Flooded Star Road

Chapter 442: Forced marriage! (6,000 words)

Killing has always been a last resort, not the best method.

Sage, disdain it!


"What a good boy!"

"Get up quickly and let me have a good look!"

With cares in her heart, Nuwa walked to Chang'e's side with broken steps, lifted her up gently, and said with a smile. After that, Nuwa looked at Chang'e's face for a while, and couldn't help but praise.

"What a handsome girl!"

The beauty of the moon **** is naturally the crowning one. What's more, Wangshu has experienced ups and downs, although it is three points colder than Xihe, but it has a more pitiful temperament that I see.

Its beauty seems to be more prosperous!

Even when Nuwa saw it, she felt pity and pity.

Of course, this is not to say that the beauty of goddesses such as Nuwa is not as good as Wangshu, but that the temperament is different, and it is naturally different in the eyes of different people.

The innate gods and demons are the most perfect creatures in the prehistoric times. They were born in accordance with the will of the heaven and the earth. In response to the outside, they are naturally handsome men and beautiful women.

It's just that the avenues have their own attributes, leading to their different temperaments, and beauty and ugliness are born from this.

After all, in the case of the same appearance, temperament becomes the only plus point.


"Niang Niang Miao praised it!"

Chang'e replied with some trepidation.

Being treated so kindly by Nu Wa, her heart was inevitably a little nervous.

Probably because he is not the ancient moon **** Wangshu, but the human girl Chang'e. Facing the creator of this human race, the supreme saint, it is strange that he is not nervous.

"Okay, don't be nervous!"

"I will eat you but you won't!"

Seeing the existence of the ancient legends, showing a cautious look in front of her, Nuwa found it interesting and couldn't help but start a joke.


When Nuwa did this, Chang'e became more nervous, and she screamed in a low voice before she could speak.

"Ha ha……"

With a chuckle, Nuwa also knows the truth of enough to stop, otherwise looking at Shu to return, thinking of her teasing on him, it will inevitably be another cause and effect.

Thinking of this, Nuwa straightened her face, returned to her previous serious appearance, and talked about business to Chang'e.

"Human race wants to push you back and marry Feng Zichen. So I specially brought you to see me to ask for my opinion."

"As for you, I am extremely satisfied. Therefore, I will not object to this matter."

"Then now, it depends on your opinion!"

"If you agree, I will make an order to make people prepare for your marriage."

"And if you don't agree, I will accept you as a disciple. From then on, you have lived in the Wa Palace, and you will be cut off from the dust."

Nüwa's thoughts are very good. If the marriage fails, he will accept Chang'e as an apprentice, and he can also settle the cause and effect for Fuxi.

But in this way, it is inevitable to have to face Di Jun, which is also a big trouble. It is not good enough to get married.

Humane blessing is not to say, if Wang Shu becomes the protagonist of a human marriage, and Emperor Jun wants to deal with him again, he must carefully weigh whether the Yaozu can withstand the backlash of humanity.

However, although Nuwa's heart is more focused on marriage, he will not persecute Chang'e, but let him choose. As a saint, he still has this kind of mind.


"Chang'e is willing to marry your majesty..."

Nuwa's so straightforward question made Chang'e flushed with shame, but she still lightly tapped her forehead, as if to mutter in reply.

As a woman, Chang'e has the courage to speak such shameful words, but it is difficult for her to say it out loud.

However, even though the voice was small, it was enough to show Chang'e's heart, and it made Nuwa breathe a sigh of relief.

He also didn't want to turn his face with Di Jun directly.

Nüwa did not know that since the Dongyun family picked Chang'e back, they made up their minds to train her to be the queen of the adult race.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, when Chang'e was young, in addition to teaching her etiquette, Dong Yun always instilled in her the concept that she was Feng Zichen's future wife.

Over time, her heart was naturally tied to Feng Zichen's body.

So, in the face of Nuwa's inquiry, does Chang'e have any reason to disagree?


"Good good!"

