?

Isn't this a sign that the emperor of Emperor Jun will not last long?


Regardless of the Yaozu, it was said that after Wang Shu was sealed by the trio of Dijun, he was completely unaware, and even if he was driven into the channel of reincarnation, he did not feel the slightest.

I am ignorant, just like a newborn baby.

Therefore, no matter how Dijun arranged for him, he could not resist.

It's just that Wangshu can't resist, doesn't mean that other things can't resist.


In Wang Shu's body, the Taiyin Divine Bead sensed that the master's situation was not good, and suddenly trembled violently, and strands of the innate Taiyin origin poured out of him and poured into Wang Shu's innate true spirit.

But it was the Taiyin Divine Pearl who saw Wangshu in danger, and he did not hesitate to destroy his foundation to help him get out of trouble.

The Taiyin Divine Orb is simply a reduced version of the Taiyin Star, and its original power is the most suitable for Wangshu.

With his efforts at all costs, although he could not break the seal left by the three of Dijun in Wang Shu's body, his innate true spirit gradually stabilized and was no longer so weak.

This change was exactly what the three of Di Jun hadn't expected, making Di Jun a perfect plan, and there were variables.


In the passage of reincarnation, the future generations left by Emperor Jun started, and a wave of reincarnation surged in, pulling Wang Shu's innate true spirit, trying to drive him into reincarnation.

This is the great supernatural power created by Emperor Junguan, who is far inferior to the six reincarnations, but it should be more than enough to deal with a severely wounded Wangshu.

At the very least, Di Jun thought so.

It is a pity that he did not expect that for the sake of the master, the Taiyin Divine Bead would be willing to destroy itself, in hopes of relief from the trap, so that things would change.


Xu was aware of Wangshu’s danger, and the Taiyin Divine Orb trembled more violently. The origin of the Innate Taiyin was like the ocean, pouring out from his body, vast and mighty, firmly guarding Wangshu’s innate true spirit. , To fight with the power of reincarnation.


A clear cracking sound was heard from the body of the Taiyin Divine Bead as the essence of the lunar yin and the power of reincarnation were glued together.

The Taiyin Divine Orb, which had been beaten by the trio of Dijun with dim aura, coupled with the large-scale elapse of the innate origin, finally couldn't hold on. From the level of the best innate spirit treasure, it fell down and became the top grade innate spirit. precious.

But that's the case, he still hasn't given up, and continues to release the innate true spirit that guards Wangshu from the original lunar source to prevent him from being invaded by reincarnation.

However, under the suppression of the power of reincarnation, the aura on his body is getting weaker and weaker, obviously it will not last long.

Fortunately, without the support of Dijun's mana, the power of reincarnation is a rootless tree, and its power cannot be infinite. While fighting the Taiyin Divine Orb, its power is also weakening.

In this way, the two forces fell into a stalemate. At the same time, with the passage of time, the two powers have become weaker and weaker.

Finally, on a certain day, the level of the Taiyin Divine Orb fell to the level of the middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao, and the power of the two reached a certain delicate balance.

Wang Shu's innate true spirit gradually transformed into a baby, and its strength was also weakened, but the strength did not dissipate, but turned into flesh and blood bones, recreating an innate Taoist body for Wang Shu.

Innate Dao body that looks like a baby.

Obviously, this is the force of reincarnation. But the weird thing is that Wangshu did not reincarnate into any kind of primordial race, but still existed in the face of the innate gods and demons who transformed into heaven and earth.

Although the newly born Wangshu is very weak in strength, it is just a mere innate realm, but his essence is indeed innate sacred and incomparably noble.

Di Jun's plan to make him reincarnate as a common primordial creature failed.

The same goes for it, if Chang'e is really an ordinary human race, as a noble innate **** and demon, how can he look at the filthy acquired creatures?


In the eyes of the innate gods and demons, acquired air is the most filthy existence in the world, just like a mortal sees feces and urine.

Just imagine, if it’s you, would you like it?