"Zi Chen can be assisted by you, and I don't know how much blessing he has saved."

Happy in her heart, Nuwa not only took a hairpin from her head, she put it on Chang'e herself.

This hairpin is in the color of red gold, resembling a phoenix that spreads its wings and is about to fly, so it is named the red gold phoenix hairpin. It is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, extremely extraordinary.

Once activated, it can turn into a golden-colored phoenix against the enemy, spitting out the fire of Nirvana, and has the ability to extinguish all things.

The saint's gift of treasure is naturally no small matter. When Chang'e's divine mind touches the red golden phoenix hairpin, its true spirit will be spontaneously imprinted on it, and he has initially mastered the treasure.

If you continue to practice for a hundred years, you can completely control this treasure.

Just like the companion spirit treasure!

As Chang'e refined the Scarlet Golden Phoenix Hairpin, the magical use of its origin spontaneously appeared in her mind.

"Thanks Niang Niang!"

Knowing the preciousness of this treasure, Chang'e quickly thanked him.

"No thanks, you are about to become the queen of the human race. If you don't have any treasures around you, wouldn't it be looked down upon by outsiders?"

Nuwa gave Chang'e a treasure, and it was her own personal thing, and its intention was of course not simple. One is to express my love for her.

The second is to tell others that Chang'e is not a person without feet, but there is a saint standing behind him.

The third is to hide the true identity of Chang'e.

Marriage achievement,

Will inevitably shake the entire prehistoric land,

I don't know how many people's eyes will be attracted.

In this way, Chang'e's identity can hardly be concealed. Therefore, Nuwa added a piece of insurance to her in advance. In the scarlet golden phoenix hairpin, there is a divine thought of Him hidden.

If someone calculates the origins of Chang'e, that divine mind will explode, deduct the power of infinite creation, and weave a new identity for Chang'e:

The innate **** and demon born from Nuwa's blood!

In this way, no one would pursue Chang'e's identity, so as not to offend Nuwa.

"You go back now!"

"After you and Zi Chen are married, you will come here with him to see me."

With that, Nuwa waved her hand and sent Chang'e back to the Ancestral Temple of the Human Race. And as she left with her, there was a decree, a colorful halo crown, and a colorful feather robe.

That decree was Nuwa's decree to confer Chang'e as a human queen.

The colorful crowns and colorful feather garments were the wedding gowns Nuwa prepared for Chang'e. They were all middle-grade congenital spirit treasures, which could block the attack of Da Luo Jinxian.

I have to say that Nu Wa was very considerate. He knew that with the background of the human race, it would be difficult to prepare a suitable wedding dress for Chang'e. Simply prepare it by yourself at once, and save the troubles of the human race.

After all, the three innate spiritual treasures are really nothing to him.

Nüwa may not have the most innate spiritual treasures in the prehistoric, but he is definitely the least lacking innate spiritual treasures.

Because he has a heaven and earth, what kind of innate spirit treasure he needs can be refined directly, which is very convenient.

The colorful halo crown and colorful feather robe fell, disappearing into Chang'e's eyebrows, and the decree was spread flat on the altar and displayed generously in front of everyone.

What is recorded on it is nothing more than Nuwa agreeing to make Chang'e Hou Yunyun.

"Niang Niang agreed!"

"Order me to wait to prepare for the big wedding!"

The Dongyun clan took a step forward and saw the content recorded in the decree clearly, and he couldn't help but look overjoyed and said to everyone.

Afterwards, after everyone worshiped the Nuwa Empress, they left straight away to prepare for the wedding.

In the process, no one told Feng Zichen, and no one cared about Feng Zichen's opinion.

Probably because Empress Nuwa said, he will personally discuss this matter with Feng Zichen.

This is a sigh of relief for the elders of the people's tribe.

Regardless of their unusually stiff performance in the Palace of Human Emperor, they forced Feng Zichen to bow his head, but if Feng Zichen ironically disagreed, they would have nothing to do.

Feng Zichen was able to agree at the beginning, it was calculated that they could not find a suitable candidate, but he missed the humanity.

The elder of the human race can't be found, can't the humanity still be found?

Carelessly, it caused a lot of trouble for myself.



"what's the situation?"

"Why do you suddenly feel uneasy? It seems that something big related to me is going to happen!"

And just as the elder of the human race was preparing for his wedding with Chang'e, Feng Zichen, the master, finally realized that something was wrong and woke up from his cultivation.

"Damn it!"

"Why not count?"

When it was found that it was wrong, Feng Zichen naturally used the technique of deduction for the first time to explore the source of the matter.

But whether he used the innate gossip handed down by Fuxi, or the Taoist art handed down by the Taiqing saints, or the Zhoutian Doushu that he had learned from the stars of Zhou Tian, ​​he did not find the slightest clue.

"This is an action by someone with great magical powers, which has covered up the secrets!"

After a little thought, Feng Zichen thought clearly about the way. The deduction methods that he has learned are all of the top in the world, and in theory can count everything in the world. But that is in the hands of the creator, not in His hands.

Although these three methods are good, they are someone else's, not one's own, and they cannot be used handily.

Ordinary things may be deduced, but once you encounter someone of similar strength, or a great master of calculation, the deduction method will not work very well.

"The method of deduction!"

"You must deduce a method of deduction that belongs to your own, otherwise, it will inevitably fall into the calculations of others without knowing it."

After thinking about it, Feng Zichen set a goal for herself, using the deduction method he knew as the foundation, supplemented by his own background, to create his own deduction method.

Those who learn from me live, those who like me die!

If you have been cultivating the law of others, you will not be able to surpass the creator of the law for the rest of your life. Only by stepping out of one's own path can we stand shoulder to shoulder with the predecessors, or even surpass.

However, this matter is not in a hurry. What we need to do now is to figure out who is calculating ourselves.

With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen was about to call out the Hongmeng Daozhong.

Hongmeng, everything begins!

All the truths in this world have evolved from Him.

Even if it is a secret, it is no exception.

With the help of Hongmeng Daozhong, Feng Zichen's calculation method can be raised to the level second only to Fuxi and the realm of great masters. There are not many people who can hide from him in the predicament. NS.

However, before he could do anything, there was a consciousness hanging down in the dark, inviting him to go to heaven.

"Ms. Nuwa summoned to me?"

With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen followed that consciousness and hurried away from the sky.

Nuwa's summoning to him at this time must be related to the thing that made him dazed.

Maybe you can get the answer from Him.

The saint's guidance, coupled with Feng Zichen's foot power, instantly, Feng Zichen had crossed the time and space to arrive at the Jinxiu Tianwa Palace.

In short, this is the first time Feng Zichen has come to Jinxiutian. If it is always the case, he would definitely have to look around the scenery here. But now that he has something in his mind, he has no time to appreciate the beauty of this place, so he walked directly to the Wa Palace.

"Zi Chen pays homage to the Madonna!"

Entering the main hall, Feng Zichen saw the courtesy lady standing in the palace.

"Zi Chen doesn't need to be polite, get up quickly."

Nüwa was very happy to see Feng Zichen. Over the years, Feng Zichen has greatly raised his face. This allowed him to stand in front of the other saints for a long time.

"I don't know what matters is the Niang Niang calling Zi Chen to come."

After chatting with Nuwa for a while, Feng Zichen asked about the purpose of the trip.

"I called you here because I have a happy event to tell you."

Smiling, Nu Wa said.

"happy event?"

"I don't know what the happy event is, is it worth the empress?"

Over there, as soon as Nuwa finished speaking, Feng Zichen asked in surprise.

Even Nuwa would say it was a happy event, it must be a great event.

"I told you about a marriage!"

Seeing Feng Zichen's curiosity, Nuwa was very satisfied, so she stopped selling her and said directly.



At this moment, Feng Zichen's expression was wonderful. He thought of many possibilities, but he did not expect that Nu Wa called him to the Wa Palace for his marriage.