Even in the United States, I won't take a second look!


At the moment Wang Shu's reincarnation succeeded, the passage of reincarnation suddenly shattered, and Wang Shu also fell, toward the wild land.

One day, somewhere in the valley shrouded by moonlight, a meteor fell suddenly. Afterwards, within a thousand miles of this place, there was divine light shining, auspiciousness hanging down, and auspicious clouds covering it, giving birth to thousands of visions.

And in that deep valley, there is even a phantom of the bright moon, looming, intertwined with countless mysterious innate runes, which is extremely sacred.

The vision of the sky naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding clans, thinking that there was a strange treasure born, they came here one after another.

It just so happened that the strongest force here was the Chang tribe, one of the human tribes. After he discovered this place, he did not dare to be expert. People come to deal with it.

In the imperial court, the human clan elder Dongyun who was worrying about the marriage of the emperor, heard about this, suddenly his heart moved, only to realize that the opportunity had arrived, and hurried to the Chang clan tribe.

The birth of innate gods and demons is so extraordinary. After Wang Shu was reincarnated, he had only the cultivation base of the Innate Realm, and the infinite vision still manifested, but the movement was slightly smaller.

By the end of the vision, it was three years later.




As soon as the vision was over, I heard the sound of a baby crying from the depths of the valley.

"Great luck!"

After hearing these crying sounds, the Dongyun clan was not surprised but rather happy, calling out for great good fortune.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Dong Yun clan stood up and rushed towards the depths of the valley, not worrying about the danger at all.

Of course, He does not need to worry about danger.

The Dong Yun clan is amazing now, he is driven by a humane choice of marriage, and he is protected by humanity, and no danger can hurt him.

Even if someone wants to kill him, he will be punished humanely.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Godsend Goddess, so, can I be worthy of the emperor of our clan!"

Seeing Wang Shu's first glance, Dong Yun only felt that humanity was manifested in front of him, allowing him to immediately understand the identity of the baby girl in front of him.

Humane is the queen appointed by the emperor!

"Born in Chang's family, you will be called Chang'e from now on!"

Stepping forward to hug Chang'e, Dong Yunshi smiled.

Chang, on behalf of the human tribe, Chang.

E, describe a woman with beautiful appearance.

The combination of Chang'e means the most beautiful woman in the Chang clan.

Dong Yun gave Wangshu the name ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which means that when she grows up, she will be a peerless beauty.

After that, for fear that foreigners would discover the abnormality in this place, the Dongyun clan first ordered the clansmen of the Chang clan not to divulge the information of this place, and then returned to the imperial court with Chang'e as quickly as possible.

And when Chang'e arrived at the imperial court, Feng Zichen, who was in retreat, suddenly frowned, vaguely feeling that something about him was going to happen.

But no matter how he deduced it, he didn't get the slightest gain, so he had to give up.

Fuxi personally intervened in the secret secret, and Feng Zichen couldn't see it.

But in his heart, he secretly became vigilant.

He is now a hot and popular person in the wild, and it is hard to guarantee that no one will secretly calculate on him, weighing his weight as a great master.

The water in the prehistoric waters is too deep, and even a saint may carry a big somersault if he doesn't pay attention, let alone his wind and purple Chen, it is better to be more careful.

Fuxi personally intervened in the secret secret, and Feng Zichen couldn't see it.


After the Dongyun clan brought Chang'e back to the imperial court, she did not take her to the ancestral temple to visit Nuwa, but instead fostered her in the home of a human husband and wife.

No matter how good Chang'e's heels and feet are, now it is only in the innate realm, and even as a baby. Of course, it can't be the last.

Therefore, according to Dongyun's plan, at least he had to wait for Chang'e to reach the Golden Fairyland before taking her to see Empress Nuwa to see if she was eligible for success.

After that, when Chang'e grew up a little bit, Dong Yun passed on her Taiyin Scriptures and asked her to practice hard in order to reach the golden immortal realm as soon as possible.

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