Are forced marriages so powerful now?

Can't escape to the wilderness?

"Don't underestimate this marriage. This marriage should be born humanely. It's not a trivial marriage. It's a human marriage in the third marriage of heaven, earth and man. If you succeed, you can get great merit, and you can also get the blessing of humanity."

Seeing Feng Zichen's expression, Nuwa thought he didn't know the pros and cons, so she explained to him.

But Feng Zichen's expression became even more bitter when he heard the word marriage. He has been hiding for so long, but he hasn't avoided it in the end!

It was He who underestimated the Human Race elder, and he really found a candidate, and obtained the approval of the Nuwa Empress.

Otherwise, Nuwa would also call him over.

Is this strange?

Among the prehistoric, there are only a few goddesses whose identity is the same as Him.

And none of them will commit themselves to themselves.

Where did the human elder find the person? This is not the Chinese cabbage on the side of the road, just look for one.

Could it be that he missed something?

However, Feng Zichen's doubts did not last long. Seeing his expression, Nuwa knew what he was thinking in his heart and didn't hide it, so she directly told the origin of Chang'e.

"The woman's name is Chang'e, she is the reincarnation of the Primordial Moon God Wangshu. Because of his feud with Emperor Jun, he was conspired to fall into the mortal world..."

This matter cannot be concealed, and it must be made clear with Feng Zichen, otherwise, it will be an untimed bomb that will explode at any time.

Hearing this, Feng Zichen's mouth twitched, not knowing what expression to make.

Everything is understood!

Why does he feel uneasy? It turns out that the root is here.

Why can't he count it?

Ha ha,

Involving a saint, a heavenly emperor, and a number of top supernatural powers, if he can figure it out, then it really is a ghost.


However, he really forgot about Chang'e flying to the moon. I have been so busy lately that He has forgotten such a big event, which shouldn't be the case.

With Wang Shu's identity, he is naturally more than enough to match him.

However, if he remembered correctly, Houyi should be the man of Chang'e's destiny.

Why did you get involved with Him again?


The matter of Chang'e flying to the moon is not easy.

If Houyi shooting the sun was the fuse of the Lich War, then Chang'e's flying to the moon was another incentive to promote the Lich's Great War.

After this incident, the Eleventh Ancestral Witch made up his mind to create the thirteenth Ancestral Witch.

Because of this incident, the Yaozu discovered the abnormality of the human race, and did not hesitate to offend the human race to forge the witch-slaughtering sword.

After Chang'e flew to the moon, the Human Tribulation was really not far away.


At this time, Feng Zichen couldn't help having a headache.

The matter of marriage is enough to make him troublesome, and adding a Wangshu, it is just such a person!


"Can I refuse?"

After a long silence, Feng Zichen asked tentatively.

"What do you say?"

Nu Wa replied with a smile but not a smile.

Seeing this, Feng Zichen understood that Nuwa 80% would not agree with his refusal.

But I just agreed to it, no, I still have to try it after all.

"Niang Niang, the matter of human marriage is too huge, and it involves the position of the emperor. If I marry all the people, it is impossible to guarantee that I will not be jealous of Emperor Jun and cause disaster to the human race!"

Seeing that his objection was useless, Feng Zichen had to state the pros and cons, in order to make Nu Wa worry and change the previous decision.

Unexpectedly, after listening to Feng Zichen's words, Nuwa shook her head disdainfully and said:

"Scared about you?"

"That's because you overestimated the human race!"

"Now that the monster race and the witch race are like fire and water, they have reached an endless state of death, and they will fight to the death at any time."

"Dijun's mind is all focused on how to deal with the Witch Clan. Even if he sees you are married, he has no time to pay attention to you."

"And when he defeats the Wu Clan, then he is the true emperor of the primordial emperor, and even our saints must respect him."

"At that time, even if you really become the emperor, you still have to succumb to him, how can he care for you?"

"If he is defeated by the Witch Clan, he may not even be able to protect himself, then it doesn't matter if he cares about you."

"So, what are you afraid of?"

What Nuwa said was justified and well-founded, and refuted Feng Zichen speechlessly.

But Feng Zichen is someone who gives up easily, and continues to talk about Wang Shu's identity;

"Wang Shu and Di Jun have a great feud. If I marry him, wouldn't Di Jun be evil?"

Compared with the saints, Dijun and Dijiang are the people Honghuang can't provoke the most. Feng Zichen is so worried, it's not unreasonable.

However, he had forgotten that as a wizard, he had long been on Emperor Jun's list of kills.

"Ha ha!"

Sure enough, when she heard this, Nuwa couldn't help but shook her head and laughed.

At this time, Feng Zichen also reacted, and found that he was a little anxious.


"You just don't want to marry Chang'e?"

After a while, Nuwa said leisurely.

Feng Zichen was silent!

He said so much, all of them are excuses. The main purpose is to not want to marry Chang'e. How could Nuwa not be able to tell.


Chang'e Feng Zichen must marry.

This is not only to help Fuxi settle cause and effect, but also to Feng Zichen's future.

"You know, why do I have to win Chang'e?"

Seeing Feng Zichen's silence, Nuwa asked.

"To get married?"

Feng Zichen replied with some uncertainty.

Nu Wa asked this, indicating that there are still things he doesn't understand.

"Not so much!"

"You can't hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me. Everyone thinks that your major is innate swordsmanship. After all, the sword ancestor is famous for pioneering swordsmanship. If it weren't for practicing swordsmanship, how could such a great achievement be achieved? ?"

"But I know it's not the case."

"Your major is the Tao of the Stars."

"It has always been, it has never changed."

Feng Zichen's third-biggest secret was just said from Nuwa, but he was not surprised at all, obviously he had already known about it.

Feng Zichen had indeed known that Nuwa knew his way of cultivating the stars. Because Nuwa can be said to have grown up watching him. Since the beginning of his cultivation, he has been paying attention to him.

You can conceal it from others, even Emperor Taiyi, but you can’t conceal it from Nuwa.

"Chang'e, the innate sacred and natural ruler of the lunar star bred by the lunar star, not to mention the person in this world who fits you best, but also the person who helps you the most."

Having said that, Feng Zichen already understood what Nuwa meant.

No matter who wants to take charge of the Zhoutian star ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he will need the assistance of the Lunar Star. If he marries Wangshu, he can take his place after Emperor Jun.

Lunar Star, one of the three most prestigious stars in the prehistoric land, its moonlight falls into the predominant land, which can unlock the spiritual wisdom for all things. The congenital sacred he conceived, and the female can be the queen.

The Sun Star is also one of the three most prestigious stars. Its light shines on the earth and brings vitality to all things. It can be called immeasurable merit. The congenital sacredness it conceives has the fate of the emperor of heaven.

And Ziweixing is also one of the three great primordial stars. It was transformed by Pangu Ancestor Aperture. It is the most noble one, and can command Zhou Tian stars. The congenital sacred he conceived, and the same ancestry as the heavenly path, naturally possesses the capital to rule the land, which can be the heaven and the earth.

It can be said that between Ziwei Star and Sun Star, whoever gets the support of Lunar Star can ascend the position of Heavenly Emperor.

And this is Nuwa's plan for Feng Zichen.

If Dijun loses his position, his help of hope and comfort may not be able to ascend to the sky in one step and sit on the position of the immeasurable emperor.

Wanting to understand this, Feng Zichen's heart was full of touch. Nuwa's treatment of him can be said to be excellent, and it is impossible for people to fault it.

It's just him,

After all, it will fail Nu Wa's good intentions.

If there is no Ao Xue, it doesn't hurt to agree to this matter, and he won't suffer a loss.

It's a pity that Ao Xue, who he first met, has a deep relationship with him. And Chang'e, he hadn't even seen it before, let alone knew it.

Abandoning Ao Xue and marrying Chang'e, he couldn't do it.

"Manny, even so, I still can't agree."

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